Late Updates for August 24, 2019: The World is Changing [videos] ~ August 25, 2019

Editor’s Note: More yummies from Starship Earth late last night detailing more good news for the Light! Read up, looks like Q will return in early September, the sky is falling for the Dark, and BE…



The digital warriors are hard at work every day and the information coming out is fantastic.

This update from Code Monkey about the 8Chan boards, from 17 hrs., of course.

To everybody asking, we will remain offline until *at least* September 5, 2019. Thank you for all your support and kind words. As law-abiding Americans, we will need you all to be respectfully vocal in the days before the hearing. Please stay tuned.

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) August 24, 2019

The unrest in Hong Kong continues after many weeks of demonstrations. The Chinese people are surveilled beyond anything we know in North America and they’re fed up. Protestors have taken down facial recognition towers and disabled the cameras. Good for them. We do hope there will be a peaceful resolution to all the unrest there of late. So many innocent people are being badly hurt.

Protestors in HongKong are cutting down facial recognition towers

Simon Parkes has this to say about “intelligent street lamps”.

5 years ago I warned of ‘inteli – streets’ lampposts that watch you, listen to you, carry instructions over loud speaker, and take pictures of your face.

Now in 2019 in Hong Kong demonstrators are rioting and one issue is the face recognition tech being used on Hong Kong lampposts.

The government says they are just devices to measure air quality…

Yeah, right…

I like this video from Thomas at TRUreporting. The Chinese people need help—and I know just the guy to do it.

The “chosen one”. See how that works? Beautiful, isn’t it?

Thomas gets what the latest tariffs on China are about and what they mean and does a great job explaining it.

As I’ve noted before, when we speak of various nations we need to specify which part of that government, because most are infiltrated by the cabal. Deep state operatives are controlling aspects of Russia and China, for example. Not everyone in the government is a criminal, just as not everyone in Washington is deep state. Trump is exposing them all and taking them down according to a long-range plan.

Trump Is Going After [DS] In China!! :coded:

The chief is red-pilling his followers. Yup. The lizard queen is in the spotlight.

This photo has not been photoshopped. You can go look for yourself at Blow it up see for yourself. Interesting to say the least.

— chiefpolice (@chiefpolice2) August 24, 2019

From the Tweet above…

Operation London Bridge – the secret plan which means 27 things will happen in London when the Queen dies

The secret plan will swing into operation should the country’s longest-reigning monarch pass away

And why did they put this article out on August 19? Go on. Guess.

Her exit is part of The Plan. They forgot one key step, though.

#28  Patriots will celebrate the official end of Reptilian rule and the liberation of Humanity.

Of course, she doesn’t really have to pass away—just go away and stay away per the agreement; hopefully to the Orion constellation or further. The pomp and circumstance will be nauseating.

And what shall we do with his lowness bonny Prince Charlie?

Who are the evil ones behind all the carnage on our planet? The Archon network.

August 21, 2019

by Teri Wade

Understanding who comprises the Archon Network puts everything that’s happening to the human race and our planet all in perspective.

Archon Network

1. Reptilians aka Lizzies (Draco in command)

2. Insectoids (higher executives)

3. Tall Whites aka ”doctors” (executives)

4. Regular Grays (workers)

5. Small Grays (abduction-oriented probes / semirobots)”

The Draco race, who rules our planet, are just part of the Archon Network.


The Archons are an ancient group of discarnate spirits, demons, regenerate ETs, some greys, reptilians and serpent beings who feed off negativity and care nothing for humanity and the Earth. Hence, the continuance of war and the destruction of our planet  . Their program is to keep you enslaved through your very own mind and to create as much separation, pain, and suffering as possible.

This is done with programming, various kinds of media, societal programming, religious programming, psychotronic technology using ELF, microwave, radionic and other frequencies, not to mention mind to mind manipulation with the Archons themselves.

Your TV and the news is one of the most obvious… designed to keep you fearful, insecure, and in need of a savior “outside of self”. It is also designed to keep you focused on the material world, acquiring acceptance and approval outside of self, being well adjusted to society for your very own survival.

Religious programming does just this…looking for approval/acceptance and a false security from an outside source other than you which is so detrimental to your evolution and based on a false reality. There is no higher authority than oneself!

The Archon Network’s first and foremost goal is to separate man/woman from the GOD WITHIN. It is to keep you focused on the external and control you through the base attitudes and emotions of the first three chakras – Survival, Sex and Power. These Archons cannot let you operate from the Heart because once you move up into the heart and beyond it loses its power over you. This is the crossroad we’re at now!

We live in a world of veiled consciousness but that veil is thinning hence, mankind’s Awakening. “The closer you get to Nirvana the more the demons rear their ugly heads.” Mankind is in the fight our lives and any choices and actions that are not of love will be met by Universal Law, what is known as Karma. Remember, the love that you withhold is the pain that you carry.


The “Pence” seems to be disappearing from the Trump 2020 slogans and campaign material, BTW.

It appears sanity is setting in. Who in their right mind would identify with the lunatic left? The Democrat Party is all but annihilated; imploding from within.

Yikes! Fewer People Today Consider Themselves Democrat than When Trump was Elected

Wow watch this video… looks like @IlhanMN has a serious challenger -very impressive! Beautiful family

— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) August 24, 2019

Court documents say Teterboro airport was travel hub for Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking

I’ve forgotten where I learned of this press release from August 20th, but it’s important. The take-down is very organized within the positive factions in many nations. Brazil is working with Trump and the patriots. Funny how those fires started there in the Amazon.

International Law Enforcement Cooperation Leads to Brazilian Takedown of Significant Human Smugglers

This is important, too.

This is the most important story on the 2020 election that you don’t know is happening.

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) August 24, 2019

Another great video from Sarah Tonen I didn’t get to earlier.

Simon says…


The elite bang on about global warming and manipulate their friends in the press.

Sir Elton pays for British Royal family members to have a carbon neutral flight – While for two weeks the Amazon jungle is on fire!

So where are all the pontificators now ?

Why are they not mobilising the world’s press and resources to combat this …


There certainly have been a lot of lightning strikes lately. There might be some conflicting information here. No limbs fell off the tree as reported. It went directly to the ground. Funny, that. And they weren’t hurt the way strike victims usually are. Very odd.

6 Injured in Lightning Strike at PGA Tour Championship – LIVE COVERAGE

It’s pool time so I’m signing off.  ~ BP

Globalists May Try to Crash Economy to Get Trump | Greg Hunter with Alex Newman [video] ~ August 23, 2019

Editor’s Note: Now…I Am not into “fear porn”, but it is a very plausible point that it is not beyond the tactics of the Dark to try and remove Trump through crashing the national (global) economy. The Dark IS aware that all things in terms of global freedom are tied to economic solvency ( our economic slavery).

So…just sayin, might be a good idea to stock up on a few things you cannot do without, know that Truth and Love are winning this battle for Earth, and be…



The following is an outstanding, fast-moving discussion from Greg Hunter with encouraging feedback from the public trenches in America on many levels. Alex Newman travels the country speaking to people about the current situation with our children, education (and lack thereof), alternatives, and taking back control of the country.

In his interactions with the general public he extracts an accurate snapshot of the views of the average American, including the Hispanic segment, on those and many other issues like abortion, immigration, President Trump and his policies, the role of the United Nations and their overstepping of authority, Google meddling, fake news, etc.

It’s clear from his feedback that the fake news is attempting to paint a very different picture and misleading us as to the real situation.

Alex feels Trump and his peaceful message are definitely getting through to the American People and that most are armed and ready (figuratively speaking) to wrest control back from the deep state globalists.

Yes, there are many who are deceived by the daily rhetoric from the lying turds in the corporate media but perhaps we aren’t giving sufficient credit to even more people who do see the situation for what it is and recognize the brazen lies and propaganda designed to incite division and hatred in the country.

Donald Trump rallied the troops in 2016, and again in 2018. I feel 2020 is going to be even more spectacular and he’s barely begun his schedule of 100 or so rallies.

It appears the political atmosphere in the USA is more positive than it has been in a very long time. The average American or Human being anywhere doesn’t wake up angry every day or walk around hating their neighbour because of their skin colour or political or religious beliefs. The public are now realizing who the enemy is and when they rally in November 2020 at the polling booths we will see how potent the education process has been.

Judging from the effectiveness in the strategies thus far, I don’t believe the banksters will be successful in crashing the economy. The military and other patriots involved in the takedown of the cabal have been so thorough, so meticulous in their gameplan that it seems there is very little that could go wrong; and certainly not enough potential for chaos that we need to worry about long-term duress.

If one key goal was to pull this off without violent revolution or civil unrest, then I have confidence they know how this will likely go and have Plan B, C, D, and E to cover all eventualities. Most Americans are able to look after themselves and their families and readily pitch in to help strangers when the chips are down.

The feeling I get from this interview is that the People are responding to the President’s message, The Plan is working well, and that the Great Awakening is in full swing.

I would also venture to say that since Trump is so popular in other nations that perhaps Humanity is on a rapid trajectory for a peaceful liberation. That is the goal, after all.

It will be interesting to see what unfolds in Canada this fall in their federal election with the newly formed People’s Party of Canada taking on the corrupt NWO establishment.  ~ BP

Alex Newman – Globalists May Try to Crash Economy to Get Trump

Greg Hunter
Published on Aug 20, 2019
Journalist Alex Newman’s biggest fear is the New World Order tanking the global economy to try to tarnish Donald Trump before the 2020 Presidential Election. Newman says, “We may see the globalists try to crash the economy, whether that be pulling the rug out from under the stock market or whether that be trying to crash the value of the dollar. Then using that to demonize President Trump and all of his supporters and to basically say see what happens when you defy globalism.

See what happens when you try to implement tariffs so the communist Chinese don’t rip you off. You end up blowing up your own economy. They are going to say this is all Trump’s fault and the fault of the people who voted for him.

I think this is a very real possibility. . . . If they crash the economy, Trump can use his bully pulpit to explain what is really going on. . . . We are not dealing with people we have a difference of opinion with.

We are dealing with people who are nefarious and people with evil intention who would very much like to destroy liberty and very much like to destroy our country and merge it into a global system with them at the top. . . . We are dealing with people who are absolutely evil and who would not hesitate to do any immoral or illegal thing if they thought it would advance their agenda and if they knew they would not get caught and not get into trouble.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Alex Newman, International Correspondent for The New American magazine.

Trump Declares National Emergency for Information and Communication Technology: Report Big Tech Censorship! ~ May 15, 2019

We’re going after big, bad Tech! The Goog monster et al. This needs to be done BEFORE the 2020 election to make it fair.

Due to restricted Internet resources (and time) I have not yet looked into this fully, but please visit the American Intelligence Media website for this update. Calling all information warriors to hit their keyboards!

The Trump Administration is fighting for free speech online.

No matter your views, if you suspect political bias has caused you to be censored or silenced online, we want to hear about it!

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) May 15, 2019

Trump Declares National Emergency For Information and Communication Technology

And, watch this video update from Kip Simpson…

Breaking: Trump White House Rolls Out Website to Report Big Tech Censorship