THE ORACLE REPORT ~ July 10, 2019

Wednesday, July 10, 2019
First Quarter Moon Phase:  step out; take action

Moon in Scorpio Tzolkin: 4 Road

Skill:  bring things together

True Alignments:  relevance, loyalty, promises, grasping the abstract,
keeping it real, enthusiasm, balancing work and life, innovation, revision,
updating, finding something that was missing or lost, heeding a call

Catalysts for Change:  fear of change or fear of losing something, forced
together, meaninglessness, full effects not foreseen, malnourished,
inexperience, taking on too much, duality, lack of self expression,

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a clown caricaturing
well-known personalities” (exaggeration of things revealing truth)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “fairies dancing in the setting
Sun” (end of control systems) Today these themes are on tap:

1 – UNIFICATION – People, places, and things are brought together today, making those things better than they were.  Is there a way to combine
things?  Does something new need to be added to the old?

2 – SUSTENANCE FOR THE SOUL – We are prompted to seek what
nourishes our true self and spirit .  What do you need to bring about
balance?  What would be your heart’s desire?  We have a Grand Trine
between the Moon, Venus, and the Black Moon between noon EST/4:00 pm UTC and 9:30 pm EST/1:30 am UTC.  This is one of the best aspects in
astrology and usually brings a great blessing.  It’s a “lovey time.”

3 – ZERO TOLERANCE – Between now and July 24th, the fellowship of
humanity changes what it will tolerate.  We are not settling; we want
what’s real.  We raise the bar as the inertia of fatigue dissipates.  What is
no longer acceptable to you?

4 – A CHANGE – Do you need a change?  Do you know what that change is?  We get the opportunity to see this between 12:47 pm EST/4:47 pm UTC and 4:21 pm EST/8:21 pm UTC.  Pay special attention to situations, circumstances, thoughts, and feelings during this time.  Embrace the information that is being delivered, especially if it delivered through an unusual sighting or
encounter with an animal (see Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak for the very
best reference). 4 Road always seems to bring us to crossroads of some
sort.  This time, perhaps, it is better to be in the middle and GO UP.  Let’s
take the higher road. (PS – If you find something beautiful today, take a
photograph and send it in for everyone to enjoy –  

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THE ORACLE REPORT “The Astrology of the Notre Dame Fire: Foresight is 20/20” ~ April 16, 2019

Editor’s Report: This is probably the best, well-rounded report I have been exposed to regarding the fire at the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Please listen to Laura Walker who produces “The Oracle Report” that details the how, where, and why behind this fire…from a spiritual and astrological viewpoint.

Please listen to this report, understand the story of “unknown” details, realize how we truly are being “played”, and be….



THE ORACLE REPORT ~ October 11, 2018


Thursday, October 11, 2018

The watery tail of Jupiter in Scorpio is making its way away from us today, leaving us with one of the most emotionally difficult days OF OUR LIVES.

I have always endeavored to keep it real here, so I will just get to it, and we will get on with the transmutation of the energy.  It’s good to know what the heck we are REALLY doing.

Today is the last time the Moon will conjunct Jupiter while Jupiter is in Scorpio.  This means that all of the ugliness that has come up from the underworld since Jupiter entered Scorpio a year ago comes to a head today.

This is good because it signals the impending end to the out-of-control emotionality and intense negativity of Jupiter in Scorpio.

It is difficult because we have no choice but to endure and witness the end of it, which is the most intense part of it.  And we are tired.

The timing:  The Moon will make exact conjunction with Jupiter at 6:12 pm ET/10:12 pm UT.  The Moon will leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius tomorrow morning at 4:54 am ET/8:54 am UT.

What we are really doing is transmuting (changing, alchemizing, processing, reforming, transforming) the darkness that has controlled our world.  This has to happen; it’s just part of Sophia’s plan to end the time of the archons.  We are the actors on the scene engaging the solution.

To gain clearer perspective (today’s Moon-Jupiter conjunction occurs at 25 Scorpio and the Sabian symbol of “an x-ray photograph, after all!), here’s what I wrote last year on 10/10/17 about Jupiter entering Scorpio.  Phoenix of Phoenix Rising Radio over at Truth Frequency Radio, was kind enough to keep this handy:

9:21 am ET/ 1:21 pm UT – Jupiter enters Scorpio – Jupiter pushes out of the bounds of Libra and enters Scorpio, ushering a 13-month period of time when what is pulling down the collective of humanity is brought to light and vanquished. 

Jupiter will bring up the dregs of the underworld, and it will be quite a sight, given that we are in the end of the Kali Yuga.  We need to prepare ourselves to process the ugliness that will come to light over the next year, knowing that the wound must be exposed and cleansed before healing can begin.

The first degree of Scorpio gives us the best advice for Jupiter’s transit through Scorpio until November 8, 2018: “a sight-seeing bus filled with tourists.”  Detached observation is the key.

We can look back over the past year (since September 9, 2016) to see how Jupiter in Libra went.  Remember that “Jupiter expands everything it touches.”  While it “touched” Libra, the Libran/Erisian themes of liberty, rebirth, racism, justice, harmony, true love, and degradation of hierarchies were prominent.

Now, Jupiter will expand the Scorpionic/Plutonic themes of the underworld, taxes, death, atomics, money, subjugation, gains and losses, sexuality, and war, among other things.

Jupiter is the High Holy planet of worship for the Illuminati.  It is their guiding light or north star by which they plan their moves.  This is a much lengthier discussion, but perhaps you get the gist of what begins today.

Today, turn away from the news if it is taking you too far down.  Remember that a solution is underway.  Understand that your awareness (awakeness) along with other people’s awareness is what is changing the status quo, and BRINGING AN END TO THE UNDERWORLD FORCES.

And know that it is appreciated.  Sophia is proud of how the fellowship of humanity is collaborating with she and Thelete, just as she knew we would.

Skim lightly, wise owls.

(NOTE: The Moon will enter Scorpio again in a month, but Jupiter will leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius hours before the Moon reaches it.  So, technically this is the last Moon-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio, even though the Moon and Jupiter will be together in Scorpio one more time – just without making conjunction.  This means we will have another challenging couple of days a month from now, but not as heavily as today.  So I will leave this caveat.)