Ritualistic Astrology Used in False Flag Hurricane Harvey? ~ August 29, 2017

Ah, folks…it just keeps getting better and better? What! Things seem to be going to hell in a hand basket these days…wait, am I sure about my beginning statement?

You bet, as all BEings on this Earth (including Mother Earth) are now involved in “playing out” the last vestiges of negativity…the evil are mighty uncomfortable about existing on the 5D New Earth ushered in by the Solar Eclipse. This is the time for all Light Workers and Light Warriors to stand up and shine their internal Light. This is the War for our World, and Light WINS!

Terrible news about Hurricane Harvey and east Texas for the people affected by the massive flooding. Please lift these folks up in your thoughts and prayers! But…please also understand that things may not always be as they seem. Please read this article, understand the depths of evil that knows no bounds (although the evil on Earth will face those bounds very soon), and…


(Lance Schuttler) Notice to readers. The usage of the term false flag does not mean that the hurricane that has hit Texas did not happen. The hurricane is clearly real. The term false flag in this article refers to this event being created or manufactured for a specific purpose (to create fear, destruction and trauma). Prayers go out to all who have been affected by this event.

Related How to Recognize A False Flag Attack | 13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting Event

SourceThe Mind Unleashed

by Lance Schuttler, August 28th, 2017

Weather modification from HAARP and related technologies is nothing new. The global elite using certain astrological timing for events is also nothing new. Both of these phenomena have been discussed and shown true extensively over the past several years, which can be glimpsed at in the links cited above. Combine weather modification and astrological timing and the result is what has just happened in and around Houston, Texas with Hurricane Harvey.

Astrologer Laura Walker, the owner of OracleReport.com has once again accurately predicted a major event that is being labeled a false flag.

On Friday August 25th, 2017, Laura noted that because Saturn was stationing direct (and conjunct the Black Moon) and that the Moon was conjunct Jupiter and in a square to Pluto, there was potential for false flag rituals over the coming couple days. She explained further, “These planets are all in hard aspect to the Eris Point, making false flag potential strong, but the power of rebirth even stronger.”

Backing up to August 1st, 2017, Laura was on Phoenix Rising Radio and highlighted the eastern part of Texas by saying, “in the United States, the conjunction (of the Sun and Moon at the time of the eclipse) goes right through the mid to Eastern part of Texas. So that means a lot of energy will be focused there. ”

Since the astrocartographic location of the new moon was near Houston, it is not a surprise that this event took place exactly there. This is occult astrology being used for a dark purpose.

Then today on August 28th, 2017, Laura put out a special note in her daily update that details much more on why she believes this is a weather modification false flag event that was used ritualistically in accordance to the astrology taking place at this time:

“As expected, we are witnessing and experiencing the archontic tantrum-response to the stellar harmonics of the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon one week ago. The Sun bathed the highest octaves of love and renewal (recall that the eclipse occurred at the degree of “a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form”). Source is telling the archons that they are loved and to return home, but the archons do not want to hear it (their ego-centric hive mind perceives it as oblivion, for now). Look at how archons are going wild, individually and collectively. Pretty much everyone has a dramatic story of their own or someone they know since the eclipse.

All of this is happening very fast. Remember that solar eclipses make things start happening at a rapid clip.

The eclipse’s energetic was epic, and the archons countered on Friday, as the Crescent Moon phase (challenge to keep going) began. Saturn (home of archontic energies) stationed direct conjunct the Black Moon (shadow, rebirth), aspecting the Eris Point (false flags, rebirth, revolt) along with the Moon and Pluto. (see Friday’s post for more details).

Harvey is the false flag that was predicted. It is a false flag against Mother Nature. Make no mistake. This storm is anything but natural.

We are beyond the debate of the science and reality of geo-engineering and the ability to control weather. Storms can be extinguished just as easily as they can be created or amplified. This technology has been used since at least the Vietnam War era. Monstrous hurricanes like Katrina and Harvey are summoned when they are needed for various purposes. Most all of the hurricanes of recent years have been “busted” before they did much damage. They weren’t needed. In fact, the lack of storms helped maintain the status quo.

The archons expended a lot of stored (and specific) resources (seeded by ancient cultures of present day Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula) to make Harvey. This process began back at the Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse on August 7.

The key thing to see here is that stored resources had to be expended. Those resources are finite, like fuel. The archons will never be able to produce this kind of thing ever again. They had an unprecedented energetic with which to work (the natural electromagnetics of the Total Solar Eclipse/New Moon that remain in effect all month combined with the Saturn-Black Moon conjunction).

The archons were so pummeled by the Sun at the eclipse that they had to expend precious and ancient resources to “stay alive.”

They are “attacking” the psyche of humanity, and hoping to suck from America as much pain and suffering (as much trauma response) as 9/11 and Katrina as possible.

Our response should not come from the place of victimhood. If we accept the narrative, we are victims (and angry at Mother Nature). If we question the data, we see through the veil. The only way to honor this tragedy is to be brave enough to seek the truth about it. Hearts and prayers continue to go out to my beloved Texas and to the fellowship of humanity.“

To reiterate what Laura wrote: We must have the courage to look for the truth in this event and must stay in a place of empowerment, while sending love and light to all affected by this event. Quantum physics tells us how powerful our minds are as individuals and as a collective. Let’s send strong, loving, healing energy there to all affected by this event.

What is interesting to also note is that this event has taken place in attempts to subvert movements of peace that were associated with this eclipse. Recall that on the eclipse (August 21st, 2017), many synchronized global meditations for peace took place. The elite are in a panic to try and stop peace from spreading. The attempts will fail. Peace, truth and love are indeed spreading and will only accelerate with the outpouring of love and prayers being sent to all affected by Hurricane Harvey.

For more information on the astrological significance of this event, take a closer look at the links cited in here or visit OracleReport.com

The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely. 


About The Author

Lance Schuttler

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science. He is passionate about holistic and naturopathic medicine as well as helping to bring awareness to an efficient, sustainable and health-promoting transition that our world’s current socio-economic model is rapidly undergoing.



Humans are Free ~ July 3, 2017

Humans Are Free

Public awareness of climate engineering is on the rise. According to Google Trends, the keyword search for “chemtrails” was at its highest ever in Google’s history in April of 2016 (the link to this chart can be seen here).

Contributing to this trend was late musician Prince’s YouTube video in which he discussed these dangerous chemical interventions, Chuck Norris (no this isn’t a Chuck Norris joke!) writing an articleexposing chemtrails, and Vin Diesel also highlighting the reality of geoengineering on his Facebook page.

Read: Chuck Norris Speaks Out on Chemtrails: ‘Sky Criminals’

Geoengineering particulate typically include heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, arsenic, lead, mercury, copper, manganese, and uranium, which can accumulate in the body and brain with devastating effects.

With public awareness increasing, I began to think about ways we can protect ourselves against the harmful effects of chemtrails — and there are a number of health supplements that I would like to share with you today.

Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acids are created by soil-based microorganisms that are extremely healthy for plants and animals alike.

Fulvic acid is the most potent anti-oxidant known as it has 14 tetra trillion (that is 14 with twenty-one zeros behind it) electrons to donate and accept.

(The fact that it can both donate and accept electrons is unique to fulvic acid alone).

It is also one of the richest sources of electrolytes known, which helps to maintain electrochemical balance, pH balance and maintain electrical conductivity within the body.

Fulvic acid also helps to catalyze enzymatic activity, transport vitamins and minerals into the cell, stimulate the breakdown and safe elimination of herbicides and pesticides, increases the absorption rate of nutrients in the cell, enhances healthy cell division, increases the DNA contents within cells and increases the synthesis rate of RNA in cells.

Additionally important in relation to chemtrails is how fulvic acid deals with radioactive elements and harmful metals. First, with heavy metals, fulvic acid transforms them into ionic form which means they become bio-available and absorbable forms of the metallic minerals.

Thus, it is said fulvic acid is “nature’s way of chelating metallic minerals” and making them usable by the body. Quite an impressive feat.

According to Supreme Fulvic, “radioactive substances react rapidly with fulvic acid, and only a brief time is required for equilibrium to be reached.”

However, not all fulvic acid health supplements are created equally.

Optimally Organic says that those coming from dried rock bed mineral deposits (like many products coming from New Mexico and Utah) are much too high in carbon, making them ineffective.

Also according to Optimally Organic, their fulvic acid is best though as it is water-extracted and comes from lush vegetation.

Nascent Iodine

Nascent iodine is iodine in atomic form, where regular iodine is in molecular form.

According to Harmonic Innerprizes, this atomic form of iodine is what is produced by the thyroid gland and is absorbed easily by the body.

This then helps to normalize the production of the T3 and T4 hormones and helps to balance metabolism within the body.

Additionally, nascent iodine dramatically helps with the detoxification processes of the body as well.

Nascent iodine is particular effective in supplying our body with the iodine it needs.

In a person who has sufficient iodine, radioactive iodine cannot bind into our body and will be flushed out safely. However, it again is important to ensure the body is receiving enough absorbable iodine.

Furthermore, a chemical known as ethylene dibromide, which is commonly found in chemtrail sprays(also found in Mountain Dew and Gatorade, among others) acts to remove iodine from the body.

So again, it is important to ensure enough usable iodine is within a person’s body.


Zeolites are negatively charged crystalline structures, formed naturally from the fusion of volcanic lava and ocean water.

The molecules in zeolites contain a magnetic energy that attracts and holds several types of toxins at a molecular level, drawing them into its crystalline structure.

For this reason, it is commonly used for environmental remediation following nuclear disasters.

Raw zeolite crystal

When taken orally, Clinoptilolite, a form of zeolite, removes heavy metals (including lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic and mercury) from body tissues, including the brain where heavy metals tend to accumulate, due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

It is then passed safely through the urinary tract without depleting the body of essential electrolytes or burdening the body’s eliminatory systems – making it ideal supplementation for healing a range of toxicity-related diseases, including chemtrail toxicity.

You’ll find clinical evidence to support the use of clinoptilolite/zeolite as an agent to increase the urinary excretion of toxic heavy metals here.

Additional Support

In addition to fulvic acid, zeolite and nascent iodine, there are certainly other supplements that may help, such as medicinal mushrooms, chlorella and spirulina.

Taking organic cilantro (a great heavy metal detox and generally great detoxifier) and other organic greens like parsley, spinach and arugula might also be helpful as these greens help to keep our blood clean and our organs and tissues healthy.

I personally also believe consuming even more organic fruits and veggies (as well as the herbs and greens listed above) can also help dramatically.

It is an unhealthy body who will be most effected by chemtrail particulate; a healthy, nourished, vibrant and clean body may notice far less effect. So while geoengineering is still going on, use organic foods as medicine.

We must also remember with the usage of supplements and a clean diet to get plenty of sunshine, which is vital to our health and wellbeing, and plenty of fresh water.

A note on sunshine and chemtrails

This is perhaps one of the biggest reasons chemtrails/geoengineering is taking place: to block out the Sun and minimize the benefit we get from solar exposure, which go far beyond the physical to the spiritual.

I believe strongly that the Sun is constantly sending us all codes of divine light/information that is seeking to upgrade our DNA and that the information that is being sent is continuing to evolve just as we on this planet evolve.

There is a divine plan unfolding and the dark forces on this planet know it. But they do not have the power to stop it, only to stall it, amplifying their agenda in complete desperation.

Blocking out the codes of light from the Sun is a way for them to stall what is taking place.

However, like all empires built on deceit, it will not be successful. In its place, a beautiful new, peaceful and cooperative paradigm is emerging.

If indeed chemtrail spraying is escalating, it is a good sign that the final purge of darkness is very close. In trust, confidence and faith, let us remember the words from our wise Hopi Indian elders:

“Near the day of purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky.”

By Lance Schuttler, Guest author

Lance Schuttler, The Mind Unleashed… “[28] Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is Sinking” ~ Jan. 14, 2017

This is a great article from Lance Schuttler that I saw on kuaileple’s blog, and thought I would share this with you! Please read this article, understand that our world is about to change for the better, and…


10 Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is Sinking (11-11-16)
Part 2: 10 Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is Sinking (12-10-16)
Part 3: 8 Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is Sinking (12-31-16)

  1. June 23rd, 2016: Britain votes to leave the European Union. While some are choosing to see this as an extremist act whose focus was on securing the border from immigrants, there is a much bigger picture to that event. While it must be said that the immigration issue is in the minds of some who were pro-Brexit (and thus needs to be humanely and compassionately addressed), the bigger issue was that Britain reclaimed it’s sovereignty back from the imperialistic banking and political cabal…
  2. July 22nd, 2016: Wikileaks releases over 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Convention and shows the deep collusion between the Clinton Campaign and the DNC itself. These revelations ultimately helped force the resignations of the top 4 positions within the DNC.
  3. October 8th, 2016: Shortly after Wikileaks began dumping the PodestaFiles, emails were revealed that John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chairman, was receiving emails about UFO/E.T. disclosure as well as free energy technology, whose emails came from former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell. These are highly significant in the fact that it is admitted by Mitchell that such technologies do exist and that even the Vatican knows of them. Once these technologies are known about on an even wider scale, the lies and corruption of the oil industry will fall apart and humanity can then reclaim it’s freedom.
  4. October 10th, 2016: Turkey defies the banking cabal and signs the Turkish Stream gas pipeline deal with Russia. Because Russia is in opposition to the cabal, or NWO, as some would prefer, this is a massive financial and geopolitical game-changer.
  5. October 20th, 2016: The Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte visits China with 200 Filipino businessmen to mend ties with China. He also announces his separation from the U.S. (which is a blow to the cabal) and seeks an alliance with not only China, but Russia too. The BRICS Alliance continues to grow.
  6. October 30th, 2016: Iceland’s Prime Minister steps down as the activist, anti-establishment party, known as The Pirate Party, comes in second in national elections and jumps it’s number of parliament seats from 3 to 10. As more people around the world herald the call for true freedom, political parties reflecting such ideals will continue to prevail. The Pirate Party is in over 40 countries around the world currently, and the movement continues to grow.
  7. November 4th, 2016: Wikileaks emails reveal the Podesta brothers were invited to a “spirit cooking dinner” and involved eating sperm and menstrual blood. While some surely laughed this off, keep in mind that former FBI special agent Ted Gunderson spent several years investigating and exposing this information to the public, before being murdered… The fact that even a small bit of this came out in the Wikileaks revelations is significant and a sign of the times. So much more is coming.
  8. November 8th, 2016: It was revealed by Neil Keenan that several globalists/cabalists, including Mark Carney of the Bank of England, Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak and others were involved in a deal to steal 1 million metric tons of Gold from the global collateral accounts. As of this writing, the deal has been stopped…
  9. November 13th, 2016: The European countries of Moldova and Bulgaria elect new presidents, both of whom are pro-Russia. This is yet another major setback for the globalists plans of creating a superstate out of Europe. Watch for even more countries to begin aligning with Russia.
  10. November 15th, 2016: More than 200 rallies around the U.S. take place to protest the North Dakota pipeline that is being attempted to form. The world is continuing to awaken and sees the lunacy of oil and gas for energy. Clean solutions already exist.
  11. [Part 2] November 20, 2016: Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte continues to defy the cabal by aligning with Eastern nations like China and Russia and moving away from U.S. relations, which have resulted primarily in control over the Philippines by the U.S. cabal.
  12. November 20, 2016: A growing movement in the UK is calling for the Royal Monarchy to be abolished. We are all equal and no longer need rulers.
  13. November 20, 2016: Norwegian police arrest over 20 and are investigating even more in the nation’s largest crackdown on pedophilia. Included in those arrested were well known politicians and lawyers. The worldwide pedophile ring is being dismantled and exposed.
  14. November 23, 2016: Dutch politician, and favorite to become the next Prime Minister of The Netherlands in March 2017, Geert Wilders issued an incredibly powerful statement, calling out the global elite/cabal. “A worldwide movement is emerging that puts an end to the politically correct doctrines of the elites and the media that are subordinate to them… And I tell you, the battle of the elite against the people will be won by the people.
  15. November 29, 2016: Egypt defies the U.S. cabal and backs Syria and Russia to eliminate ISIL from Syria, Iraq and Libya. The ISIL lies spread by the cabal are quickly fading.
  16. December 4, 2016: Russian President Vladimir Putin calls out the new world order by issuing a statement that took many by surprise. “I believe that it is not a secret, everyone can see, that many of our partners prefer to refer to the principles of international law, because the balance of power is gradually being restored in our world. But this is inevitable. Attempts to create a unipolar world have not succeeded. We are living in a different dimension.” 
  17. December 4, 2016: The Army Corps of Engineers have officially denied the route for the Dakota Access pipeline. Thought it has since been reported that Dakota Access will continue it’s drilling and it’s attempt to put pipe under the river, it is a positive step forward. In addition to this, over two thousand military veterans came to support the water protectors offered an apology to the Sioux leaders for what the U.S. Military has done over the years. Deep healing is taking place everywhere.
  18. December 5, 2016: Over twenty UK footballers have come forward alleging sexual abuse by high profile coaches and businessmen in the past three weeks… Perhaps there is something more to the “Pizzagate” story than just a conspiracy “theory,” as labeled by the mainstream media. Whatever the truth is, it will be known.
  19. December 9, 2016: The situation in Aleppo, Syria  has come to a close as ISIL fighters were defeated by Syrian and Russian forces. Civilians are now being evacuated and humanitarian relief is taking place in parts of Aleppo that have formerly been in control of ISIL since 2012. Again, ISIL is being defeated by Assad and Putin, much to the dismay of the cabal who backed the creation of ISIL.
  20. December 10, 2016: The U.S. House and Senate both pass the bill known as H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017… Though this is not something positive for free speech and freedom in general for our world, it is perhaps the most obvious sign of desperation by the political and banking cabal… The cabal knows they are losing the information battle…
  21. December 10th, 2016: U.S. House Representative from Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard introduces a bill that aims to stop the U.S. government from funding and aiding terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda… she just called out the U.S. government as a nation funding ISIL. She asks, “If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Why does our gov get a free pass on this?”…
  22. December 11th, 2016: Researchers in the UK show that solar power is now able to generate more energy than fossil fuels, thanks to a landmark study. Controlling finance, politics and society with fossil fuels is coming to an end and will accelerate in its demise even quicker now.
  23. December 27th, 2016: Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan says that the U.S. is helping ISIL and that Turkey has evidence in the form of pictures and videos. The evidence has yet to be released, but would be a welcomed delight by most of the international community, if true. His overall message corroborates with that of Tulsi Gabbard’s message: The U.S. is funding ISIL…
  24. December 28th, 2016: Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu is now under criminal investigation for at least two separate cases. Israeli police are investigating claims of bribery and aggravated fraud. Many people have long suspected Netanyahu as engaging in illegal activities and being towards the top of the Cabal’s pyramid…
  25. December 30th, 2016: The Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte continues speaking his mind freely and calling out major individuals and organizations while he is at it. This time, he has called out the Vatican for pedophilia and gold hoarding. When talking about the fear of hell that the Vatican dispenses, Duterte said: “Do not believe it. That is what that religion is all about, they are instilling fear that you will go to hell if you are a sinner. But you will only know if there is indeed a hell if you die… Be careful about religion, it is about gold. It is about gold. They have not done anything. Where is their God and their grace? There is the hypocrisy of it all.”…
  26. December 30th, 2016: The Bilderberg Club’s website is taken down by Anonymous and HackBack Movement and is given a 1 year ultimatum to begin working for the benefit of humanity or the hackers will begin targeting the group’s finances and other assets. Their message was simple, yet strong: “Mind the current situation: We control your expensive connected cars, we control your connected house security devices, we control your daughter’s laptop, we control your wife’s mobile. We tape your secret meetings, we read your emails, we control your favorite escort girl’s smartwatch, we are inside your beloved banks and we are reading your assets. You won’t be safe anywhere near electricity anymore.”
  27. December 30th, 2016: Russia continues to outplay and outmaneuver the U.S. in many regards. After embarrassing defeat in Aleppo, Syria, the U.S. amped up it’s propaganda rhetoric and dismissed over 30 Russian diplomat, sending them back to Russia from the U.S. Instead of retaliating by dismissing the same number of U.S. diplomats, Putin said he would not sink to such a petty level and decided not to dismiss any diplomats. Putin then invited the children of the U.S. diplomats over to Russia to join their families for a New Year’s Eve celebration. Diplomacy and integrity will continue to win the battles. Times are changing.
  28. December 30th, 2016: Neil Keenan releases an update exposing a massive plot that is taking place right now to try and steal from the global collateral accounts. The parties involved are Yoshiaki Kobayashi, the Japanese Imperial Court, the Japanese Royal Family, the Queen of England, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Mino Entebbe, among others…

3 Reasons The Revolution Will Accelerate This Weekend ~ Dec. 2, 2016


I blog about Love! We know about the unrest the USA is experiencing, but what’s going on out there in the world that is being not being reported, or under-reported, by MSM? Well, it seems the rest of world is also experiencing  some sort of  agnst from being controlled by the cabal.

So…please read this article, know that voices all over our world are calling from positive change, and…


SourceThe Mind Unleashed

by Lance Schuttler, December 1st 2016

This coming weekend of December 3rd and 4th, 2016 is likely to mark a massive shifting point for our world. While the sea change has been in motion for quite some time, this weekend is likely to produce more visible signs that humanity’s servitude to masters of control and deception is swiftly coming to an end.

Standing Rock

As it is known to many right now, nearly 2,000 U.S. military veterans are about to swarmStanding Rock and will be joining fellow water protectors and will be peacefully defending these protectors from the crimes being committed by certain police and security personnel there.

What will unfold there this weekend? Will these police officers treat military veterans the same way they’ve been treating water protectors in the past days and weeks? Will some, many or all police officers drop their weapons and refuse to do the bidding of the elite anymore?

If the military veterans are beaten and abused like water protectors have been in the past weeks, how will the nation respond? How will fellow veterans who are not at the camp respond? How will active military personnel respond?

If the veterans are beaten and abused, we will almost certainly see a major uprising within this country. If the police drop their weapons and begin siding with humanity, we will see the uprising and revolution continue to spread. The latter of the two is the most preferred.


On Sunday, Austria will have its rerun election to decide who will become the next President. Polls are suggesting that anti-establishment candidate Norbert Hofer is likely to win, which would be yet another blow to the banking and political cabal. Hofer has stated in the past that if he wins, he will hold a referendum that will allow Austrian citizens decide if they would like to leave or stay in the European Union.

While some may not think this is a big deal, the elites consider it a major deal as European Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker issued a statement and pleaded with the candidates not to hold a referendum. Essentially, he does not want the voices of Austria to decide their own course, but to continue to remain subservient to the Federal Superstate known as the European Union. “Desperation is a stinky odor.”


Also on Sunday, Italy is holding a referendum as to whether the Italian constitution should be amended or not. Essentially, the change would lead to more control from the Prime Minister, and less control from the Senate and regions around Italy. Currently, a vote for “No” is leading, which if confirmed on Sunday, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has said he will step down. While there are multiple situations that could play out from that point, one situation is that of the anti-establishment and anti-Euro political party known as The Five Star Movement to come into power. If the 5SM came into power, this would be another major defeat for the globalists plans of retaining control over several European nations through a single currency. Leaving the EU is a win for humanity and a defeat for the NWO.

With anti-establishment parties assuming more power in Europe in the past few weeks (Moldova and Bulgaria), Austria and Italy could be the next to fall from the grips of the global cabal.

Interestingly, anti-establishment candidates are leading the polls in The Netherlands and France, who vote respectively in March and April.

This weekend could mark a turning point for our world. May freedom, peace, truth and love prevail everywhere.

As Dutch anti-establishment politician Geert Wilders recently said:

A worldwide movement is emerging that puts an end to the politically correct doctrines of the elites and the media that are subordinate to them. That has been proven by Brexit. That has been proven by the US elections. That is about to be proven in Austria and Italy. That will be proven next year in France, Germany, and The Netherlands.

The course of things is about to take a different turn. Citizens no longer tolerate it. Common sense will prevail over politically correct arrogance. The voice of freedom cannot be imprisoned; it rings like a bell. Everywhere, ever more people are saying what they think. They demand politicians who take them seriously, who listen to them, who speak on their behalf. It is a genuine democratic revolt. And I tell you, the battle of the elite against the people will be won by the people.

Image 1, 2, 3

About The Author

Lance Schuttler

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and is Director of Creative Health Non-Profits for Personable Media. He is passionate about holistic and naturopathic medicine as well as helping to bring awareness to an efficient, sustainable and health-promoting transition that our world’s current socio-economic model is rapidly undergoing.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.




Lance Schuttler, The Mind Unleashed 11-17-16… “The World Is Actually Becoming A More Peaceful Place” ~ Nov. 19, 2016


I AM so very glad to see this report about the evolving peaceful nature on out planet, although it’s still something I have to learn more about. Don’t you agree that the spate of dis-rest stemming from our American elections might be swaying realization about the truth of violence on Earth actually slowing down?

So…please read this report seen on kuailapele.com, see what you think (I rather want this to be the truth!), and…


Is it too good to be true? Is the world actually becoming more peaceful? With the advancement in technology and the rise of alternative media continuing to spread, we are now witness to many things we previously were not. With that, some might reject the statement that the world is becoming a more peaceful place, however, it is simply that we are now catching on camera and video some acts of violence that then spread on social and alternative media.

We see that it is not that the world is becoming more hostile and violent, it is just that we are now catching these things on camera more than ever. As Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker says, “The news is a systematically misleading way of viewing the world.”

In fact, there is statistical and real-world evidence to support the statement that the world is becoming a more peaceful place.

As we can see in the image below, the amount of deaths around the world due to war has trended downward for quite some time, outside of the small uptick in the past couple years.


Data comes the Peace Research Institute of Oslo.

In his 2011 book, “The Better Angels of Our Nature,” Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker states that the decline of violence is, “the most significant and least appreciated development in the history of our species.”

He also stated that between 1945 and 1990 there were 30 wars that killed over 100,000 people each, which included wars in Tibet, Uganda, Greece, China, Mozambique, Algeria and Guatemala.

Pinker adds, “With the exception of last year’s small wars in Ukraine, the zone of war has contracted to a crescent from Central Africa through the Middle East into South Asia.”

The Harvard psychologist also said that in his book, The Better Angels of Our Nature, he has proven statistically that other forms of violence has also declined, including murder, capital punishment, torture and domestic violence.

In regards to violent war, it is happening in fewer places than what we might believe due to the media’s influence.

Recent Examples of Peace

In somewhat recent years, wars in Iran, Peru, Chad, Angola, Sri Lanka and Lebanon have ended, which is another positive and continuing trend. While it is on shaky grounds, there also still exists a ceasefire in Ukraine.

Additionally, the Afghanistan government in late September signed a peace deal with Hezb-i-Islami, which is the first peace deal signed by the Afghanistan government since war with the Taliban broke out in 2001.

In October, thousands of Palestinian and Israeli women marched together for two weeks on a peace march which they called March of Hope. The march ended in front of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s home in Jerusalem, which was done in attempt to get peaceful dialogue started again between Israel and Palestine.

Just a few weeks ago a United Nations resolution was passed in which 123 nations voted for (38 against) a ban on destructive nuclear weapons, which will be discussed starting in March of 2017. As Kate Hudson, the chairwomen for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament said, “It’s very encouraging to see so many countries say loud and clear it’s time for the world to move on from nuclear weapons.”

Also, less than one week ago, the Colombian government and the FARC Rebels signed a revised peace treaty, which is ending a war that has been occurring there for over the past 50 years.

What We Can Do

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr once said, “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”

One way to “effectively organize” is to participate in synchronized meditations, which is meditating with other people at the same time. Before this is dismissed as fantasy and wishful thinking, it must be remembered that group intention and synchronized meditation has been studied over 600 times, in 33 countries and by over 250 independent research institutions. The result of synchronized meditations has been labeled the “Maharishi Effect.” It’s most notable study was when 7,000 individuals meditated over a period of three weeks each morning and evening, which lowered global terrorism by 72%. While it might sound unbelievable to some, in the fields of social science, social psychology and quantum physics, it is a very serious and respected topic.

While there are numerous things we can do to cultivate more peace in our lives and the world around us, such as using non-violent communication, smiling more often, gardening, connecting with ourselves in a deeper way, or being more grateful, synchronized meditations are an extremely beautiful and powerful way for people to organize and create ripples of peace in the fabric of our world.

What can you do in your life right now that creates more peace within yourself and with the world around you?

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science-Health Coaching and offers health coaching services through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health Facebook page or visit the website for more information on how to receive health coaching for yourself, your friend or family member as well as view other inspiring articles.