The Annunaki – “Take away their crayons” ~ Posted August 25, 2015

sohpia love II

Now this article makes perfect sense to me. Sophia Love, a telepathic empath, relays a message from the Annunaki, the BEings who have held sway over the Earth for a whie now.

The Annunaki are controllers. They have the innate desire to influence…everything and everyone on our Planet. The Earth , with humans, must be a younger place with BEings (humans) who do not understand theirselves and thus, are easily led. Our controllers have led us down a garden path, and the way keeps getting smaller, tighter, and less eaily travelled.

The Annunaki liken control of a young Earth as a box of crayons being given to them. Oh, my! Let’s do this, and cause that, and explore this idea using this young race who relly have no clue about themselves and what they can do with their emotions!

Oh…this is soo good…you mut read this articel for yourself and gain a small imaging of how you , and I, and everyone else has been “playing the game”. I sooo look forward to the end of this game! Hurry up stock! Bring humanity to it’s senses NOW! Read on, determine how you feel about this merry-go-round on Earth, and…


July 8th, 2015
Is there someone who would like to engage now?
Okay, please go ahead.
There are forces on your planet now, right now in your focus, who/that wish to halt progress towards abundance and enlightenment.  These are the ones behind the controllers here.  They are not invested, in any way, in your progress or process.  You would label these “service to self” beings.
They are more than that.  In their being is played out the maximum in self-focus, to include an absolute blind eye to others and its effect on them.
 They are akin to children, who, for the very first time, discover crayons.  Such a marvelous thing, to create new color, that they proceed to color everything they see – the wall, etc… Thank goodness their legs are small and they have no understanding that there is a need to hide what they do.  They color with enthusiasm – everything.
Those forces behind the forces on your current home world, earth, are like those children.  Humanity is a relatively recently discovered play thing.  It has no inherent standing or value other than what it provides or is capable of providing, to these creator beings.  They, therefore, look at it much as a child looks at a box of crayons.  A means to an end.
No doubt you’ve heard this before yet what I would like to introduce is a new thought.  Bear with me as this thought is further expressed by comparison.
A child with a new box of crayons will never be convinced it is “wrong” to color the walls.  It has no concept of “wrong”.  The colors produced when it smears the waxy things on everything are just as beautiful on the wall as on paper – and the canvas for creating is so much larger.
No, in order to stop the child you will have to simply take away the crayons, and then, if they are ever returned, supply the child with paper to color on and supervise.  You may provide ample opportunities to explore with crayons, all the time attempting to satisfy the child’s need to create and insatiable curiosity.  What results, hopefully, is a grown being who has not lost his or her impulse to create, yet respects the property of others while doing so.
The ingrained notions of right /wrong/punishment will not be effective in these new vibratory fields of life/of creation.  There is no place able to hold steady that holds any remnants or judgment.  In order for long term success here, and by that is meant a creative condition of management that is sustainable – the creative impulse and validity and rights of each must be taken into account. In every decision.
Mankind’s tendency to blame, accuse, judge and punish WILL NOT WORK IN YOUR NEW WORLD.
For the purpose of success, you’ll have to dig deeper.  Consider solutions that honor the individual without degrading their worth.  Taking away crayons, guns or control of human systems from a being who only currently understands service to self is necessary for the proliferation of universal peace and happiness.
You (empirical) cannot ever know what’s in the mind of another, not completely.  Yet you are motivated by necessity to get along.
Until the vibration shifted, you were all “getting along” fine.  You (meaning the masses), believed in the necessity of control and the ones behind the ones in control made sure it was supplied.  Those next in line began also to believe in the necessity or self-serving control systems, and on down the line it went.
The quote from your sacred text “the meek shall inherit the earth” refers to this time now.  Those with the least recognizable power are those who will shift the planetary system while “taking away the crayons” from those in control.
What was never planned on was how deeply into humanity these beliefs would be felt.  There are several layers and it reaches down into those who figured out the “game” and are comfortable sacrificing some freedom for protection and financial security.
Their financial security is being outed for the fiction it is and this is what will and is now going to ultimately turn the tide.
Why do I engage with you now?  To say that this entire process may repeat itself and lengthen the “time” of your awakening if mankind picks new controllers and gives them the crayons. Those currently vying for the level of control to which I refer will and do desire to spread their idea of coloring everywhere and anywhere they desire, with no regard for humankind once they’ve been put into power.
In order for systemic change the entire system of power must be altered.  This can only happen with the voices of every one participating and effecting decisions.
It is not necessary for a global vote – what is best for the whole is the same as what is best for the few.  Without absolute power, the benefit to every being becomes the only choice, as those making them are part of the “every being” that is impacted.
Ideas such as these seem beyond thinking about and too large to implement.  The human has been shaped by ideas put forth by an oppressive regime – “JUST OBEY.  IT’S EASIER FOR YOU THAT WAY.”  This will not result in freedom.  Thinking about every choice takes effort and in their daily life, running the “rat race”, man has little time or energy to devote to such improbable and far off notions.
Notice how, as the energies are shifting, the energy required is lessened as to what physical effort must be supplied.  More is accomplished with intent.  This shift leaves space for new thought.  Wrap into your ideas some thoughts of how to “take the crayons away” from your new governments and organizers – as there will be new ones.  If freedom is to be found and maintained, it must be not only seen as possible, but probable and then maintained.
You (empirical) do not need to come up with individual solutions and then run for office.  Rather, shift your thinking from obedience to participation in your own life systems, done for the benefit of all.
Inequalities in financial accruals will most likely be present still as mankind clings to his desire for individuality.  What will be released once all participate is the few gaining at the expense of loss from the many.
Man is always emitting a frequency, an answer, a response to ‘how should this dream be run?”  The collective voice needs to incorporate new ideas around responsibility and possibility.  That is how things are created.  Belief and intent run the show.
I am going to have to stop now.  Will you introduce yourself please?
I will.  I am a voice of the race of beings who originally saw the potential on earth for an experience of control, of service to self as supplied by a “lesser” being.  You would call me of the Annunaki Race, as most of my “time” was spent exploring life on their system.  This is why I may speak with what you would call “authority” on control systems.  I understand the thinking of the controllers.  I have played that game.
Okay.  I must end now.
I see that you must.  There is more to say – this is a good start.
I believe so, yes.
Goodbye then.
The conversation ended.  
The Universal Song…
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