Ascension report 144: ~ June 14, 2020

Dearest brothers and sisters, 

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with messages to share with you from Beyond the rapidly diminishing Veil. 

it is very important at times like this that you are aware of the bigger picture that is unfolding, and the fact that there are many timelines and narratives playing out currently and that are vying for your attention right now, and we wish to remind you that wherever you place your god ordained attention is the timeline that you are co-creating, empowering and manifesting for yourself within your holographic version of reality. 

In many ways it could be perceived that the Old archaic powers that “were”  are using every conceivable trick in the book to impose the false antichrist idea of separation and division within the consciousness of humanity,  and the reason why this is occurring is that the deep state puppets and Masters do not wish to to show you who the real Enemy of humanity is, which is them, who make up the Satanic Illuminati.

If you are finding yourself going into a dualistic judgemental egoic narrative at the moment and engaging in an us and them with your fellow brothers and sisters, then please know that you are being played by the Deep state at the moment, who understand implicitly the power of humanities individual consciousness. Please know dearest ones, that this is a test to see whether you will take the bait or whether you will rise in unity consciousness.

The one thing that the cabal is most afraid of is unity consciousness and they “know” on the higher dimensional realms that the light has already won.

In many ways this is a tricky subject to discuss as what we are experiencing is a multidimensional chess game that is being played right now. If we go back to some of the original Q posts we are told very early on that the light has already won and that what is playing out in the 3D narrative is scripted in order to Awaken the sleeping comatosed masses to the atrocities of the deep state. This is because the collective 5th-dimensional timeline is 100% dependent on the amount of people who are red-pilled/ Awakened, and it is absolutely imperative that we reach a critical mass of awakened humanity in order to imminently anchor this 5th-dimensional collective timeline.

The 5th-dimensional collective timeline is dependent on a critical mass of us individually reaching a state of Unity consciousness within our own selves, this is also known as the zero-point field. When one person reaches this level of consciousness, we entirely free ourselves of the lower dimensional Matrix paradigm, and we align with our higher self/ our Avatar self. 

This is the sole purpose of each of our individual evolutionary journeys – to come to this place of self-realisation, to reach and stabilize into the zero point field of consciousness. As soon as this occurs and Awakening truly anchors in our being the third-dimensional notion of race becomes entirely obsolete, as we clearly remember that as Souls, we have taken on all manner of vessels, in all shapes. and all sizes, and in all colours through out our eternal existence. Quite literally we remember the very “temporary” aspect of the lower dimensional reality, as our consciousness is plugged back into our eternal nature whereby we recognise ourselves and each other as souls – as Sparks of divinity as divine Sparks of God.

Please know that the collective is being tested right now to see where each person falls…. are you buying into this dualistic, judgemental, racial narrative? or have you done the work on yourself to remember we are all one- we are all sovereign -we all carry the Royal bloodline as we are direct descendants of mother Father God… be we black, white, Indian, African, Jamaican, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, South American, European etc etc…..race does not exist on a higher dimensional level and we have incarnated in these bodies to awaken to this eternal and perpetual truth.

We urge you brothers and sisters do not fall for all this! stand strong in your love vibration whilst also seeing the current “black lives matter” movement as an opportunity for all of us to to make a promise to ourselves and mother Father God that if we every encounter racism discrimination or Prejudice in any form, with any person, we will step forward and speak up, and be a voice for any vulnerable person in our Society… I believe this is a very beautiful thing that can come out of this twisted corrupted George Soros funded Antifa driven movement because as we know there are always silver linings in every cloud.

The energy now is rapidly building up towards the summer solstice which is arguably the most important and auspicious date within the cabal’s Satanic ritual agenda. It has been brought to light that the antia terrorists are arranging luciferian satanic marches all over the United States on the 21st of June in order to attract more people to the dark side, and ultimately please Moloch through joining this Antichrist movement, therefore great spirit has guided me to facilitate the next transmission on the 21st of June 2020. 

In this transmission we will be deeply empowering the timeline of Unity consciousness on an individual and collective level,  we will be working with the higher self of many of the Lost Souls in the Antifa movement that are causing great disruption in our Collective grid we will be working with their higher selves to offer the Rose of forgiveness into their hearts that they may awaken to the violence and atrocities they are perpetuating on innocent humanity. We are also being guided to open up a powerful portal to remove all cabal mayors, governors, senators, and prime minister’s that are still functioning in our world. 

In this transmission, we will also be working with the higher self of the Next Wave of sleepers who have soul contracted to awaken in this solstice gateway. We will be sending out a powerful wave of Unity consciousness/ divine love into the hearts of the next Wave of sleepers remembering that the collective 5th-dimensional timeline can only anchor when humanity reaches a critical mass of red-pilled awakened souls..

We are being called to work with the powerful energy of the Golden dragons in this transmission and will be working with the portal points of Stonehenge in the UK.

We are also being guided to work with the crop circle creators who are comprised of humanity’s kristic oversoul. The guidance to work with the crop circle makers will enable a new vibration of patterns to come forth from the higher Realms that are specifically directed to anchoring Unity consciousness within the electromagnetic grid of Gaia…

Brothers and sisters, you are so powerful and the cabal knows this. The Deep state are currently working 24/7 to Gaslight, confuse, traumatise and terrorise humanity, but please know you have the tools to be able to be completely invulnerable to these ongoing psychic attacks by any lower-dimensional forces. 

your greatest power can be accessed when you train yourself to Anchor in present moment awareness because in each present moment whatever occurs you will always have the tools to deal with. 

Whenever we go into a futuristic fear-based narrative, it is this which induces the intense vibration of Fear and it is this which we must all be vigilant towards in these unprecedented times. 

Please know that the work that we do in the transmission groups enormously affects each of our individual evolution, as starseeds unite from all around the world, and unify our intentions with mother father God’s intentions, we automatically jump from the lower timelines to the higher 5th-dimensional timeline, and with the support of the highly awakened ground crew we are very easily able to stabilize in 5th-dimensional consciousness which is what this entire Ascension is all about.

The fact that the deep state is working so hard to traumatise humanity is absolute proof that we are in the end days of the old 3D paradigm, and absolute proof that something so great, something so unimaginable, is rapidly making its way to the earthly plane -be it a solar flash, be it a tsunami wave of God’s eternal love – there is something coming which we are all aware of on a subconscious level, and is indeed the exact reason why we all incarnated at this auspicious time in our Earth’s planetary history. So please take heart from these words and know that God always wins and that the unending perpetual Darkness is behind us all.

Before long we will receive announcements of Gesara which is all about restoring dignity and Grace back to humanity and giving back to us what was wrongfully stolen from us by the Vatican, the royal family, and the dark hat Chinese nobility families. I have it from very high authority that these funds have returned back into the hands of the angelic forces who wish to see humanity rise at this time- that wish to see humanity step out of imprisonment and slavery from the Deep state. The more of us that can hold tightly to the vision of GESARA – again this will accelerate the anchoring of this timeline in our collective reality.

My deepest prayer to all of you is that you remember who you are- that you remember how powerful you are -that you remember that God always wins and that we all signed up for this. 

We are all One.. race doesn’t exist on the higher planes…we have all been every race Under the Sun and more in our myriad incarnations,  our job is to wake up and to be a beacon of kindness and service to all our brothers and sisters at all times,  for it is in serving our brothers and sisters we reach the highest echelons of happiness and contentment, which is that which our soul has forever craved.

I love you all so much and really cannot wait to be with you all on the 21st of June please see below for full details on how to book onto this transmission 

in love and eternal light Jenji and the white wolf tribe 

here is the link to book onto the solstice transmission

solstice golden dragon transmission 

The Solstice Transmission will take place on the 21st of June at 20.20pm uk time.

NESARA Part 19 – GESARA – TRUMPSARA ~ June 11, 2020





ESERAInternet or Information technology conceptual image. With a globe placed in front of computer server cabinets

“The Quantum Financial System (QFS) system is advanced without any equivalent, politicians and bankers have been caught red-handed, arrested and sent to Gitmo in Cuba to atone for their crimes in real time, so Deep State is disappearing and GESARA is near. Each country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS.

“The QFS ends corrupt Cabal central banking. The QFS-system will cover the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, initiated by Russia and China to replace the US-centrally-controlled Swift system.

“This new QFS runs on a quantum computer, based on an orbiting satellite, and is protected by Secret Space Programs to ensure that it cannot be hacked. The quantum technology was provided by benevolent Galactic ETs. The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to Cabal corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking world. The key is to implement limitations that will prevent corrupted banksters from gaining significant profits.

“The QFS is completely independent from the existing centralized system, making all other previous transfer systems like for e.g. blockchain, unnecessary. At least there is no need for blockchain technology, as that has been superseded due to its shortcomings by at least two other transfer networks, putting the need for cryptos very much into doubt. Moreover, after the Revaluation, all Sovereign currencies will be gold or asset-backed, ensuring a sustainable value, which makes the need for unbacked cryptos outdated, as these are simply digits on computer memory banks.

“Furthermore, the hype around Crypto-currencies is a modern-day example of the sheeple-herd mentality. Apparently, there seems to be a lack of logical thinking. When buying something of value, it is rational to exchange it for something of equal value, represented by the amount of the exchanged money. Since cryptos don’t carry any intrinsic value, there can never be a balanced deal. And in relation to its nominal value; there will never be stability between buyers and sellers of cryptos, as is the case with all other merchandise. To give an analogy; it is very unlikely that a tossed coin will fall on its edge, just as it is highly probable that there will always be either a majority that wishes to buy, or there will be a majority that wishes to sell the crypto coins.

“With the activation of the QFS, the Galactic Earth Alliance will completely destroy the Central Banking System that has been designed to destroy the world economy and put the world population into perpetual debt slavery. The little-known truth is that the QFS has been running parallel to the Central Banking System for many months, if not more than a year, and has countered many hacking attempts to steal funds by the Cabal. The result being that many bankers have been caught red-handed with illegal money transfers and have consequently been arrested.

“Little is it known that this new system was invented in preparation for the takeover of the Central Bank Debt System to end the financial slavery and control over the populace. The Earth Alliance gave Pres. Trump the magic wand of taking over the old banking system without changing it.

“The QFS has no comparison to anything and has no peer; it has no equivalent in advanced technology of any other system before it. It is brand new. It reigns supreme in the technology it applies, to accomplish the one hundred percent financial security and transparency all currency account holders require. With the QFS, the monetary system of the world can easily be changed to encompass gold-backed currencies that completely eliminate the transfer need of the old Cabal central banking system. Regrettably, to fully comprehend the advanced QFS-structure, there doesn’t exist an equivalent technology to serve as an example.

“No one ever suspected that this powerful quantum computer system could assign a digital number to every fiat dollar/euro/Yen sitting in every bank account all over the world and monitor it in real time; knowing exactly where it went, when it was transferred, who sent it by their login info, and what account received it. Imagine the frustration of a banker who has just stolen some money and illegally transferred this to another account, to be subsequently arrested in real time for theft.

“Does anyone believe that this will happen without the Deep State-controlled bankers obstructing everything to stop this from happening? Would they not apply every criminal trick, every disgusting false flag, everything and anything to stop this from happening? Of course, they have tried and still do try to prevent it to this day. They have explored every avenue to hack and destroy this system, but to no avail! The cabal is taking their last gasp of breath, but be assured they are definitely on their way out. Their battle is lost and GESARA victory is near.


“The QFS stops the Deep State in their tracks. The Earth Alliance had to intervene with higher dimensional technologies to deliver us earthlings this super technologically advanced monetary system. It is rooted in the Quantum Computer intelligence that comes without any 3D creation. No 3D creation comes with an all-telling ‘recognition system’ that mimics the creation of a living entity. It is simply Artificial Intelligence (AI), that comes with something that is able to replace conscious human beings.

“Our planet Earth is a Living Entity with the life force in Symbiosis. The QFS is considered to be alive with a Quantum Benevolent Intelligence that interacts with each financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance, to ensure that it is; legal, owner-intended, and transparent. If one understands Quantum Physics, then one can understand what effect this Quantum Intelligence is having with each financial transaction that goes through the Quantum Financial System. It cannot be compromised.

“Even so, politicians that used the Swift Transfer System (STS) to transfer their ill-gotten illegal money all over the world, didn’t know the QFS was already running parallel to and simultaneously on patrol with the STS. Politicians didn’t worry about being caught as the bankers were on their side, as they too earned a take on their transactions.


“Only gold-or asset backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset certificate can be transferred through the QFS. The certificate will reference a serial number on a piece of gold or asset held in reserve to back the currency. Satellite technologies are used to quarantine the gold and or assets used to back currencies. There is no way it can be stolen or taken out of the secure vaults where it is stored. That is why it is called a gold-backed currency, it has to reference back to the piece of gold or asset that is backing it.

“References to ‘asset-backed currencies’ is the process of establishing a currency based on assets within the country of origin. Assets are the justification to establish the amount of currency available in a country, but all denominations of currencies must be accepted within the QFS and given a gold/asset certificate to be active within the QFS.

“If the assets are mined or extracted from the earth, they will be sold on the marketplace as with any other commodity. This process is complicated and no simple task to accomplish. But it is a process that is necessary to ensure value to the worldwide currencies being used in the QFS.

“Any fiat currencies that cannot be designated as being clean, clear, non-terroristic, or not clearly originating from legal activities, are disqualified, which are most, if not all fiat paper currencies. Fiat currencies can consequently not become legal in the QFS.

“Fiat currencies already in possession at the time of full-scale implementation of the QFS, received while doing legal business, will be exchanged for gold-backed currencies at the bank.

“The procedure here is called ‘reconciliation,’ qualifying the money transfer as being either legal or illegal, and will be carried out by a Benevolent Conscious 5D Entity.

“The confirmation and revelation of this benevolent component of the QFS, will be the assurance and proof of a 100% benign secure neutral transfer system.

“Without the ability to reconcile old fiat money into the new QFS, all Central Bank activities will cease to have any relevance within this new financial system. Any country that is not GESARA compliant will be left out of the QFS and will eventually be left out of international trade. Non-compliant countries, if any, will be left to barter commodities or work out a credit exchange with other countries, a system that is not presently set up to do business at any level of relevance.


“Each country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS. The Alliance will use a specific quantitative formula to establish the amount of currency available, ‘in a country,’ which is to be gold-backed in the QFS. The results of the formula will establish a fair value of each country’s assets as compared to another. There is far more gold than needed to accomplish the gold-backing of all world currencies. Once established through the GCR, the price of gold will become irrelevant.

“If the price of gold goes up, the value of all currencies will go up as well, resulting in no net change to the par value of all currencies. The formula includes, in ground assets, the economy of the country, its population – which is one of the country’s assets, and a number of other parameters to determine the value of the country’s currency. This formula is to be applied to each country so that all currencies will be on par value with all other countries. The application of the formula and the common value of all gold, means that one country’s currency has to have the same value as another country’s currency. This is called the Global Currency Reset (GCR)–the Reset of all currencies on par with all other currencies and they each have a gold certificate to validate authenticity. It is the requirement of each country to use the reset formula and apply the worldwide standards, so that the QFS is able to function as planned. That is why a country must be GESARA compliant to participate in the QFS.


“The Earth Alliance has confirmed that their goal of defeating the Deep State has been far more complex, time-consuming and difficult than had been anticipated and planned for. It is becoming increasingly obvious that world-changing information is about to be dropped, probably sooner than expected. This will likely be accompanied by the much-anticipated mass arrests. There are literally over seventy thousand sealed criminal indictments ready to be executed. Once this sequence of events takes place, it will be up to the Awakened readers to help everyone understand what is going on, explaining the positive nature of the changes that are occurring and those underway.

“Never forget; the deliberate debasement of our fiat currency by central bankers is theft, and is equivalent to counterfeiting. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America saw counterfeiting as a serious crime, deserving the death penalty.

“The Deep State are in a panic, as the people are waking up and they realise they cannot stop it. They are continually trying to prevent or suppress it, but the truth is coming out.

“Now, it is time people learn to think for themselves, by becoming detached from hypes, in which for example multitudes of people, due to a mindless kind of group-think, come to the conclusion that something is valuable, whereas if they were to think logically, they would come to the conclusion that this is not the case. Much has been intentionally misinterpreted and misrepresented by the media. There is a great lack of independent, critically thinking people. This lack can easily be lifted by reading and studying my book THE GREAT AWAKENING, part 1 and part 2, and consequently experiencing and Consciously understanding the upcoming developments with Joy.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 2, 2018 ~ September 2, 2018

Editor’s Note: Please read this using your own discernment. While current events reported by Q are definitely pointing to positive changes being made for humanity, no one knows any details of how this plan will develop.

A new financial system on Earth? That is a definite YES, but again, details are limited at this time, but…it might be a very good idea to begin considering how your life would look if you had fewer $$ worries. Remember…ALL will be positively affected by a new financial system. Please read, and…



Compiled 2 Sept. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” Byington’s Before It’s News articles on a Satanic Cabal CIA & Vatican-sponsored international pedophile Child Trafficking Ring:

The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.

Judy Note: This update is long, though very important if you wished to understand the Global Currency Reset and GESARA Law, especially the information under B that included important information about your upcoming exchange/redemption.

A. Sept. 1 2018 2:16 pm EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for September 1, 2018 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

1. A full-scale offensive on the Cabal is now in progress.

2. The termination of Cabal communications and satellites was the first and initial offensive.

3. The final battles are occurring at this very moment.

4. Q Post 2052

“Note the time Q posted the video about our military. It was 7:41pm. That is 1941 in military time. Our country entered World War II that year after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.”

5. The main transition event is composed of multiple smaller events. The first event is the RV. The QFS will be switched on in order to process transactions for the RV exchange/ redemption.

6. The next event is the announcement of GESARA law. Full disclosure will occur which also includes the disclosure of the QFS fully replacing the old financial system.

7. Authors of the Plan are currently waiting on the “go ahead” from the Alliance to proceed with the RV.

B. Sept. 1 2018 2:16 pm EST GCR/RV/GESARA Overview Intel Update: “Welcome!” – GCR/RV/GESARA Intel Update – 9.1.18

1. The global transference of wealth legally went into full effect last evening midnight, or Saturday Sept. 1, 2018.

2. Some have predicted the RV would happen after Labor Day Sept. 1 and before 5am EST Mon. morning Sept. 3.

3.The initial global economic transition was scheduled on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, after the western banking system, developed after WW2 at The Bretton Woods Conference of 1944, mathematically collapsed due to sovereign law governing international usury thresholds.

4. A growing eastern world alliance led by China, which called the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), was prepared to receive control of the defunct financial system and gradually require a new financial system to be 100% transparent, quantum digital and hard asset backed (versus the old fiat money, relationship based, currency papered system).

5. Very old, powerful and hidden banking families in Europe (as well as their Cabal subsidiaries in the United States) refused to turn over the world’s central printing presses (BIS, WB, IMF, ECB and FED) and their rebellion became publicly witnessed as the horrific 9/11 attacks.

6. This began a 17 year war for control of the world’s financial system, which has now concluded as of Sept. 2018, after a 10 year banking, military, government, media and diplomacy reversal strategy to permanently eliminate western dominance.

7. This began with very old, powerful and largely hidden Chinese families margin calling Lehman Brothers investment bank on Sept. 1, 2008. Lehman Brother’s declared bankruptcy on Sept. 15, 2008. Those same old Chinese families threatened to do that to every American and European bank unless surrender terms were negotiated.

8. As a result of fully negotiated surrender terms that took effect Dec. 24, 2013 (when the Federal Reserve Banks 99 year charter to print American Government money for 3% interest paid in gold), a new cloud based financial system was developed, using a redundancy of quantum speed processing satellites and advanced AI blockchain software algorithm . This new Quantum Financial System (QFS) not only created perfect economic transparency, but did so on every transaction, worldwide and in mere seconds.

9. The QFS also has the ability to identify each transaction and directly link it back to a hard, physically vaulted or stored asset (gold, diamonds, platinum, petrol, rare earth elements, etc..) which in turn permanently eliminates the concept of fractional reserve lending (i.e. fiat money)

10. QFS also has incorporated a protective encryption technology that prevents hacking and fraud, which by design eliminates nefarious criminal activities such as paper or digital money laundering, narcotics, human trafficking and weapons trading within the banking system. This due to the 100% pure digital nature of QFS, as it basically shuts down all criminal papered and digital currency crimes against society, as they will no longer be recognized as having any collateral by which to guarantee their transactions.

11. While papered currencies will be remain in existence for a short period as third world populations adjust to all digital transactions, and some new national currencies printed and released (as the USD was in April 2013), ultimately illegal and immoral economic activity can and will be eliminated.

12. Due to a fancy new financial system replacing the outdated old one (which has already occurred less any public knowledge as not to disturb or upset the masses and markets), every sovereign nation has had to go through a strict compliance and auditing phase, whereby each nation was accurately evaluated on what true raw natural assets were being held in reserve (mined and unmined), as well as the depth of corruption that was existent in all branches of government, military, diplomacy, media and finance required to reform before being allowed to participate on QFS.

13. Since Oct. 5, 2014 when the Paris Climate Accord Agreement was first signed, later to be put into force on Nov. 4, 2015, this process has been unwinding before our very eyes. The reason is that another treaty was also secretly signed during the2014 Paris Agreement, but hidden from the public view. It was called the Global Economic Stabilization and Reformation Act (aka GESARA).

14. All 209 sovereign nations, (including Palestine which has already been recognized as a sovereign nation), signed GESARA during the Paris Agreement meetings. Thus began a three year implementation process, whereby every nation in good standing with GESARA compliance was deemed a harmonized member of QFS, and allowed to value their national currency equally against a common gold standard. That gold standard was now being settled in Shanghai versus London circa 2015.

15. All global currencies were now based off the true value of gold—no price fixing anymore by those old European families—as well as factoring in 40 other critical economic minerals plus petrol and liquified natural gas reserves (LNG). Thus, every nation’s national currency has been audited, agreed to per an international treaty and received a fair market value as it relates to gold.

16. This is why you’re seeing wild swings in currency markets globally, including in Europe, UK and the Americas. They were simply revaluing up and down against the international benchmark of gold.

17. These new “gold equivalent rates” were being made public knowledge this September in all banks, and very soon to be known with the public and professional FX traders worldwide. However the manner by which the BRICS controllers of the quantum financial system were choosing to inform the public is still very much a mystery, as they do so very patiently, in a highly subdued and almost invisible manner… as to keep the public calm and ease any fears such a massive global economic transition might upset mass mass consciousness.

18. The net effect and sheer scope of such a radical transaction of change is why you probably have not heard much about the RV and GESARA but have seen many news stories and current events that have left you scratching your head trying to make sense; including, Donald J. Trump, who is well aware of both, and was inserted as US President (temporarily to be removed shortly after Jan. 20, 2019).

19. Trump has been used as an agenda implementing operative by the BRICS Alliance to assist in America’s necessary GESARA reforms—which by definition, was going to cause an enormous amount of turbulence given the enormous damage American banking (FED/USD), military, government, clandestine agencies and diplomatic sabotage have caused in geopolitical circles since the end of WW2.

20. Trump’s BRICS mandate, therefore, was to be a global distraction while all the structural changes were made, as well as to publicly humiliate/pressure non-complying nations to fall in line with GESARA guidelines. He’s doing a great job, as he’s calling out all late reforming nations, including Israel, Palestine, Iran, Canada, Mexico, China, Europe Union nations, Africa, etc.

21. If you hold a revaluing currency, congratulations! Your time has arrived to convert your asset’s true value in relationship to an accurate spot price of gold, which has a declining value now because gold is far more abundant than those old European families lead the world to believe.

22. Historically speaking, only 190,000 Metric Tonnes of gold bullion has been reported to exist in central banks around the world, when the actual mined number is estimated to be ten times more or 1,900,000 Metric Tonnes). This doesn’t include the other 39 economic minerals that are now factored into how national raw asset reserves are measured. Gold is just the most well known, and consistent storer of value… as not all countries hold as much gold in reserve as say Zimbabwe, Vietnam or Indonesia… but their rocks do have value as it relates to manufacturing or other value created materials.

23. The 53 nations making up the African Union have the most economic minerals of any continent (by a wide, wide margin), and have placed their national raw assets up collectively to become global collateral for the new QFS system which demands 100% asset backed transactions per GESARA’s financial mandate.

24. China is handling QFS’s operational and money supply oversight duties, with Russia now assuming the mantle as the world’s sovereign policeman. Western worlds like the US, Canada, UK, Israel, 28 European Union nations are but equal players, not shut out, but greatly reduced in global affairs due to centuries of bad behavior.

25. Banks must begin intaking revaluing currencies after Labor Day the world over. This means you will need to schedule an appointment once the revaluation contact information is released.

26. Feel free to call your bank when you receive this information, and set an appointment that is convenient for you, as all revalued national currencies must now be honored per international law.

27. In terms of value, whatever the audited gold screen rate of any nation’s collateral is exactly what is worth on the new system. No drama. You may see the screen rate if you request to do so. It is your legal right.

28. You may also select your bank, and exchange your revaluing currencies per your own preference. However, if you hold Zimbabwe currency, know that you will be processed through HSBC exclusively due to its massive face values printed in 2008-2009.

29. If you hold Zim be assured that it was signed into law as redeemable in the US on Aug. 8 by Donald Trump as part of the 2001 ZIDERA Amendments, and has now been issued internationally as of Friday Aug. 30.

30. “Great Zimbabwe” is historically known as being the wealth behind King Solomon’s Mines, and thus has hidden their mineral reserves to now collateralize all global digital credits on the new Chinese QFS. They just have not made this information public. Zimbabwe was well known in sovereign banking circles as being the leader for all of Africa (Black Panther), and thus can mathematically cover any digital credits placed on the financial system via our redemptions on their audited mineral reserves alone.

31. At your redemption appointment, you may reinvest all or some of your new cash deposits, or you may wait. After all it is your wealth. However, know that if you may want to make investment at that time as most are unfamiliar with managing large sums of principal, and your life experience might be much more enjoyable allowing the bank that redeems your currency to also invest it for you less an investment learning curve education.

32. The banks are expecting many to take a lesser amount if the initial amount offered is too high. Yes, you read that right. Many to most will take less. That’s how uneven the global wealth playing field became. There’s nothing wrong or immoral in taking less. In fact, it’s might just be the smartest move you’ve ever made.

33. It is important to know you may also negotiate for more than the screen rate depending on the intaking bank’s threshold for negotiation terms. Larger banks are expected to have more flexibility in this way because of their size and scope. That’s just standard banking.

34. IMPORTANT: Once you redeem, wherever you redeem, you are required by law not to discuss the terms of your transaction, nor use any digital form of communication depicting what happened in your redemption meeting which includes texts, social media posts, voicemails and emails. Honestly, why would you say anything? Silence is both golden and the safest play for your family you can make post redemption appointment.

35. Anticipate your redemption appointment to last less than an hour. There will be international location coverage, and 100 mile domestic coverage per postal and zip code.

36. Your transaction is perfectly legal the world over per both domestic and international law, and your principal will be protected under the long-term mandate of the before mentioned GESARA treaty.

C. Sept. 1 2018 1:36 am EST 7 CIA Computers, Spy Satellites Down, Hal Turner: 7 CIA Mainframe Super Computers Shut Down and Spy Satellites Offline Hal Turner Radio Show

1. Thurs Aug. 30 10:38 pm EST: Seven mainframe computers inside the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are now offline for an unknown reason. The loss of computing has also caused a significant number of US Spy Satellites to go offline.

2. Numerous communication satellites now going down. We are in potential danger. I hope your vehicles have fuel and you have emergency food and water on-hand. There’s no telling who did this or why . . . and now that some of our satellites are down, God only knows what may be coming at us.

3. Fri. Aug. 31 7:55 pm EST: Main Frames “Snow White” 3, 4, 6 and 7 are offline. Sats Offline include: Corona 1,4, 8, & 16 are dark.

NOTE: Corona Sats are the digital Keyhole replacements for the original decommissioned program of the same name. Big bird 9 – KH-9 (BYEMAN codename HEXAGON, commonly known as Big Bird[1] or Keyhole-9) – was a series of photographic reconnaissance satellites launched by the US between 1971 and 1986.

4. Fri. Aug. 31 8:06 pm EST Update: Just spoke to the Pentagon. The “official” line is “I have no information about any such event. But if such an event were to occur, we would not discuss it publicly.”

Sources from the Intelligence Community now confirming to me several mainframes are, in fact, offline and several spy satellites are dark. Techs working furiously to find out what happened and fix it. Internal assessment thinking is “Someone targeted our spy satellite systems specifically. Someone is now moving certain things they don’t want us to see being moved. This unexpected eventuality is major trouble on every level.”

5. Fri. Aug. 31 8:30 pm EST Update: GCHQ Bude sent DISTRESS SIG 8:09 EST: NSA NO MORE.

NOTE: GCHQ Bude, also known as GCHQ Composite Signals Organisation Station Morwenstow, abbreviated to GCHQ CSO Morwenstow, is a UK Government satellite ground station and eavesdropping centre located on the north Cornwallcoast at Cleave Camp, between the small villages of Morwenstow and Coombe. It is operated by the British signals intelligence service, officially known as the Government Communications Headquarters, commonly abbreviated GCHQ. It is located on part of the site of the former World War II airfield, RAF Cleave.

6. Fri. Aug. 31 8:33 pm EST Update: All kinds of Imaging & Communications Satellites have now been compromised as well.

7. Fri. Aug. 31 10:02 pm EST Update: We are now experiencing an almost complete blackout of most of our “Black-Ops” Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Satellite Communications (SATCOM) satellites. CIA now unable to perform certain “key hole” surveillance and there are now gigantic holes in our ability to intercept various signals; i.e. certain phones, certain radios, certain internet coms, etc.

9. Fri. Aug. 31 10:12 EST Update: CinC NORAD has just declared “DEFCON 4”

10. Fri. Aug. 31 10:38 EST Update: The CIA has been trying to restart the super-computer mainframes. They got three to re-start – and they immediately crashed again! Four others are simply not restarting at all. SIGINT and SATCOM capabilities REMAIN SEVERELY COMPROMISED.

11. Put simply, certain people who previously thought they ran the world, (i.e. the Intelligence Community within CIA and NSA) are now deaf, dumb, and partially blind. Something massive is taking place. Things like this don’t just happen. Not sure where this is going but whatever it is will be gigantic. This is now just over 24 full hours that much of our Intelligence Community communications capabilities globally, REMAIN DEAD.

D. Sept. 1 2016 2:55 am EST Q Military Power, Sierra: “Q: Military Power Unleashed?” by Sierra (NZ) – 9.1.18

1. Q post #2051 features a link to a short video demonstrating the mighty firing power of the US military. Is a final attack against the cabal underway?

2. Anons are pointing out that 119 are the final three numbers in the video link. A mirror for 9/11? Q often references mirror images.

3. The strike could be happening tonight Sept. 1, or it could happen on 9/11. Either way, it is 17 years since 9/11, so we can expect the Alliance to make a BIG statement on or before this date.

E. Sept. 1 2018 2:01 am EST Criminal Charges for Top FBI/DOJ (video): (Video) William Mount — President Orders Criminal Charges Against Top FBI/DOJ Employees

On Aug. 30 Trump ordered judges of FISA Court to make criminal charges against those who know who ordered live nukes to be placed on a ship currently sitting in a South African port. Those nukes were to be used on 17 Sept. to detonate NYC, Chicago and CIA headquarters in Langley.

Those facing indictment:

James Comey, former FBI Director
Rob Reinstein – in charge of attorneys
Andres McCabe
Attorneys General Sally Yeates

Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for August 25, 2018

Editor’s Note: Endless waiting has been in play for the RV, the financial rest, GESERA, NESERA…or whatever you want to call it. The main concept at play here IS the liberation of Humanity/Earth from forces of evil and limitation.

Is time drawing nigh for this to happen? Tomorrow is a full moon in Pisces, the the last sign of the Zodiac indicating completion. We all shall see… In the meantime, please read this article, dwell on what your FREEDOM means for you, and…



8/25/2018 11:30:00 AM  Intel, RV Alert


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

A two step process must be followed in order to start the transition to GESARA.

First step, neutralize all security threats and the Cabal’s military capacity.

Second step, fully implement the QFS.

The implementation of the QFS will permanently end Cabal influence over the global economy.

The QFS is active but is currently on hold.

The RV event is essential to the implementation of the QFS.

The release of the RV event will officially jump-start the full implementation of the QFS.

Authorization to begin the RV event is currently pending.

Authors of the Plan are waiting on security issues to resolve before authorizing the RV event.

Radio silence continues among sources signifying movement is occurring behind the scenes.

There have been many instances where the RV event was hours, minutes, or even seconds away from releasing.

Every Cabal move to delay or disrupt the transition is being countered by the Alliance.

The Cabal are running out of moves.

We’re in the endgame now.


Source: Operation Disclosure

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