The Team ~ Becoming a Dimensional Alchemist ~ October 18, 2019

Channeled By: Peggy Black


We are here to remind you of your magnificence. When embodied in this third dimension of unconscious limitation it might be a bit difficult for you to own that magnificence. These reminders we offer you can trigger your remembrance of who you truly are.

This dimension is very demanding of your attention. You are also responsible for maintaining and caring for your physical body which can be demanding. There are many distractions in this hologame. These distractions keep your consciousness locked into this 3D illusion of space and time.

The goal of being embodied into this reality is to transform and elevate your consciousness while present in this limited reality, to wake up to the game and laugh at the sky.

The drama, the chaos, the negative and misqualified energies are a bit like sticky energy. This sticky energy keeps you engaged, activated and most of the time, unconsciously focused on this limited reality.

The only way energy in this hologame can be transformed is through the consciousness of an awakened being who is residing in this dimension. That is where and when your role comes in.

We often remind you that what you express, feel, or believe is created in matter in this 3D existence. When you are coming from limited beliefs, and patterns as well as negative emotions, that is what is reflected back to you. You are a divine magnificent creator who is here to shake off any limitation and remember how to use your creative power in the most transformative and productive manner possible.

You often speak that in the higher dimensions things will be different, more loving, kinder and more peaceful. You speak of the higher dimensions as a place. We are here to tell you that dimensions are not a place or location.

Dimensions are levels of consciousness. Each dimension vibrates at a different rate or frequency. Imagine that each dimension vibrates higher than the dimension below.

As an individual begins to transform their limited beliefs and live in a more loving, accepting and grateful manner, their consciousness rises. When this occurs they begin to experience a higher dimension; they have a clearer, wider perception of their reality and a greater level of knowing.

They will experience more openness and expansion, greater joy and light heartedness. These emotional states can assist them in again raising their consciousness to an even higher dimension. New skills and awarenesses are made available for the expression of greater personal power and for recognizing the more favorable time and energy in which to create an incredible reality, the reality of your deepest desire for a loving and life sustaining world.

Think of an example of a master, avatar, sage or wise being; become aware of how they lived their life in this 3D reality. They radiated a sense of peace, compassion, understanding and well being. Their teachings were about compassion, forgiveness and love. All of these emotions invite a shift in consciousness, therefore a shift in dimensions.

Many individuals shift into higher states of consciousness and receive a glimpse of another dimension. These momentary glimpses are often considered a paranormal experience. The ideal is to maintain these higher states of consciousness, therefore sustaining the higher dimension to where it becomes the normal.

It is important for those living in 3D to uplift the heavy, dense, negative emotional energy that is weighing you down. Anger, judgment, resentment, bitterness, any limitation in thought or emotion is energy to be transformed. Take action and use all the tools you have available to clear these dense patterns and emotions. If these emotions are stored in your energy field or body you will continue to be triggered by others who are expressing those energies.

Remember that emotions are contagious. If you have stored feelings of fear within and you pass someone on the street or at a social gathering who is feeling fearful, your stored fear will be activated. This is true of any emotion. However if you have consciously cleared old patterns of insecurity, lack, anger or fear, you will not be triggered.

Your job is to clear all negative misqualified emotions that have been repressed and suppressed since perhaps childhood. You are invited to clear these limited emotions with love and without judgment.

Expressing these emotions with sound is a very powerful process. Remember to set the space for this work. Find a place where you will not be disturbed, where you will be comfortable making vocal sounds.

State that “I am fully embodied, anchored to this planet. I am my Divine Self in physical form, always connected to Divine Source.” Now invite Divine Beings of Love and Light, named or unnamed to witness and support you as you transform this emotion (name the emotion). Watch the mind want to tell the story to justify the emotion. Disregard this story. Focus on the release. Now take a breath and make a sound that expresses that emotion of fear, anger, sadness, embarrassment, worry, stress or any limited emotion or belief. Sound until it feels complete. Now name the emotion you would like to put in place of the one you have just cleared – joy, forgiveness, peace of mind, trust, love. Invite or call in that emotion using sound.

We call this tool, this process, energetic and emotional alchemy. It is a tool of a powerful alchemist. You are here in embodiment in this 3D reality to transform the dense energies of misqualified emotions you have experienced. Each time you clear some negative emotion in this manner, not only do you clear it for yourself, you clear some aspect of the collective consciousness. Transforming and transmuting what is dense and negative assists the collective to wake up and become aware. You are that powerful dimensional alchemist.

Remember, when you are radiating emotions of love, joy, compassion, gratitude and appreciation you activate those vibrations in others. This is why humans enjoy seeing couples in love and bliss; they are triggered to feel those emotions and feelings themselves.

Remember it is all one energy, one collective field. So when you heal or transform any aspect, it affects the whole. This is the big work that is being done at this time by you and others who are aware.

So we celebrate you and honor you with our deepest gratitude for the conscious work you are doing. We are available to assist and support you upon your request. the ‘team’



Happy Full Moon😘 I know things have felt intense for many.. as these timelines keep collapsing.

We are getting closer to the new Sun cycle & peak of that cycle so the waves pick up. Some feels these more then others. And we did have some light/flare released from beyond our Sun which I feel many are picking up on along with the Full Moon frequencies. This new galactic year is the beginning of the Feminine cycle & living more beyond linear time as a collective, which means past-present-future fold.

The Energies of Ascension ~ Greater Access to the 5th Dimension ~ April 13, 2018

By Shelly Dressel

What is ascension?? We have heard this word spoken more and more often over the past 20 years. While it is not the only time that someone has walked the earth after death, Jesus Christ is one of the more documented examples of this! On this day of his ascension, I wanted to chat for a few minutes. 

Ascension can mean different things to different people. It is the rising of the vibration and consciousness of a person.  Therefore, each person can ascend through their own process.  So too, the earth is ascending through the rise in dimensions that are available all who live upon the earth. 

At this time we are ascending through conscious awareness. As each person awakens they begin to look at their life and really choose how they wish to live. This can be from a simple perspective such as I will do no harm to others. Most people are raised with this belief system; therefore it is not a big step to take. However, when you begin to consider it throughout your day and you make a clear choice you are stepping out of what was entrained within you and into that which you choose.

Ascension is frequently described through experiences or examples. Here are a few.

  1. You become aware of whom you are, not just as this person living this life but that your soul lives on into eternity and you have access through your higher self.
  2. As you awaken you look at life differently. You may suddenly notice things that before you did not. You may realize you are very sensitive and receiving information from many sources.
  3. As your consciousness opens, you look at yourself and life through the ‘big picture’. What this consists of is you perhaps not getting caught up in daily drama or perhaps realizing that drama can be a diversion and it’s your alignment to source that is truly the foundation of your life.
  4. As you ascend, you actually change the frequency of your vibration. The 3rd, 4th, 5th dimensions all vibrate at different levels or to a different tone or different frequency. 
  5. We now have greater access to the 5th dimension and this is where most people choose to reside. The fifth dimension is based in love; love from your heart to all your life.
  6. The crystalline energies are flooding into the center of your heart.  
  7. All of your energy levels are changing from the simplest cell to largest part of you; physical, mental, emotion and spiritual.   
  8. Through the ascension process you may find many transitions. This may include friends, jobs, homes, locations, food – all aspects of your life.
  9. As you live in the fifth dimension your heart center opens. As your heart center opens you may feel it physically as palpitations, faster heart rate, feel light headed or as if you don’t belong.
  10. As you experience all these levels of consciousness there may be times you feel disoriented and question everything about yourself. If this happens to you, be aware that the more you move, the more you step into the flow then the stronger you will be.
  11. The more you live in the higher frequency, the more you will consciously disconnect from the collective consciousness. 

As you become aware of this transformation within your life the more you will find that everything around you transforms. Be open to the deeper integration of your higher self. Be open to the unconditional love coming your way. Be aware that you are your God source walking in your shoes!

In truth, we are still creating our ascension process. We are all divinely guided, we are not alone and we are recreating in a crystalline biology. What will the next step be??? I’m anxious to find out.


Consciousness…what is that exactly?

I’ve heard so much about consciousness lately. What exactly is consciousness and how can I develop this? How do I change my state of consciousness? What does “multidimensional”  mean? Webster defines consciousness as “1. Aware, 2. Mentally awake or alert, 3. Known or felt by ones’ inner self, 4. Intentional. Another definition is “Consciousness has been defined loosely as a constellation of attributes of mind such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience, and the ability to perceive a relationship between oneself and one’s environment.”

I read an article today, that discusses consciousness in direct language. Normally, language about consciousness is vague, but Stephen Hawkins has written an article which you may find compelling:

Hawkins actually gives a scale of consciousness (seen below) which actually ties emotions to levels of consciousness. Abraham, translated through Esther Hicks, has published a similar scale of emotions which is measured by how well-connected we are with our source –  in other words how empowered we feel when we are experiencing these emotions. You can find that discussion here:

I personally like how Dr. Hawkins, a renowned scientist, has supported (unknowingly ?) information from spiritualists…in this case Abraham, a group of non-physical beings who communicate through Esther Hicks. They have both explained how human emotional states (vibrational states) are indeed…levels of consciousness. It’s worth thinking about…


Continue reading “Consciousness…what is that exactly?”