It is Time for Divine Action ~ May 17, 2019

It is Time for Divine Action

The collective energy is very difficult right now. We are seeing polarization greater than we have ever experienced before and it is really stretching our ability to stay in our heart space.

I was finding myself getting sucked into the collective and the pain in my body was significant. It was in disharmony with my soul at its core. Yet I also felt like, to say nothing, to do nothing is also wrong. I decided to journey and ask for deeper understanding because I knew I was missing something.

As I went into my familiar tree, the Goddess Morrigan came forward to work with me as she wanted to talk with me about Divine Action. (She is a triple Goddess, the maiden, the mother, the crone and she also represents the cycle of life. Some cultures see her as a Goddess of war and battle as well.)

She explained that Divine Action is a necessary step in our Sovereignty. That many are acting from a place of judgment and emotion. This has many caught in the trap of polarity because they are wanting to change people’s minds or have their voice heard. She said “This is a fool’s mission. There are those in your reality that are holding very strict belief systems one way or another and this is their task as it will magnify the polarity. While polarity is uncomfortable it is a beautiful tool to awaken the sleeping masses. Keep in mind, each person has their role.”

She explained to me that it is more important now than ever that we work from a space of Divine Action.

I asked her what she meant and she explained that when we act from a state of judgment, pain or fear we are feeding our vital energy into a system or reality that we are wanting to collapse. That to create the true change we want we must first move into our heart space where we are able to access neutrality.

She went on to say that many feel that neutrality is complacency and that is far from the truth. “Neutrality is the void, the space of creation. It’s where true change is birthed.” 

When one moves into neutrality, they remove the judgment, pain or fear. They begin to see that something just IS, and that it has many perspectives. It is the space where one steps back and sees all sides. From that space, one can then choose to create/act. This is the space of Divine Action. They are not fighting against something and this removes the energy given to the old, dying structures and funnels it into the new.Many feel that they must hate something or rail against something but this only keeps one trapped in a cycle of disempowerment. See what you don’t like, remove your energy from it and create something you do Click To Tweet

When one extends their vital energy into fighting against something or someone, there is no space to create the new. Many feel that they must hate something or rail against something but this only keeps one trapped in a cycle of disempowerment. Instead, see what you don’t like, remove your energy from it and create something you do” 

She then brought many examples to my mind, from the person that did not like harmful cleaning products and decided to create environmentally friendly ones to people creating a fundraiser to pay for school lunch for children that have no money.

Many of you are holding the energetic space for your new reality beautifully. That space must also be filled with the creations that you do want. These must come from a place of Divine Action which is the purest expression of your heart space.”

I thanked her for her time and knew that I had to share the message. It is time for us to bring in Divine Action, birthed from our open heart space that does not contain hatred or judgment. We are the creators of the new, we are the holders of that space, it is ours and must be filled with our highest vision.

I am sending you all so much love and grace.


Energy Update May 6 2019 ~ May 10, 2019

Editor’s Note: This article is such a deep blessing for all. We know that our time of economic enslavement and living with stressors designed to keep us in states of fear, despair, and anguish are about to end. Please read this article, become an “observer” , and be…



Energy Update May 6 2019. By Unleashing Natural Humanity.

Dissolution of quarantine barriers and protocols are beginning.

There has been an incredible shift of energy in the past week, dissolving multiple layers of density and the Archontic control systems that were frameworked inside of that heavy/rotten energy.

One of the most exciting parts of this development is that the Quarantine densities that are keeping higher dimensional Galactic consciousness From being felt and experienced on the surface of the planet have drastically reduced.


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The barrier used to extend out physically over 10,000 miles above the surface, making it almost impossible for any being of light to exist here in comfortable balance, simply because the environment was so alien and uncomfortable for them.

It was similar to stepping into the deepest depths of the ocean with no protection… physically impossible to exist there.

What has happened because of this, is a system of focusing multiple beings into one intention/energy/strengthening and building up so much light that they could use it as a “submarine” until the buildup ran out and they were forced out of this dense environment.

Energy Update May 6 2019 - Our Consciousness is Energy

Our Consciousness is Energy

Energy Update May 6 2019

As the Earth stretches and becomes less dense, more and more blockage under the surface in the leyline flows are being dissolved and movement is beginning.

In this past week, a major blockage in the European continent began to flow, disseminating energy in a much stronger resonance to the rest of the planet, beginning to stretch and dissolve similar blockages on all 7 continents.

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This has drastically weakened the quarantine barrier from 10,000 miles to less than 100, giving all beings working for the greater good on the outside of our planet, physically as well as energetically, a staging ground of epic proportions.

Think along the lines of someone throwing darts at a dartboard from across a football field.

After such a long time, more often than not, they can hit the board, but by simply moving 10 feet away, they can effortlessly nail bullseyes shot after shot.

We are going to start seeing much more activity in the sky.

Concentrated conscious lightships are going to become much more common and the broadcast of light/information is going to become much stronger and easier to disseminate and more importantly, use.

What this means for us is twofold. With every step forward, there is resistance and working around the progress done, simply because these progressions mean the Apocalypse of the powers that shouldn’t be.

Energy Update May 6 2019 - Earth Energetic Grid

Earth Energetic Grid

Energy Update May 6 2019

We are going to be noticing this as a mass distraction campaign, so keep an eye out for any hot button topic that relentlessly gets pushed, or false flag attacks that drown out all other physical news.

This is designed to inflame as much political, sociological, environmental, diplomatic, emotional and energetic tension as possible as many experience these wild swings with no reference for what is happening.

Let the awareness of what is happening sink in, but focus yourself on your growth, progression and emotional intelligence, because on the other end of this energy harvesting, we have incredibly powerful points of light broadcasting pure higher dimensional energy closer to the surface in a magnitude that has not been felt in millennia.

Right now, each and every one of us has the opportunity to do the work of decades in the space of months.

In the past, isolating yourself, disappearing in nature and communing with the deepest levels of conscious human body interaction for years on end was the only way to begin opening up the light resonance strong enough to the point that this information, these abilities and the structural knowledge was not just noticed, but actually able to be used.

What this means is that it took years of work to be able to achieve what is your birthright. Your Natural Body.

Energy Update May 6 2019 - Galactic Energies

Galactic Energies

Energy Update May 6 2019

As there is more light sweeping through the solar system, there is more light inside of the Quarantine. There is more light to anchor into and grow and thus more light is able to come in.

This means everything. What you always have felt as magic and impossible is truly an extension of your awareness.

Now the dense layers of energy that are keeping the vast majority from feeling the movement are dissolving.

Keep your focus on who you want to be, what you want your life to be and building yourself into something more, something pure.

Keep your eyes up. Keep your hearts lifted. Stay aware, but build what you wish to experience.

We got this!


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Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

Isaac Asimov

Energy Update 3/21 ~ March 21, 2019

I had to record this quietly (incase my voice is quiet) because I told my daughter I wouldn’t do any work today due to how much time I have spent working lately… so I had to sneek an update in in the other room😂

Compassion and detachment is so important right now, there are a lot of people that are going to feel like they need to express themselves or feeling like they’re dealing with a lot of tension or restriction in different areas of life… you can be the shoulder for someone just dont allow it to affect your energy & thoughts.

Everyone will be experiencing things differently- everyone’s body reacts differently, but I’ve noticed that there are a lot of similarities that we have all been sharing. I only share this stuff so hopefully it resonates with someone who may not realize that other people are going through very similar experiences. But I dont have all the answers😁 If this message or the other messages on this channel do not resonate at all, that’s fine too!

New Earth Shift 11/27 ~ November 27, 2018

A lot a physical purging for many can bring up a lot of symptoms some of you are feeling flu like symptoms, I was on and off over last couple weeks. Drink plenty, rest plenty, stay focused on your spirit. May feel waves of energy move through body.. may feel like anxiety at times.

If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time feeling like circumstances are completely out of their control, just know that this is part of the clearing unconscious imprints that’s taking place there- is an uprooting of karmic frequencies individually and collectively.

This is clearing the realms & timelimes to move into higher ones We are all going through upheavels, changes, purges at some level.. be kind & gentle to yourself and others right now. Staying out of duality, division and judgment about another’s path or where another person is at at this moment in time, is SOOO helpful in raising the collective consciousness, there is no right or wrong there is only perception and experience that we are playing out due to the laws of cause and consequence.

I’ve definitely felt the physical symptoms due to imprints of diff things coming from past lives and childhood that i didn’t even know about or remember. There’s definitely a remembering and Awakening of the unconscious mind and all imprints within the different Realms of our psyche that were playing out energetically/astrally in the diff planes within the physical.

I almost let projections get the best of me and came very close to deleting my channel!😂 thinking back now its ridiculous lol.. don’t allow anyone to project negativity on to you to the point it messes with your mind, *return to sender* in love. Its a spiritual war. I love you guys & i’m very grateful for your support

Energy Update: Huge Wave Has Arrived ~ November 25, 2018

Dawn Bailey – We have a huge wave coming in right now. I can hear energy all the time now. It has been at a low constant hum all day. About a half hour ago (9:30pm EST), I heard it increase substantially. It is now a high pitched frequency that is the highest I have heard since I started hearing last weekend. This isn’t in an ear. This is my whole head ringing. It went from the middle to the right side of my head and is staying there right now. It was going to the pituitary gland causing drainage from sinuses that can make the throat sore and scratchy. You could also have a headache, feel sore on your shoulders and upper back, and even pressure from the energy. You can also get very hot from the energy.

This energy the collective will be feeling too. If you can see energy, you may see pinkish purple misty energy. Some lightworkers may have noticed an increase in attacks today. The dark energy rushing to be transmuted before this wave hit. I worked tonight and started to feel it but didn’t hear the increase until I got home. Thank God I got off work early before this wave came in. I think a lot of people are staying at home as we weren’t busy for a Saturday night. I have no set time to get off my shift. I just get to leave when it is slow.

There were also about 4 large earthquakes today around the world 5.0 or above. I was warned about this yesterday. There were 91 other earthquakes that were below 5.0.

If your body and muscles are sore this energy may be why. Just take care of yourself. Eat what you want and as much as you want, IF it is healthy food. You really want to stay away from alcohol, junk food, and fast food, as these things can make you feel worse. Your body will warn you what is and isn’t good for you by how you feel after you consume it. I got sick from some bad orange juice today. Nobody else did but me and I think that is my body warning me about something not good for it.

You pretty much should give up alcohol after physical kundalini. It will make you physically sick and opens up your energy. Alcohol is poison to the lightbody if consumed too much. If you drink too much you also let your guard down and your energy open. This can bring on physic attacks as it is easier to attack you. I have heard from people being forced into withdrawal from alcohol and drugs, from this process. I am sure that is not a pleasant experience but it is necessary.

If you take care of your lightbody. You will be rewarded with looking and feeling younger, better skin, hair, and nails and I think a longer life. I am thinking menopause for ladies might not be happening at all or until much later than usual. Women can also notice heavier more frequent cycles. Mine went to every new moon and full moon, so twice a month. We are becoming more and more connected to the planets and the moon. We are going from planetary to universal to galactic consciousness and that means energy too. Eventually, we will only have 3 chakras, which are really gates. The Gaia Gate will be located at the root chakra, the etheric heart at the heart chakra, and the steller gate at the crown chakra, one continuous column of energy connecting them. This will be from the astral/ spiritual body upgrades, that you go through last.

The energy has died down and now picking up again. I am also super hot, burning up hot. A sore throat and alternating between stuffy and runny nose. Just take care of yourself. Eat healthily and drink a lot of water. If you have recently put on a few pounds this is water weight. Lightworkers carry extra water to transmute energies. I have gained and lost the same 10- 15 lbs repeatedly through this journey. You will lose the water weight easily. My skin has gotten darker, my hair thicker and longer, and my eyes are getting greener. This journey changes everything inside and out, and it is a wild ride.

Lots of Love and Light.


My name is Dawn Bailey. I am a lightworker, shaman, clairaudient and clairvoyant energy healer. Please visit my blog at


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