Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America [video] ~ Oct. 9, 2015

lee carroll

You need to see this. The video is a documentary and so a bit long, but so worthwhile viewing because it examines the views of six chanellers who bring forth the words  and wisdom of spirits on the other side of the realm…spirits, I guess you’d call them. They are Lee Carroll–channel for Kryon, John Cali–channel for Chief Joseph, Shawn Randall–channel for Torah, Darryl Anka–channel for Bashar, Geoffrey Hoppe–channel for Tobias and Wendy Kennedy–channel for the Pleiadian Collective. This appeared intially on the blog, In 5D.

The entities coming through—each with a strong and distinct personality—were interviewed at length by the filmmaker and the result is remarkable: across space and time it appears the entities are speaking as one, delivering a clear and profound message of empowerment for humankind.

For me, these six individual spirits in six different locations all said the same thing regarding the topics introduced giving me both a chill and a thrill at the same time! So please take the time to view this yourself, dwell on your sense of self, and…
