11/11 Energy Update ~ November 10, 2018

This is an update for Twin Flames. Because twin flames truly ARE one (yin/yang), their joining together causes a great spark of positive energy.

The sexual orgasmic union of twin flames produces an outburst of creative energy responsible for helping to raise the rate of vibration for the collective consciousness…that is why they are so important for this time of evolution on Earth.

The path they follow is extremely problematic with roadblock after roadblock being thrown at them to delay/prevent their union. These roadblocks are more than likely caused by the dark who will cause any event to prevent union. This is the reason shy true twin flames are rare and to be prevented from joining together at any cost!

But…please remember that Love Wins in this time of Twin reunion and the evolution of humanity is guaranteed! Enough twins are joining in the near future to spark a rise in the vibrations of the collective consciousness of humanity.

The video below is form “Awakened Twin” who shares her perception of twin flames at this time. Relax and enjoy the show as it beings, and….
