Late Breaking News: Trump Advisor Heart Attack & Craig Sawyer Implicated in CIA Clandestine Op & Sky Trumpets Near Kilauea [videos] ~ June 12, 2018

Pretty interesting post by Starship Earth who reports on crazy things continuing to happen. Who’s doing what in the Tuscon pedophile camp thing? No one knows for sure, but DO understand that truth will out…and soon! Celestial sounds, eh? Could these sounds be a precursor to orchestrated action by the cabal for a staged  “Armageddon” event to distract form their takedown?

The best thing we can do right now is hold tight, ignore distractions, concentrate of dismembering he ugly head of the dark (pedophilia, pedovore), and…



This video uploaded earlier by Timothy Holmseth was taken down and is now back on ThemTube. Thanks for the heads up, B. Very interesting.

This raises again the Bill Hicks/Alex Jones $100K donation to Sawyer for Veterans4Child Rescue, a not-for-profit organization in which Sawyer claims he arrests federal agents. Really? That sounds odd, doesn’t it?

What if the organization is the opposite to what is claimed, like most deep state organizations?  ~ BP

Craig ‘Sawman’ Sawyer says Vets 4 Child Rescue is “arresting federal agents” – CLANDESTINE

Trump Advisor Suffers Heart Attack

And you will want to watch this one. It may sound hokey, but we’ve heard these sounds before across the world and no one has adequately explained them. Some refer to the sounds as Gabriel’s trumpet. This is really freaky, esp. if you’re hearing it for the first time. Is it exotic weapons? We don’t know and no one’s sayin’.

The satanists running things believe certain biblical events have to happen for their prophecies to unfold. Are they trying to pull something off with their black magic, as usual? Crazy. Hopefully Gabby is heralding in the end of the cabal and our Golden Age.  ~ BP


[New post] Two Epic Wins for Humanity to Celebrate Today ~ Dec. 20, 2015

eyeYeah! Good news for humanity on our Planet…Mother Earth (Gaia). This article, from Molly at Starship Earth: The Big Picture is guar-an-teed to make you smile as it lists two items of notice for the failing plans of the cabal.

Still think we are “stuck” on our Planet with no recourse from our miseries? Think again folks…because it starts with us and our emotional attitude (vibrations)! Imagine yourself with abundance, feel yourself brimming with constant JOY, radiate with bliss as you pet your cat/dog. Now that you are in a “good rut” of BEing, the Law of Attraction will bring you even more, and more, and more good stuff to feel about!

So…please read this article, think and feel what you would like more of in your life, and…


We had great news on two fronts this weekend. There were other slightly lesser victories in other areas, as well, but these are critical.

One was a tip from a reader (thanks, N) that some potentially devastating weapons were confiscated from the dark by the Galactics.

Even better, they were all ready for a grand celebration for key “family” members, complete with 1200 children for their debasing amusement and satanic rituals on Christmas Day—a historically satanic ritual day.

And what have we been visualizing in our weekly meditations? The removal of exotic weapons.

I’m cutting and pasting from Starship Earth comments. For some reason, I’m no longer getting updates from Alexandra at Galactic Connection. It’s always something with subscriptions these days, so I appreciate this.  ~ BP


I wonder if we’re reaching a “tipping point” on the CIA-Milab child trafficking for American politicians & corporate executives. Alexandra Meadors has interviewed Tory Smith multiple times.

Alexandra [Meadors] posted on her blog Tory’s 7 minute update Friday, December 18, 2015 – “Dick Cheney has ordered 1200 Children for Christmas Day.” It’s disturbing but there is some good news. Aerostar of New York & Rand Corporations had developed exotic weapons that Tory said could have killed millions in a matter of hours. Children had been ordered for a party to celebrate these weapons which were totally confiscated so the party was cancelled. Tory names US politicians (many senators) who were invited to the canceled party including both senators from Indiana, both senators from California, John McCain from Arizona.

Yes. To me the knowledge that ET’s confiscated 2 awful weapons from the Rand & Aerostar Corporations earlier this week is stunning but more than that it’s the timing of the confiscations. Our friends waited until the weapons were all ready to go, the celebration was planned & critically the invitations went out to the Pentagon, senators & other politicians, CEO’s. So now not only do all these people know the party was cancelled, they know why. Furthermore, the Et’s linked the confiscations with child trafficking/sacrifices.



And Kauilapele shared some fantastic news from Canada with respect to the genocide of First Nation people, particularly children in the Residential Schools.

So again… the link to child sacrifices, rape, satanic blood rituals on the part of Illuminati members like Queen Elizabeth and her clan, heads of state, top ranking politicians… acknowledged, and an opportunity for the healing to begin.

Keep stepping, Justin. Keep stepping.

Read KPs post on that and see the video at the link below.

As I said before, Justin Trudeau is a lot like his sensitive mother, Margaret, and was brought to tears. I am hoping he will continue to make great strides to bring Canada back to the proud nation of peaceful and quietly patriotic people we were before the cabal infiltrated our government, financial institutions, etc.


Bottom line… we have hard evidence that many people on planet and off are doing their part to end the tyranny, bloodshed and suffering.

Hopefully we aren’t going to leave it all for the Galactics and others to rectify. It’s not someone else’s problem; it’s OUR problem. This is why we came. This is why we are awake and reading about all of this on the Internet. Because we can make a difference. It’s a choice.

Every little bit counts. We watched a movie the other night about the lamestream media and Harrison Ford mentioned “the cabal”. Hubby picked right up on it—even though he has no belief in what I have tried to tell him.

I saw a bumper sticker this morning that read, “Hell No GMO”. It’s all progress. The mass consciousness is taking over and waking people up. They may not understand the triggers, but it’s happening.

We’re getting there, my friends. Carry on and celebrate!  ~ BP