Cornerstone Cobra Articles ~ March 15, 2015


Hey there folks. A LOT is happening in our world right now that you need to be aware of. Information is coming out in such a torrent right now such as: Where is Putin and why are are bleachers being assembled in the Red Square (in Russia) right now with journalists being urged not to leave? ( Also, are you aware that Veterans Today has published this type of article? ( in mind that US military personnel are now blatantly announcing their opinion that US armed forces are no longer relevant. (!:SIellU+c/

This information is beyond conjecture and must be regarded as fact, but the larger question is just why is all of this information coming right NOW? Many may be unaware of what is being played out “behind the scenes” while we live our lives here on Planet Earth. Most humans are unaware of of the enormity of what lies beyond our ability to discern with our limited  five senses…and this is by design. Now, however…our planet is about to break free from limitations requiring us to stay in a state of fear and struggle. Do you need to learn more about what is happening and why? Please to go and read articles from Cobra’s website to learn more about what is currently happening…and why!

Please read this important information, show this to your friends as well, live this moment of NOW in love, and…


Cobra has published great amounts of information on his blog since March 2012. We have selected a few major articles, cornerstone of his information, for people who are new to this. These are also great to re-read as they contain a lot of condensed information. For those who want to get even deeper understanding of the general situation we strongly recommend browsing through his archive.

To go to the articles, click on the pictures :


fallarchon1  removingcabal1galacticcodex1

veil1  masterplan1

brotherhoodofthestar1  ethericgrid1

fallchimera1  plasma1

quarantineendgame1  solarsystemupdate1


Firestorms of Gaia energetics dissolve firewalls of obscuration ~ March 5, 2015


Ok folks, another message has come out from Eireport…a spiritually focused focused group aligned with the energies of humanity on Planet Earth. Let’s explore this message together and I will give my best thoughts of interpretation. Please read this message, give it your best shot at interpretation, and…


Firestorms of Gaia energetics dissolve firewalls of obscuration. Sudden flashes of high energy from Planet Earth wear down and destroy specifically placed barriers to public understanding of truth.

Hue-manity and hu-manity complete necessary processes for removal of blinders. Both awakened and unawakened members of humanity have reached a point where their higher energy level requires understanding the truth has been reached.

Higher Assistance compels the ultimate sacrifices from egoic humanity. Higher energies are affecting humanity such that human egos are both seen and known for what the ego is…a lie.

Inner freedom notes are heard and expressed. As human egos dissolve, messages from our higher selves are recognised and appreciated.

Light ampplitudes increase exponentially. The expression of light on Planet Earth grows at a blinding pace.

Gaia communities revise prior pathways. Groups of humans begin to re-evaluate their journey on Planet Earth.

The Flowering begins. Increased Light on Planet Earth starts yielding the Fruit of Truth!

To Dance Away from the Lip of the Abyss ~ Feb.7, 2015


‘As long as certain twisted souls feel the need to lie, cheat and murder to achieve their ends some of us need to keep pointing it out…….’ – Visible

Here is a man who thinks…and I really like those who think for themselves, not merely following the “line” of whatever the current societal thought is. I know I post about love, and one aspect of love, for me, is to be aware and mentally involved with making a change. I do this by submitting articles for you to consider as our world teeters on the edge of massive change…positive change. It is coming, and coming fast, so please prepare yourselves…both physically and mentally! In the meantime, please read this article by Les Visible, consider your own heart and mind, and…


A dog is the only creature on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

You know… there are certain things you can expect from certain lineages. From the Bush Dynasty, you can expect an enduring legacy of deaths and deceptions. From a Marsalis or Wayans Dynasty you are going to get musicians and actors… maybe a few comedians. AND from the Hilton Dynasty, heh heh, well… let’s let this newsbite speak for itself. I talk a lot about the rising tide of madness that continues to manifest in socio-political affairs. If you can’t see it by now in the world around you, you are most likely an example of it.

Insanity is a form of consciousness that expresses itself according to the pressures of the culture it appears in. There are two major expressions of insanity that can appear in a culture; one (if this makes any sense) is any permutation of personal reaction to Materialism that manifests in subjective fashion. Two; religious hysteria in all the forms we see it in today but… this is a direct extension of Materialism so… there’s really just the one cause; Materialism. As any impartial observer can see, Materialism goes through stages. At first you don’t see that much full blown madness. You see a lot of variables of neurosis with some amount of compulsion and obsession and a few other forms. Psychosis starts to show up in the second act and psychopathy begins to emerge but it doesn’t get pandemic until even further along.

You might think of the ocean as a good metaphor. Collective human consciousness is like an ocean and all of it is connected via the subconscious. When this area of our being is affected by circumstance or deliberate action, the ocean becomes ever more restless and unruly. Think of it perhaps as levels of white water (for you insane kayakers- grin). As it moves from one stage to the next, it sweeps away whole segments of the population that are not equipped to manage Force 3, or Force 4 and most especially 5, 6 and 7; if there even is a Force 7. It is simple math here. Some of us have a not so tight grip on our sense of self; our idea of who we think we are. Once the force becomes greater than the pounds per square inch of ones grip on what they previously thought was real, boom! Away you go.

The greater the force of material culture; the greater the press and presence of Materialism, the less focus is generally placed upon things like self inquiry and a shared knowledge of the more timeless verities. The nature of Materialism is to compromise objective consciousness and render the public subjective. You don’t need everyone to be so affected. You might not even need half of the people and they got more than that. All they need is enough of the culture so as to publicize and identify it that way and then that is ‘how it looks’ everywhere, except to those few who are strong enough; who are in possession of objective awareness due to having engaged in the requisite amount of self inquiry, or carrying that capacity within them from other times.

Materialism IS insanity and like white water, or degrees of wind force, or the size of the waves or any force you can think of that moves from placid to ever greater and greater intensity well… there you are, like it or not. I’m talking about this today because of what I see on the internet and the news as well as through my own eyes as I move through a landscape where I haven’t been in over 15 years.

If you wonder why I might not seem as sharp as I usually am; should you be any of those people who would allow that I am, if not always but usually, it is because of the near overpowering effect of suddenly being in another world; no longer in that single room where I was most of the time, no longer in a generally supportive and nurturing environment but in a place that requires me to pay a lot more attention to certain things than I have ‘had to’ for some while. I don’t mean to say this environment is not supportive and nurturing because there are some fine folk here who are making it a pleasure to be around, regardless of other things they are not in a position to do anything about.

I am compelled to spend hours a day sometimes just contemplating all of this. On any number of days I have told myself, “don’t go anywhere. Stay where you are.” Oddly enough, I am also being told (hearing it nearly every day); “You don’t have to do anything any more. You do not have to seek anyone or anything out. You have only to simply be and if you never leave your house, everything will come to you.” The uncanny part of this is that I can feel this is true. I’ve had any number of examples of this taking place. I’ve been able to predict things in a way that I never was before. There are a few conditions that I did not expect to be experiencing. I did not realize how much I relied on my significant other for certain intangibles of being. I like ‘alone’ because I never am but… I realize now that there are imponderables that don’t occur to us until they are no longer present. Bottom line though, when your whole life is about the unseen and only incidentally as it impacts on the seen and your opposite number has no belief or inclination in that area, you wind up without certain essentials of interplay that are critical to the gestalt, or what might have been the gestalt. Still, anytime you come out of any long engagement with anyone and you are still friends, you have accomplished a great deal.

Something I don’t mention often enough is that we are on the verge of massive technological breakthroughs in many diverse areas of human endeavor. Some of these will be so revolutionary and impactful that they will change life as we formerly knew it. There is a war under way to suppress, subvert and hijack these things for the benefit of outworn technologies or for the purpose of exclusive utilization by the military industrial complex but… much as with the invention of the telephone, the car and various other inventions, like an idea whose time has come, you find these things are being simultaneously brought into being from several locations. Because of the internet and the tremendous speed of the flow of information in these times, conditions are far different from anything they ever have been as far as this period of recorded history goes. We are in for some big changes folks. You already know about this as far as the unfortunate trending of the culture, as well as the theaters of politics and religion. The nature of the archetypes that have maintained the status quo that we came to know for so long now are transforming into their Aquarian prototypes. All of the institutions and infrastructure that have been with us for so long are in the cosmic shop. They are being reworked and there is no human agency, no matter how powerful, which are going to be able to do anything about that. Sure, they can meddle and manipulate, terrorize and torture but that is just the last gasp of a dying age. However… IF they can sway you with their machinations and subliminal hanky panky, you are in trouble. Don’t letthat happen.

Another thing that hasn’t been mentioned here for a bit and which doesn’t get mentioned much at all anywhere else is the potential changes that are going to be brought about by Lady Nature. It is important to keep in mind that just as humanity is assuredly driven insane by an excess of Materialism because the necessary portion of humanity that is required to make that happen, is obliging to that effect so too, the collective force of the human mind has a direct impact on external nature. Insanity is contagious and Nature is a subconscious force. These things should be clear to anyone with even an average mind but… due to the incredible force of Materialism, most people are not in a position to step back and see things as they are. Most people do not register how dysfunctional life has become. It cannot perpetuate in that state for any length of time. Change, massive change becomes inevitable and given the turbulent waters of the collective unconscious, all kinds of things are possible, including long predicted or expected events. I’m not going to mention what those are, hopefully out of mind is out of sight.

Humanity needs a wake up call and it must need be incredibly powerful because… anything short of earthshaking doesn’t seem to have much effect. Nothing that has happened so far has done the trick. Events like 9/11 seem to have had not much effect on people in general except to put them under heavy restrictions of movement and expression. However they are doing it, they have human consciousness under control; for the larger part of us. It is going to take something… something to shake that off and wake the flock of birds of a feather; the hypnotized schools of fish- something has to wake them up or ubiquitous bad things are going to be on the menu.

Regardless of what the masses do and regardless of what the elite cabals initiate or generate, the rest of us, that small demographic of souls in partial stages of awakening have our responsibilities to ourselves and to each other. In the end it doesn’t matter what the world does. What matters is what you do and… don’t do. I’m giving that my best shot. Of course it’s not easy because the world as it seems to be wants all of us under harness; puppets of the 15th Trump. No matter how it may look, we are stronger than any external force directed at us, depending on what we base our strength and resourcefulness on to begin with.

Ends Transmission…….

Fully intending to get a radio broadcast together for this weekend.

A new Visible album

Visible’s Books at Amazon
Visible's 'The Darkening Splendor of an Unknown World'
The Darkening Splendor
of an Unknown World

A spellbinding tale of mystery and the occult; haunted by a malevolent presence, Alan Douglas, a New York Detective, moves to Hawaii – where he encounters kidnappings, grisly murders, weird events and dark forces leading to a thunderous showdown of good and evil in a tale both horrifying and sublime…

Click here for more information or click the Kindle icon to buy from Amazon.

Buy Visible's EBook, 'The Darkening Splendor of an Unknown World' from AmazonEBook:
Buy Visible's Book, 'Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World'
Spiritual Survival
in a Temporal World

Visible stamps his unique, inspired and seemingly effortless style within the pages of ‘Spiritual Survival’; this outstanding guide will enable every seeker of truth and spirit to not merely navigate the spiritual path, but to thrive upon it during our extra-ordinary transit.

Click here for more information or choose an icon to buy your preferred format from Amazon.

Buy Visible's EBook, 'Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World' from AmazonEBook:
Buy Visible's Spiritual Self-Help guide, 'Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World' from AmazonPaperback: $25.00
Buy Visible's Book, 'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine'
The Curious Tale of
Ash and The Whine

Infused with a wealth of occult wisdom and comparable to the works of Hermann Hesse, ‘Ash and The Whine’ is not only a brilliant supernatural thriller in its own right – but one which also relays the truth about those responsible for 911 and other terror attacks in recent times…

Click here for more information or choose an icon to buy your preferred format from Amazon.

Buy Visible's EBook, 'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' from AmazonEBook:
Buy Visible's Novel, 'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' from AmazonPaperback: $27.00


Karen Norman said…

He Vis,

I so agree with your words. To support your comment I would like to draw attention to the fact that on the day 9/11 occurred there was a huge solar flare from the sun. Many scientists argued that the solar flare may have been a catalyst for the 9/11 events, but I knew straight away, to my very core, that the solar flare was a direct reaction to the anxiety and heightened emotions of collective humanity, which was a direct result of the televised vision of those planes hitting the Twin Towers. It was the emotional trauma that humanity suffered that day which directly effected the sun. The elite manifested the entire thing! They are playing God and that can’t be good!

As usual Vis you have your finger on the pulse.

Luv Kazz

Ray B. said…

“Airline whistleblower solves 9/11”
by Kevin Barrett January 31, 2015
A review of “Methodical Illusion” by Rebekah Roth HERE

Interesting Comment:
Martin Maloney February 1, 2015 at 5:38 am
“@Alesandro :
‘How is it that THIS BOOK would be allowed to be published…’

You’ll find the answer to your question here:
It’s a small, independent publishing house.”

KatyTold said…

The need for a ” big event” brings to mind the mystic Faustina, who along with many others forsaw a Great Warning which was called the Illumination of Conscience, wherein when things here approached the very worst, every human soul would experience simultaneously a moment of complete clarity and grace…but I digress and I haven’t even started yet, heh.
What I wanted to share with someone tonight was something I found that i had copied years ago from Faustina’s diary. After reading the insightful and even daring comments above on materialism
( someday I will write about the very rich man from LA who found his way to DC — homeless, paranoid, schizophrenic; but as his therapist I heard repeatedly only about his boat and homes and cars and possessions…for many weeks until they stopped possessing him…)
It appears this is the place to share her mighty words:
…How fleeting all earthly things are, and how everything that appears great disappears like smoke and does not give the soul freedom but weariness.
Happy the soul that understands these things and with only one foot touches the earth…

When I left the altar, an extraordinary peace and power filled my soul, and the storm that was raging broke against my soul as against a rock;
and the foam of the storm fell on those who had raised it….
..Then I heard the words, Do Not Fear, I am with you…”

Thank you for these spaces you provide.

Smyrna said…

Heh, heh. You are as sharp as ever, just in a more laid back ‘Tropical Time’ kind of way.

No need for the turbo-charged postings, like you were James A. Michener crossed with Phillip K. Dick, Vis.

Am still chewing and ruminating on the last one and its comments; thoroughly enjoyable.

Anonymous said…

For Les Visible:

So that’s what happens when I lose it. Brilliant! A priest / counselor / poet for the ages. May Viz be lifted up.

Yes, they are hijacked. A horrible example is the perception of cancer. Though cancer was shown to be cured in 1934 to chief scientists who could verify (a la Royal Raymond Rife), the Rulers (they apparently now like to be called Olympians [as in Greek gods] [gag]) have managed to continue selling the worthless chemo and radiation therapies to the ignorant. Medical people maintain an undeserved status THAT CAN KILL YOU.

The disfunction is acute, especially among the slow and ignorant (where I currently live). Moving among them reminds me of Seven of Nine whose normal functioning terrified even the advanced non-Borg.

I am comforted to learn that tablet technology is Android (a form of Unix). We can get away from the evil Windows marketer. I have used Unix (Linux) before (very fast and powerful, enormous and stable). If I’m not mistaken, most of the world uses it. Cheaper too. We advance….

Get thee behind me XV.



Brian Steere said…

I see Materialism as the reversal of cause/effect by which an illusion of power operates upon and within an illusion of powerlessness.
Source or true Cause is Eternally Indivisible, and yet our human consciousness is a facet of a fragmented disintegrity in which coercive power seems to divide and rule in power OVER Life.
In the wish-attempt to control Life is the reflection of dissonance and disorder which reinforces its own ‘foundation’.
The more coercive or fear-defined control is asserted, the more out of control one’s self-world experience.
Relinquishing a phoney power allows spontaneous yielding to true harmony of a wholeness of being in resonant relation within all that is presencing itself.
The abyss can symbolize the nothingness of destruction or insanity – but it can also indicate the not-knowing through which Life Knows Itself Truly. For the belief one already knows is the dark lens by which one sees nothing truly.
An unyielding point of view operates ‘denial’ and wars not with reality but within itself as a denial of awareness of reality – of what is true to the reality that You Are. To fit or limit oneself to a machine is a chosen condition, but to persist becomes a self-conditioning. But self-definition remains a creative acceptance of true function and not a coercive imposition of power upon powerlessness. Nor a hiding of the illusion of power within a belief in powerlessness.

Wandering Sage said…

Wakeup Calling
humanity rages
destruction in stages
of everything under the sun

the birds and the bees
the rivers and trees
it seems like the end has begun

a population of people
turned into sheeple
conditioned to crave more and more

life based on greed
want, desire and need
leads to nothing but war

the planet is dying
the animals crying
the forests all being cut down

the climate is hot
except when it’s not
and some say we’re all going to drown

living in fear
something is near
now we are all scared to death

chaos and change
can often feel strange
please just take a deep breath

we eat poison foods
take meds for our moods
we’re so ill we cannot take action

to keep us asleep
the tendrils run deep
with all manner of lies and distraction

we cut the tops off the hills
down below oil spills
for us to progress, it is said

it’s hard not to believe
if we do not grieve
soon we all will be dead

so what can we do
just me and you
to turn this whole thing around?

one way to recall
our connection to all
is to put our bare feet on the ground

now feel the Earth
remember its worth
let the energy run through your soul

look deep in your heart
that’s where you start
to connect yourself to the whole

this cannot be solved
if you don’t get involved
start now, there’s no time to wait

change how you’re living
stop taking, start giving
please, before it’s too late

and so there you are
if you’ve made it this far
three last things I will say if I may

begin with a bow
stay here in the now
and remember to breathe every day

Anonymous said…

“…the greater the press and presence of Materialism, the less focus is generally placed upon things like self inquiry and a shared knowledge of the more timeless verities…”
The Eucharist, holy communion comes to mind. Material, my dear Les, is part of it, no more good or ‘bad’ than the spiritual. During communion the physical is united with the physical – no “either/or”.
And it is certainly a “shared knowledge”, participated in by a commune “ity”.
People keep talking to me about ‘prophecy’..but are things really worse than ever before?? I don’t think so, “we” just think so…history repeats.
The “gestalt”, oh yes. My Wife and son piss me off, often.
So what? It teaches me. I piss them off as well. One day we will appreciate this. The interplay is necessary.
God bless you Les, Namaste.
Perchance by God’s grace we meet some day across Lethe, we’ll have a good laugh, eh?
Thanks, many thanks
-the beggar, who does not shrink from dumpster diving for treasures both spiritual and material.

Anonymous said…

I’m okay, as long as one foot touches the earth, like one foot (or more 🙂 touches my loved one (so earthy)
in bed at night.
– your beggar, at your service.

Anonymous said…

via Homer..

Everyone gets what they want; forever.

Srila Prabhupada: “Karma means to fulfill my desires, and bhakti means to fulfill Krsna’s desires. That is the difference. Now you make your choice, whether you want to make your desires fulfilled or if you want to make Krsna’s desire fulfilled.

This is the difference between material and spiritual.”

mike m said…

07 THE KEY on youtube….checked it out yesterday and it makes a good case for some of the Hollywood tricks and manipulations that were broadcast on 9/11.

Not that it matters in the whole scheme of things but it was entertaining.

And I did say on that day, “It looks like a Die Hard movie”, even if I was somewhat in the dark back then.

Eudoxia Jones said…

In the wish-attempt to control Life is the reflection of dissonance and disorder which reinforces its own ‘foundation’.
The more coercive or fear-defined control is asserted, the more out of control one’s self-world experience.

That statement reminds me of the scene in Pan’s Labyrinth where the girl has to draw a chalk door and go through it. She succumbs to temptation by eating at the banquet and in doing so awakens the monster who promptly places his eyeballs in the palm of his hands and goes on a rampage after the girl destroying all enchantment while it mechanically goes about attacking anything that it views as a threat to all it could never eat in one sitting. Notice that this particular eyeball in the hand symbol is rife through advertising. A hallmark trait of the dark ones and their constant main stream media spell casting. This is unfortunately still the state of the bulk of humanity today though. Greed and materialism summed up to the eyeballs, CONSUME, CONSUME, CONSUME -sigh-

Viz – I didn’t say the Patriots cheat I read that somewhere. But I don’t care if they do or don’t. This is the Kali Yuga and cheating is the order of the day.

Kazz – lovely display of humility back at Origami. Hey with regard to the elite, they don’t manifest anything – their minions and the brain dead do it for them. It’s refreshing to see that it now looks to be the case of 911 being the last almost successful false flag. They are failing in an outstanding manner these days with their piss poor attempts. The harder they try the more people they wake up. Oh the irony is lovely.

Thomas said…

Dear Vis,

first there is something I want to get off my chest. I called you “a whining little bitch” a little over two years ago, and I have numerous times thought myself as strong as you, and arrogantly sought to steer you according to my limited mind. For this I apologize, and should it happen again, please know that it is simply my mad ego talking. I have begun to get an idea of what kind of integrity, will-power and endurance it must have taken to SPEAK THE UNVARNISHED TRUTH for so many years, and I wonder if I have that kind of stamina too. Time will tell. By the grace of the Lord. I have learned much from our interactions, and your words, and you have given me the greatest of all gifts, by repeatedly saying “GOD IS REAL, AND I KNOW IT”, and lead me to find Him/Her/It myself (well, found and found, but gotten into contact with ;)).

I have been looking at (thanks Galen for pointing that out), and that “guy”/being seems to be the really real deal. I must research it slightly more, but it rings so so true. To read his simple prayers, and him saying “it’s the jews!, don’t use any other words”. And his dedication to NOT HATE. The root cause of our troubles is “them who CALL themselves jews”, the synagogue of Satan, and unfortunately they are protected by their lesser, ignorant brethren, some of who are good people. Thus, “the jewish elite” is more correct, but DO NOT SHY AWAY FROM THE J-WORD. HATE feeds the darkness, and we should Love them, but who knows what Love is? In this case, it is to do all that is in our power to STOP THEM! EXPOSE THEM IN ALL THEIR WICKED WAYS! This is a spiritual WAR! Well, Vis, you’ve been doing this for years. Awe-some!

I do not believe like you do, though, Visible, that we are necessarily entering a golden age. Science tells us that there are 30000 billion billion stars in the visible universe (yes, that is a number we can’t grasp, hehe – “WOW!” TO GOD!). With so many worlds, I simply cannot believe that Satan cannot get a whole planet, that will then stagnate and die, or otherwise rot away. But I hope you are right, Visible, I do.

In any case, this is a truly beautiful existence, underneath everything. Just seeing a piece of wild nature tells us something about the mind-stopping magnificence of the Lord. Add to that the sayings of the saints that tell us that the higher worlds far surpass this plane in beauty, and I don’t know what to think, except that it’s best not to think anything about it. Just let it come as it comes. Now there are more urgent things to consider, seeing it is wartime.

Respect, Mr. Visible!
(I might still try in my dry way to tease and provoke you, but please take it more as sport ;))

Godspeed, all my fellows! May we be blessed with Strength to endure, Courage to face all fears and speak TRUTH, and the Power of Love to Hate nothing.

KatyTold said…


the touch of a foot ….




katy, at yours

BCii said…

Brian, your thought-provoking post set off quite a show in this echo chamber of a skull with my trusty DJ on duty, cranking out the tunes. Not to say there’s anything spectacular, seen from the angle of expert critique, about what came through, but it was an experience and the light does shine through the holes that it left.

It’s a bit long, so I’m more comfortable linking it.

Haven’t read past that one yet, but, knowing this place, I anticipate good stuff.

I would love, by the way, to see Visible’s closing salutations from the radio show put into print somewhere. Just as text somewhere on these pages would do it. Even once. I could type them out myself. I wanted to here, but I didn’t want to miss any or get them in the wrong order and I don’t feel like listening to an old show just now.

Visible, I really hope you get the new radio show done. I miss your voice. Be well!

Farmer said…

“No matter how it may look, we are stronger than any external force directed at us, depending on what we base our strength and resourcefulness on to begin with.”


Kurt said…

Les Visible,
I know you to be a kind, thoughtful, spiritual man.
Each and every time I come here I am blessed.

I wanted to say that I think we are not all alike, despite what the American and European media and governments insist we believe.
I’ve read the sort of outrage that I am linking to hundreds of times before and I do not go and seek such out. Whether Africa, Asia, or Latin America, I find a disregard for animals, and that includes torturing them for fun, even here, in the USA we have seen horses murdered for FUN by new immigrants from south of the border. Well I think we need to perhaps REJECT what the mainstream media of Canada, England, USA and etc spew day and night and what the government will PUNISH you if you do not accept it.

Cats Smuggled from China Buried Alive in Vietnam
Guardian, February 4, 2015

Vietnamese authorities have buried thousands of seized cats–many believed to have been alive at the time–that were smuggled from China to feed the illegal cat meat trade.

A truck carrying three tons of live cats crammed into bamboo crates was impounded in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, on Tuesday. On Wednesday a police officer said they had been buried in accordance with Vietnamese law on smuggled goods.

galen said…

Seems there’s more work ahead ’cause Brandon said this:

“Surely, there is a need for people with a talent to inspire others to thought and to action. But these men and women are nothing unless they can motivate individuals to eventually take their own initiative without orders. A true leader is a teacher — nothing more. And if he really cares about the future prosperity of the people he is teaching, that teacher’s objective will be for his students to exceed his own capabilities and to become independent in their accomplishments. … All that matters is how effectively and efficiently we can get the facts to the public. … Without risk, there can be no organization against tyranny and, thus, no chance of success. If you are afraid to be put on the naughty list in the National Security Agency database, if you are afraid you might lose your job, if you are afraid you might be labeled an ‘extremist’ or if you are afraid of uneducated public perception and this has prevented you from building mutual aid and defense groups where you live, then you have already lost everything. Fear leads to inaction, and inaction is death. … Risk is inevitable. It is unavoidable. All anti-establishment, anti-tyranny movements depend on it. THE MORE PEOPLE WILLING TO TAKE RISKS, THE MORE EFFECTIVELY ‘SAFE’ THAT RISK BECOMES.”
— Brandon Smith, “Organizing Against Tyranny,” 2/4/15


Visible said…

Being a guy who has had accusations leveled at him that were absolutely and provably not true; My visits to Mexico and India come to mind; not saying everything was untrue, which I freely admit but that ‘substantial’ parts were not and given that I was looked up on two occasions, which spanned several years and where, in both instances, the arrests were generated by either proven or admitted lies… all due to what? Karma I guess. I am understandably a bit more sensitive about this kind of thing that I might have been as a toddler (grin).

I know you weren’t attempting to slander me concerning the thought that The Patriots cheat’ that is WHY I wrote the following disclaimer comment. But I’ll admit I can react sometimes and of course I’m sorry about that but… it happens.

In any case, here’s the latest on that affair and it looks likely to me

It made no difference in the game. The Pats crushed the Colts but some of The Colts were pretty upset about it. Anyway, I’m writing a post, back to it.

Visible said…

Rats! that should have been ‘locked up’

Hope all is well out there- new post in the morning.

Anonymous said…

Galen, I don’t believe a leader is necessarily a teacher. In the past I paid teachers to show me things. So, since I footed the bill I was the ‘leader’.

Personally, I am my own leader, my own Priest and my own scientist. I will follow someone but only if they are going to a place I want to be and only if I think they can get there faster.

Leaders suck and I wish they would all go to hell. Fuck the first son of a bitch that crawled out of the forest and called himself a king. They are all arrogant. They are all stupid. They are all viscous.

High Priest, King, Sovereign, President, Pharoah, Emperor, whatever. We don’t need them. But, we have been fooled into thinking we need them.



galen said…

McCob, I understand; I detest all forms of hierarchy. Yet I think back to this old adage though I forget who said it:

“What’s the difference between a ruler and a leader? Answer: A ruler says, ‘Go!” A leader says, ‘Let’s go!’

So the true leader is willing to be with you in the trenches, no matter the danger, no matter the sacrifice, and they’re usually endowed with great doses of courage. And in a sense, that is what a real teacher is too; he/she teaches by modeling. The rest is all ego-game or money-game.

Even in nature we see the development of natural leadership: the alpha dog; and in the geese
flight-formation, there’s that one at the helm. But those geese also take turns at leadership. I don’t think their mind-set is that any is lesser than another, they just have found a way to get the job done. I love the idea of rotating leadership.

I think a true leader would welcome criticism and challenge. I’ve mentioned this before, but one teacher told me: “It’s the teacher’s job to get the student to pass him up.” In other words, he’s not invested in remaining the teacher but rather in advancing the teaching. Anyway, I do see that teaching and leadership have their place. Imagine trying to set a broken leg without having been taught the best methods for advancing healing?

McCob, I too, was scarred by some false ones who’d exploit me. And you are right: many leaders are NOT teachers, and especially today, serve the dark side. But I’m thinking about those who’ve lifted me, taught me: the many brave journalists, artists, activists, etc. They will forever be teachers to me and their leadership cleared the path for my improvement. None disempowered me, but rather helped me tap into everything I saw in them and aspired to become. They were/are so very humble; I guess that quality helps discern who’s the genuine item and who’s the ‘sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.’


galen said…

McCob, ps: Come to think of it, sometimes there were leaders/teachers who weren’t all that humble, who were actually proud; they knew their value and worth and stood in that truth. Teresa of Avila once said, “Humility is truth.” I guess it’s all about the proof in the pudding, about what they’re bringing, and I bet each was flawed and sometimes uncertain.


Latest Comments at:

Star families are reconnected ~ Feb. 4, 2015


Ok. Here’s a message from Eireport today that again speaks of humanity’s energy levels seen from a spiritual point of view. Bring it on!

Let’s look at this together, see what you think, and…


Starkness of apparent divides increases prior to upliftment. Plainly visible differences in humanity become obvious before energetic ascension occurs.

Necessary clarifications appear. Needed purifications to humanity happen as needed.

Firensic latitudes create the openings for next phase. Strong choices made for freedom cause gateways for the next stage of ascension.

Meldings have finished. Showing hands of actions have ended.

Star families are reconnected. Members of intergalactic brethern come close.

Lucas – All Is Moving Forward – Regardless – 22 December 2014


You know in one of my  previous posts,, I indicated that the time…our time…for spiritual BEing is NOW. Again, this same thought is referenced by Lucas, who puts out a blog I rely on for information, Isn’t it amazing that different spiritual authors are coming with the same message? And this is is not a message of how to… why you should…or what is going to happen next.

The message, that so many spiritual writers are prompting us to realize, is to me, merely a statement. At this point, the spiritual “instruction” phase has pretty much ended for humanity. Either you heeded the message to go inside and learn about yourself, or  you didn’t. Either you learned to like…and then love yourself, or you didn’t. Either you have begun to feel with your heart, or you haven’t. Since this is a freewill planet, everyone gets to make the choice to learn to BE themselves…but they don’t have to, nor are they forced into any belief choice. Another opportunity will become available for them to learn again…

NOW, it is time for us who truly know ourselves to fly! We are free at last to BE that which we are…divine beings wearing human body suits engaged in a great play that does nothing but benefit ALL-That-IS. And, ah…what a wonderful play this has been to know, and feel, and experience with our five senses that finally leads to the acknowledgement of our hearts and the LOVE we all are!

Oh dear, I’m on that soapbox again! You need to read this message from Lucas yourselves, make your on decisions, and (with much love)…


Time is a wondrous and difficult concept to get rid of in learning to be in the NOW. Time is lost or time is felt to be moving faster or slower, memories are fading of things we need to let go off. We have troubles connecting to that what is  of interest in the NOW.

Things still are moving forward. It is though a sequential  time experience.  If energetic pieces of the puzzle of sequences are put in place, time concepts can get lost, flashes of being in other times or dimensions or even fast forward feelings  can be experienced.

It is though all just part of the changes we and our universe of continuous change are going through.  The momentum of utter balance of our duality concept is in reach for all of us. The flow of all that is connected to source and all that is source also is bringing a new creational field for all to explore.

The seemingly on the outside of all played out chaos is just the meticulous search for equilibrium.  More of you all are being aware of the push and pull effects on all sorts of levels. Some feel it more subtle and some more deeper or heavier. The center is neutral and is the space where we will find peace and  be non-judgement. It brings all to connect to the heart, source and the flow.

As if puzzle pieces rain into the exact right places to connect and form the new this flow will bring creation of the new forth. There is no past and future only now. We learn to see all is here and now available in all levels. Things still are earmarked wrong or right or in some dualistic spoken and written language based to disappear eventually.

Our senses are heightened or given glimpses of how we can communicate on other levels from the heart. Communication will have or get new dimensional qualities. We sense and feel and see what is meant in other ways. A conglomerate of things come together, sense, vision, smell, emotion, colors, sound and light. All is frequency that communicates without all the current communication and language problems.

There is no thinking outside boxes. There are no boxes to think out off or to be in. All is just perception! All is available in this moment.  Even contradictions will fade as humans will see that loosing is also gaining and the middle is the balance.  We all are just individual parts of source and in working together as those parts we are one. We need no leaders, teachers, gurus and masters.

The rightful place of all of you is being your individual source connected to all that is. Whatever phase or state or label you are still giving each other. Be!  See we are all here together to transform this world and our selves.  You all are the keys to your own knowledge within. We are the ones we have been waiting for. That is all you need to know. Be the difference in being your own example.

Source, the world and universe is waiting for your transition from that beautiful caterpillar into that equally beautiful butterfly. It is a process. You still as humans have to do it yourself, spin that cocoon of change and transit into the new. It is not easy and sometimes the work is disrupted or temporary stopped but you will finish and all together we will fly out into the skies toward the new.

This years ending is also a new beginning. Do not make empty promises and have lots of expectations but do what your heart tells is right to do and be. We need to evolve from mind/brain based back into sense and heart based humans.  We are succeeding step by step to make this planet again one of unconditional love.  Use these last bits of this year as your kick start into the new you.


Much Love and Light,


(c) 2014 –  Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with  the  link  mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.


Arcturian Group Message 12/7/14


What a great message today from the Arcturian Group! Wow!! Really…this is a continuation of yesterday’s message…as promised in yesterday’s comments. If you’d like to see yesterday’s message, please go to It’s all there/here as the Arcturian Group lovingly advises mankind on the truth of the matter.

The Arcturian message today focuses on consciousness…human consciousness and how this is all really ONE for everyone. Again…I AM reminded of the wonderful, intense conversation I had while travelling home from interviews this past week. During this conversation, human consciousness was discussed with the possibility of every human possessing just a piece of an overall kind of umbrella of overall human consciousness.This is a very delicious concept that ties in quite nicely with the concept that every human is actually a “piece” of divinity…we are ALL gods!

Am I crazy? No…I AM getting a glimpse of who we ALL are as this cycle of life on Planet Earth begins to close. Do I have any ideas about the future? Yes…it will be different in a wonderful way. Do I have any details about the wonderment? No…but it IS glorious. An I scared for my safety? No…I AM getting mentally ready to “go home”…wherever that is…

And we have advice from the Arturians…This is evolution–an intellectual awareness followed by the practice, and then a gradual release of all that is false while replacing it with the truth until you become that unconditioned state of consciousness in which the Christ IS born. In the meantime, please read this message from the Arcturians…a 5D group who have evolved beyond having a physical form. (Maybe Star Trek was correct about the Organians!) So…Please read, think about how this applies to you, and…


Dear ones, we welcome you.

In this time of love and celebration, you are being pressured from all sides to believe that more is better–that more gifts, more parties, and more activity will equal happiness. Resist becoming too involved in the commercialism, for you are well aware at this point that more does not equal happiness. Outside pressures are tugging at your emotions to buy, buy, buy, suggesting that the bigger and better the gift, the more love you will show and receive. You are being bombarded with suggestions telling you that in order to be a good parent, friend, partner, son or daughter, you must give expensive gifts.

Remain awake, selecting your gifts with care and thought while using intuition to seek the gift that would speak most to the person. That is, be guided from within rather than from without. Keep things simple, and allow the gifts you give to reflect love with an understanding of the receiver. Never allow giving a gift to be just a “duty”, for these gifts will carry the negative energy you feel.

Christmas, in its truer sense, is not about the birth of a male child named Jesus., but is a material sense of the birth of the Christ that takes place within. Christmas takes place within each and every person at some point in the spiritual journey. Many of you are experiencing that now.

Only a humble state of consciousness (the stable), one rid of false ego trappings and beliefs is able to birth the Christ Light. Jesus tried to give this message to the world 2000 years ago, but the unawake majority of that time were unable to understand and instead (then and even now) believed that only Jesus personally represented the message. ALL have within them a Christ child waiting to be born.

The world in general, believes Christmas to be either a seasonal holiday time for parties and gifts or it believes it to be the birth of the only son of God, Jesus, and must be celebrated accordingly. Neither these beliefs correct. The outer trappings of Christmas are only symbols for the true Christmas that only takes place within.

We see many struggle to create popular concepts of Christmas, even when they may no longer resonate with them. If you are tempted with guilt over not being able to provide the biggest and best for those you love, quickly recognize these suggestions to be concepts of a third dimensional belief system wherein retailers believe they must promote and struggle aggressively in order to financially succeed.

The Arcturian group wishes to speak about the energy that manifests as a sense of separation. At this seasonal time, emotions of separation are often more deeply experienced. Christmas time brings to mind for many, memories of past family gatherings. These memories often include only the fun and richness (never the discords) of an earlier time. Photos, pictures, songs, films etc. that shout from the media and stores promote the “old fashioned Christmas” which serves to activate in many, a fruitless longing and sadness due to a perceived inability to recreate this imaginary “old fashioned Christmas” for themselves and their families.

Because of this, many become exhausted with the effort, and believe themselves to be failures at being the perfect, mom, dad, brother, son, daughter, parent, friend etc. These images are concepts dear ones, just concepts. As awakened ones, you are ready to refuse to buy the package. As we have said so many times, let intuition guide you. If you no longer wish to celebrate as you have in the past, say so. If you choose to do things differently, do it. This is how you reclaim your innate power.

We are not advising that you avoid all celebrations. Enjoy those that resonate with you, for joy is the energy closest to the Divine. We simply remind you to be alert to the hypnotism of the season urging you to continue traditions that may no longer be your state of consciousness. Intuitively consider what and how you choose to celebrate.

The higher resonating energy field of just one awakened individual can lighten the energy of a whole room. Lovingly attending an event out of respect for the host can be an expression of unconditional love. Use discretion in making your choices, and listen to the voice of your intuition regarding celebrations, traditions, gifts, etc. Live silently and secretly in the world, but not of it.

All are in and of One Divine Consciousness and because this Consciousness is omnipresent, there exists nothing else from which anything could be formed. If there were something outside of the One, you would not have an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God. The choice is yours to accept or not.

There exists only One consciousness and therefore every living thing is in and of It. It is all there is; the only substance, law, idea, etc. manifesting Itself in infinite form and variety. You can never be separated from what you are and are thus never separate from other forms of it.

The world consists of many individuals of differing states of awareness and this appears to human eyes as separation rather than individuality. We speak of the true Self, the spiritual essence of everyone’s being–that which cannot be seen with human eyes or understood with the human mind. Animals, plants, crystals, minerals, water, air, elementals, humans, nature spirits, as well as beings living on other planets are all in and of the one and same substance–one Consciousness individually expressed.

Individual consciousness (still the one and only consciousness there is) when conditioned with beliefs of good and evil, will manifest accordingly, for you are creators. There is only ONE MIND, but in the human scene, that ONE MIND has become filled with beliefs of duality and separation–this is the illusion.

The vast riches of Divine consciousness are unfathomable to most at this time. There can never be an end to Divine ideas for Divine Consciousness is infinite. The third dimensional state of consciousness rests on the bottom rung of a very long ladder of which most intellectuals of the world are totally unaware. Some evolved souls try and speak of these things but are more often than not, relegated to being dreamers. This will change as more and more Light enters the consensus consciousness of the world.

There is an infinity of information, ideas, life form expressions, and advanced ways of living and doing things awaiting your discovery. Scientists have been taught to accept only that which they can prove with three dimensional tools and those who do discover higher truths, are often afraid to speak of them for fear of losing credibility within the scientific community.

The old ways are dissolving dear ones, be prepared to be wowed by things you had no idea existed outside of fantasy, for Divine Consciousness is infinite in its expression and you are that. You are that.

As you rise above world concepts, you will begin to align more and more with the higher dimensional energies still unavailable to most at this time. As you resonate with the frequencies of the higher levels you align with the vast spiritual fruits of those higher frequencies–intuition, ideas, unconditional love, and so much more. Evolution is an ongoing journey in which more is always given when ready. Life on earth is like going to school. Some are in grade school, others in high school, many in college, and now a great many of you are becoming professors.

There is no one right way to evolve, it is a process, a process of discarding and moving beyond all that is not of truth. This cannot be done in one lifetime. Most of you have done the preliminary work through hundreds of lifetimes, and are ready now for the final push of clearing the remnants of old cellular memories and negative energy.

Never be afraid to release those things in your life that no longer serve you. Let all that is old and finished go, not with a sense of anger, defeat, or failure but with love and gratitude. Give thanks for the painful experiences of your lives for without them you would not be where you are today. These experiences force one to dig deeper, grow, and move on and are always overseen by the Higher Self.

This is evolution–an intellectual awareness followed by the practice, and then a gradual release of all that is false while replacing it with the truth until you become that unconditioned state of consciousness in which the Christ IS born.

All is well, all is proceeding according to plan if you allow it. If you allow it.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/7/14

Allen Roland, VT 10-5-14… “Take The Red Pill Before It’s Too Late”


I don’t make political statements very often as I believe the answer to every problem is love, only love and more love. However, this article came in over my email and, yes…it talks about love being the way out of the mess this world is in, but also comments on the movie, The Matrix. If you will remember this movie, you’ll also remember how society in the movie was controlled and truly free expression was illegal and therefore heavily  punished.

Yes, yes…members of that society could take the “red” pill and discover the truth, and that’s what the hero, Neo did and discovered the artificial world of the Matrix he had previously lived in and known. After various tumultuous  events in the movie, what was it that ultimately saved Neo in the end? LOVE pure and simple! And that is what the world needs today, not a red or blue pill, but an inward recognition and understanding that simple LOVE lifts all of us from the mire and ugliness we see in out world.

Here is the article I mentioned. Please read this, dwell on the love you are, and..


Take The Red Pill Before It’s Too Late

Ingsoc is the ideology of the totalitarian government of Oceania and Obama is the President of Oceania. We are all being watched, notes are being taken and dossiers are being completed as we speak. Oceania’s nominal leader Obama is also Big Brother, believed by the masses to have been the leader of the revolution and still used as an icon by the party. The personality cult is maintained through Big Brother’s function as a focal point for love, fear, and reverence, more easily felt towards an individual than towards a party or organization ~ and many are still drinking the Obama Kool-Aid. The only antidote for this poison is the Red pill and love:


by Allen L Roland, Ph.D


“Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?-Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty.”   Milton Mayer – They Thought They Were Free

The American people have been willfully bamboozled by the Obama administration and although millions suspect this ~ the majority are still drinking the Kool-Aid and swallowed the Blue pill. They have entered the Grey zone of existence where apathy and obedience to authority has replaced individual initiative and the ability to fully love. It is also a world of ego consciousness ~ where might makes right regardless of the collateral damage.

“The key to the behavior of subjects [willing to torture and kill on command] lies not in pent-up anger or aggression but in the nature of their relationship to authority. They have given themselves to the authority; they see themselves as instruments for the execution of its wishes; once so defined, they are unable to break free.” (Milgram, op., cit, p.185) 

In this prison of fear and allegiance to authority, we have separated ourselves from a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness that lies not only beyond time and space but also beneath our deepest fears.

We must realize that love is the ultimate act of surrender ~ a rabbit hole to another universe or state of consciousness as well as the inner realization that we all have a part to play in a loving plan and our time to act is now. The ego is shed like an union skin as we take responsibility for our individual part in a loving plan in action ~ which is also God.

As such, the Red pill is the unvarnished truth but the ultimate truth is love, the ultimate life force ~ an evolutionary process with which we all participate as co-creators.

Politically I had once taken the Blue pill in 2008, participating in town hall forums with the thought that my participation could really make a difference and even banging a drum on election night at Andrews Hall in Sonoma Valley as hundreds of Sonomans celebrated Obama’s  dramatic victory ~ before I soon realized that I was seeing Obama as an agent of change ~ when in reality he was the Manchurian candidate for the status Quo as well as the principle apologist for the flagrant abuse of power of the Cheney/Bush Administration.

I can still vividly remember the giddiness I felt thinking my voice and participation was making a difference when in reality ~ I was being used as one of many sheeple who saw Obama as their answer for needed change ~ when in reality he was the global elite’s last chance to achieve a New World Order with Obama as its figurehead and the military Industrial complex and global financial elite firmly in control.

I had to see it for myself ~ I had been drinking the Obama Kool-Aid but soon the true reality of the suffocating matrix became clear to me so I was offered and swallowed the Red pill ~ and began to write from a place of clearer eyes, truth and greater clarity.

Here’s how things look from the Blue pill perspective ~ particularly in terms of our present accelerated military action in Iraq and Syria versus ISIS.

Someone who chooses to remain ignorant in order to be happy, much like those who chose the blue pill in The Matrix ~ whose false reality is what they watch on Fox news and CNN ~  taking the easy way out, as an uninvolved spectator, and choosing to ignore harsh reality and live in blissful ignorance and apathy.

The blue pill is a painkiller, much like oxy/Roxy codeine pills that keep you in your world of illusion, taking the pain away from the realities of life. It’s codeine, tar, powder, hard – anything that keeps your mind subdued and heart in prison.

 “You take the Blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.” Morpheus, The Matrix

In the first Matrix movie ~ taking the Red pill opens the soon-to-be Neo’s eyes to the fantasy that he had been living in. Morpheus says to Neo “You have to understand that many people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.”

Contrast that with taking the Blue pill. If Neo would have taken the blue pill, he would have stayed within the Matrix and been blind to reality.

Morpheus offers pre-Neo Keanu to take the Red pill. As Neo reaches for the red pill Morpheus warns Neo “Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.”

But once again, the ultimate truth is that we are all living in an inter-connected world where the abuse of power and accesses of the global elite and Military Industrial complex are becoming more obvious as well as the private agendas of the global elite ~ but this is also a world that is increasingly feeling its innate urge to unite, which happens to also be the  principle property of the Unified Field as well as evolution.

For example, we are now living is a Blue pill world where corporations are considered legal “persons,” but not Muslim detainees in Guantanamo. See NY Times Opinion piece  on Who Are We ?

federal reserve note       

 “WHO is a person? How do you qualify for basic human rights? What is required for you to be able to speak or worship freely or to be free from torture?”

But the wheel of justice is slowly turning ~ Witness today, Sweden’s new center-left government has decided to recognize the state of Palestine, the new prime minister, Stefan Lofven, said during his inaugural address to Parliament on Friday. Sweden will be the first major state of the European Union to recognize Palestine, although some East European countries did so during the Cold War, before they joined the union. See article ~

Remember, what the Global elite is deathly afraid of is quite simply ~ the angry masses, and particularly the Internet, armed with the Truth. For that is a power that has historically toppled empires and trampled pretense.

Tony Blair’s justification of our illegal war and economic rape of Iraq as “Protecting our way of life” is the perfect example of the pretense and hubris of the West which will soon be joining the dust of history.

selfieHere Tony Blair grins for his photograph as he holds up his smartphone to take a selfie in Iraq. He’s delighted with himself and what he’s done. Behind him, black smoke and hellish flames bloom over an arid landscape. To many people, this grotesquely comic moment says it all ~ only Blair would think that’s a good photo opportunity. To me, it’s a selfie of the devil himself admiring his handiwork.

The arrogance of the West is now clearly visible to the world and in the process of self-destructing in Syria. Their panic is obvious as seen in both President Obama’s and UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s recent speeches to the UN where Obama blatantly waved and attempted to justify (through lies) the long war banner and Cameron echoed his predecessor Blair’s hubris by literally saying It’s our way or the highway and no resistance will be tolerated if not removed and considered aiding the enemy ~ as brilliantly reported in Veterans Today;

 UK PM declares 9/11 and 7/7 Truthers must be dealt with as harshly as ISIS ~  Jim Fetzer & Nick Kollerstrom / Veterans News

“Perhaps most telling of all is that a new terrorist entity, the Khorasan group, has been invented out of thin air in order to claim that it poses an “imminent threat” to the United States in order to justify American strikes and regime change in another nation without securing the permission of the UN Security Council ~ because one nation may attack another under the Charter of the United Nations only if it has permission from the Security Council ~  “unless it confronts an ‘imminent threat’”. So between David Cameron and Barack Obama, we see the depths of depravity to which the West will sink in order to attack Syria.”  See article ~

The United States is just over 230 years old and is now firmly entrenched in the seventh stage of all Empires (Apathy) with only Dependence and eventually Bondage ahead of it.

The Islamic State (ISIS), much like Al Qaeda, is a made-in-the-USA product, an instrument of terror designed to divide and conquer the oil-rich Middle East as well as eliminate Syria’s regime and counter Iran’s growing influence in the region.

Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its eager hand and only the Red pill and love can remove its deadly presence from our lives ~ for only then will we be seeing clearly through different eyes and finally recognize our innate power as well as our part in a universal loving plan whose principle property is the universal urge to unite.

Remember, taking the Red pill, as Morpheus warns Neo in the Matrix, is an obedience to and “awareness of the truth. Nothing more.”


“Luckily, there is a Fifth Estate, The Fifth Estate exists in the ether. It’s not susceptible of government, of corporations, or advertisers or military control. It’s free. That is very dangerous to people who like to make secrets and to make secret operational things. It’s a huge threat. And the Empire – the Goliath here – is being threatened by a slingshot in the form of a computer and a stone through these emissions thrown into the ether to our own computers.” Ray McGovern, of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

About the Author: Allen L Roland is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist. He is also a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his web site at He also guest hosts a Truthtalk, a national radio show that airs monthly. He is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations via email at




earth of love

I feel this is an important article from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan’s free newsletter. In this article, Gillian adroitly writes a beautiful essay regarding the energies surrounding this point in time on Planet Earth. Her poetry of thought gently, yet forcefully guides us to understand that all on Earth are now at a crossroads where soul decisions are to be made.

Only now, after experiencing public and private turmoil, can each human understand how it is now possible to receive guidance after consciously asking for such from on high. Not only should we ask and receive that which we need, but it is also time for those who are aware of the importance of this moment in time to become more…”It is up to each and every one to hold your light, above the watermarks of life.”

Ah…the beauty of grace of her writing almost moves me to tears. Please read this yourself, digest her words, and…




What was once sought, is now freed into expression of purpose. Truths that were once hidden unwrap themselves in the schematics of the new time dialogue. Energies that went un-harnessed now entrain themselves. Duality of purpose seeks a partner as Earth dances around with her upcoming choices. We are at a Point of No Return as one that passes through the pastures of life seeking safe haven from a world of turmoil. We all sit at a place of less resistance as the time doors open to experience themselves in a new longitude and latitude of placement. Thy will be done, seems to be the title of upcoming events, personal and planetary. As we sit looking out our window of time, with our microscopic view at maximum clarity, we begin to truly understand, that it is not fate versus free will, it is fate and free will.

Time passages announce opportunities that have been dormant, waiting for the Skelton key to unlock them. This mass of energy cannot be bridled or harnessed, but only ridden in a free form. Hold on tight to all you once dreamt was possible. You are asked to embrace the solitude of your thoughts and allow them to be birthed into a place of possibility. Just like a baby, timing is always in universal control. All the fires of transmutations one has endured for far to long, has burnt away the drowse of limitations. Dancing in the arms of ones own dreams allows one to unfold into perfect proportion.



As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of all that is sacred, humanitys future is unveiled in a spectrum of possibility. As each person walks forward in their life, there is a set of footprints, an energetic path that they announce and leave. The energies of the angels of light on high come to lift you into a safe place. Time asks you not to give up on what lives in your heart and your dreams. The Universe has placed within you a seed that cannot wither, nor falter, nor be sewn under. The Universe has placed within you an imprint, that asks to be seen thru the lens of your heart.

Earth and all her inhabitants are at a point that demands that every thought be clear and concise. No more random ravings and musings by people that wallow in fear; No more grace for the mistakes by those in power as they look for ways to polish their souls silver.

Every individual upon Earth has the opportunity to ask for divine assistance, for divine intervention. Many allow themselves to be washed about in a cesspool, as they try to cling to the slippery sides of their life. Each thought that humanity has is more powerful and important than the thought before. In each thought the wisdom has increased exponentially from the limited perception of moments before.



Move your heart and your energies up to a safe place. Those that wear a higher light, will be asked to go beyond what they deem suitable for their experiences. You will be given instructions from the Universe within the pitter patter of your heartbeat that asks you to surpass anything you thought you could possibly accomplish. You will be asked to become the legions of God, that have no fear and the legions of heart that hold humanity within the very palms of their hands.

So many of Earth have chosen not to change, not to move forward, not to believe and not to trust, anything or anyone, even their own counsel. So many of Earth have given up, have not seen their absentee property owner, in many moons, have not felt the presence of the angels, have not seen the manifestations of miracles as they once displayed themselves so abundantly. There is nothing to do but float during this time period. Choices cannot be seen clearly. It is up to each and every one to hold your light, above the watermarks of life. Do not falter but continue walking forward for there is an end and beginning to all storms.




An Interesting Post…

planet eath

This is an interesting post today regarding two relatively seemingly unrelated topics, pictures showing the vastness of the Universe, and…LOVE! My adorable husband knows that I blog about LOVE and spirituality. For me, spirituality includes realizing that we humans on this planet have been watched, and contacted, by extraterrestrial beings who also know the emotion, or highest vibration, of LOVE!

For those of you who know of Cobra, an ET contactee and information source for the Resistance Movement who are maneuvering circumstances on Earth to free us from living in financial and spiritual slavery, he has written a short, meaningful message on his blog asking for humanity to remain calm in these chaotic times and look to the stars! Please see .

So…there we have the connection, in the vastness of the Universe, ET’s are coming to Planet Earth…soon! Are they here to “save us”, then why haven’t they done that before? The answer is that ET’s have not made themselves publicly known to us before now because the bulk of human consciousness has not been of a high enough level to allow true comprehension of their “beingness”, i.e. their LOVE for us!

Please allow you thoughts to review this very subtle concept when you see this: , and this:

As always, look at these, think about it, and…


Transforming from Global Humans to Galactic Humans…via LOVE!

Found a neat video today that speaks to the “real” issue involving humanity just now. Yeah, times are very weird out there right now as the cabal, or Illuminati, are trying their best to start WWIII in Ukraine, in Syria, in Iran, in…wherever!

But, calm down as we KNOW their ploy to fuel the “war machine”, aka the military-industrial complex, will NOT be successful. I know this because the mass energy level of humanity is rising! More folks are learning from a multitude of “alternative websites” what is REALLY happening on our beautiful blue-green orb!

What does it mean to be Pleiadian? We as a people are in the process of discovering that for ourselves, not by merit of the placement of our sun but by the light that we are recognizing in ourselves and each other as something new, divine, and at our core, remembered. Asket shares deep, loving thoughts on our present transformation from global to galactic humans in this intimate and encouraging talk.

In her own words, Asket says: “I am an interstellar agent of the galactic body of civilizations known as the League of Light. We are working on many projects at this time and the one that I am most involved with at this point is to inform the public about the changes they are facing. Our mission is to support the awakening of the population of Earth and to facilitate that happening without the process being manipulated to your collective detriment. We are on the ground, in the air, and on bases at various undisclosed locations around the world and the solar system. You do not openly see us, but we are nevertheless very present in your day-to-day life. We are working on the long-term goal of helping the human race native to the planet gain the natural rights they hold as galactic humans, to enjoy the freedom they merit as humans within the galactic community, and to forestall any attempts at making such a transformation from enslavement to liberation anything other than as peaceful and tranquil as possible for all involved.”

Listen up for yourself to this encouraging, thoughtful and grounding message:, and …


Open Your Minds to LOVE!!

Human consciousness…what a wonderful tool and what a misunderstood tool, that every human on earth has! There is not a human alive who does not have consciousness, awareness…maybe not, but consciousness is present in ALL of us. Human consciousness is best known as our “soul”.

This video really explains the way things are from a spiritual standpoint and makes tremendous sense to me. Watch this and consider who you are and “why” you are. This is deep stuff to be sure, but our minds were made to work, NOT be worked over.

See this here: Listen, learn, consider, and…


Love is All There Is…

Been away for a few days getting all the arrangements set for Dad’s memorial service here in rural N.C. Sooo many people in this community loved and respected my Dad for the loving, generous, and honest man he was. It’ll be a few more days until I travel back home to Arizona and get to se my animals and husband. Yes!

Many things are happening out there in the world as we are being prepared to “go the final mile” into our massive awakening of human consciousness. Tighten your seat belts, may be a bumpy ride for a short while. Please share my blog with loved ones, friends and neighbors. Are you aware of the QEG “free” energy generator?:

Take a look at this video about LOVE. It says it all….!


LOVE always WINS over FEAR!

I’m not posting here, but I just found a great link that you will enjoy. Please be sure to read this great article… This article discuses emotions and how LOVE opposes FEAR amd always wins!


How to move from anger to LOVE!

Anger…everyone gets angry…it’s part of being human. The only beings I am aware of that never experienced anger were Mr. Spock and Data on Star Trek! Well, ok…they are not really human, but humanoids. In getting back to anger, what pushes people into anger? And let’s not forget about the variations of anger such as disappointment, being emotionally hurt, getting pissed off, becoming heated, disgruntled, infuriated, furious, and indignant which drives people into a negative frenzy.

We have a LOT of words to define our sense of anger and I suspect this is because anger is so darn common on our world so let’s examine anger. At this point, I want all to know that I AM NOT a trained psychologist, merely an avid observer and these comments are my own observations and reflections.

Why do people get angry? In my opinion, anger is a direct reaction to fear, so when we are exposed to something we fear…one of our first reaction is to become angry about that fearful situation. Anger then causes adrenalin to be produced, which is evolutions answer to fear producing events. You know, the old “fight or flight” response that produces anger at someone/something else instead a throwing a spear at a mammoth!You know the signs of the body’s response to anger…flushed face, loud voice, taut muscles and negative energy just flows out of the body.

Ok, that’s an explanation of anger from a physiological stand point, so let’s talk about the emotional aspect of anger that ties into considering a spiritual aspect of anger. A lover’s tiff; they are mad at each other sometimes without apparent reason, so what’s going on? As the lovers yell at each other, underneath it all, they are fearful of something deep underneath it all. One might be afraid of their lover leaving them and of being alone again, the other lover might be afraid of finances, of not “having enough”. Fear from individual issues produces anger, sometimes justified…sometimes seemingly not.

What to do, what to do about anger? The “Anger Management” classes don’t talk much about recognizing the best antidote to anger and that is LOVE! Love reduces/replaces the fear in people which results in anger. Love… sounds great, but how do I feel love for the uninsured driver who smashed into my car at the stoplight? Love means treating and FEELING about that driver as you would about yourself. Try and stand in his shoes for a moment and react accordingly with compassion.

The heart FEELS, the brain (mind) forms action plans. The heart silently urges, the brain compiles and calculates situation data.The vibrations you FEEL influences your future while rational thoughts from your brain keep you stuck in place. “Letting go” of your brain’s reaction allows your heart to respond to every situation with love!

It is admittedly difficult to stop fear and anger, but LOVE can do that. Love replaces fear and redirects the negative emotion of anger into the positive emotions of loving care and concern. This article discusses fear and anger from a spiritual standpoint, Spiritual growth yields love instead of anger and this growth widens the heart allowing the constant generation of love!


Why are We Here?

Please pardon me for having missed a few days, but I’ve had the flu! Nasty stuff, but with the help of my husband, I am finally on the road to recovery (although my stomach is sore from coughing and feels like I’ve taken a couple of good punches there!

Back to the age-old question, “Why are we here?” Countless humans through the span of history have been compelled to both ask and answer this question, but no one on earth has been able to answer this with any “proof”. It’s my thought that since this question is unanswerable here on earth’s physical plane, the answer must be found in the mental/spiritual plane. Hey! Isn’t that the same way of saying the answer is in our “heart and soul”? Watch this video and enjoy!