Armor of God’s Spirit ~ April 20, 2020

By: Lisa Renee


The use of the term Armor of God may incite internal triggers for those that have been traumatized as the result of being groomed in religious family overlays that were later revealed to be used by spiritual authorities for committing harmful power abuses. The point is to know with certainty that the Armor of God’s spirit is a true and accurate consciousness structure, and it is intrinsic to the protection of the lightbody of the individual that wears it. The Armor of God protects those that are heart based and spiritually devoted working for God’s divine plan and highest expression, seeking alignment with truth. Protecting them against the most heinous levels of spiritual warfare targeting being directed from the Anti-God forces.

To love God with all of your heart cannot be unnatural or forced, but when you discover that God lives inside your heart and you love God’s creation as God does, this is the highest physical emanation of the force field that makes up the Armor of God’s spirit. Expressing and feeling Love for creation protects our spirit and body much more than it is generally understood.

The NAA’s dark influence upon organized religions and current society have purposely been manipulated to reject the experience of spiritual revelation that is catalyzed by the direct inner spiritual relationship that each being intrinsically has with their higher self and God Source. The abuse of spiritual principles are forms of social control that isolate and disconnect that spiritual structure and its people from feeling their natural co-existence with unified spiritual consciousness. In a covert and sophisticated multi-pronged agenda to spiritually attack humanity, the Controllers intend to groom self-hatred and hatred for that which is most sacred in the spiritual principles of God.

The inversion and abuse of natural laws and sacred principles are manifested in the mainstreaming of satanism or the death culture, and is what erodes our spiritual connection and ultimately destroys the spiritual Armor of God around us. The Controller Pillars of Society are based on inverted systems that follow a Law of Structure that is based in propagating anti-human principles for mind control and consciousness enslavement as designed by the NAA.  If we are unable to see the truth of what is happening around us as a violation of nature and soul, if we abuse natural laws and believe the deceptions of these imposter spirits, our spiritual source cannot protect us from the choices we make and the consent we give to power up these dark forces and their enslavement structures.

This is an accurate and true spiritual principle in natural law that should be well understood and put into practical action, especially in the current terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare against humanity. It is important to equate the regular practice of the 12D shield or spiritual practices which build the sustained light source of the inner spirit, as direct reflections of the energetic protection of the Armor of God. To strengthen and build our spiritual armor to deflect multiple dimensions of spiritual attacks and to ward off those physically manifested things that would include such warfare tactics as targeting toxins to the masses through the spreading of fear and disease, electromagnetic harassment, vaccinations and 5G millimeter waves.

For our spiritual armor to be strong and effective, our spiritual dedication and commitment must be unwavering and our spiritual practice sincere and consistent. There are important factors to build the spiritual armor, as to be with God, we must know truth qualities and experience God within us. In order to develop that meaningful relationship, it is helpful to understand the qualities that mirror and align with the Mind of God.

Seek Alignment with Truth – We commit to seek alignment with truth in all ways, and be willing to seek that truth existing inside of us, and to live, speak and express in alignment to that truth to the best of our ability. Seeking spiritual truth is the path of Gnosis, by experiencing the Natural Laws inherent in the consciousness principles that govern our reality. Spiritual truth cannot generally be defined in exacting words, but must be directly experienced and lived by each individual. However, the basis of perceiving truth in the matter is simply understanding that it is what it is, as the accurate assessment of events that have occurred around us in the past or present time. To gain a greater understanding of truth, we must understand that truth is first accurately perceiving events that are presently occurring. Such as; is the planetary lockdown intended to support and protect humanity from a mysterious virus or is its design to incite fear and terror, psychologically preparing the masses to accept a quickly installed fascist tyranny. Seeking truth means we must be willing to know or see when we are being deceived or lied to, even if it’s painful, in order to see the mind control methods used to obfuscate the factual events in reality. Greater truths are acquired from the wisdom of perfect understanding which inspires inner knowing, that which just exists as it is.

Cultivate Virtue-Ethics – Cultivating Virtue Based Ethics emphasizes the focus upon developing virtues which strengthen the mind and character, and in our interpretation are the basis of building the strength of the spiritual foundation. This is critical for the Lightbody to hold higher consciousness and Universal knowledge and to build the Armor of God, which not only protects and expands our consciousness but leads to spiritual freedom and perfect peace. A strong moral character is the physical foundation required at the base of building a strong spiritual house. In order to hold the spirit of Christos, as in acquiring ethics of spiritual virtues, the first step is in making sure that the body, the physical self, is grounded in strong moral character.  Virtue ethics are actual spiritual powers that comprise our spiritual armor and will protect us from devious spiritual attacks, even when we are oblivious to those dark attacks, which are usually intended to make us sick or impair our functioning.

Guard and Protect your Mind – When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the mind controls the Soul. Mind control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape spiritually harmful value systems, which are used to control the masses to enslave themselves on planet earth. Many of us can see the current implementation of mind control used to incite terrorizing fear in the masses, which is happening now for the purpose of easily giving up our personal freedoms and sovereignty. The Controllers used problem, reaction and deceitful solution by inventing an invisible enemy that is used through propaganda tactics to control perception that this virus poses a threat to human survival. The antidote to mind control is connecting with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like empathy and compassion, genuinely caring about what happens to the people and the planet.

Choose Peace, Harmlessness and Defense – Learning to communicate with the inner spirit and act upon its guidance will lead you to live a life congruent with your spiritual plan, one which behaves with harmlessness to others. Harmlessness is another way to say karmic-less, as spirit avoids increasing karmic entanglements by choosing peace. The real spiritual self will not direct you to attack or intentionally harm another person, ever. The spiritual intelligence knows that all energy in the Universe is Love and is balanced at some point in time, that nothing justifies harm. Harm has an energetic consequence of grave karmic imbalance, and if intentional harm is directed to hurt others or the self, that energy will be returned to the being at some point in time to make amends in order to rebalance the harmful energy used. This means when directing intentional harm that person will get more loads of karmic lessons and destructive patterns redirected back to them, in order to rebalance their consciousness life experience and the influence they had in their relationships with others. During the Ascension cycle, this final accounting of the roles played and rebalancing for cosmic justice is happening on the earth, where those that have intentionally abused the natural laws for personal gain which has greatly harmed others, will be revealed and then forced to make amends. 

Prayer and Meditation – When struggling with difficult situations and experiencing high anxiety states, such as feeling discouraged or in deep despair, this is a standard form of spiritual attack. When we attune ourselves to the spiritual world through a still mind with a meditative attitude, making time for daily spiritual connection, we are much more equipped to handle an assortment of spiritual attacks, which usually manifest in a sensation of insurmountable fears, panic attacks, anxiety and doubts. Prayer and meditation connect us to higher intelligence and have positive impacts on calming our mind. Prayer focuses on positive emotions like love, gratitude and compassion, which allow goodness to flow into our lives and the lives of those we pray for. Meditation actively redirects our mental body from anxiety, stress, and depression, which helps us to find and connect to calm and peaceful states. Being mindful improves our mental flexibility, brain elasticity and keeps neurons active. Spiritually centering ourselves on peace, prayer and contemplation of God and our place in the Universe, helps us maintain our trust in life, faith and relaxes every part of the body.

The highest spiritual forces of loving benevolence are multiplied exponentially when the lesser and greater flames of the inner spirit intersect, when the unique soul-spirit and God source are again reunited within the sacred crystal heart. The example of stating one’s intent, consent and authority in alignment with the Natural Laws of God, are to begin to build the spiritual power of the Armor of God to surround your consciousness and physical body, as well as your home and personal effects required for actualizing your divine mission.

May we gather together in Perfect Peace and allow our Loving hearts to lead the way forward. May peace be with your heart, mind and body during these chaotic times.

In Love and GSF,



Editor’s note: Also repeat after me…”I Am that I Am” in…

Quantum Joy!


Spiritual Immune System ~ April 17, 2020

By Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Humanity is in a critical time of choosing the way we will evolve forward on the timelines at a global level. This month is an especially concentrated phase of reclaiming monadic families and embodying the Mother’s staff codes in the Sophianic template. The accretion and absorption of more light and energy into the cellular matrix and tissues of the physical body, is a function of expanding consciousness that occurs through the embodiment of higher spiritual layers. If we are to stay on course in this current crisis of consciousness warfare, we will need to be aware of the existence of our biological and spiritual immune system, and take steps to nourish and keep both of these systems connected and in good health.

To be sovereign over one’s self is to be free of the control or coercion of others. To truly have the freedom to direct one’s own life requires an accurate assessment of conditions which affords the right to apply informed consent to our individual decision making. We extend that belief to include freedom of self-determination in the direction of one’s consciousness which connects with the Soul, Spirit and the higher Avatar intelligence, the spiritual bodies which form into the powerful forces of protection that form the Spiritual Immune System. Self-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through God Source and the Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One which describe these laws that direct the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness throughout time and space. Ascension is a simultaneous increase of expanded consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies, and thus when these higher consciousness bodies come online, they activate and amplify our Spiritual Immune System. Our Spiritual Immune System requires personal attention, discernment of forces and proper nourishment in order to function well. It is the same as our physical immune system that requires nutrients and sustenance to be effective at deflecting and neutralizing negative pathogenic forces.

During the current psychological operation used for spiritual warfare against the human population, the goal of the Controllers is to destroy access to spiritual knowledge or truthful information that pertains to the possibility of self-ownership that comes with activation of the higher spiritual bodies. This month is an especially concentrated phase of reclaiming monadic families, intergalactic transmissions of Universal monadic plane frequency waves and embodying the Mother’s staff codes in the Sophianic template. This is highly activating to those awakening now to see the mass deceptions we have been fed in the mainstream, as well as to those embodying the ascension template that are able to conduct and integrate these higher coded vertical lines and rod and staff frequencies. Essentially our consciousness bodies and Spiritual Immune System are under targeted attack, as when our spirit is weakened and we are dehumanized, the conditioned masses submit without resistance to the blind obedience of the Controller’s orchestrated plan, for installing a global government for enforcing fascist tyranny. Humanity is in a critical time of choosing the way we will evolve forward on the timelines at a global level.

The majority are unaware that all human beings have a Spiritual Immune System as well as a biological immune system, and that these are interdependent systems that function together to protect our living body and consciousness from foreign invaders and negative forces. Our sense of spirituality and how we perceive our relationship to our higher power is directly related to our immune system functioning and its effect upon our health and wellbeing. The development of our Spiritual Immune System enhances our ability to cope with stress, resulting in better health practices, with greater overall contentment with the quality of life we experience.  Our health and sanity are connected to educating ourselves about our biological and spiritual immune systems, not about the mass injection of mandated vaccines enforced by those ultimately serving the tyrannical forces of the NAA.

When we activate and connect with our heart presence and inner spirit, exploring what is truly meaningful in our lives, this conscious participation with divinity also greatly protects human beings from the harmful onslaught of dark forces.  Whether these forces are seen or unseen, known or unknown, the loving and pure heart that has the faith or direct experience that connects to divinity without intermediary is what protects us. This activates and powers up our inner Spiritual Immune System, repelling the darkest fears and anxieties that cloud our minds with deceptions and lies that are being spread by the Controllers to attempt to force submission and consent to their enslavement agendas. When we are spiritually stronger, we can sense the harmful intent and refuse to submit to immoral laws being put in place by tyrants. During this time of the dark night of the soul which is leading humanity to a global awakening, this is a great opportunity to deeply inquire within and reclaim our inherent divinity. Expanding our consciousness to reflect upon the interconnection of all of humanity undergoing this tribulation, being aware that we must overcome our fears of survival and perceptions of death to decide what kind of world we want to live in. What kind of quality of life and freedoms do we want for our children and grandchildren? We must clearly see the issues that humanity is facing as we move forward and then reflect upon our personal divine puzzle piece to unite with others and help this world become a better place.

To activate our Spiritual Immune System and to deflect rampant parasitic energies, knowledge that human beings are multidimensional electromagnetic spiritual beings with a lightbody that explicitly belongs to them, and is enforced in Natural Laws, is critical information at this time. Everything that is inside our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body belongs to us in Natural Law, and there is strong spiritual power activated in where we consciously place our consent or the lack thereof.

Spiritual Immunity Strengthens Physical Immunity

The human lightbody is comprised of multiple interconnected layers of electromagnetic fields of energy that extend all around the physical body like an energy shield covering and protecting all of the layers of the consciousness bodies. When we are meditating and practicing our 12D Shielding, we are placing our attention on our lightbody at the Avatar Christos level which helps strengthen, protect and grow our personal consciousness body, which further generates and energizes the Spiritual Immune System. The quality, color and size of the organic energy aura of a person is directly related to the level of energetic balance that relates to the overall health, bio-neurological functioning and spiritual connection that person has access to in the Natural Laws. A person with a bigger and brighter organic energy aura is more healthy, coherent and balanced, with a strong functioning Spiritual Immune System, that in turn nourishes the cells with vital forces that help to protect, strengthen and heal the physical body from states of dis-ease or dysfunction.

Thus, it is critical to understand that the biological immune system that defends our body from pathogenic invaders and toxins, is directly interrelated to the functions of the Spiritual Immune System which relies on the quality of our lightbody and consciousness development to draw upon for the energy healing resources to sustain optimum health.

If we are to endure in this current crisis of consciousness warfare, we will need to be aware of the existence of our biological and spiritual immune system, and take steps to nourish and keep both of these systems connected and in good health. Every human cell is conscious and if the cells are exposed to toxins and they become infected with a virus, there is a spiritual component of the virus that has a level of intelligence, as well as possibly demonstrating itself in the external as a physical virus. The energetic signature component of the virus will attempt to spread and multiply itself in the body of a suitable host with a matching fundamental frequency, so it can attack and infect the other cells with its foreign energy signature and replicate itself.

The immune systems function is to fully eliminate the toxic exposure or foreign invasion of pathogenic material, along with its energetic components from continuing to infect the body by responding with an assortment of physical symptoms that are commonly known as the flu. Thus, viral flu symptoms reveal that our immune system is working as it should to destroy the pathogenic invasion or toxic exposure caused by many external or environmental factors, which includes the release of toxic waste or dead cellular material. Ascension flu is caused whenever the planetary body is rapidly increased into another global frequency pattern, and the human cells must drop the density pattern of toxic waste or miasmatic patterns to attune the cells to adjust into the higher frequency levels. This is one component that is actually happening now during the current crisis events. Flu like symptoms should not be feared but understood as the healthy response of a working immune system. Thus, it is wise to understand how our body functions to eliminate toxins and dead energies and then take steps to support our immune system in all ways to do its job, which is to clear and eliminate the toxins in the cells that are being released in the viral signature.

The key to restoring energetic balance and maintaining health for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies is to understand that we must sustain an abundant amount of life force energy to circulate throughout our lightbody anatomy and physical structures in order to nurture our Spiritual Immune System. Both of our immune systems require the circulation of life force energy through the consumption of healthy and pure food, water, breathing fresh air, as well as a maintaining a healthy mental and emotional diet with adequate rest, self-care and time for prayer and meditation. Connecting with our inner spirit and God Source intentionally every day through prayer and meditation strengthens our life force and physical immunity, as well as increases the spiritual strength of our lightbody to withstand an array of challenging situations and pathogenic invaders.

In general terms, when we are chronically sick, we are stressed to exhaustion and have a loss of life force energy from an overload of toxins or parasites which have weakened the lightbody to such extent that it is unable to sustain the requirements of our physical immunity. When we are healthy, we have enough balanced life force energy to build and expand our lightbody system, which immensely strengthens our biological and spiritual immunity, and protects us from an assortment of parasites, pathogens or invaders. Thus, the most important question for each individual becomes, what activities and interactions with people, places or things in our lifestyle help us to increase the circulation of life force energy and raise overall environmental frequencies into loving and compassionate interactions that support a mutually strong Spiritual Immune System. Focusing upon loving kindness and compassionate interactions nourish and energize ourselves, heal others around us and all of natural life.

Discern Energetic Exposures

To begin to connect with and activate our innate Spiritual Immune System, the first step is comprehending everything is conscious energy and intelligent, and nothing that happens is random. As an example, the genetically labbed AI hybrid viral organism has been programmed with a dark intelligence signature that will be attracted to like vibrations of other soft kill methods used as silent weapons, such as AI signals, Silent Sound Technology, Smartdust and nanotech created with intent to harm. As a result, it can be used as a carrier wave for combining the effects of an assortment of seen and unseen poisons, even used as a carrier for demonic possession to lodge in the lung cavity and astral heart center of the human energy field. The organism was designed to interconnect with several layers of control infrastructures, for the greater purpose of harvesting astral soul energy for the parasites and vampires, as well as to serve the agenda for manifesting the One World Order timeline set into motion by the Black Suns. This cabal group completely owns and directs the anti-human agendas behind the genetic modifications used to destroy organic human DNA in the enforced policies of the World Health Organization, as well as in its tentacles extending into the bio-technology, pharmaceutical and vaccine industry.Related:  New Doors Opening/MAJOR changes

Consciousness is spiritual energy which is governed by a personal blueprint and energy signature. Our personal blueprint is our divine plan and will have unique preferences that will inform us through our personal resonances, when exposed to a variety of stimulating forces that influence the consequences we will have when interacting with any of these energetic forces. The energetic exposures will inform our body if its positive or negative for supporting our spiritual purpose at the point when we interact with them. Thus, the interaction may generate the rapid loss of life force energy or it can increase life force circulation that can be further multiplied into greater use of that energy yield, such as through expressed creativity or cellular knowing. To regain our health and sanity, we must discern these energetic exposures and the consequences to our personal energy and physical body, and make regular assessments to monitor our state of health and wellbeing. When we discern these differences and then make an effort to only commune with those things that help us to increase energy flow and harmony in our lifestyle, this fortifies our Spiritual Immune System.

Each individual on the path of spiritual development will need to discern between these forces of closed source parasitic entropy or open sourced negentropy, and make a committed decision to move towards spiritual purpose and those things that multiply and circulate an abundance of life force energy. The abundant life force energy can be followed through personal resonance of the loving heart-based messages of the spirit, that will guide us to increase our consciousness energy, which also reflects in the personal health, coherence and wellbeing of that individual.

Sometimes those advanced on the spiritual path or with certain skill sets will have specific planetary missions that process and transmute group consciousness miasma, or clear assorted negative forces and destructive timelines. This is a unique path designated for some Starseed people. As an example, currently there are many Starseed people and gridworkers that are clearing planetary miasma from the grids, transiting SRA’d children souls, processing energetic viral loads and this can be utterly physically exhausting to process in a human body. When it is your spiritual purpose and not forced by personal will, then it is not entropic. This purpose is a function of your higher DNA signature. It will manifest as the purpose you have come to the earth for in order to help clear miasma and to achieve spiritual freedom, as well as complete archetypal patterns during the ascension cycle. When a person is spiritually dedicated, they have developed strong spiritual bodies that when resonating in a group consciousness creating a unified field, these groups will synchronize together to help harmonize and support the elevation of the earth grid. When this happens naturally, such as the recent project to rescue souls in child bodies that were being caged underground for SRA, this will be deeply known inside of our heart that the project is our personal divine purpose manifesting, so that we can participate with it and fulfill our service mission and spiritual ascension.

Everything that we are being exposed to has an energetic signature and frequency that impacts our energetic balance and then effects our biological and spiritual immune systems. This means all humans have the ability to amplify, absorb, store and transmit a range of vibrational energies that have an overall effect that is either healthy or unhealthy for the entire body and its immunity. In order to discern the effects and impact of frequency exposures, we have to pay attention to our body and listen to the feelings and impressions it is giving us, which is a message to follow in support of the overall health and immunity of our body. A cleaned up subconscious mind along with a strong Spiritual Immune System helps us to more easily withstand and defend ourselves to overcome psychic attacks, as dark force manipulation and targeted weaponry used on the interdimensional planes can weaken our physical health on the earth plane. In all matters of personal health, wellbeing and spiritual development, first and foremost we should consult with our inner spirit and God source as our true healing physician and request that Gods perfect will be manifested in our lives and within all interactions.

When we apply this comprehension to the current crisis conditions that humanity is facing, we must understand this event is not about a mysterious virus, it is about the orchestration of spiritual warfare being committed on a global scale to target the human lightbody. The trauma-based mind control that is targeting the masses through gaslighting tactics and psychological warfare, is explicitly designed to target the subconscious mind to incite terror and panic through the perception of a random and invisible lethal enemy. It is designed by the Controllers to get people to automatically give up their human rights through the abuse of spiritual principles, in order to get the individual to reject their soul and divinity entirely. To intentionally shut down the transmission of loving interactions and heart-based soul messages between people and the benevolent God forces that are here to help humanity ascend. Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible through the spiritual warfare that is intentionally designed to attack all aspects of human freedom.

When we begin to perceive ourselves as expressions of consciousness, eternal spiritual beings that hold the potential of unlocking the unlimited reality of our true nature, we begin to reclaim our personal power and transform ourselves to express our real divine purpose, which changes our lives and the world.

The Foundation of Healing is Ascension

True and authentic healing is a function of our consciousness body and it is through the realignment of our spiritual consciousness that effective healing of our body can take place. The functions of human spiritual ascension and evolution are directly entwined with the process of natural healing and personal wellbeing. Therefore, if we create the conditions in our lives that are organic to us and spiritually healthy for growing our lightbody and consciousness, we will naturally evolve and heal all of our multidimensional bodies. Thus, our biological and spiritual immune system will be much stronger and healthier in order to do its job. The organic human genetic code is based on the 12 Tree Grid manifestation body, thus when we align to the knowledge of our original genetic code imprinted on the human biology, we gain access to our consciousness that holds the intelligence of all of our stations of identity in time that can be accessed from our local incarnation.

Our physical body is a remote controller for the Universal Time Matrix in which we can potentially access all levels of consciousness, knowing that our higher consciousness and spiritual identities are completely intertwined and interdependent with our physical body. When we are in alignment to the natural and organic structures in creation, we are simultaneously in alignment with our internal spirit and God, which will activate genuine spiritual healing in our body, mind and spirit. Traumatic conditions that we have been exposed to or interacting with that are harmful to the body, mind and spirit, are also detrimental to the process of human evolution and spiritual ascension. Thus, continual exposures to these harmful forces and violating the natural order will deteriorate the consciousness and generate karmic imbalances in the biological and spiritual immune system. When our personal consciousness is aligned in ways that are natural to the expression of our inner spirit and divine blueprint, it is also in alignment to the Natural Laws. As a result of the congruence of our consciousness aligning with our true spiritual purpose, healing is the result of our aligned consciousness and we experience health and wellbeing in the manifestation of our earthly experience.

If we realize that the purpose of incarnation on the earth is to directly participate with human evolution and achieve ascension, and we are willing to master ourselves in order to achieve our self-actualization, we move forward in time and activate healing properties inside us and the earth grid, that current mainstream science does not understand.

Cellular Integrity

The concept that we are made of trillions of cells that are the living organisms of the fundamental units of life force which make up our entire body, is important to understand in order to achieve balanced health and strong immunity. Our cells are living sentient components that are constantly communicating with each other to help us maintain cellular integrity for optimum health.  Each of our cells are responding to the consciousness vibration that we hold in our body, along with the environmental forces and electromagnetic signals they receive as the result of what we are interacting with or are being exposed to. If our cells cannot get the life force energy to function efficiently, our health and immunity will become compromised, our tissues and organs will become compromised and this brings the onset of illness and disease. By holding higher consciousness and exploring ways to keep our cells nourished with spiritual energy and whole nutrients, cellular integrity is increased to support overall immunity, and thus your multidimensional body layers can sustain themselves and stay strong to protect your DNA. Your DNA holds the unique energetic signature of your lifestream evolving through time and space, it is your personal living light code and consciousness record.

It is also supportive in some stages of spiritual development to help activate energy transmission in the cells, in which radionics, plasma tubes, tesla stars or radiant energy frequency transmissions of zero-point can help the body regain strength in its immunity. Humans need access to free energy in order for the cells to function well and overcome disease patterns, and it is the main reason we have been deprived of free energy access. The war over access to free energy is the war over consciousness, to keep humans oppressed as well as physically and spiritually depleted.

Our cells have a very important role in protecting the DNA that is stored within our cells to maintain genetic integrity.  When our cells become poisoned with chemicals or overloaded with toxic material, this causes our DNA to become damaged and mutated. The damage to the DNA impacts the cells ability to produce energy for proper management of bodily functions and the biological immune system, and this damages organs and tissues that further causes inflammation and rapid aging. Cells are designed to replace older cells that become damaged and to replicate new healthy cells, when they have the life force energy and nutrients available to do so.Related:  The Sessions of Empowerment Delivering Initiation, Activation & Light Encodement

Intracellular communication is primarily supported by having an array of available proteins which act as the channels that can be opened or closed when the cell gets an electromagnetic signal to transport information to other cells. This is like the internet of the cell membrane which communicates information to all the other cells so they can work together to establish homeostasis. What could interfere with or damage the natural communication between the healthy cells? Injection, consumption or exposure to a range of poisons, radiation, chemicals and faulty proteins that interfere with or prevent communication between the cells by introducing foreign DNA material and genetically modified organisms that send erroneous messages to the cells in order to confuse them or damage their function.  RNA communicates to the DNA instruction sets needed to encode the proteins required for the cells to be able to communicate together, and thus supports overall immunity and DNA activation. If this interaction between RNA and DNA is disrupted or damaged, the cells cannot communicate properly and it collapses the functions of natural immunity.

Essentially, the introduction of harmful electromagnetic signals combined with GMO’s, chemicals, foreign RNA-DNA through bio-tech, pharmaceuticals or vaccinations, are all functioning as the mind control programming used for confounding human cells. When the intracellular communication is damaged or disconnected from these assorted toxic exposures along with not enough life force energy to sustain the immunity, the physical body is severely weakened, along with the consciousness being digressed. At the point of the vulnerability generated from the biological and spiritual immune weakness, parasites and demonic forces can more easily mind control and hijack that body and consciousness for their dark agendas. This can include the main purpose of destroying critical thinking and common-sense, and instead activating blind obedience to robotically enforce the controlled narrative in the masses for consciousness enslavement. Thus, it is vital to be aware of the importance of maintaining cellular integrity which in turn protects the genetic integrity of our DNA, which holds the genetic switches that turn on or turn off the light codes which activate higher consciousness abilities and higher brain function.

ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is a nucleotide that performs many essential roles in the cell, providing the energy requirements for sustaining cellular integrity and genetic integrity. It is the major energy currency of the cell, providing the energy needed for most of the energy-consuming activities of the cell. Mainstream science tells us that the main source of energy in the human body is from what we consume as nutrients that are converted in the mitochondria and then stored as ATP molecules in the cells. More accurately, the multidimensional consciousness bodies are the main source of energy current in the cells of human bodily tissues, and when a human being chooses to develop their spiritual bodies, they gain increasing access to higher potential forms of spiritual energy and consciousness intelligence inside their physical body. For example, the Soul, Monadic and Avatar consciousness bodies store accumulated light energy in the ATP molecules throughout the cells of the physical body, when these spiritual layers are embodied. When the spiritual body is not active in the physical body, this results in faster mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular death. This will be accelerated when exposed to an array of poisons and toxins that are both physical and metaphysical. The accretion and absorption of more light and energy into the cellular matrix and tissues of the physical body, is a function of expanding consciousness that occurs through the embodiment of higher spiritual layers.

Paliadorian Sophianic Staff Code Activation

During recent Paliadorian activations, the return of the Mother’s Sophianic template is reconfiguring the monadic body architecture available on the planet, which transmits another stage of the sound wave female staff codes. This activation of the verticals in the planetary body is impacting the vertical channels and hara line in the human lightbody, which is additional support for embodying the multidimensional internal monadic biocomputer that sparks the inner flame access points. The flame access points are a part of the organic human lightbody system that are designed to circulate life force energy within the axiatonal lines between the physical layers and the etheric body template. These are smaller energy centers that exist in the body on the vertical channels of the axiatonal lines and are also referred to as Lotus points.

The Lotus points and the internal flame access in the spherical energy domains was being blocked by the layers of dead energy miasmas and transposition filters generated by the checkerboard mutation, which was being primarily enforced by the damage incurred by the alien machinery embedded in the 11th Stargate, Stonehenge. The flame access points modulate the entire spectrum of ray frequencies running throughout the horizontal triad shields, these smaller energy centers are designed to circulate the staff currents for distribution throughout the formed density shields and into the radial body and individual permanent seed atom. This recent configuration is designed to correct distorted architecture in the lightbody system in regards to the life force energy and dimensional electromagnetic wave circulation, which includes the eternal Krystic flames that distribute energy sparks throughout the lightbody system. The Krystic energy sparks ignite within the lightbody circuitry and radiate the organic light source, dissolving false light and buildup of static fields of dead energy.

This appears to be generating impacts in the way consciousness units enter the material realm, making vertical channel adjustments through the Sophianic body template that effect the subatomic, atomic and molecular levels of the physical body and matter realm. Thus, this recent activation appears to have another purpose in elemental re-encryption of carbon matter and correction of the corrupted raw materials that were forming miasmas throughout the planetary elementals. This shifting staff architecture is setting in a new Krystic template into the density shields of the Universal structure which is designed to reset positions into the correct planetary staff alignments, which includes reconfiguring the vertical channels of axiatonal lines into corrected tri-wave formats of the diamond sun body. This is definitely a stage revealing the return of the Mother principle, which is reclaiming her Sophianic body in the instruction sets of the morphogenetic layers of our planet, and this is rippling changes into the activated human lightbody that interfaces with the planetary architecture to receive the coding of the diamond sun template.

Armor of God’s Spirit

The use of the term Armor of God may incite internal triggers for those that have been traumatized as the result of being groomed in religious family overlays that were later revealed to be used by spiritual authorities for committing harmful power abuses. The point is to know with certainty that the Armor of God’s spirit is a true and accurate consciousness structure, and it is intrinsic to the protection of the lightbody of the individual that wears it. The Armor of God protects those that are heart based and spiritually devoted working for God’s divine plan and highest expression, seeking alignment with truth. Protecting them against the most heinous levels of spiritual warfare targeting being directed from the Anti-God forces.

To love God with all of your heart cannot be unnatural or forced, but when you discover that God lives inside your heart and you love God’s creation as God does, this is the highest physical emanation of the force field that makes up the Armor of God’s spirit. Expressing and feeling Love for creation protects our spirit and body much more than it is generally understood.

The NAA’s dark influence upon organized religions and current society have purposely been manipulated to reject the experience of spiritual revelation that is catalyzed by the direct inner spiritual relationship that each being intrinsically has with their higher self and God Source. The abuse of spiritual principles are forms of social control that isolate and disconnect that spiritual structure and its people from feeling their natural co-existence with unified spiritual consciousness. In a covert and sophisticated multi-pronged agenda to spiritually attack humanity, the Controllers intend to groom self-hatred and hatred for that which is most sacred in the spiritual principles of God.

The inversion and abuse of natural laws and sacred principles are manifested in the mainstreaming of satanism or the death culture, and is what erodes our spiritual connection and ultimately destroys the spiritual Armor of God around us. The Controller Pillars of Society are based on inverted systems that follow a Law of Structure that is based in propagating anti-human principles for mind control and consciousness enslavement as designed by the NAA.  If we are unable to see the truth of what is happening around us as a violation of nature and soul, if we abuse natural laws and believe the deceptions of these imposter spirits, our spiritual source cannot protect us from the choices we make and the consent we give to power up these dark forces and their enslavement structures.

This is an accurate and true spiritual principle in natural law that should be well understood and put into practical action, especially in the current terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare against humanity. It is important to equate the regular practice of the 12D shield or spiritual practices which build the sustained light source of the inner spirit, as direct reflections of the energetic protection of the Armor of God. To strengthen and build our spiritual armor to deflect multiple dimensions of spiritual attacks and to ward off those physically manifested things that would include such warfare tactics as targeting toxins to the masses through the spreading of fear and disease, electromagnetic harassment, vaccinations and 5G millimeter waves.

For our spiritual armor to be strong and effective, our spiritual dedication and commitment must be unwavering and our spiritual practice sincere and consistent. There are important factors to build the spiritual armor, as to be with God, we must know truth qualities and experience God within us. In order to develop that meaningful relationship, it is helpful to understand the qualities that mirror and align with the Mind of God.

Seek Alignment with Truth – We commit to seek alignment with truth in all ways, and be willing to seek that truth existing inside of us, and to live, speak and express in alignment to that truth to the best of our ability. Seeking spiritual truth is the path of Gnosis, by experiencing the Natural Laws inherent in the consciousness principles that govern our reality. Spiritual truth cannot generally be defined in exacting words, but must be directly experienced and lived by each individual. However, the basis of perceiving truth in the matter is simply understanding that it is what it is, as the accurate assessment of events that have occurred around us in the past or present time. To gain a greater understanding of truth, we must understand that truth is first accurately perceiving events that are presently occurring. Such as; is the planetary lockdown intended to support and protect humanity from a mysterious virus or is its design to incite fear and terror, psychologically preparing the masses to accept a quickly installed fascist tyranny. Seeking truth means we must be willing to know or see when we are being deceived or lied to, even if it’s painful, in order to see the mind control methods used to obfuscate the factual events in reality. Greater truths are acquired from the wisdom of perfect understanding which inspires inner knowing, that which just exists as it is.Related:  THE ONENESS TRANSMISSIONS – Sunday, October 29

Cultivate Virtue-Ethics – Cultivating Virtue Based Ethics emphasizes the focus upon developing virtues which strengthen the mind and character, and in our interpretation are the basis of building the strength of the spiritual foundation. This is critical for the Lightbody to hold higher consciousness and Universal knowledge and to build the Armor of God, which not only protects and expands our consciousness but leads to spiritual freedom and perfect peace. A strong moral character is the physical foundation required at the base of building a strong spiritual house. In order to hold the spirit of Christos, as in acquiring ethics of spiritual virtues, the first step is in making sure that the body, the physical self, is grounded in strong moral character.  Virtue ethics are actual spiritual powers that comprise our spiritual armor and will protect us from devious spiritual attacks, even when we are oblivious to those dark attacks, which are usually intended to make us sick or impair our functioning.

Guard and Protect your Mind – When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the mind controls the Soul. Mind control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape spiritually harmful value systems, which are used to control the masses to enslave themselves on planet earth. Many of us can see the current implementation of mind control used to incite terrorizing fear in the masses, which is happening now for the purpose of easily giving up our personal freedoms and sovereignty. The Controllers used problem, reaction and deceitful solution by inventing an invisible enemy that is used through propaganda tactics to control perception that this virus poses a threat to human survival. The antidote to mind control is connecting with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like empathy and compassion, genuinely caring about what happens to the people and the planet.

Choose Peace, Harmlessness and Defense – Learning to communicate with the inner spirit and act upon its guidance will lead you to live a life congruent with your spiritual plan, one which behaves with harmlessness to others. Harmlessness is another way to say karmic-less, as spirit avoids increasing karmic entanglements by choosing peace. The real spiritual self will not direct you to attack or intentionally harm another person, ever. The spiritual intelligence knows that all energy in the Universe is Love and is balanced at some point in time, that nothing justifies harm. Harm has an energetic consequence of grave karmic imbalance, and if intentional harm is directed to hurt others or the self, that energy will be returned to the being at some point in time to make amends in order to rebalance the harmful energy used. This means when directing intentional harm that person will get more loads of karmic lessons and destructive patterns redirected back to them, in order to rebalance their consciousness life experience and the influence they had in their relationships with others. During the Ascension cycle, this final accounting of the roles played and rebalancing for cosmic justice is happening on the earth, where those that have intentionally abused the natural laws for personal gain which has greatly harmed others, will be revealed and then forced to make amends.

Prayer and Meditation – When struggling with difficult situations and experiencing high anxiety states, such as feeling discouraged or in deep despair, this is a standard form of spiritual attack. When we attune ourselves to the spiritual world through a still mind with a meditative attitude, making time for daily spiritual connection, we are much more equipped to handle an assortment of spiritual attacks, which usually manifest in a sensation of insurmountable fears, panic attacks, anxiety and doubts. Prayer and meditation connect us to higher intelligence and have positive impacts on calming our mind. Prayer focuses on positive emotions like love, gratitude and compassion, which allow goodness to flow into our lives and the lives of those we pray for. Meditation actively redirects our mental body from anxiety, stress, and depression, which helps us to find and connect to calm and peaceful states. Being mindful improves our mental flexibility, brain elasticity and keeps neurons active. Spiritually centering ourselves on peace, prayer and contemplation of God and our place in the Universe, helps us maintain our trust in life, faith and relaxes every part of the body.

The highest spiritual forces of loving benevolence are multiplied exponentially when the lesser and greater flames of the inner spirit intersect, when the unique soul-spirit and God source are again reunited within the sacred crystal heart. The example of stating one’s intent, consent and authority in alignment with the Natural Laws of God, are to begin to build the spiritual power of the Armor of God to surround your consciousness and physical body, as well as your home and personal effects required for actualizing your divine mission.

The Right Relationship  

When we cultivate the right relationship to ourselves in order to actualize our personal blueprint and maximize our creative human potentials, and we seek to know our true relationship to God or the Universe, we naturally build the Armor of God to fill, surround and protect us from the destructive forces that are Anti-God or Anti-Life. In order to build this spiritual armor that repels harm caused directly by demonic or satanic forces, we must be educated to know the difference of the energy signatures. Those forces that are organic God consciousness that hold loving reverence for all life, or its inverted aspects of Anti-God consciousness that hold disdain for life and promote the death cult. If we remain unaware of the difference between these forces, life and anti-life, are ignorant to the consequences of its interaction with our consciousness, then we do not have intent, we have no consent in that interaction. Thus, the default is given to the energetic signature of the frequency match held in the thoughts, behaviors or actions of the individual and their interactions with that structure and the parties involved.

When we learn to follow our heart, the center of our soul and spiritual expression, we achieve balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of ourselves, and live life in order to maximize human spiritual potential which includes more authenticity, love, connection and joy. When we are strongly rooted in higher purpose and spiritual meaning, we become fully spiritually embodied and actualized in our highest expression and aligned to our ultimate destiny in the ascension timeline. Therefore, contributing our creative genius to support higher expression for the human collective to manifest a better world together on our chaotic but ascending planet. In order to embody the true self and inner core essence, two relationships must be made a priority in order to be forged, developed and remembered into the eternal light source. The two most important relationships that every human being has the responsibility and right to create for themselves:

#1   Right Relationship to Self

#2   Right Relationship to God Source or Universe

Many people will be removed from destructive situations or stagnant relationships in order to pursue these two most important relationships, especially in the current intense activation cycle. Once these two relationships are clarified and then embodied with devotion, new relationships that are vibrationally matched to your new ascending self will emerge.


If we can feel and experience love, reverence and respect for the divinity that exists inside of ourselves, we will also transmit this same higher love frequency to others around us. We transmit the frequency of love to others in proportion to our ability to hold the frequency of love inside of ourselves. Love is the most essential component in all forms of healing and immunity, whether it is the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual layers that require healing. The highest and purest forms of Love generate the harmonious unification between multiple ranges of frequencies, bringing more energetic forces into the natural flow of experiencing the possibility of synchronization and co-resonance. The withdrawal of love is stemming from making judgmental perceptions, which generate an energetic reality of disconnection and separation that builds upon discordant or non-resonating frequencies.  When a person is being judgmental in their perception, they are unable to simultaneously transmit loving vibrations, thus these opposing frequencies cannot co-exist in the human body.

If we cannot recognize a value system in which all human beings have intrinsic value in the creation of life, then people seek validation for their own existence through the external world and other people. If the external world does not validate our worth according to personal expectations and belief systems, then the next stage is falling into judgment of others around us. In the current condition of this world, we need to make accurate assessments and discern the forces around us, including the motivations of people in power to determine if they are promoting harmful or healthy actions. However, to maintain our loving transmission, it is critical to separate the action from the inherent value of the person, avoiding assigning value judgments to the individual these actions or ideas are connected to.

Developing the qualities of self-love are more important than ever, as it directly reflects how much of a loving force we can be in this world. A world that needs love so desperately in order to spiritually heal. Please consider that despite the mind control used to carry out harmful actions that are made in dark ignorance, that all beings have an intrinsic worth and value. The current conditions in which we find ourselves in global crisis will not be solved through the same consciousness levels that form judgmental perceptions in the state of negative ego. May we cultivate self-love so that we can increase our reverence for all living things which are a part of this creation to help heal this world and protect the innocent life, the children on this planet. Have compassion, love and honor to respect your inner spirit, the divinity which lives inside of you, and be true to your divine purpose on the path of awakening. As you increase self-love and self-respect, you will increase the capacity for sending a loving kindness transmission to all those who are suffering and need to experience and then remember the true love that is God.

May we gather together in Perfect Peace and allow our Loving hearts to lead the way forward. May peace be with your heart, mind and body during these chaotic times.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa


Relaxation and Fluidity ~ April 2, 2020

By: Lisa Renee


During these times learning how to slow down and achieve a relaxed state of mind is of vital importance, especially when retraining and clearing out our subconscious mind programming. The simple truth is that when we rid our body and mind of destructive habits and useless distractions we create more balance, which naturally manifests more grace and ease in our life.

Our brain and our mental body is much more effective when we have slowed down and works more optimally when we are in a relaxed state and calm atmosphere, because this is the natural state of our core spiritual essence. All forms of mental anxiety, stress, and over intellectualizing makes our mind speed up to having too many thoughts at once, and this overwhelms and clouds our Discernment, causing us to make poor impulsive decisions. To make contact and communicate with our subconscious layers, as well as our super consciousness layers, we need to go slower in order to reach a totally relaxed Meditation state and stay fluid within the energies. Energy bodies behave like waters moving in an ocean or river, if we can sense our inner energy when it meets the outer energies, we can navigate the surrounding waters by paying attention to the energy flow. We go with the flow in a state of relaxed fluidity. If we are moving too fast and not paying attention to the energy flow, we can get carried in the current of stronger forces in a sudden and unexpected tidal wave and this is when we get hurt or injured.

Thus, it is important that you learn to induce a simple meditative state in yourself, where you become the observer and are incredibly relaxed, and yet you are alert, not so relaxed that you fall asleep. Obviously, this state is not for when you are doing heavy physical exertion, but in the majority of your waking life, you can be in this relaxed state of fluidity paying attention to how the energy feels around you, while doing simple tasks or at work completing responsibilities. Using single focus and staying presently focused on the task in front of you, while naturally adjusting to the energies that are making subtle changes to the environment. In the early stage of developing Meditation skill we have to sit, relax and learn to observe the thoughts passing through without having attachment to them. Once we notice the thought pattern, we let it go and bring our focus back to the now moment. The next stage is adjusting to the energies inside you and outside of you. Each of us must find the most natural state of being for our body that feels good in the energetic flow, and not let our mind interfere with that natural state of calm and equilibrium. In our natural state, our inner self will strongly align with the outer self to bring harmony and wholeness between the inner and outer.

Also, we need to know how to stay as calm as possible even when under great stress in the moment. Stress causes our body to enter a heightened state of reactivity due to the release of hormones and Neurotransmitters when we’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. So, remaining calm and slowing down, even during potentially tense situations can establish a sense of powerful stillness that will help your mind stop racing from one thought to the next.

To be effective we need to establish a peaceful mind-set before concentrating on any one thing, especially when facing conflicts or challenges. General fluidity and relaxation of both the mind and body will greatly improve higher sensory perception development and build spiritual communication links, helping to bring more ease and clarity for problem solving. When a person is fluid and relaxed, their Energy Receivers are open and more receptive to guidance and creative resolutions. Listen to your body, treat your body with care and make corrections when you feel tense, by returning back to a state where your bio-rhythm feels relaxed and open. With practice you can discipline your mind and emotions from overwhelming your effectiveness in a range of social settings. The more we dis-identify from our need to control the external influences and learn to allow and accept situations we have no control over, the more quickly we can adapt and stay relaxed while addressing stressful situations.

As many of us in the spiritual community are fully aware, we must move out of the Subconscious Programming and Mind Control conditioning of the 3D way of existence and be hypervigilant to constantly refocus ourselves into higher states of being. Expressing unconditional love, Compassion, gratitude, appreciation, and the Spirits of Christ, are great sources of higher states. Knowing that love, heartful presence, being in alignment with nature, and being an authentic and caring human are the simple keys to ensure our success in every way to rebuild our lightbody. May we inspire others who may come into contact with us, to know the truth in the path of unconditional love, as it is the only path of spiritual freedom!


Trinity Gates and Transit Stations ~ March 12, 2020

By: Lisa Renee


Recently, it has been made clear that there has been a Guardian and group mission to help restore access to the Trinity Gates, because these particular portals are the most easily accessible for the majority of the human race that have not spiritually activated their higher DNA or expanded their consciousness bodies during the Ascension Cycle. Many people that need safe passage when they drop their body at this time, are taken through Trinity Gates through the Aqua Portal, if they are not able to sustain higher frequencies. It can be dangerous to take them through a portal if they are not prepared for those higher frequency levels. Here in ES, we take many people through the Trinity Gates for safe passage, if they cannot sustain transit all the way to Aurora time continuum.

As has been described in the Consciousness Corridors newsletter (Cosmic Evolution Edict), there are multiple transit stations and exit points being prepared for everyone on this planet to have a better choice in the next cycle for their consciousness evolution. However, the majority of people at this time are not aware of this happening, and do not know how to prepare their consciousness for transition or passage into higher dimensions. As such, the Trinity Gates are to support this problem and as a result, they need gridwork and clearing to help support the maximum load out of people that are not able to cross over out of the astral plane or from the 3D earth plane, or are unable to move through other portals because their DNA is damaged or is under 4 connected strands. The Trinity Gates are designed for the majority of the population that currently exist at 3 DNA strands and below. Because of this trinity coding at 3 DNA strands, these gates can be accessed from the earth plane in 3D, making transit easier for some groups, either stuck in the earth from eons ago, or in current time. They are moved to a safe space where they can be briefed and supported to rebuild or repair DNA, that helps them progress to the higher dimensions and continue their spiritual evolution.

Over the past few months, many of us on the ascending path have been elevated out from 3D morphogenetic fields, thus, our consciousness body shifted to the next octave into the next Harmonic Universe. As a result our Lightbody is existing above the 3D earth body, even while we are inhabiting our body on the material plane. Because, there are not that many of us in numbers, relative to the overall human population, those of us that are Starseed Gridworkers have been working on special project mission to help restore Trinity gates, while bifurcation events and metagalactic Plasma influxes are occurring with the Paliadorian activations. This event has created some issues in bifurcation that dark entities have taken advantage over to control these gates and stop them from working as they need to. Essentially, a struggle to repair and maintain these gates is transpiring while they can take advantage of the current vulnerabilities or damage in the field. The NAA has attacked some of our people, as a way to get to others, such as myself, because they are very angry at us for using these Trinity Gates as portal access to route out soul groups. When we remove disincarnate people from the earth or astral, this is considered by them that we are stealing souls from them to harvest loosh, so they are very angry when we take assorted levels of people previously stuck in the earth fields through these portals.

Trinity Gates are required to be plugged into other gates in order to work effectively, such as what we refer to as Mother Arc Gates or Ark of the Covenant gates. They run off the Mother Arc Gates portal between planet earth and the Andromeda galaxy. To work with the Mother Arc gates and proficiently help to plug them into the Trinity Gates, 12 DNA strand activation of Diamond Sun christos template is required. Some of us have grid missions to use this with Guardian Krystal Star Hosting and thus we are capable to have access for this purpose here and our energy sessions that are supporting this particular mission. This allows us to connect with these gates and plug them into the Trinity gates, which allows soul families and groups of people leaving their body access to safe passage and transit with average DNA activation levels. This is relative for people that drop their body on earth in the current time, in the past or future timelines, providing they do not activate higher DNA imprints. The Mother Arc Gates or Polarian Gate goes directly to the Aurora time continuums, so that would be the major preference for most of us on the earth at this time. 

For this reason, I am listing the Trinity gates here, so our spiritual  community is made aware of them. When you live close to a Trinity Gate, it is a vulnerability, because the dark forces are doing what they can to take control over them, stop their connector links to the Mother Arc Gateways and there is a fight over the passage of people leaving their body from the lower planes. They are really angry because they consider humans at the low DNA level as their personal property, and they will fight Guardians over the portal access. Personally, I worked on the Malibu Gate for a few years from 2004-2008, and have physically made it to New York, Castaglione, Italy and Hatshepsut Temple in Egypt to help support safe passage areas that are made available to the earth population on the lowest density planes or phantom areas. 

Trinity Gates:

  • 1 Malibu beach, Malibu California
  • 2 Belize City, Belize, Central America
  • 3 Goa ,India (1mile of SE coast)
  • 4 Staten Island, NYC, New York
  • 5 SE Tuscany, 7 Miles of Castaglione, Italy)
  • 6 Fiji , South Pacific Ocean
  • 7 Andaman Sea (7miles W of coast Tavoy)
  • 8 Auckland City, North Island, N-Zealand
  • 9 Lake Superior, Canada (2miles of coast Thunder Bay)
  • 10 Hatshepsut Temple, Egypt
  • 11 Epsom Downs, Surrey United Kingdom
  • 12 Cork, Ireland

Trinity Hub Gate is in Cornwall, United Kingdom, can be a connector portal for all other Trinity Gates and is also a Mother Arc Gate.

Recently, there has been gridwork focused to hold connector points for Trinity Gates in Cork, Ireland, Surrey, UK and Hatshepsut Temple, as well as a working on the Krystal Cathedral anchor in the Trinity Hub gate in Cornwall. Additionally Uluru, Bali, Seattle and Phoenix, because they act as the main portal links for some of the Trinity Gates.

Thank you and hoping that this information is a helpful reference as well as supportive to our earth gridwork, in comprehending why we may be working in some of these demographic areas.

Transit Stations

There are intermediary Transit Stations on interdimensional planes with arrangements being made with other advanced star races to help support the shifting of the 3D and 4D collective levels of humanities vibrational consciousness on the earth. This is to support the necessary transition for both groups in physical 3D bodies and 4D Astral embodiments, especially once they have dropped their body on the earth in so to be able to move towards the next stage of their higher consciousness growth. Since we are in the Ascension Cycle, we are sharing a planetary holographic reality with a massive array of different spectrums of frequency and Consciousness levels. As a result, more alternatives are required to assist the levels of Collective Consciousness on the earth in so they can transit out of the 3D reality.

Rapid exposure to high frequencies are similar to the brain and nervous system being plugged into a socket with 1000 volts of wattage as the energetic current attempts to circuit in the electrical system of the human Lightbody. For a person that has not been prepared physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, to attune to rapidly escalating higher frequencies, this may have impacts to the body that can be devastating. This kind of high intensity spiritual-energetic activation, such as releasing Kundalini too quickly, can create Soul Fragmentation and mental body fragmentation when the Negative Ego and Pain Body has not been cleared or dismantled. The Guardians and those supporting the liberation of the earth through the Ascension process, do everything they can to minimize Fragmentation as this is already a massive problem for the people on the earth.

This is why various levels of stepped down realities that act as Transit Stations are being made available as contingencies. In order to accommodate the wide array of vibrational consciousness levels to the most safe spaces, the goal is to easily transit the person, earthbound souls or while in the death passage with the minimum of disruption or trauma. It is a spiritual fallacy to think when a person passes on that they are suddenly all knowing, wise or god omniscient. In the realms of the lower creation fields, such as the earth plane, whether a person is physically embodied or existing in the soul planes, when that person passes their body and their consciousness moves onto another plane, they take the consciousness vibration they have at that Station of Identity. Their overall aura vibration is based upon the quality of the genetic record that they are carrying from the accumulative energetic result of all of their actions, choices and experiences over time. The higher levels of consciousness are based upon the genetic integrity of the person, and the level of love and the light quotient they hold within their aura. If fear is the predominate vibrational quality of the aura, then the vibration of fear will become the total experience of the consciousness when the person passes their body. This is also true for addictions, as well as any other state of consciousness, we all take the consciousness that we have developed on to the next dimensional plane.

This is why it is wise to prepare ourselves spiritually while on the earth in order to align to our highest possible expression when its our time to transit. 

12D Expands into Transit Gate

Once a person is attuned and working with the 12D Shield daily, the Lightbody becomes aligned to the 12D Ray this starts to build the spiritual foundation for the SoulMonad and Avatar bodies. See Ascension Stages. At a certain level of proficiency, one can utilize the 12D Shield as a Transit Gate Vortex, or a Shadow Gate. At certain times with our developed 12D Shield, it is possible we may help earthbound souls to transit out from the earth plane and be escorted to the Transit Stations, where they will undergo assistance and orientation.


Metagalactic Core ~ February 16, 2020

Editor’s Note: This is another long article densely packed with spiritual information regarding the evolution of Earth/humanity. So many layers, so much new information are becoming available…it’s very hard to keep up.

My advice? Read this through, take that which resonates with you, share your love ad the most important principle is to remain and BE…



We are living through the personal mystery of waking up to find out that earth humans have been existing in a fallen system. We are in the process of undergoing a spiritual liberation of our planet, in which everything we thought was true is being tested and challenged during this time. The Metatron Collective entered this fallen system with the mission of rebuilding the Lyran gate and helping to repair the 8D layers in the Metagalactic Core. We look at why this was necessary and how their failure and capture have become entangled with alien technologies of reversal fields, used to syphon and entrap. Recently, Guardians have been able to access pre-fall and pre-invasion templates for correcting the architecture in this present timeline. This has implications for the 8D and 9D gates, and control over movement in and out of our system.

After the partial Fall of the Milky Way system from its Mother Universe, subsequent distortions were created in the structural integrity of the Universal Time Matrix in which the organic creator Krist-Krystallah codes became twisted, damaged and reversed. The origination of the Fall of Humanity began when the organic structures that interconnected the Andromedan Time Matrix and the Milky Way Time Matrix in the Metagalactic Core were attacked by black hole entities, many of whom joined together later on to form the NAA. This surprise attack from the neighboring black hole system began several timeline events that would play out in the Galactic Wars at multiple dimensional levels simultaneously. The Galactic Wars further damaged the functioning structure of the organic time matrix, which led to the exploitation of that vulnerability by the black hole entities. They began ripping black holes in the fabric of space-time and building assortments of mind control technology for projecting AI realities, that are used for capturing planets and living things to use as consciousness slaves.  

The black hole entities were searching to conquer new territories in a neighboring time matrix for an external source supply of living consciousness energy and other resources they could use to fuel their dying system and immortal lunar forms. The separation of the Milky Way System resulted in several fallen stars from Andromeda, the fallen star which was captured in the Metagalactic Core imploded upon itself and became the black star Abaddon. Subsequently, the damage incurred to the Metagalactic Core led to the events surrounding the Fall of Lyra, in which the Christos Avatar 12th Stargate leading into the Andromedan time matrix imploded and was destroyed, its pieces scattered throughout the Galactic plane.  

The Metatron Collective volunteered to enter the fallen system with the mission purpose of rebuilding the Lyran gate and helping to repair the 8D layers in the Metagalactic Core. However, they failed and were absorbed into the Yahweh matrix. This led to the next stage of the AI black cube matrix system that is used to drain quantum energy from the Milky Way system, siphoning life force in reversal coded networks to power up the black hole system. This is the origination event of the phenomena of twisted demon seed ratios running in the alien machinery that generate Metatronic Reversals existing in the epicenter of the eighth dimension, the Metagalactic Core. This spawned the building of alien machinery and inorganic geometric blueprints in the dimensional layers that are used to siphon life force and consciousness energy from all living forms. The Atlantian Cataclysm was the last event in our hidden historical timeline that took place, seen as the last stage of the war against humanity. This event thrust us into the dark ages, which led to the planet becoming a prison planet, while the Luciferian Controllers continually enforce censorship of this knowledge with the Atlantian Conspiracy.

Extraction of Metatronic Bodies

Recent Paliadorian activations have comprised Guardian Yeshua’s 8D Rod and Staff holder configurations being transmitted into the Metagalactic Core, which has had major impacts to support the correction of Metatronic distortions and the extraction of metatronic bodies produced in demon seed ratios. Many genetic clones of the original Yeshua J12 that were produced as imposters from demon seed ratios have been identified, collected and have begun to be transited out into the Arc Zone, reclaiming the organic consciousness parts to be restored to proper Krist coding. The Metatronic constructs expand into many complex layers of alien technologies that have been used to clone holograms of the avatar families, that serve in the lower dimensions as the Krystal Guardian Christos leadership. This event appears to support another level of revealing the authentic identities versus the artificially generated false identities, that were created by the NAA to confuse and derail the Christos mission.

This Galactic activation holds an assortment of liquid rainbow plasma frequency sets and new elemental patterns and geometric blueprints to override Metatronic reversal coding. These are being transmitted for co-creating an organic ascending architecture for the Earth, Taran and Gaian historical timelines that are being directly hosted by the Andromedan system. In many cases, for the first time Guardians have been able to access pre-fall and pre-invasion templates of the planetary schematics in multiple harmonic universes, for correcting the architecture in this present timeline. This has also included massive shifts in the architecture in the Galactic plane, as well as sweeping changes in the eighth and ninth dimensional layers in the Metagalactic Core of the Milky Way system. All of the spectrums of dimensional frequencies throughout the Universal Time Matrix have begun to weave together from within a Guardian hosted portal system. This works like an aperture lens that has been opening into the Metagalactic Core in order to combine, synthesize and integrate the new elemental consciousness and their geometric patterns in order to form into the highest dimensional layers of spinning Metagalactic Merkaba fields.

The spiraling merkaba fields that are being built in the Metagalactic Core are sourced from the Krystal Guardian Host Gyrodome technology correcting the proportions in the diagonals. This has been utilized over the last few years to perform recon and transit of Christos people and their genetic clones that were being held hostage in the black hole system or phantom areas. The new corrections for geomantic templates are transmitting frequencies that have been observed to be threading into the anti-particle layers and into an assortment of galactic layers of morphogenetic instruction sets. The Metagalactic Merkaba fields are drawing in the highest spectrum of frequencies from the Cosmic Holy Father, and then bringing them through the lower dimensional particle layers leading into the planetary body. This is reincorporating or returning these unified braided frequency sets back into the Metagalactic Core as synthesized consciousness units spinning tri-wave currents that organize and synchronize into smaller merkaba fields.

These recent Paliadorian transmissions appear to have had the effect of dismantling and dissolving reversal coded demon seed ratio sets in the architecture. These are golden spiral, fibonacci and phi ratios used to enforce metatronic reversals, cloned bodies and closed energy systems in multiple dimensions. The Metatronic code enforces 60-degree diagonals to stop the diamond grid from functioning properly in the planetary grid network, and we are observing in some areas that the diagonal grids are being reset to the corrected 45-degree angular spin. As these diamond grids come online and push loads of life force into the merkaba spirals, this appears to give a boost for lift off.

Merkaba fields are consciousness travelling vehicles, so this informs us that the Metagalactic Core has the start of what appears to be Metagalactic Merkaba fields gaining momentum that allow the 8D Stargate system to be moved in space-time, to fulfill its natural and organic Krist code mathematical position. This relates to the north-south position of the Planetary Staff, that was artificially tethered to the Beast Machine components in the Galactic plane, which includes the inorganic four directions of the Yahweh matrix and the main Caduceus network.  

The Guardian supported passageway that intersects between the Galactic core and Metagalactic core in the eighth dimensional layers is also called the Eye of Elohim. This is the primary space where newer spiritual initiates are first taken for review of 8D Metagalactic implants and met by Guardians once they have fully embraced the re-education of the principles of the Law of One.

The Krystal Star Guardians collaborate with the Auroras to build Aurora Platforms that act as safe zones, to step over the reversal fields running on the earth from the Frequency Fence and NET. The Aurora Platforms allow access into the passageway that leads to the area of the Ascension Earth in Andromeda, this is the Aquaelle matrix that transmits the Mother’s Aqua Ray Daughter Codes into the earth crystal caverns. There is an Aurora Platform that creates a safe passage way between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.

Sagittarius A Star

The Galactic Center of the Milky Way contains a black hole swarm along with many objects in outer space that transmit strong radio waves, including the powerful radio source of Sagittarius A near the location of a supermassive black hole. The Galactic Core is the rotational center of the Milky Way Galaxy and our Solar system is contained within the inner edge of the Orion-Cygnus Arm. However, this is an unnatural configuration that occurred as the result of a partial fall of our Universal Time Matrix, when warring attacks were made from black hole entities. The subsequent invasions from neighboring systems included many of the reptile-insectoid races that waged the Orion genetic wars, as well as the moon chains that followed them to invade the Milky Way system for the purpose of recolonization and siphoning a new energy source.

Sagittarius A-Star contains fallen parts of the Universal Time Matrix that originally sourced from our Kristos home in the seven higher heavens, also known as the Andromedan Galaxy or Messier 31. Before the Universal fall, the Milky Way system was a direct part of the living matrix of the Andromedan system. The splitting apart of the Milky Way system from the Andromedan system resulted in the formation of a Phantom Galaxy centered around an imploded black star and black hole system. Sagittarius A Star was a key transmission point for maintaining the 666 configuration of the Beast Machine that kept the Yahweh matrix and Caduceus network in place within the Metagalactic Core.

Sagittarius A-Star has been producing bright X-ray flares on an increasingly consistent basis with aggressive winds of cosmic rays emitting energy intelligence, ranging from low frequency radio waves to high energy gamma rays. During the Ascension cycle and with recent corrections made to the Metagalactic Core this transmission activity has rapidly increased.

This particular section of the time matrix originally functioned in the eighth dimensional spectrum of the Metatronic Galactic plane and held the 8D stargate that led into the Andromedan system. This stargate became inverted when these sections of the time matrix collapsed and went into increasing stages of magnetic reversal and gravitational field warping. The remnants of this chaotic history from the Galactic Wars in the Orion area are made evident in viewing the spiral arm of the galactic nebula, which is scattered and has multiple breaks of discontinuity as a result of gravitational distortions. The magnetic reversal matrix distortions drag down the creations in the entire Milky Way system, warping the trajectory of the Solar System’s planetary orbit into a destructive event horizon. The damage incurred as the result of warring destruction waged upon the integrity of the time matrix, pulls down the inhabitants to slowly descend into a death spiral that would eventually be consumed in a supermassive black hole, and this would happen over the evolutionary cycles of millions of years.

The separation of the Milky Way system from its Mother Universal Time Matrix located in the Andromedan Galaxy, resulted in the subsequent invasion of our time matrix from an assortment of warring entities that flooded into the Galactic Plane. This invasion originally occurred in the fallen parts of the Metagalactic system that became centered around the black star Abaddon. Abaddon was used to fuse our time matrix into its current unnatural Galactic Core configuration, which further runs a superquantum computing network of the black cube matrix, which projects unnatural portal links from the planets in our Solar System into the neighboring black hole system. This structure is connected to the inorganic four of the Yahweh Matrix and this is the alien architecture that has allowed an access to these invading entities, directly into the planetary logos matrix from the north and south pole. The primary NAA underground bases are in the Antarctica region, to keep a watchful eye on the activity sourcing from the Mother Arc’s 9D stargate.

The Galactic Plane of our Milky Way system became distorted through a blend of damaged energy fields and collapsed time matrices, along with insertions of black hole entity artificial machinery used to hijack the organic base 12 architecture and then bend and twist the time matrices into artificial configurations that could be manipulated and controlled by the NAA. This is the seed of the suffering that humanity has faced in the artificial timeline wars with competing core manifestation templates, one organic, the other artificially generated by the invaders. To maintain the unnatural energy field configurations through magnetic reversals and advanced alien machinery that support the race lines of Black Sun DNA reversal 10 templates, the Flower of Artificial Life manifestation template was generated as the primary holographic architecture inserted in the Galactic Plane.

The Metagalactic Core distortions from the black cube matrix were holding the Artificial Flower of Life geometric template in place, to disrupt and prevent the diagonal grids from functioning in one dimension to another. The Artificial Flower of Life geometry was designed to ripple distortions from the black hole entities artificial 8th Portal throughout the lower dimensional architecture, seeding Metatronic code and 60-degree angular spins. This death technology was designed to collect quantum energy siphoned from these lower creations, where the main loosh collection site returned back into the Metagalactic Core and was utilized to power up the artificial realities and neighboring black hole systems. Further this alien construct was designed to feed energy sources into the many phantom hyperdimensional pockets and hibernation zones where negative entities reside. This is how they colonized the Solar System in order to maintain their existence within these virtual AI timelines, that they have generated for the purpose of conquering earth and propagating their race lines in the Milky Way system.

Orion’s Belt, Giza and Golden Spirals

Contrary to the current controlled scientific narrative, the Egyptian races are much older than believed as these spiritual lineages have genetic memory that originally came from Tara. When these lineages incarnated upon the earth, they were the main human hosting tribe and were much more technologically advanced with diversified diamond sun genetics, in order to redirect the Egyptian culture back to the practices of the Law of One. Hence, the Blue Flame Melchizedeks and the pharaonic royal lines had retained written records from Taran timeline history and had cellular memory of the Galactic Wars transpiring in Orion and Lyra. They had a basic technological knowledge of the mechanics of the planetary ley lines, and were aware of the location of the celestial star patterns and planetary stargates.

Thus, they had much higher functioning brains and a working thalamus center that gave them consciousness transport capabilities, along with a sophisticated understanding of how the planetary templar functioned to move spectrums of frequency into the ley lines from the energetic current circulating throughout the planetary grid network. Some had access to high level Atlantian hand-held technology that was left to the Magi grail lines by the Founders after the cataclysm, as well as having ongoing communication with other off planet civilizations to cooperate with utilizing ancient builder technologies that would help to rebuild and advance the earth civilizations from out of the dark age.  The accurate historical timelines of the Egyptian civilization have been erased in mainstream science and replaced with the approved controller narrative of humans evolving from apes.

Orion’s Belt or the Belt of Orion, also known as the Three Kings or Three Sisters, is a pattern of stars in the constellation of Orion and this particular area resonates at the 8D level of the Metagalactic Core. Orion’s Belt consists of three bright stars with names originally sourced from Arabic; Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. When first learning astronomy, many people are told to use these three stars in the belt that points directly to Sirius, in order to locate the brightest star in the night sky. 

The Great Pyramid of Giza was originally built as a harmonic resonator chamber to align with Orion and the Metagalactic core frequency through which visiting space craft could time travel and access the earth plane very quickly. This particular location is both the geographical center of the earth body and the 4th dimensional planetary stargate, the diamond heart complex or Solar Temple that was a primary target of total invasion by the NAA. The Great Pyramid lies in the exact center of the planetary body, dividing the earth’s land mass into approximately equal quarters. The north-south axis is the longest land meridian, while the east-west axis is the longest parallel line which intersect exactly into the Great Pyramid harmonic chamber, making it the most effective harmonic resonator on the planet in which to send a variety of transmissions from the Galactic plane.

The three main pyramids at the Giza plateau were intentionally built to align with the three main stars in Orion’s belt in order to harmonically resonate and transmit the Artificial Flower of Life Geometry frequency patterns, through massive sizes of mathematical transmissions in golden mean rectangle current spirals sourcing out from the NAA base in the Metagalactic Core.

The golden mean spirals would transmit from the Metagalactic plane and then descend into the lower dimensions, which would compact into smaller sizes of geometric formulas that produced finite energy fibonacci spirals in order to recode the Giza stargate system and run these reversal codes into the planetary grid system. Thus, the fibonacci spiral and its mathematical sequence is found on the earth within physical forms that hold a finite nature, as this mathematical pattern is designed for the recycling of finite energy while existing within closed energy systems. It generates a growth pattern that disconnects it from the eternal source field, thus propagating a finite life cycle and rapid deterioration during the aging process. The fibonacci formula does not have an inner spiral which maintains its center point connection, as it expands and grows larger it is progressively disconnected from the source field, removed from the direct connection to its heart center.

As biological forms based in the fibonacci sequence grow and expand they require more energy to maintain themselves and thus, require external living things and energy sources in which to feed upon in order to maintain their existence. As these beings grow into larger field sizes, they require more consumption and this implodes the heart center into a black hole, disconnecting them from their center and then destroying the emotional body. This helps us to understand how these entities digressed into metatronic bodies and were left without a heart or emotional center, which disconnected them from the source field.

Giza was once able to open its Stargate to access directly into Sirius B and then into Andromedan systems with the potential of two-way communication access into other worlds, which post the Atlantian Cataclysm, the NAA wanted to place a full stop on. The transmission of fibonacci sequences from the Metagalactic core into the planetary logos, the planetary grid network and the natural stargate systems rendered them largely inoperable, preventing the possibility of organic biological stargate ascension. As a result, the Krystal Guardians and Christos Mission groups have been re-encrypting these areas with tri-wave recoding potentials connecting with this damaged architecture, for rehabilitation to restore their organic function back into the Christos blueprint of 45-degree angles to reconnect and exchange with the source field supply.

The Great Pyramid previously acted as the amplifier for the harmonic resonance of Orion’s Belt to be transmitted into the main heart and circulatory functioning of the entire planetary grid system, which has been utilized to run fibonacci sequence patterns into the earth’s ley lines.  This Metagalactic distortion was running fibonacci spirals into the Giza stargate and planetary grid system, designed to distort the perpetual life source feedback loop of the original and organic Krystal Flower of Life geometry. This is why in Egypt the flower of life geometry is present and can be found imprinted on the ancient temples that had connection to Thothian teachings and worship of the Orion Group. The Metatronic reversal pattern was transmitted through assorted alien machinery and geometric templates, that were being used to generate the death code in the Artificial Flower of Life or Metatronic Flower of Life. This was the intentional hijack of the geometric blueprint of the earth’s diamond sun architecture with an inorganic reconfiguration into fibonacci spiral mathematical coding. This reversed the direction of moving consciousness fields and collapsed the perpetual source supply in the planetary grid network, that was previously available to the planet and her inhabitants. 

The original and organic Krystal Flower of Life geometry reflects the Krystal Spiral pattern and always retains a center point with the crystal heart of creation, which is moving in a spiral motion of outward expansion into infinity in every direction.

Krystal Spiral

Thus, in Christos architecture the crystal heart center of the inner being remains forever connected into the living life force energy and permanent seed atom that is supplied directly from the eternal God Source field. Building the sacred crystal heart by intending to express pure loving kindness from our heart and exchanging this unconditional love with others, is the antidote to the metatronic reversals that propagate dark flowering.

Artificial Flower of Life is the Flower of Death

Essentially, the Thothian Luciferian agenda was to utterly destroy the Krystal Spiral and all organic creation code, matrices and artifacts that included Base 12 Math and replace it with their own imposter versions of Base 10 Math, which includes the Metatronic Flower of Life geometry pattern, which is more aptly called the Flower of Death. This particular geometric template was designed with the purpose of distorting and changing all of the proportions in original Christos architecture to invert and split (fracture) consciousness energy to co-create the distorted reversal structures that feed and generate artificial life in the black hole systems.

This technology also shut down the organic masculine Rod principle from spinning properly in the field architecture, so that the Rod function would never unite with the female Staff. This is the seed event of causality in the Galactic planes that generated the Michael-Mary Reversal network, used to trap Seraphim consciousness into the Golden Eagle Grid to enforce the lock down of NETS and frequency fences surrounding the globe. This unnatural Rod configuration was further enforced by the Caduceus network, and this impacted the in and out breath patterns, repelling the spiritual intelligence from out of the human biology’s natural breathing pattern. Our natural breath pattern is supposed to attract our living soul-spirit matrix to run effortlessly through our breath, and this imposter architecture interfered with that process, so we had to work directly to get our soul consciousness back, rather than just breath in and out and have our soul automatically embodied.

The Krystal Flower of Life is used to describe creation mechanics in the ancient sacred sciences in which many awakening people will have a strong animation of cellular memory, in knowing that this geometric template indeed exists and was a part of our hidden history from another time matrix. The original Flower of Life contained the Krystic sacred geometric formulas of the 45° angles of the Krystal Spiral that perpetually source the tri-tone wave, from the continual phase pulsing of the feedback loop generated from the cosmic heart center of the God Source. This cosmic heart pulse is that Love from the center point of all union which brought forth and seeded all creations, ultimately giving the gift of the eternal source and its sustenance, which is maintained through the crystal heart centered connection existing within the Christos blueprint. The Holy Trinity is the representative interconnection of all life being sourced from the eternal love of the Holy Mother, Holy Father and the Holy Christos-Sophia, the offspring creations that are the children of God.

To impose artificial creations through technological machinery designed to continue to circulate finite energy and propagate Metatronic reversals, the insertion of an imposter geometric template was used. A formula to override the mechanics of organic creation occurred by implanting reversal coding into the time matrices, and this inorganic template that was used is the Artificial Flower of Life. In this geometric pattern the diagonals are set at 60 degrees, which is unnatural to our creation, as it prevents the return of the flow of life force energy back from the source field. As a result, this mathematical template promotes metatronic code that is based on the two spheres of the Vesica Pisces and then expands upon the bi-wave, instead of the eternal life three spheres which restores the perpetual source energy return via the tri wave code. 

The Artificial Flower of Life is an entropic system of AI architecture intended to digress consciousness from the original plasma Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid, and manifest the closed source system of anti-Christ life forms. When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted from the loss of energy present. This eventually leads to energetic collapse or internal implosion of the blueprint system, which manifests as fallen finite consciousness and then potential annihilation. Metatronic bodies were generated in which certain parts of the core 12 Tree grid would be removed and then be plugged into an artificial system which produced bi-polar artificial light, which is dependent on siphoning energy from living things. Metatronic structures can be traced back to their origins in Krystic structures as they are distortions represented from the original eternal math contained in the base 12 core manifestation template of the 12 Tree Grid.

This mutation produces an outcome where an incarnated being that undergoes biological spiritual expansion would increasingly find themselves trapped in a finite closed energy system, where as the being’s field expanded, the metatronic spiral would increasingly amplify disconnection between the layers of the consciousness body from the higher heart center. This was the attempt made to collapse the inner vertical channel in the lightbody and destroy the permanent seed atom in the thymus gland that flowers the sacred crystal heart. Thus, the Flower of Death generated an artificial axis of spin rates that altered the overall flow and circulation of life force energy that is required to adequately nourish and sustain the evolving consciousness body of a human being. This Metatronic Flower of Death was inserted and promoted in the New Age as the “Flower of Life”, with sinister malintent by the Thothian groups. It became the covert and deceptive use of black hole technologies right in our midst, being used to supply these NAA entities with a powering device for their artificial creations and ongoing enslavement agenda.

In the 8D Metagalactic Core they installed this black hole technology that enforces the Metatronic Flower of Death geometric patterns to run its mathematical distortions for the demon seed ratio throughout the Galactic plane, and that would further be transmitted into all of the lower dimensional planes and then circulated as instruction sets directly into the planetary logos. Further, by intentionally compromising the integrity of the organic Universal Tree of Life core manifestation body, this artificial structure redirects the perpetual life source supply of the organic Krystal Flower of Life, by collecting and sending that harvested energy to the Orion groups that were stationed in the Metagalactic core and into these artificial portals leading back into the black hole system. 

This was also designed in this way by the NAA to have total control over the 8D Metagalactic core and to monitor the consciousness travel activity to and from the Galactic plane with the intent to ultimately conquer the earth territory. Whereby they would completely control who could come in and out of this this time matrix by guarding the main access portals into our reality system via the Galactic Core. Essentially, the result amplified Metatronic reversals and thus acted as a frequency fence that was blocking access from those in the higher creation worlds or the benevolent Christos races, that were attempting to contact their representative Starseeds that had incarnated on the earth during the Ascension Cycle. From monitoring this area with the black cube matrix and looking glass technology, they could easily monitor from the astral plane and see who was expanding consciousness beyond the demon seed ratios, who was and was not breaking through the frequency fences they had set up as consciousness traps. The Milky Way system was a time matrix that could be entered into from certain portals in order to incarnate on the earth, but it was a one-way ticket, the higher dimensional beings from other systems could get in but it was very hard to impossible to get out.

Thus, many souls and Starseeds from other systems that answered earth’s distress call became trapped in this control matrix through metatronic reversal coding, unable to leave until the planetary architecture is repaired in the Krystal Guardian hosting cycle during the 2012 and beyond ascension timeline. Thus, these metatronic reversal entities that live thousands of years by feeding off humanity have much more knowledge of the Starseed groups on the earth, than the Starseeds actually know of themselves. Many have been constantly harassed and repeatedly superimposed with karmic loads and metatronic code to keep them locked down and recycling in the earth plane as consciousness slaves. In this lifetime, for most this will come to an end and the continual recycling of souls is over, meeting in the singularity of ascension in approximately 900 years.  

Golden Ratio, Fibonacci Sequence = Demon Seed Ratio

In mathematics, two quantities are in the Golden Ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. The Golden Ratio based spirals, Fibonacci spirals, and Golden Spirals often appear in living organisms.

There is a special relationship between the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc.), where each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. When we take any two successive Fibonacci Numbers, one after the other, their ratio is very close to the Golden Ratio. This is called an approximation or limit value in calculus.

The Golden Ratio based spirals and Fibonacci spirals are used in the propagation of artificial intelligence machinery that are acquired through forming bonded attachments of the reversal spiral to the original Krystal Spiral. Their mathematical structure creates Metatronic Reversal bodies, reversed merkaba ratios and is based on consumptive modeling, which has major implications for generating fallen consciousness and artificial creations. The fibonacci math used in architecture for projecting holograms leads to the separation from higher dimensional connections, and this has been designed to create consciousness traps that cuts off the being from the exchange made with the flow of the eternal God Source.

Phi is also used as a symbol for the Golden Ratio and on other occasions in math and science. This use is separately encoded as the Unicode glyph ϕ. The Fibonacci sequence, provides yet another way to derive Phi mathematically.

The Fibonacci spiral gets closer and closer to a Golden Spiral as it increases in size because of the ratio of each number in the Fibonacci series to the one before it converges on Phi, 1.618, as the series progresses. Beginning with Zero, then 1, it then moves on to the next number, as such: 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8 and so forth. When we apply this mathematical formula to quantify or measure the movement of energy or Consciousness within time or space, the fibonacci spiral loses its connection going back to the Zero Point or Source, instead the sequence uses the previous number to add into itself to get to the next higher number of the sequence. In this mathematical program it has no center connection to return to, so it attaches to another living thing or consumes what is in its path in order to grow and expand.


This predatorial and parasitic behavior is why this formula, used to project holographic realities by the invading entities, is referred to as the demon seed ratio. In the galactic planes it is the sign of the Beast, that which propagates the Beast Machine, the black hole technologies that spawn artificial creations of demon seed entities that must feed upon living systems to continue to exist.  

Fibonacci spirals illustrate the math used to perpetuate the war over energy, therefore it reveals how the consciousness suppression and energy harvesting on the earth was actually programmed into the field architecture. When the sequence grows in number or size, it is due to the consumption of the previous values in order to grow itself larger. The larger it gets, the more it consumes, progressively moving out and away from the organic Krystal Spiral of the original core manifestation body or divine template body as it expands. (See Consumptive Modeling). Therefore, the fibonacci spiral is a mathematical model of Metatronic Reversal recorded in the consciousness fields that ultimately attaches like a parasite to a living host, collecting waste products along its path, such as accumulating toxic miasma fields. These accumulated fields have formed into the Qlippoth current and the Artificial Tree of Life, built in the phantom matrix to infect the Universal Tree of Life with artificial intelligence technology.  

Metatronic Family

Multiple millions of years ago the host mission of the Metatronic Family was to help repair the parts of the time matrix, that fell into separation in the Milky Way that were originally from Andromeda. This destruction was the result of the Lyran Wars, or the Fall of Lyra, the seed of the anti-Christ conflict. Lyra was the 12th Gate and source of Krystal consciousness that connected directly into the Andromeda Galaxy. When Lyra fell its higher pieces that were connected to the natural trinity wave Krystal codes, the Eternal Living Light Architecture, became reversed and locked into the Milky Way System. As a result, over time it became increasingly distorted and the Metatron Collective attempted to retrieve and repair this 12th Stargate but unfortunately, they failed.

As a result of the Metatron Collective being unable to salvage the 12th Stargate, they were absorbed into the artificial intelligence system formed by the black hole entities, and they eventually digressed into the Yahweh System. This system is connected into the Metagalactic Core holding the Black Cube Matrix that is linked into Saturn, that is siphoning life force from our Universal Time Matrix and routing it back into their Black Hole System. Saturn’s black cube holds a massive tank that acts as a harvesting station for blood sacrifice from human beings, in any way imaginable whether through wars, rituals, crucifixion, martyrdom, suicide or menstrual. This makes it obvious why Saturn has been long associated with an assortment of blood worshipping cults. Saturn is also the Solar 7th Gate, so it’s been used to pump out reversal violet ray plasma light, and this is the distortion that generates reversal plasmas and reversal violet light on our planet. These reversal plasmas are designed to ignite and feed the demon seed that exists in the shadow selves or negative forms of the masses. Additionally, this alien construct was used to impale the Crucifixion Implants on the vertical axiatonal lines in the planetary body, which also devastated the vertical channel alignment of the Planetary Staff. Saturn is currently being reconfigured by gradual dissolution of its outer rings, by which the NAA will cease to be able to control their black cube matrix links into the earth body.

The Yahweh System leads back into the black hole system from a black star that is located in the center of our Milky Way Galaxy called Abaddon. The Yahweh Collective took over the Four Cardinal Directions, or what we call the Divine Infinite Calculus that makes up the Cosmic Clock in our Universe. They used the Yahweh System to take over the Guardians of the 12 Pillars and the Krystal Cathedral Architecture, blocking communication with Krystic races outside of this system. This alien machinery is called the Yod-Hay-Vod-Hay System or Yahweh Matrix. It is obvious to assume that the fallen Yahweh entities decided they were our Gods and decided to implement a variety of mind control mechanisms by spreading religious beliefs, so that humans would worship Yahweh or Jehovah as the God Creator.

Beast Machine and Gravitron

Black hole technology sourcing from the Metagalactic Core is known as the Beast Machine and is held in place on the planetary body through massive fields of reversal AI programmed consciousness, in the black subtle forces in the earth elemental field and that is called Behemoth. The Beast Machine tilts the earth and the planets in the Solar System into unnatural trajectory plane alignments, that pull the planets out towards the Milky way plane. When forcing planets into unnatural orbits and tilts in spin rotation, the nature of time and the movement of consciousness energy can be controlled.

The Gravitron is a part of the Beast Machine that holds the tilt of planet earth at its unnatural and artificially sustained 23.5-degree angle and is becoming aligned with the natural planetary staff. Metatronic races created the Gravitron vortex networks to link portals in our sun and earth, twisting the planetary blueprint into unnatural configurations called the Demon Seed. Metatronic Reversals are manifested into spirals that harness the gravitron to create unnatural artificial gravitational fields on this planet. The Gravitron is an electromagnetic harness field that is part of a larger electromagnetic harnessing structure called the NET. These are Black Hole technologies that were orchestrated on purpose, through which this planet has been imprisoned by these fallen forces of NAA.

Caduceus Network

The Caduceus network was an installation that occurred as a result of the damage that was incurred during the Orion Wars, for access into and control over the Metagalactic core and the 8th Dimensional Stargate. Subsequent Metatronic reversal damage was generated to the collective monadic mind in the Universal Time Matrix. This event generated a disconnection between the higher dimensional aspects of self that exist in the pre-matter dimensions above 8D and the identities in the timelines that existed beneath it. With the current shifts in rebuilding of the Metagalactic Core and correcting the 8D Monadic Mind Galactic Consciousness, there are ongoing Guardian Host projects to reclaim and reassemble the essences of the Monadic spiritual bodies, to correctly align with the permanent seed atom in the higher heart center and position itself correctly within the human Lightbody.

One of the symbols used in the everyday world to represent and enforce the Beast Machine technology and the frequency fence NETs is the Caduceus. The caduceus is designed to split the gender fields and reverse them, as this projects reversal sequences into the earth to effectively scramble the original design of human DNA and the fire letters. These reversal patterns help to hold in place the Phantom Matrix areas of hibernation zones that the NAA use to remain undetected. The caduceus network is also designed to damage and shut down the horizontal Rod functioning in the earth. The larger Caduceus networks can be found in certain major cities where Gridworkers may sense large number of serpents or snakes crawling on the ley lines or power vortices, many times near major medical institutions. These are used to siphon the local energies of the earth grid and feed them back through the caduceus network, that in turn feeds the phantom areas or hibernation zones. Any medical, hospital or drug related company that shows the caduceus symbol is referring to the intended destruction of the glandular system and damage of human DNA, that ultimately harvest energies that are designed to feed the Beast Machine. This is why hospital drugs and heavy pharmaceutical use tend to manifest snake looking parasites that attach in the energetic aura of the humans who takes a lot of prescription pharmaceuticals or drugs. These can be cleared when made aware of them. Additionally, if it’s absolutely necessary to take pharmaceutical prescriptions, you may want to bless and clear them to work in harmony with your higher consciousness.

Hyperdimensional Pockets

These are reverse-spin light fields that create reverse-particle-spin matter fields that create hyperdimensional pockets in the fabric of space. They hang in the atmosphere of earth and are inhabited by many of the NAA forces. They are the result of Black Hole Technologies in the Metagalactic core that were created during the Atlantian Cataclysm by NAA, to mind control and stop human evolution from achieving spiritual ascension.

These NETs were fortified in 9558 BC and have since been progressively blocking all-natural communications to and from the earth. This shifted during the phase Krystal Star began planetary hosting at the end of 2012, making it easier for those on the Christos Mission to communicate with the Guardian Host. These NETs are Black Hole Technologies that were created in order to keep the earth and her life forms in a prison planet. The NET fields keep the DNA block and fallen angelic 666 curse locked in. The NET is connected to the Hyperdimensional Pockets that are also called Hibernation Zones.

8D Stargate Activity

In becoming aware of the current changes that are transpiring to reclaim the Metagalactic Core into another stage of krystal restoration and functioning, so that the organic alignments to the Natural Laws may occur, we can better comprehend the motivation behind certain events transpiring on the world stage. The recent shifts in the 8D Metagalactic core form resonances with the planetary stargates and are impacting all of the above alien black hole technologies in a variety of ways, that may be manifested in our reality.

The landmass of China holds the primary resonance of the Metagalactic Core transmissions and as these positive realignments to the Galactic Plane occur, there are various methods of retaliation made by Controlling entities to disrupt and interfere with that process in clearing metatronic field reversals.

  • 8D Stargate Xian, China
  • 8D Inner gate Lop Nur, border Tibet/China
  • 8D – Aral Sea, Kazakhstan

This information is intended to inform, educate and support consciousness awakening to interpret the macrocosm events that connect into microcosm events that are happening in our world and personal lives. We are living through the personal mystery of waking up to find out that earth humans have been existing in a fallen system. We are in the challenging process of undergoing spiritual liberation of our planet, in which everything we thought was true, the nature of reality is being aggressively tested and challenged during this time of great transformation. We must come to understand more deeply that to preserve our sanity in the outer chaos, that the answer to everything is to increase and develop the pure love within our heart. As we circulate that love and compassion with others and refuse to be overwhelmed with fears of the unknown, we will feel in each moment the resonant choice.  Increasing self-awareness lights the path and supports the necessity to change our inner to outer landscape. If it is not clear what you need to do, meditate, be loving and kind, and intend to develop your direct relationship to God Source or higher self in whatever way is deeply meaningful to you. All is well, but we will be required to evolve and adapt to the massive changes happening in the collective consciousness, that are rippling throughout the planet.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker. I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa.