We Are Being Tested by the Divine Powers ~ December 18, 2019

Editor’s Note: (Thanks E!) This article, paradoxically from the author, “Soother of Souls”, brings us a tremendously important message for Light workers. During these “end times”, the Dark will stop at Nothing in their distress at BEing eliminated from Earth…a primary energy source for the Dark!

A tactic of frequent use during these times? Physical attacks (bad health, violence), emotional attacks (emotional stress, trauma), and soul level attacks (unwarranted depression/pain) all are being used NOW to cause dis-ease in the bodies/hearts/souls of those carrying light in their hearts.

How to vanquish this dark energy? A quick message just came to me now…Just simply “Breathe IN” the Light! Other messages reinforce this point…breathe in deeply, breathe in fully drawing IN the LOVE that you ARE, and breathing out the Darkness trying to gain a foothold in your BEing. Find a still moment, quiet your body/mind/soul and simply…breathe!

Late Breaking: Timely arrival of another message on this topic…please read here!

Pat yourself on the back for re-establishing balance in your life, breathe deeply when challenged, and evermore BE…




Give not into the negative energies that are being directed at The Torchbearers, The Lighthouses, The Light Pillars, The Gatekeepers, The Key Holders as well as the vast majority of Lightworkers at this time!

It is ALL a test! A test to see how we re-act from a place of ego or simply act from a divine place of unconditional love.

The dark factions can only gain entry into our energetic presence of purpose in one way, by us allowing them in.

They’re trying to cause chaos and dis-harmony at the very core of those being targeted. Know that if you are one of those being targeted via the dark forces or factions of shadow, then this means YOU ARE DOING YOUR LIGHTWORK VERY WELL!



Be NOT in any sort of a fear based emotional state. THIS should embolden you to CRANK UP YOUR LOVELIGHT even more!

Trust that you are far more capable of handling these situations then you give yourselves credit for.

Be like the beautiful blue sky! See these targeted attacks upon us as stormy, dark clouds coming into our individual spaces of our individual sections of beautiful blue sky!

We ALL knew they would come back into our space eventually. To come back in order to cause a storm in our region, our energetic presence of purpose.

These targeted chaos bombs and missles being directed at us at this time are a testament to our continuing surge of luminant light over the darkness that has controlled the earth plane for centuries upon centuries.

We are being tested by the divine powers that watch over us. They watch to see who has truly mastered their darkness and has brought peace to it. One does this via loving the darkness just as much as the light within them and others.

As one begins to see it from their true, higher self’s perspective, one can see it as the example of the picture I’ve attached to this post. We are all a piece of the big beautiful blue sky! Many of you continue to strive to reach your Buddha State of Grace within Self via your individualistic ascensions. Many of you are beginning to truly accomplish this now. Bless YOU for following your inner guidance to reach this point at this time.

As we hold space within our individual energetic presence of purpose within our piece of the big beautiful blue sky, we all must begin to re-member that there will ALWAYS be dark storm clouds within somebody elses piece of the sky even if ours is clear.

We must all acknowledge these dark clouds as they pass through each section of sky, yet we are never to focus our attention on these low vibrational, distortion filled, creations of chaos. We are to simply see them. To see them as they are entering into our individual sections of the big beautiful blue sky. To allow them to pass through our space, our energetic presence of purpose just as easily as the big, puffy, beautiful white clouds that bring us joy and happiness.

Like any storm, do what you can do to stay safe and comforted until it passes! Give not your focused attention to that which they are trying to make you do.

See it for what it is, a test! Ask yourself “What is the lesson here?” “Is it something new for me to learn or is it something I’ve repeatedly NOT learned?” Then sit with it calmly, WAIT FOR YOUR SOUL TO SPEAK WITH YOU. ALLOW YOUR SOUL to diffuse any drama and fear associated with the current situation at hand.

Breathe and relax, breathe again, relax again. Then repeat! DO NOT STRESS! Save your energies for your own preservation. Do not dump them for those targeting you to feast upon!


TRUST in the fact that there will always be a storm to tear down or break down that which no longer serves the highest good of all concerned within our individual as well as collective existence here on this earth plane. Also TRUST in the fact that The Sun will always beckon us out of the storm shelters we may or may not have found ourselves temporarily hunkered down in. Allow the storm clouds to pass through you without giving them the power to affect your energies as best you can.

Deal with them as they pass through you in that moment. Know that this too shall pass. Allow yourselves to remember that all of this is a test. Do you choose to allow this test to tear you down or build you up? I always choose to allow it to build me up! I highly recommend you all do the same!


I Love “YOU” ALL as I Love Myself! Unconditionally!!!

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