Deconstructing The Construct Ep #65 ~ September 4, 2019

Editor’s Note: This video from Lisa Harrison was a wonderful teaching tool for me describing how the process of how the shadow self disconnects from our “true” heart-centered selves.

Of course, the recent astrological planetary alignments have perhaps “motivated” our shadow selves to move on out which indeed can be a painful process (at least it was for me!). But…the results from this painful process are so worth it in that your heart, with it’s own intelligence, becoming the center of your life sans ego!

So…please watch this video, align with your heart, and BE…



more closely

Although I do believe many wonderful things are happening both internally and externally, this episode is hopefully both a word of caution and some support for part of the process that we are going through that is pretty tough.

Deconstructing The Construct Ep # 59 ~ February 27, 2019

Is the merge happening? Physical Symptoms:

*tired, going down hard and fast *headaches *diarrhea *grief *blurry eyesight Many experiencing: *bleed through’s/overlays *inception dreams *seeing the glitches

From Leeloo and Crew: The code which prevented our minds from moving forward has been deleted

Deconstructing The Construct Ep #57 ~ February 17, 2019

Editor’s Note: Lot’s of good information in this episode of “Deconstructing the Construct” given by Lisa Harrison. Whatever is really going on is closing fast. Really strong info is given about how to “let go” that combines with a breathing technique that may be useful for you.

In the long run, whatever the “game plan” is for our souls, it is time to “let go” of this reality, plug into your own personal power, and be…



We are now in the ‘space before waking’! —————————————————————————————————————- ADDENDUM: One thing I didn’t mention at the time because I didn’t think it was wide spread enough (between recording, editing and uploading I now do), so many are not able to sleep recently before 3am. You are ON GUARD, on WATCH. *dreams of forces ‘outside’ this realm warning that if humanity do not back off they will invade. *Feelings of foreboding, chills down the spine over recent days by those who are highly sensitive *A form of old, dark tech that was in the oceans has been drawn out and removed, those with clairaudience may have heard the low hum of this over recent days and then suddenly stop. Also while waiting for this to upload the following video was sent to me which touches on this as well as Tartaria/Tartarus connection, Africa and Spain are mentioned as well. My feeling about all this is that it is the dark being drawn out and cleared, NOTHING TO FEAR.… —————————————————————————————————————- UPDATE 1: Shortly before recording started on Friday 15th Feb around 10am, most of the women on the call with me were all hit at the same time, including myself, with an intense energy. This caused head pressure, nausea (even sudden vomiting). It was not understood at the time at all but shortly after the recording Gaia Portal posted the following and it feels connected: “Scurrilous energies dissipate as Cosmics infuse. Territorials are abandoned. Levitations commence on grand scale. Fortunes are collected and shared. Maters are seen in the Telepathics”.… ————————————————————————————————————— UPDATE 2: Shortly after recording I received a download of sorts with the words: ‘The parent has become the child and the child the parent’ repeating over and over in my head with an accompanying image that made sense to only me. I think of this in computer/code terms and feel it is connected to or possibly confirmation of the operating system change. —————————————————————————————————————- Figure 8 Breath: 1. Imagine yourself in a large energetic personal sphere. 2. Start at the core imagining a ball of energy there. 3. Take a breath in and imagine the energy stretching out from the core behind your back, over your head enveloping, down over your face and back into the core. 4. Breath out as it goes through the core of you and out around the lower torso under your feet and back up to the core. 5. Repeat this with your breathing until you get a even flow 6. Then you can add an intention to unhook/disconnect from/delete programs on the in breath and on the out breath align to Freedom/ love/balance. 7. When you become aware that the figure 8 is moving very quickly and easily lock in the new frequency by bringing up your hands in a prayer motion at the core and allow it run. —————————————————————————————————————-



Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstructing the Construct Ep #56 ~ December 23, 2018

Editor’s Note: This was sent to my by my good friend, P. We are both waiting to “go home” and glad to see this episode of “Deconstructing the Construct” by Lisa Harrison. Although no one knows exactly how this whole process of Earth transformation will occur, it’s so refreshing to whatever the options, it IS being done. Please read, view, and be…



editor victoria’s comment ~ the migration (Home) is in effect.  Home is ready. people are going Home. we can now go when we want.  some very interesting intel regarding home and being in contact with Trump and team.  i will tell you how that aligns with me and what i have seen and that is my vision from months ago – in the shower – being Home – at a celebration – and communicating with this timeline of Trump cleaning up All – the ability to be Home and communicate with the timeline/experience of the arrests and exposure/disclosure.  Trump came up on a screen – gave us an update of what was happening (because we will have an interest to some degree of seeing his work completed).  he said he would see us soon ~ he was staying for the clean-up.  release of the tech.  all that is being spoken of in the new.  he knows what’s going on.  i have felt that for some time….which is why i often tell people you cannot take what he says at face value.  he often means more than what he is sharing.  he has to ‘lest he look like a conspiracy nut much like people like myself.  

interesting speak on merging – our, what, various bodies?  the body here – the body at home (which i am feeling more and more are “separate” but will also somehow? merge)….i know at night i have been feeling an energetic pull off to my left and at times i feel energy within “go”….not having any levitation dreams.  are any of you?  it’s odd though because last week or recently i was taking these naps at 7pm and i suddenly had the desire to levitate.  

i also appreciate her speaking of being in the heart as compared to the more new age thought on “raise your vibration”…..i am gently nudged throughout the day each day now to just be in my heart and speak words of love.  that’s it.  but it is daily and i know the importance of taking that to heed….

interesting on december 25th – 4 planets being in the Fibonacci spiral….

speaking of the migration home already underway ~ there is a woman i have followed on a private facebook group on the event.  i’ve shared some of her material here.  a few weeks ago i noticed she hadn’t posted in awhile.  today someone mentioned this – and we cannot find her (her page).  she was so intent on going home for months and months and put so much of her focus on that. would not surprise me if she is.  so christie if you are home – give us a sign if you want.


Deconstructing The Construct – Ep 51 ~ October 13, 2018

Editor’s Note: What the heck is going on in our world? Most I know are grappling with an onslaught of some type of negative energy of varying ways, shapes, and sizes!

In an effort to explore the endless ways positive energy can present itself (although we are all ONE, the positive can present itself in a variety of ways. Thus, below please watch Lisa Harrison as she presents her understanding of present times, know that the many positive options we see/learn of for humanity ensure the evolution of ALL, and…
