AA Michael message to humanity 17th November 2014 (posted November 18, 2014)

Beautiful diamond heart isolated with clipping path

Ok folks…here we go! This message from Archangel Michael as received through Karen Dover again reiterates that the TRUTH of the matter is about to unfold. Of course, knowing the TRUTH about “who you are” will make the learning curve so much easier. In my last two posts, I discussed how each of us is an individual expression of God (!), and that our existence here is merely for our benefit…to learn more about LOVE!

Please take a look at AA Michael’s message through Karen Dover, determine the truth of who you are, and…


Beloved ones I am the energies that are referenced to you as AA Michael and I am here with you as you now move out of the containment of the old 3D earth constraint and into the expansion of ALL THAT IS in TRUTH.  For many of you this may be a time of confusion and bewilderment as you begin to anchor that life on this planet is not as you have been TAUGHT to believe. The movement of the world around you may push you into the places that you have been TAUGHT to fear and this is to help you understand from SOURCE level that ALL JUST IS and that what you have been TAUGHT is fear is but a dark shadow that has no substance.

For some of you this time will expand dramatically and will see you move into arenas that you have never before walked, for others it is a time of opening of the energy centers of the human vehicle as you begin to download the coding that is required in order to access the expanded dimensional spaces of the New Earth frequency realities.

ALL stand in support of ALL who have taken human form and ALL stand in readiness to support, to guide and to prepare you at a human conscious waking mind level for ALL that will now appear in the outer waking human reality. A reality that has been amended and contained by the mass frequency downloads of the old 3D earth created construct. As these release the dimensional spaces into which you can expand will become ever more apparent and ever more reachable.

ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.  ALL that has been hidden from you exists only within the lower dimensional frequency bandwidths that you have been TAUGHT to remain within.  Now the Planet Earth expands in frequency ready to welcome ALL for the human race are not alone, have never been alone and now this will be confirmed for those who are here to work at expansive levels with other races and realms.

Understand that nothing exists out with of SELF so the journey that you take in this your human form is DESIGNED from SOURCE to move you into dimensional spaces that both support and expand this your human life experience. It is not TRUTH to assume that everyone who has taken human form will experience that which you personally experience for only YOU ARE YOU and this TRUTH has been hidden in plain view for eternity.

YOU came here to this planet at this time in order to remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH, the process DESIGNED to allow you to create HEAVEN UPON EARTH. Not the HEAVEN that you have been TAUGHT exists, but HEAVEN IN TRUTH, for ALL come from HEAVEN for HEAVEN JUST IS as YOU ARE.

Over the coming linear few days understand that this process is at your fingertips, the movement into the evolution of your human vehicle is determined BY YOU AT ALL MOMENTS.  As you now remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH the ability that you have at a human conscious waking mind level to allow the transformation and the expansion will rapidly accelerate.  Have confidence in ALL for YOU cannot fail at what YOU came here to BE. YOU came here to BE SELF within a human vehicle, this TRUTH will now begin to expand within you as you now reach beyond where you have been TAUGHT is possible and as you now embrace ALL for ALL ARE ONE and YOU ARE in TRUTH.

I am the energies that are referenced to you as AA Michael and I am with YOU for I have always walked with YOU and this TRUTH will now anchor fully around you, within you and through you.

BREATHE and BE for ALL JUST IS and ALL is by DESIGN in the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH.

(c) Karen Dover, all rights reserved


Karen Dover ~ Birthing the “NEW” through, within and around YOU in TRUTH ~ October 29, 2014

Beautiful diamond heart isolated with clipping path

I like the way Karen Dover thinks and writes. The concepts she presents are a little deep sometimes…but they do ring true once I make that deep dive into myself…I hope they do for you as well! In this article, Karen explores and defines how humans in their new, higher energies are able to create for themselves…manifest.

But the really neat idea, that is just being introduced, or understood, by many in humanity is that the “pain” many think they are experiencing in their old 3D world occurs simply because of the old, distorted 3D view we have all been taught to understand. Let me give you an example…I’ve been unemployed for almost six months and my unemployment runs out in two weeks. In my 3D world, I would be beside myself with worry (fear) that my world is falling apart with destitution. However, my truth is that this period of unemployment is serving me well as I have more time to meditate and explore myself.

Oh, yes…I have my moments of angst and fear, but more often than not,  I AM happy NOT to be supporting the business of healthcare which is so laden with false gods and promises! The way current heath care is organized is not “good” or “evil”…that’s just the way the system is and I AM learning to leave this frequency behind. That is my “take” from Karen’s article. Please read this article yourself, see what you think, and…


There is much movement in the outer waking world at this time, the fluidity will now continue to build and to expand and it is vital that you not only release but begin to CREATE for as you release the old 3D earth created construct then YOU are asked to REPLACE that which is released with YOUr CREATION in TRUTH.  This is done by actively dreaming, this is taking the components that you wish to see ACTIVE in your outer waking reality and begin to breathe life into them.

This is not only done on an energetic level but on ALL levels of your BEing, the ARCHITECT, DESIGNER and CREATOR of your New Life experience upon this planet earth is YOU.  In essence you are being handed the reins of your life moment to moment, as you become more and more adept at working with the New Earth energetic frequencies you will begin to NATURALLY create and move into expansion. The challenge comes as you release, for the emotions may appear to swamp you at times, you may feel as if you have taken a step back when indeed you have merely dissolved a SOLID block that has been within you. As you allow the release then the fluidity will begin to move on all levels of your BEing and this may be challenging.

For in human waking form many of you have been taught to distance yourself from the pain of the emotions. At this moment you are asked to feel the pain as it is released. This may take moments or may take longer, there is no time frame on this as YOU are the one who has been holding on to the patterns. Tears are the way in which the human vehicle releases pain and tears must be accepted.  Let me be clear on this next challenge, you are NOT being asked to relive the pain, you are being asked to acknowledge and ACCEPT that there is pain there.  At no point in the release are you asked to step into the trauma or stay there, indeed the release and the momentum of the actual release will see you sail through much of this process in ways that may leave you breathless.

Exiting the old 3d earth reality

This is not the process that you have gone through within the transition process either. for any of you that are sitting thinking “yawn, been here before” look again. At this time you are asked to RELEASE the patterns and the frequency, it is from the patterns of frequency that the behaviour comes from, it is not the other way around. It is not possible to have the same behaviours and reactions when the frequency is released, the frequency CREATES the emotion reaction and behaviour. This is what has been hidden in plain view for the human race.

The energies now seek to heighten and expand, for many of you this may be an intense time with no “let up” and no “respite” and this is deliberate, this is a release process, it is not a walk down a memory lane of pain as this has no servitude, you did and experienced what you did/have based on being TAUGHT a distorted frequency believing that the you were other than YOU ARE, therefore LOVE and COMPASSION for SELF is paramount at this time as well as for every sentient BEing in the universe.

There are no “bad guys” and “good guys”, there JUST IS, it is what you have been TAUGHT to believe about this planet and this universe that seeks to show you other than JUST IS and this is also to be released. Holding on tightly to duality and who is what and why will see you in chaos as the outer waking world dissolves and become fluid. The world as the human race has been TAUGHT is now barely there, it may look similar but it does not FEEL similar and this will become more and more obvious as those who have taken human form begin to thaw out and to move and shift in TRUTH.

TRUTH JUST IS, the perception of TRUTH alters hugely as you move through this process, remember ALL JUST IS, what you perceive to be can change at any given moment, ALL JUST IS, TRUTH now anchors across, within and through the human race as a race that has been blinded to ALL THAT IS is now given clarity of vision and depth of experience beyond anything they have encountered.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.



Karen Dover ~ Moving into full “FLIGHT” mode

By Karen Dover, 08/01/2014

Beautiful diamond heart isolated with clipping path

Many of you at this time may be experiencing various expansions with regard to the human life experience, from expanding and collapsing “time” to downloading through the “dreamtime” platform, all is moving and expanding in order that you may now exit the old 3d earth created constructs and move into the New Earth frequency realities. Many of you may have felt like you have been sat in the airport lounge for ever, awaiting your departure. Indeed many of you may feel as if you have been in this lounge and the flight is continually being delayed. I use this analogy deliberately for the New Earth frequency realities are similar to destinations. You are at the airport, you are about to board your flight, but which flight have you CHOSEN?

Many of you within this analogy are attempting to get on the same flight as those around you purely based on someone else’s recommendation and not that which you wish to experience, unless you have checked in with your SOUL who for the purposes of this analogy is passport control then you may be attempting to board a flight that you have no reservation for.

Logic has not place in the New Earth and the flights are arranged by FEELing, what is is that you wish to experience in this your human form upon this planet? The airport is multi dimensional and inter dimensional. All that is required is a valid passport and a flight number. Both are available from your SOUL who has pre-booked your flight and left the details at SOUL level.

So how can you be in freedom and yet have your SOUL “pre booked” your flight, this statement may trigger your human logical mind to attempt to dismiss it. Remember when you first incarnated onto this planet you KNEW that you would have to walk through the old 3D earth created construct on the way to the AIRPORT. Many of you are allowing the old 3d earth created reality teachings to teach you that you have to follow a path of karma. This is not TRUTH and not supported. Yes you have freedom but freedom in the New Earth frequency reality is NOT the same as the contained “freedom” within the old 3d earth created construct. (For more detail around this please see the EXITING THE OLD 3D EARTH book).


There is no “one” way to enter the New Earth, there is no “one” path to follow in that there is no one “experience” that fits that shows you that you are exiting. Experience is personal and unique, there IS a process that unfolds and again this is explained in both the Birthing the New Earth and Exiting the Old 3D earth books.

It is not possible to move into the New Earth reality of your choice unless you allow the old 3D earth reality to fully be released, there is NONE of the old that can be taken through into the New. As I discussed on the Beyond the Looking Glass Radio show this week (wed 30th July 14) it is time to take out the “operating system” you were taught to work from when you first arrived on this planet.

The universe at this time is asking you to prepare for departure, to make a final check that you have all that is required and then proceed to the departure gates. The trip to the New Earth frequency reality is a ONE WAY ticket, there is no return to where you have come from nor started out in this your human life experience and this must be fully acknowledged and anchored at human waking mind level.

So the question the universe is asking at this time is “are you ready to fly”?

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”