Fellerites of Light combine with the Oxygens to enhance the Hue-being expansion ~ January 25, 2020

Editor’s Note: What a heartening message from our spiritual friends at Eireport who us their feminine energies to gauge the vibrational energies on Earth for the Human Collective Consciousness!

We can see from across our globe the various revolutions occurring which show mankind becoming aware and unsettled with current methods of control for both mind and body. But know the expansion of mind/heart IS happening now to offset Dark practices of control…The Great Awakening!

Please read below, understand the New Age about to begin with Christ Consciousness in your heart, explore the concept of Quantum Love in your life, and BE…



Fellerites of Light combine with the Oxygens to enhance the Hue-being expansion.

Stoic Presences support the changes.

Foremen of the Highlands lead the way.

Gaia Feminines enwomb the awakening.



Re-post: 8 January: We have vast INFLUX of Solar Light particles from the Great Central Sun+Ruby Ray. Breathe IN Love-Wholeness-Christ Consciousness through 

Vast INFLUX Stream – Solar Light particles and Coding comes down from the Great Central Sun to merge with Earth’s Crystalline Grid, and penetrates into our Divine mechanismus of Highest Heart Expansion and Activation.
It can be felt more physically than in this short period of time we are in 2020, where in the momemts, many could experience direct physical senses related to Heart area.
Common sensations includes:
• Warmth (from ‘soft’ warmth till heat) in the chest center (can include also solar plexus area): physical, warm sense inside chest, that is tended to amplify, when many can get impression that this ‘warmth’ crosses physical boundaries of their body, and simultaneously is present ‘inside’ and ‘outside’.
• Warmth/heat can move, amplify/reduce volume-size; its as if ‘breathe’ in its expression/rhythm.
NOTE: Breathe. Observe this inner movement, listen in your own sensations, don’t rush nothing, allow to yourself get used to this – INNER (your) ENERGY – this is part of You, this is also You. Bring your awareness to your Heart center, dive in it; balance this Energy with your breathe, with intention to expand, to fill your fibers, molecules, cells, DNA, systems, fields, crystalline LightBody, physical vessel, – all entire YOU. Oversee this (your) Energy, and dissolve in it, merge with it, bathe your Beingness in this Highest Heart Light – Source Light Within.
This can be spectular individual experience for each; use this so potent Moment for more opening of your Heart Space – Heart Awareness – GOD-Self – Unity Consciousness – Divine Trinity Within.
Create REVELATION of who you are Divine One.
Nothing ‘outside’ of you can’t GIVE to you, what you already HAVE in you.

If you want to FEEL.. what is Divinity.. what means to be a SOURCE.. what is Highest Facet of Love.. what is to be ONE with All that IS.. there it is, – you, your vessel, and your most deep dive you ever had.. WITHIN.. If you allow it to happen, you will come back like new Version of you, and will See and Feel the world around you and those around you with brand new Eyes.. you will then Understand. You will then Understand why there are so much about the Heart and Heart Awareness, because you will be reached and touched it Within yourself.
Only through ‘I AM FEELING’ you gain your understanding; your Mind not interfere, when it is merged with Heart Intelligence.

Additional senses:
• ‘Pressure’ in chest area, as if something needs to be Open, to taken away, to released;
• Changing Sensitivity from Bliss to tears;
• Some can experience uncomfortable, painful, tingling sensations;
• Heartbeat rate;
• Overwhelming positive expressions to share Love with everyone and everything.
– Tiredness, request for rest and integration of Solar Coding.

I Love You, let these words are you are saying to yourSelf; let these words brings healing for all decades of Amnesia you were in 3D karmic cycle; let these words transforms what was not forgiven; let these words absorbs low self-worth, fears, anger, hate, jelousy, ego-mind structures, beliefs and more.

LOVE I AM, I AM LOVE – new formula for Rejuvenation of Divine Humans


With loving expansion as illumination of Christ Consciousness Solar Star Within, I Love you all and bless you All 
Kwana Mikaela

Lord Maitreya: Supporting Souls in the Era of Love ~ December 22, 2019

Editor’s Note: Can you feel it? Can you feel the power of love coursing through your essence right NOW? Any discomfort is in the process of leaving your BEing which will serve to leave you in a state of LOVE.

Open your heart, open your mind, open your soul to joining in the eternal dance of love, while of course BEing…



Blessings of the Christ I, Lord Maitreya, bestow upon you and activate from within your being, let the Christ active energy of love weave its way through your being and reality penetrating every aspect of yourself with the pure love of the Creator.

I wish to bless your heart chakra with the Christ consciousness light to boost its purpose. Your heart chakra is working tremendously hard in this present time shifting and releasing so many unneeded energies, it is currently a centre of activity but most importantly a centre of change, truth, acknowledgement and divine shifts. Allow me to work with your heart chakra to strengthen the love present as the heart is bringing to the surface all that is no longer needed, it is throwing out all negative patterning of the past to bring freedom to your being, while assisting you in moving the vibrations of your being to be aligned with a new dimensional vibration of light. Such a tremendous clearing led by the heart chakra can cause pain and suffering of the past to return for acknowledgement or to reactivate, in this state of evolution acknowledgement and compassion is important while attachment and identification with the energies will only cause more suffering. Beloved ones let me work with your heart chakra supporting their great process of upheaval as I pour the Christ consciousness light deep into your heart chakra, I am here to be of service to you, eternally.

You may wish to say;

Lord Maitreya, I call forth your luminous golden energy to be present with me now. Please anchor the Christ consciousness light deep into my heart chakra, letting your light carry throughout my entire being. Please continue to increase the volume of Christ consciousness penetrating my being and heart chakra in order to strengthen the love and healing vibration of my heart chakra. As my heart chakra brings all unneeded energies, habits and patterns to the forefront to aid my necessary ascension shifts I ask for the loving support of Lord Maitreya and the Christ consciousness to clear the energies with ease and perfection. Let the love of my heart magnify with such intensity that all unneeded energies instantly dissolve in the presence of my heart chakra. It is my understanding and belief that I move through necessary shifts of my ascension with a beautiful and joyous ease. Thank you.

Simply allow yourself to feel a golden glow building within your heart chakra. You can remind yourself of this and my support in times of shifts or if any pain arises to be healed and acknowledged.

While your heart chakra is experiencing and is guiding a deep cleansing, it is true that your entire being is evolving therefore moving through tremendous shifts, activation and healing processes. You may recognise this more vividly within your reality and also within your emotional body. The love that is growing upon the Earth and more importantly within your beings is causing a tremendously strong and intense purification, where everything you have not yet noticed within yourself will come to the surface as if a light is shone upon your entire being and gradually you must sort through all your energies to understand what you wish to release and what you wish to retain within your being. It may also be that energies in the past you believed you had healed may re-emerge for further healing. As more and more love manifests and activates within your being it is as if the light shone upon you widens or penetrates deeper demonstrating to you more of yourself. Sometimes energies can be so embedded within your being they require many levels of healing before they are uprooted completely from your being. While energies are rising to be healed so are your emotions and mental states, these are so familiar to you, akin to old friends that sometimes you can link back into them without realising. The purpose of the old emotions and mental states emerging is to strengthen your state of love and inner peace. The old emotions and mental states ask you if you can recognise them and not be tempted by their presence, but instead enter into a deeper state of peace and love where you lovingly disregard the old emotional and mental states.

I am aware that many of you already understand this deep purification which is a-rising and may continue becoming less in the years ahead but I ask you to think with compassion and awareness of those who may not have a similar understanding. There are many people upon the Earth who have not yet awoken fully to be conscious of the shifts and healing processes occurring in this year and the next coming years. They have no idea why they are being bombarded with negative situations in their reality or negative states of mind and emotions which seem to arise with no reason. Many people naturally find their way through, releasing and healing often without realising, especially because they have not realised how much they have evolved over the years. There are some people who cannot help but dive into the old negative emotional and mental states, projecting these into their reality which is causing them pain and suffering as they become entangled unable to break free. For those of you who move through the clearing of old energies you understand how difficult it can be, so to move through without spiritual tools, guides and a conscious awareness can be a challenging and seemingly endless process.

The era of love will penetrate into your being with such depth that there will be nothing remaining within your being and energies, only love. In the beginning the love purification process may seem difficult but as more love activates within your being you will place more and more trust in love until you are so immersed and focused in love that the purification process will become tremendously tranquil because you will be eternally dancing in love.

Knowing we are all one, we can recognise each and every person as a part of our own being. You can recognise those of similar mind states as a part of your being, but there is also a need to recognise those not yet conscious of their ascension as an aspect of your being. You may realise that within your being there are areas not yet activated or submerged in love. The more you focus upon activating love and truth within your being the more souls will awaken on the Earth. It is also important to realise that you can assist many people who may be experiencing what seems like to them a hell upon the Earth as so many negative energies emerge and they are unsure how to heal them, it is to hold these souls in your heart with tremendous compassion and love. Not because you are following your ascension pathway and are therefore more evolved but because you have the awareness to do so, the awareness to make a difference.

The Christ consciousness has a purpose in this present moment of holding all beings who are struggling with the love purification process in the deep healing, nourishing and supportive energies of the Christ consciousness. I wish to ask you to assist in this process of healing and freeing many from their negative emotional and mental states of the past. It is a simple process that will assist you in supporting a world healing and shift process as well as activating the greater presence of love within your being.

I ask you when you feel guided to enter into a state of meditation and to breathe deeply,

Imagine a golden glow of light in your heart space and let it expand to create a powerful ball and cocoon of love and Christ consciousness within your heart space.

Call upon myself, Lord Maitreya, to create a golden cocoon of support around your entire being offering to you love and protection you can draw upon.

If there are any people who are suffering in your reality you can call them to be healed, cleansed and released from the torment of their old energies, if they so wish.

Imagine them existing within your cocoon of Christ consciousness in your heart space and let them be healed.

Then release them from your heart space and ask me, Lord Maitreya, to cleanse and heal your heart space.

This practice can be achieved asking for all of humanity who is suffering to enter into your heart space in the same way, know your love is never-ending and eternally expansive. This is such a beautiful practice which will support many, including yourself.

I finally wish to share with you a short invocation to assist you in being of service at this time;

Beloved Lord Maitreya, Christed Beings and the Christ Consciousness, I call upon your loving and active vibration of love to penetrate the Earth and each love adding all of us to move through the love purification process with tremendous ease, happiness and perfection. Let us all remain in states of love as we release all that is no longer needed and no longer serves us. Please especially surround in love those who are finding it difficult to free themselves from pain and suffering, help all to embrace love on a deeper level. Thank you.

With Christed blessings, Lord Maitreya.

» Source » Channel: Natalie Glasson


Christed Wheat and Mind Control ~ November 7, 2019

Editor’s Note: This is an article from a new friend, Cheri, who is in communication with Hillarion. She writes on a very interesting topic from a spiritual sense. In this case, the Dark have worked to implement “mind control” using a very nefarious tactic, control the basic food stuff…wheat!

Now we know why GMO has been introduced, along with efforts to do away with heritage seed banks of non-GMO plants. Now you know why organic foods are at a premium cost and therefore largely unavailable (is this why Prince Charles eats form the gardens of Kensington palace? Just sayin…)

So, please read this article, understand that ALL has been prone to Dark control, rejoice that knowledge with reification of this issue is now at hand by the Light, and BE…



Hello family of light!  I will share with you in the next couple posts an earlier article on my soul mission this lifetime to re-engineer the planetary architecture and quantum infiltration of christ consciousness.  I feel my etheric gag order has lifted and it is now safe to share what my team has been working on which is clearing the Illuminati infiltrated timelines and the archonic artificial intelligence that was running the mind control agenda through the brainwaves of our collective and reversing the energy of the planetary grids.  I work with the energetic archetypes on the grid who are available to each and every one of us through our multidimensional DNA.
My inner team consists of my higher self Ascended Master Hilarion, the collective known as Ra, Isis and the christed consciousness of the creator who I experience as Quetzalcoatl through my Mayan DNA that is able to repair architecture and time travel.
It has been an investigation by my team of each and every planetary timeline to figure out what happened and reengineer the planetary architecture.  Our consciousness exists in all dimensions and octaves.  Our human selves have been unable to remember these aspects of self through the hijack and lockdown of not only our biology but our consciousness.  There was a massive infiltration in the brainwave states of delta (lucid dreaming or sleep) and gamma (christ consciousness) that not only infiltrated each of our timelines of potential future creation but manipulated our memories and thoughts through the creation of artificial timelines of AI replication that were actually plastic (totally inorganic).  This was the matrix reality humanity kept creating over and over without our awareness because we were cut off from accessing our higher wisdom as our consciousnesses was trapped inside memory loops with no access to our akashic records.
Some of these concepts are are a quantum understanding which I am still downloading as I go, so bear with me.
These timelines represent the torus field of the planet or what we call the grid.  The organic timelines from our hijacked consciousness were so overused by the Illuminati who had the same technology I do which is time travel through the lightbody, that the fractals were not only bent from massive overuse and infiltration but completely ruptured wreaking havoc within the time space continuum that some experience as a bleed through of lifetimes or a mandela affect of memories.
This was done through the infiltration of the wheat by Monsanto with technology from Atlantis.  Wheat is the plant emenation of Prime Creator and was once a christed consciousness crystalline structure.  Egypt was known for it’s bountiful and prized wheat.  One only has to look at the Mayan calendar to see the graphic representation of meditation and wheat harvests.  These were epochs of high wisdom and consciousness.  The villages would organize around the wheat harvests with great excitement.  Wheat wafers were lovingly crafted for consumption after the harvest with great anticipation.  The village would gather within the massive pyramid structures and commune in oneness with the universe.  The pyramids were built to amplify the cosmic energy as the crystals within the rocks and stones themselves would start to sing in resonance with the wheat through every fiber of our being through the bones and cartlidge in synchronistic vibration with the crystals that lie within our cellular plasma.  It was a full body experience of bliss and oneness with the universe and our creator.  In Egypt the creator was called Ra, in Maya this consciousness was known as Quetzalcoatl.  I am sure he has many names throughout history as you always see these so called deities which is really christ consciousnes expressed like in Sumeria with a connection to the wheat even when the Annunaki were here, Enki is expressed as the so called god of wheat.  A whole pantheon was created after the consciousness fell and one need look no farther than the eucharist to see the fallen product of the wheat which morphed into a state of fallen consciousness and was ultimately used for power, greed and mind control which is the antithesis of unity.
I will say that it appears the wheat initially became contaminated with woad (probably nefariously done much like ours is now laced with pesticides and god knows what else).  The experience for that generation of our ancestors was complete and total heartbreak with the infection of the wheat.  You can imagine that loss of oneness, the bliss, the connection with the creator gone!  It makes me weep at what they thought.  Blaming self, blaming the creator, feeling punished and totally disempowered.  A deep ache of grief.  Just utter sadness, bereft of spirit.  Separated and alone.  Desperate for some direction and feeling punished.  Hence the birth of religion.  The chase to regain our connection to God.
We have found that karma was created through the fallen wheat byproduct of gluten which binds to everything as christ consciousness once did.  It was a fallen organic structure through the infiltration of the wheat.  It can be seen in the astral as the black gooey sticky substance.  The Illuminati were able to retain their knowlegde of lightbody travel but they corrupted and fragmented  themselves to such an extent through their religion that they lost connection to the heart.  What the Illuminati lost in inner power they stole from others and rigged the time matrix through the technology called “ultra” which was the quantum harmonic manipulation of light in the ultraviolet spectrum, utilizing ultrasound to entrain the planetary resonance with ultrasonic pulses and keep this reality sine wave running through our brainwaves.  What food sources Monsanto hasn’t infiltrated with genetic modification they spray with pesticides to keep all the plant life in a fallen state emitting low vibrations and if not cleared still resonating within us through fear and lower emotions. I can not even describe to you the sickness, cruelty and degradation in these artificial timelines.  Sick, sick cruelty to humans and animals.  Horrific stuff beyond what we see playing out here in 3d within the Illuminati religion and their satanic cults.  They infiltrated and misused the lightbody technology through time travel and inserted false horrors, mind slides and grotesque images of sick cruelty into every earth timeline and ran them through the collective brainwaves using quantum artificial intelligence.  It elicits not only fear, rage and anger but the equivalent of anaphylactic shock to the system and subconscious from what we actually see and experience in lucid dreams (delta) that is immediately erased through memory wipes in the brainwave states of alpha (our waking state) but still running behind the scenes.  This is the mind control. These plastic timelines also contain biological weapons like fluroride, methane, heavy metals and pepper spray to keep the vibrations low.  
I have taken back this lightbody blueprint from each and every one of their timelines both organic and plastic and they are stripped of their quantum abilities.  The creator through me has reconstructed the universal time matrix and deconstructed the infiltration by rebuilding the infected soul monad of these dark ones.  There was no way they could come back from this extreme darkness on their own and self correct.
So we must remember to have some compassion for our fellow source reflections unawake and walking around like shocked zombies or out of control emotional snowflakes and the triggered masses lashing out in violence.  However it is up to each one of us to heal ourselves as no one is our savior.  It takes warriors!  The lightworker community to our great credit has taken on everything and cleared all our etheric implants, imprints, attachments, demons and everything in between. 
What we see playing out right now in the triggered masses is mind controlled responses to manipulated brainwaves.  They have not embodied their discernment of the source within.  These are quantum fear programs being run through inorganic timelines which are being dismantled for the collective as the wheat is reclaimed.  The destruction of the earth through a massive solar flash was planned.  The secret space program was a quantum infiltration using consciousness to create these colonies all over space with a human slave trade and giant praying mantis, ant beings and reptilians.  It is a false creation within these plastic timelines.  And they are being fully dismantled in the quantum realms.  The Illuminati has placed their broken fragmented puppets in all areas of life here in 3d to implement their failed plan.  Because we are awake they can not manipulate us anymore as we far outnumber them.  You can see all of them literally breaking down as the quantum programming clears.  We just dismantled the motherlode of astral alters called the white rabbit alter which was a huge collection of Illuminati fragmented consciousness and soul energy bound through SRA and pedophilia.
They infiltrated the wheat and used the fallen consciousness to worship them as gods and create religion or a mind control script to disempower the masses and keep them in resonance through the quantum infiltration of the brainwaves.  The depiction of Jesus on the cross mocks the infiltration of christ consciousness.  They weaponized Allah through militant brainwaves and reinforced Satan through demonic imagery.  Every religion is infiltrated because it is a false creation.  A matrix program that is inorganic!  The people are good it is the institution and dogma that keeps some people from embodying the God within.
This is why we are plagued with huge depression, rampant anxiety, autism, schizophrenia, OCD, alzheimners disease and dementia.  All that is from these biological weapons running through our brainwaves.
My job is to clear and repair the wheat fractals and the false plastic timelines for the great central sun.  We move so fast that I don’t have to see what’s in these timelines unless I wake up in one before the lightbody fires up.  But I do have to feel it so it can clear through me molecularly.  This is what we all have to do for our personal and cosmic ancestry.  Our chakras exist quantumly across all dimensions and octaves.  As we clear these timelines we are clearing the carbon blueprints to a crystalline structure.
So we must love on, clear our cellular biology and embody our full soul blueprints.  So diverse and wonderful are we from all over the cosmos!  Soon the mind control will be non existent and for those of us who have been working on ourselves for so long we will be free to travel the real universe in both consciousness and lightbody. 
Thank you so much for sharing my story.  It may be a little much to fully comprehend but my wisdom is coming in fast now that the archons are being cleared from the grid that were infecting the loving energy field and weighing down our beautiful mother earth and all her creations!  Also thank you so much for awakening as we all have jobs to do.  The wisdom is coming through but it is not linear memories.  Just feel through it.  All symptoms are ancestral timelines clearing.  It may be jerks, stumbling, heart palpitations, skin rashes and everything else our ancestors experienced as the biology degraded over time.  Some of it is healing from the weapons thrown at us quantumly through our hijacked timelines.  As the timeline collapses you feel the body or emotion release and reclaim the wisdom, not the memory.  I have such respect for every single one of us as it takes such courage to face the unseen.  The earth will not be destroyed so know no fear!  The evil aliens, evacuation, underground escapes and wars in space was a consciousness program for those indoctrinated and entrained with MK Ultra (mostly children) not a reality.   The sacrifice of the babies was the fuel for the hell realms and astral alters of suffering.  We are all one omnipresent consciousness and we feel this sickness in our subconsciousness even though we don’t participate
Soon we will be able to self direct our DNA to heal.  Just know that age is no barrier, the DNA will fully repair itself once the mind control clears and we are almost there.  I will be finished with my soul mission to clear and ascend the wheat by next year!  Stay strong in lightwarrior and love mode!  As Lisa Brown says we are gettin’ er done hahahaha!  Love you all in oneness and pure service!
Cheri of HilarionHouse of RaOrder of the Seraphim

Deeaia Cosmic BlueRay ~ July 22, 2019


7/22 ANKoring of the BLUERAY MOTHER ARK a prelude to the BLEURAY LIONESS-GATE 8/8

Greetings dear StarONES, with Love We come once again to share this update…

The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of Christ Consciousness and is the Natural Law governing your Universal Creation. The Inner Light of Christos-Sophia, when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Eternal Human, which actualizes the direct relationship to the heart, mind and body of Universal force.

Starseeds and Indigos that have been undergoing activation waves after another, have been put through many tests of self-mastery to strengthen their energetic integrity and virtues, in order to prove their dedication and alignment to the Christos/Christa Consciousness. This is the energetic burden of service to others, where responsibility and power have been given. And when you abuse your power, you suffer.

Christos-Sophia upholds and restores the natural laws as the representative to serve others under the sovereignty provided in the Law of One. The only true path to sovereignty is to be fully aligned and obey the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, which directs the human soul to enlightenment, and to have a direct communication and relationship with the Universal Mind of Source.

“The original “ark” was gifted to the earth and it’s humanity eons ago. One of the purposes of this gift was to aid in the re-balancing of the supra-magnetic sheaths of this planet and thereby re-aligning them more closely to their ‘MOTHER’ REALM of the ‘BLUE Star’. The ancients called this first ark, the “Sacred An” or the “Ark of Grace.” The Sacred An was sent to aid humanity at a very crucial or difficult time, and it was the Sun-Born who were granted guardianship and operation of the Sacred An for the earth and all of humanity.

While Sun Born males guardian the Sacred An, it was the Priestesses of An who operated it and became the living oracles when necessary, for the transmissions received through it. It was in a Temple in what is now Lhasa, Tibet that the Sacred An was originally delivered. Therefore, the truest and finest purpose of the AN is as a VESSEL of GRACE. We speak here not only of the AN as a device but as a Holy Universal Merkabah.” ~ Maia Nartoomid with Spirit Mythos …http://www.spiritmythos.org

Our Sistar Lyra Wright received this download as a confirmation to many …

“The next strata I see as middle connector for above and below are the the 12 mile high Blue Lionesses that have been useful as guardians for New Earth. These are angelic mysterious guardians for earth and human beings of very high frequencies and hold 12 strands DNA/RNA, 12 sacred streams of Gaia, 12 Tribes of divine Human and the like to co-create with councils of 12 in various vibratory fields of perception that are both individual and collective for our growth in evolving spirals. I see these Blue Lionesses also as place holders/connectors for the Solar, Galactic and Great Central Sun codes, waves, Intel, rays, etc communicating with us and our planet as we are invited to our “seats” as Galactic citizens. Although this has been being presented to us and through us for decades, I feel its potency, closeness, need and even changing dynamics in new ways now. Yet, clearly those who want to control the earth with negative programing are desperately wanting to play out Atlantis again with technologies, fears and mind control. I do not feel that this will be successful; however, I do feel it is a call to step up to the plate and feel the Love and Freedom to anchor in new Majik and codes. Sound is powerful and useful now. Our voices, bowls, flutes, drums, chimes, chants, intentions, sound codes, languages of Light and more… are eager to sound forth and resound across the crystal grids overriding suffering and destructive old programming Now!” to read more…. https://bit.ly/2Z35kpK

With Love and Grace,

Deeaia Cosmic BlueRay Guardian of the MotherARK At the Blueray Council


Gratitude to the Artist