Our Secret Reality Revealed and Our Escape to Ultimate Freedom [videos] ~ Oxtober 13, 2018

Editor’s Note: Mmm…so many different ideas and views of how humanity evolves! But you know what? Every version ends the same way…with the evolution of mankind now stationed on Planet Earth.

Details differ, but every idea requires faith of one sort or another. Given that fact…faith (or belief in those sights unseen) itself may just the state of mind each human much reach for their evolution to proceed. Just sayin…

One version of human evolution is presented in the article by Starship Earth ‘s presentation of the thoughts of Yellow Rose for Texas. Most of her ideas make sense for me and I will ask you to draw your own conclusions. Please read the words, watch the video’s, and…



For those aware of the inter-galactic component to our reality, or at least willing to consider it, first we have news and solar camera shots from Yellow Rose for Texa Es.

Following are the intel/observations Rose has with respect to the activities of the El-ites attempting to regain control and save their shameless nether regions. It also involves our escape from this prison planet, where we are under quarantine to keep the infestation here from contaminating the planets that have already been cleared.

If you have not seen any videos Rose did several years ago explaining where we are, the escape route, the covens, the branches of Man, etc., not all of this will make sense but you’ll get the gist of the rest; the big picture, and can explore further if you wish.

Consider it news… consider it rumour… your choice. Thanks, L, and thanks, Rose.

Clearly life is a little different from what we’ve been led to believe. The star nations have our backs, however, and we’re going home.

The evil ones just never give up but we will toss them into Hell’s landfill where they belong.

First, the good news—and I found here an interesting take on the Trump/QAnon approach and part in our liberation. It definitely worked, and as I have suggested in the past, everyone including Donald Trump came through the necessary channels to arm them with the required knowledge, experience, tools and connections to play their roles to the hilt today. What I have seen thus far has been nothing short of brilliant and it IS historic.

There is no point in painting anyone black because of the route they took to get here. In other words, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Everything is unfolding in favour of the Light, and all’s well that ends well.

News Rumors and Cams 10 12 18

Next, some possibly not-so-good news. If this material is completely new to you, it will blow your mind. It’s the best evidence yet of our fake reality that I’ve seen.

I have long believed that what we see in our skies is not real, and the evidence supports that. There are many videos showing photos from across the world that the average person captured showing the fakery and the unnatural aspects of what is above our heads while we are encouraged to focus downward on our tablets, smart phones and televisions.

While the images below may seem too far-fetched for some to believe, just for arguments’s sake consider the suggestion that we were “moved”—and most of us didn’t detect it; that most of us didn’t catch on that we were no longer on Earth/Terra/Midgard.

How many have noticed that stars never used to look like that, that the sun now has a black dot in the center and in some shots appears hexagonal, that it flickers and falters, that images of the moon have rippled on video like a reflection in a pond, that the sun and moon often rise and set incorrectly, that we frequently see “two suns” or light sources, that we see square and rectangular clouds regularly now, and even clouds BEHIND the sun, and other nonsense?

Curious and determined folks have sent backyard rockets straight up for miles with cameras on them and they stop cold at a certain point, every time, like they ran into a barrier. Despite the subject matter, it’s really not rocket science—just straight physics we can observe with our own eyes and you can see it on YouTube.

Even to the least discerning mind, when presented with material like this, things are not even close to “natural”—or what we once considered normal and natural when we went to school. Perhaps you will wish to explore just what sort of a place we are at present, and why we might want to “escape”.

No one person has ALL the answers, but there are many insiders/whistleblowers stepping forward now during our apocalypse; the great revealing. Some of it might resonate, enabling you to connect a few more dots.

Some of those doing this sort of research in the alternative news community are working together, pooling their evidence and making their best educated guesses as to what the truth is.

Their hypotheses may not all be correct, but at the very least it’s a bridge to a more accurate reality. We have to start somewhere, and there’s some brilliant work here. Kudos to BoogieMan and his community. I’m glad he blew his money on specialized photographic toys. We all make our sacrifices, lol.

If nothing else, what we should surmise from this information is that here, on this “plane(t)”, we are not exactly “out there in space” with the images we see of the sun and other planets. All that stuff the masons at NASA and Neil deGrasse Tyson tell us about our galaxy, the Universe, and our planet… I give it a miss. It’s not even good entertainment value.

The exciting part is that we are getting to the bottom of the greatest deception and thanks to President Trump and his team and a host of others working in the background, we are soon to be free of the parasites that have been feeding on Humanity and sought to destroy us. We shall see their demise.  ~ BP

Headlines and Updates for September 23, 2018: Inhale the future; exhale the past [videos] ~ September 23, 2018

The Q-drop for today #2272 is encouraging and references an older post. Q and the President both confirm that Kavanaugh will be confirmed and again that 2018 will be glorious. It says that the criminals will bring about their own demise. That might work in the Patriots’ favour based on the vitriol spewed by the democrats and their media at every turn.

Perhaps if the intelligence provided to Kerry Cassidy and Simon Parkes that the Q team comprises 4 men and a D-wave quantum computer capable of divining the future is valid, then Q[uantum] team and Trump can be certain of many things.

That would make sense in so many ways, wouldn’t it? “Future proves past.”



Step 1: Read the 1st sentence re: [RR]
Step 2: Read the NYT article re: [RR] wear wire
Attempts to BAIT POTUS to FIRE to cross RED LINE will FAIL.
DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination.
[RR] in charge of DECLAS.
Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed].
POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR].

I suspect many of us feel the sky can’t fall fast enough. Let’s get this done.

An offshoot of the FISA release order from POTUS was the phone calls he said he received prior to his Las Vegas rally. The rats are scurrying, indeed!

Great Britain and Australia Plead with Trump to CONCEAL their role in spying on him for Obama


Here we have Judge Jeanine’s fiery response to the absurd claims of Christine Blasey-Ford… and Bill Still’s commentary for good measure. I keep learning more about CBF that throws more incredulity into the tale.

These people should be afraid of the charges that may be levied against them for false allegations of criminality. They are full-fledged retards.

YouTube demonetized Bill’s channel, unfortunately.

In so many ways, the future is now. Is the Mars Rover “glitch” related to the closed observatories and news of activity near the sun?

Tyler brings us other interesting news, as well. We are stuck in the past in many ways; living in ignorance of reality. One day we, as a race, will awaken to find ourselves in a world decades or even light years ahead of where we believed we were.

Truthstream Media shares another excellent viewpoint piece on “consciousness” and its manipulation by the powers-that-were.

Where to go if you want to change or control the weather in select large areas—fascinating!

As we can see, geoengineering could be used to assist Humanity and enhance our experience on the planet—but, like most things—it is more commonly used against us. Nearly everything is weaponized to attack Humanity and our planet.

Published on Sep 22, 2018

BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR WEATHER CONTROL BUSINESS!!!! #Ionospheric ,#Technology ,#Weather Management, Wonder Why its flooding wierd weather this is it!! THE USA COMPANY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QZ2s… UAE http://www.climateglobal.net/images/s… http://www.climateglobal.net/images/A… http://www.climateglobal.net/ http://climateglobal.net/CGCT_Profile… RANCE SMITH youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR9d… Fakebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?…

In case you missed it, atmospheric rivers in the sky are responsible for the deluge of rain on the East coast of America.

Check out “Aquiess”.

Thanks for the heads up, L.

Late Headlines & Updates for September 17, 2018: They’re Here… Declassified FISA Documents Approved by POTUS [videos] ~ September 17, 2018

The Lies from NASA Coming Into Focus [videos] ~ July 8, 2018

This is another great article from Starship Earth which asks the direct question…why all the drama of a new movie about the Secret Space Program when there should be outright requests for truths so immense that our lives would be improved immeasurably by the technologies withheld from humanity?

Perhaps this movie is the latest “push” for full disclosure, but we of the spiritual bent know that this certainly will appear when the “time is right”. So…please read this article, know the full truth is needed NOW, and…



There are a lot of frustrated, angry people demanding answers about the so-called space programs. There are the visible, pathetic space programs for the masses, and the almost invisible black secret space programs that will do anything to prevent the general population from knowing who they are and what they do.

Inquisitive, distrustful folks research. They use logic and critical thinking because they HAVE to.

Scientists and astronauts (traitors) really need to get their stories straight. They can’t even decide if they can or can’t see stars when they’re in space.

If you watched the video I shared this week from Logic Before Authority, you saw “astronauts” clearly wearing harnesses attached to invisible wires so they could do their weightless somersaults. After the one hour mark you saw a crew in a remote area in the Canadian arctic—Devon Island—with a Mars rover and camera and a Humvee with the NASA logo and “Mars Rover Project” on it.

There is ample proof they are up there, so why, after all the other lies, would we believe they are actually landing on Mars? And where are the missing trillions being spent, exactly? These are valid questions.

The video below is from the Jeranism channel, a guy who had his doubts about the ISS, so he set up his equipment and finally was able to capture the ISS sailing in front of the full moon, confirming it’s shape—but like Daniel in the LBA video, he doesn’t believe there are any people on the ISS, and he shows us the many reasons we have to doubt the double-speak from NASA and other controlled scientists in the club.

None of this may matter to folks going about their daily business on Earth, but some of us take exception to our governments using trillions of dollars of taxpayer money for undisclosed or bogus projects and lying about it—the least of those crimes being that there are starving people on the surface of the planet, dying of disease, lack of water, and no shelter.

Now that President Trump has announced America will have a Space Force, we’d better be paying attention. There’s been little to no accountability in the past about anything the government/NASA does. Most people are unaware that NASA is no longer a government agency and there is no government oversight for what they do. They work with defense contractors who build the craft and technology.

We have SpaceX supposedly working with NASA, independent corporations and government contractors, making trips to the ISS with cargo, launching umpteen satellites, shot down at least once by a “UFO”… and we’re still feeling like our questions don’t get straight answers.

There’s a lot going on in low Earth orbit they don’t want us knowing about. Like weaponized craft.

Fortunately, the lies are going to stop, and the truth will be told. There are those who are not happy about that because it will expose their crimes; massive, unforgivable crimes. For years they’ve been threatening and bullying nations who have wanted to come forward and deliver the truth about our life on this planet and space travel, extraterrestrial life engaging the Human population, Human trafficking in space colonies, etc. It’s all going to come out very soon. FULL Disclosure.

I have countless questions of my own, and the one that keeps coming back is, if the Earth is round, fine, but where are we? It doesn’t seem that we are living where they tell us we are. Why is there a fake sun simulator? Why is air traffic not permitted over the poles? Why are so many people distrusting of the old narrative? Something isn’t right and deep-thinking people can feel it.

Why are there multiple “suns” photographed all over the world now? Why is the sky light in the middle of the night where it always used to be dark?

Yellow Rose for Texas showed us images from SOHO/SECCHI and tells us we don’t see the planets as they really are. She showed us images from 2007 of space wars destroying planets. She says that “comet” Ison is a ship belonging to the positive allies. She says the gigantic spheres we see in space are ships, the Pit, etc. She tells us the fake sun, the firewall the controllers put between us and the real sun, was destroyed as well.

It sounds crazy, but not as crazy as the lies NASA tells us. We want the truth, and until we are told once and for all what the deal is with Humans, where we live, the reality of space and ETs, consciousness and “God”…we’re going to keep poking around looking for our own answers.

Knowing we’ve been lied to is the first step. Once you get past that unfortunate truth there are vast, exciting possibilities, and I enjoy hearing the various perspectives.

Thomas Williams told us on his Thursday show, July 5, that the cabal was planning another “fake alien invasion” any time now. That isn’t going to happen, but there are factions who do want to control the narrative for disclosure, and it’s their version of disclosure—not necessarily the real, full, unadulterated, gut-wrenching, gobsmacking Disclosure we deserve.

Those people wanted to withhold full Disclosure from us for a full 50 years to avoid the severe penalties they deserved. That is not going to happen, either.

Here’s an attempt by one of the “Secret Space Program” factions to bring us their version of disclosure, which would probably be just the tip of the iceberg. It’s quite the team they have assembled here, but I have a question: How is Jordan Sather in any way, shape or form, an authority—on anything? What are his qualifications? Does he get his experience via osmosis from Corey Goode? I can’t take this production seriously because it comprises a hand-picked team—with the information controlled by handlers, some would say.

Another problem I have with disclosure in this form is that it continues the decades-old drip-disclosure through entertainment. A movie is not disclosure. It will not get to everyone, and it’s not a trusted source. Hollywood lies as much as NASA.

Full disclosure comes from trusted, respected, world-renowned leaders. It’s very hard to find people like that but we are getting there. If people can take their blinders off and intelligently analyze world events, we can present those leaders in short order. It must come from them. It can be no other way because of the brainwashing and programming in the masses. It cannot come from media whores, because they are known for their spin and lies and are currently self-destructing, and it most certainly cannot come from alternative media self-appointed “saviours”.

Perhaps representatives from major powers like Russia, America, China, India, Australia, Britain, etc. will assemble on one stage to break it to the world, I don’t know, but they had better do it soon. We are sick of the lies, and we can spot the liars. It’s CYA time so we’re going to hear a lot more of them. ~ BP

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