Those 11:11:11 portal codes (STRONG ones at that) may be ‘waiting’ in your soul field. They have come flooding in from the Great Cosmic Sun, supported by SOULar winds and geostorms, for the last week now. Yet, these codes/downloads/activations may be ‘hanging out’ in your aura, waiting for the activation and conscious connection to your ascension chakras. These chakras allow for the simulation and integration of the 11:11:11 codes. They seem to be especially key when it comes to embodiment of these codes into your body.

Here is a guided meditation with me to connect with your ascension chakras allowing more sense of what is waiting for you to download:

It becomes in this stage of ascension so much about embodiment. Embodiment is the bringing of these high vibrational frequencies of light that are continually flooding into our atmospheres and Gaia’s too INTO your body, INTO your every living cell. This leads to the activation of your light body ~ your fifth dimensionally (and higher) anchored vehicle of travel beyond 3D constraints and conditions.

When people mention embodiment of your light body, it can feel conceptual and theoretical more than tangible. It SOUNDS good, but what does it actually mean for and to you? Sometimes feeling what it feels like when deeper embodiment isn’t happening or is blocked can help. This blocking can lead to feeling floaty, dizzy, just ‘not here’….basically not feeling grounded enough to the physical on a daily basis. Responding to practical life (when it is needed) can become very challenging. Physical disease and illness is a sign of lack of deeper embodiment. Addictions and ‘deathstyles’ (as I call them) are a block to embodiment as well. Light body looks like a healthy, vital body or what you could call a ‘love body’.
Embodiment is also about a deeper grounding of these light codes into your emotional body. The emotional body can be overlooked when it actually is critical to embodiment and not connecting to it can lead to a big anchoring to 3D energies through undigested trauma frequencies. This can lead to acute anxiety, resistance, and fear related to the ascension process and just being in life. The more porous and current your emotional body is the more you can emotionally let in higher frequencies as they come in. The more you can emotionally digest them and any reactions that surface UP. Being current with your emotional body pivots on digestion of traumas….both from this-life and other timelines/lifetimes too.

Bypassing your emotional body and emotional trauma by using higher vibrational frequencies just doesn’t ‘work’ for long. The trauma always find a way to express itself….often through dysfunction relationships, abuse cycles, money issues, health issues, etc. Experiencing transcendent frequencies while being grounded in your heart AND body is the opportunity offered by this new phase of ascension.

Deeper embodiment of your light body and your emotional body and higher self in your body……comes from the openness to FEEL anything that blocks the letting in of love (which is ultimately what these codes ARE.) This letting in of love is so important to the arisement of your sacred humanity!

Jelelle Awen
