AA Michael: New Earth Manifesting and the end of the 3D Matrix

The blue Pulse and the now moment Written by EM-BS on 13 Nov 2016 ~ Nov. 13, 2016


The blue Pulse and the now moment


Each timeline carries within it  “future and past”, and those future and past are moving horizontally in each timeline. as if there is a line in front of your eyes and the right side of that line is the future, and the left side is the past, all the micro and the Nano seconds of that timeline are related either to the past or to the future ,, and at a specific point of that timeline there is a point that works like a gate & a Zero point energy, this point works like an exit point and elevator to exit from this timeline to move to another timeline in another dimension , this gate point is not specific in the middle of that timeline , but it’s there in that timeline between past and future, and the main element that effects “ when that point be aligned for us and worked as elevator to send us from dimension to dimension” [ascension] is the now moment,, also our consciousness in that moment…

each gate point of any timeline is connected vertically with the same gate point of the above timeline.. and its continue like this until you reach the 13th dimension which is the Central Sun.

the central sun,, from the outer space , it works like a factory of initiating timelines for the will of the creations to prepare” how that galactic day will be” (its future and its past ) and from the spiritual side from inside the central sun,, things move with Now Moment ,, and  from the outer space of that central sun , the galactic wave  moves and initiates to be align with the circle of revolutions ,, and from the spiritual and the inner side of the central sun , the blue pulse is align with the Now Moment of all collective consciousness of creation  in the present, whether it’s a collective conscious for the destiny of specific planet or specific race OR  that collective consciousness for any specific being in this galaxy..


  • when the galactic wave is launch from the central sun ,, it launches because it’s the right time of ending the specific circle ,, which means that there is an estimating time for that .. it doesn’t matter what the collective conscious is , but of course its effect had a relationship with the level  of  collective consciousness ..and when that wave  launch , it moves with the speed of light ..
  •  However, in the blue pulse situation , the launch of this pulse is related to the readiness of the collective consciousness whether as collective or individual to receive that pulse , and when that happened,,  the blue pulse will launch in a speed of now , the meaning of that: it reaches this planet  at the same moment of its launching from the central sun,, because her nature as blue pulse is related to the nature of the main element of the instruction of this universe,, like what happened in the beginning of the creation ( the big bang ) ..in the micro second of that explosion , the universe manifested..

Now if you search for:  the Exit door, The Ascension, move between dimensions, to be align with your Merkabah, merging your inner planes OR access from dimension to another, here all what you need is just NOW, and here..

If you send your consciousness to the future through hope or you relax your conscious and attach it with the past, in this situation you decide not to live [ NOW], but to postpone that for tomorrow, as if your consciousness said, I am not ready now but I will be ready in the future.

Waiting for things to happen will send your present to the future, and you will never catch what you want from the future until you recall again your present to this now moment.

If you need to send your request to the mental cosmic to tell him that you are tired and you want to exit from this dimension, please don’t deal with him through the hope way, he will never listen to you, but deal with him from the NOW present through living what you asked him to do for you.

 your presence, your actions, your feelings, your visions…, all of those elements try to focus them on NOW and HERE.

The blue pulse is connected directly through all those gate points and connected with your heart chakra, and the key to exit is in your heart.

With all my love and peace


EM & BS 

Judith Kusel: The Twin Flames of the Sun Path: The Great Central Sun Illumined Path (VI) (DM) ~ July 4, 2015


This article from Judith Kusel is about, and for, those who know themselves to be twin flames. What is the purpose of being a twin flame? How are twin flames activated to know themselves and their mission? I AM a twin flame and wait for the day when my other half will waken and know their truth. The world is rapidly changing, I know who I AM…please play the game, yet learn to let go mentally and discover WHO YOU ARE! Please read this, dwell on your heart, and…


When they were created, the Divine wished to make in equal parts that essence of which all Creation exists of, and which itself existed of in two distinctive forms within the Greater Whole of the Godhood.

Therefore, he created from the substance of energy of ONE single soul, two forms, a male and female form, so that they would enhance each other. Yet, at the same time each one would have a little of the other within their being, so that they could understand each other better and find a greater degree of equilibrium, when they truly became AS ONE again.

It was then that creation celebrated the conception and birth of the first twin flames, of the Central Fire of the Central Suns, and they were thus called Man and Woman, and they could only experience the total wholeness of their true soul, when they came together as ONE, thus manhood was created to fit perfectly into wom(b)anhood and in the process of union, they could create another being by becoming as one.

In the ancient Mystery schools of Egypt and those even more ancient than this, it was understood that twin flames had a specific soul purpose and mission to fulfill and acolytes were very carefully screened to see if they met certain requirements. For the High Priest and High Priestess of the Higher Temples of Ra, would read the soul records of babies when they were born and drew up astrological charts which would more or less confirm the readings and immediately identify such twin flames from the Great Central Suns, as they had a specific combination of attributes which identified them. They were known as the High Initiates.

Some of these would be reborn at certain times, and would have certain identification marks on their bodies which were read. A lot of these symbols and signs were in the etheric bodies, or the higher soul bodies, and those priestesses trained to read this, would immediately identify those who were called for higher service.

At the age of three they were then handed over the temple guardians for intensive initiation and training into the secret orders of the Mystery Schools, and they were trained according to their soul purpose and calling and the higher soul work they had come in to do.

In Ancient times these twins would assume leadership roles in maturity, and would have been trained extensively in the Mysteries themselves, and thus also were trained in the ancient sacred sexual rites, which they had been trained to do and to partake in, when they reached a certain age.

Such unions were considered sacred, and thus the higher the soul calling, the more the sanctity of such unions were honored. It was known that no third party could enter such a union for it would disrupt the sacredness of the creative energy and the focus of such energies to uplift and to expand the power that these two created in their union or alchemical marriage, for here there were the rites of alchemy and sacred fusion involved and with it the whole cosmic understanding of the higher sun and moon equations, which were that of the sacred mystical paths.

Often in such union the triad would come into play where one would take on the neutral role of holding the space, or energy for the two, for it was known that such potent energy as created between the twins, was like a two-edged sword and thus had to be channeled in the correct ways.

The trinity of Isis, Osiris and Horus, then holds within its core this knowledge.

However, simultaneously the twins would create another triad, [which] was then the fusion of the Divine Sun and thus the sacred fire and it in turn brought then the two triads together; that of the earth and that of the cosmic Sun and thus then the magical powers of the energies were unleashed which brought about the elevation of energies from which one then could literally change oneself and all that one aspired to change and in this then this energy was infused into the life mission work that these two then did in tandem and higher soul calling together.

The Mystical Sacred Union of the Twin Flames was never just for the mundane union as we humans now understand it, but rather was used as a specific mystical pathway towards the full radiation of the Central Sun with the two, and then in alchemical fusion to amplify this and thus this would then become that which brought massive consciousness changes in all whose lives it touched.

It was that central leadership role, that full Christedness which emerged once the higher initiatory status was reached and one could then channel this energy completely into the work. And the work would be amplified by these energies, and thus these souls then in total higher service would create this energy between them, which would uplift and enhance the rest of the lives of those they ruled over or had under their wings.

It was a highly spiritual soul path, a Mystic path, which was different from any other, and it was higher path of love, which truly became an alchemical force. One did not embark on such a calling or pathway lightly but with total dedication, and one centrally knew that this was never about the ego but about that combined higher service work which one had agreed to render and incarnated for to complete.

These are the higher pathways of the Mysteries, which were often called the Higher Pathways of Destiny and Fate, and one would literally become that path, in order to be transformed into that higher SUN PATH, which was that of the Great Central Sun.

The initiations along the Sun Path were incredibly severe and few ever made it to the top, mainly because if one could not hold the alchemical fusion and sacred fire energies because one’s vibrational frequency had sunk too low, one would disintegrate at some level. It was only the strongest who ever made it through and this meant that one literally was empowered with inner strength, with inner ILLUMINATION, with that MYSTICAL Energy itself and thus one took on the higher paths of resurrection and then ascension, in an illuminated mystical way.

One literally had to die onto the old earth self, and assume that which was not of earth but totally of the Illumined Central Sun. One retained one’s physical form, yes, for the work here, but one was in a different vibrational state, which was cosmic and thus not of the earth.

In such alchemical unions commitment and the total understanding and agreement to walk this path together formed an essential ingredient. If one was not willing to totally disintegrate upon oneself, and to be revamped, reinvented, and stretched beyond the norm, then such a path was not open. It would be blocked on many levels.

For those Twin Flame who inherently know this, and have now returned, these Sun Paths are something they remember deep down, and when meeting their twin, immediately recognized and knew this.

A lot have had to go through stringent initiations in the inner planes in the last few years, and often felt like all was disintegrating and all was dissolved. Those initiations were meant to prepare these souls for the highest possible mission, and they know this. Most have an immense sense of higher calling and purpose and are driven. To them this is the only path, the highest possible path, and thus when coming together, this is total dedication to this path and service and to each other and the Divine. There can be no shrinking, for it is the highest path for them. It demands ALL.

There are but a handful of such twins incarnated and they know who they are.

They have always done this work in other incarnations, in other dimensions, and life forms, for they are cosmic and not of this earth.

Let those who have ears, listen with the inner ear.

Let those who have eyes, see with the inner eyes.

Let those who know, embark.

The time is NOW!

(Judith Kusel)
