Intuitive Astrology: Libra Season 2019 ~ September 19, 2019

By Tanaaz

On the day of the Equinox, September 23rd, the Sun moves out of earthy Virgo into the air sign of Libra, moving our focus to our need for connection and creating balance in our relationships.

The Sun moving into Libra also represents a turning point. Mother Nature starts a new season and we also reach the halfway mark of the astrological year. Symbolically, this represents a shift to a higher level of consciousness.

With this shift, we are now encouraged to bring our awareness to not only how we can be healthy and balanced, but to also how we can create healthy and balanced connections with others.

Under Libra Season, it is the perfect time to bring our focus to the people we are choosing to surround ourselves with.

Who is supporting your growth and helping you to be the best? Who is tearing you down and making you feel bad about yourself?

People themselves are not toxic, but they can become toxic for us if conflicts are left unresolved or if we develop unhealthy attachments. Certain relationships can also become toxic when there is continued action out of fear or ego.

Under the Libra Sun, all of us will receive support from the Universe to work through relationships that have become toxic either by setting boundaries or figuring out a new way to tackle the issue.

We may also have to decide whether we want to keep certain people in our lives or if the time has come to let them go.

Very often the challenging relationships that come into our lives help to expose our wounds. In fact, many of us tend to play out our wounds, triggers, and insecurities on the people around us.

Unless we become conscious of when we are doing this, it can lead to dysfunction in our relationships, and these dysfunctions can sometimes be a clear eye-opener as to what needs to be healed or addressed within ourselves.

When it comes to dealing with challenging people in our lives, sometimes it helps to remember that everyone, including yourself, is just doing the best they can from their level of awareness.

Sometimes it also helps to think of challenging people as parts of your soul that have come into your life to remind you of the lessons you wanted to learn and the growth you were destined to achieve in this life.

When we view things from this vantage point, it allows us to stop passing blame or getting caught up in what the other person is doing and instead, allows us to reflect on how we can use this experience as a catalyst for growth.

This doesn’t mean that we learn to tolerate bad behavior, we can of course, take this approach and still set boundaries, but it does sometimes lessen the strained emotions when you choose to look at this challenging person as just a part of you that is trying to get your attention. After all, at our core, we are all connected and we all One.

In 2019 as the Sun moves into Libra, we also have a configuration of planets beckoning us to heal and release our past wounds around our relationships.

In fact, this Libra Season could be especially healing and revealing, so see if you can identify a pattern, habit, or belief that you would like to be free of, and ask the Universe for assistance in helping you to move through it.

Libra is represented by the scales, so our key through navigating whatever comes our way under this Season is to create balance.

While the focus is around our relationships, we also want to strike balance between looking after our own needs as well as the needs of others. We want to work on being compassionate and understanding but also assertive and ready to set boundaries if necessary. We also want to focus on collaboration rather than compromise.

When we team up and work together despite our differences or beliefs, the possibilities to achieve, succeed, and lift each other up can be endless.

Under the Libra Sun, let us enrich our lives by focusing on creating balance and harmony within ourselves and with the people around us. Let us not be afraid to let unhealthy relationships go and to see even our greatest enemies as teachers on this journey of growth.

Libra Season wraps up on October 23rd when the Sun moves into Scorpio.


I’m moving to Portland + Awesome Eclipse Energy ~ July 1, 2019

We have an important month coming up and I wanted to touch base with

I was ambitious to think I’d film a forecast video on the road.

So, I’m sharing my thoughts with you now to help you prepare for
Tuesday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.
What you Need to Know:
The Sun governs how you project your consciousness into the world.

When there is a Solar Eclipse, the Moon (your emotions and subconscious) temporarily block the radiant light of the Sun.

This moment of darkness is for you to reflect more fully on your inner
light. This can bring light to aspects that you tucked away into the recesses of your shadow. Now these previously darkened aspects are ready to be
revealed so you can shine more brightly.
This is a massive month for change. We have two eclipses, two New Moons and a Mercury Retrograde.
This is a total reset if your consciousness. The eclipses are in the signs of
Cancer and Capricorn respectively.
You’re meant to find new ways of balancing your ambitions with your
need to nurture yourself.
You might be asking yourself why you’re working so hard. After all, it’s
the people in your life and your well-being that are more important than productivity.

Cancer is the sign of the Mother, and Capricorn is the sign of the Father.

Your role regarding your relationship to these archetypes will come into
full focus.

Ultimately, you have some decisions to make, ask yourself:
What can you let go of so you can feel more balance between work and

How can you parent yourself as if you are your own child?

What can you do to deepen your roots so you feel more emotionally
connected and supported?

Do you need to make changes in your environment or people in your life so you feel more supported?
Packing for 1000 mile move certainly made me examine everything! I had to look at every item and ask myself, is this worth keeping?

It certainly brought many revelations about how I can travel more lightly, and what I can do differently in the future. As divine timing has it, I’m
arriving in my new home on the eclipse.

You will have some amazing new changes ahead as well.

Onward the adventure!
Enjoy the Journey!

The Creator Writings ~ A Steadier Path ~ March 21, 2019

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

As you continue your awakening process, be gentle with yourself.  I can hear some of you saying, “Oh, I’ve been doing this for a long time, I got this”.  It is important to remember that each awakens in their own time and at their own speed.  Even if you have been in process for a while, there still may be uncomfortable moments.  As always, keep in mind that it will pass, and peace restored to your balance.  You are on a steadier path now; take some time to look around, assist those around you and know The Universe is right beside you. ~ Creator

The Creator Writings ~ Find Balance ~ January 16, 2019

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

It may be challenging to find balance in what has become a relatively chaotic atmosphere.  The scales have been swinging wildly from one side to another and it seems as if the harmony that you and those around you so desperately crave will never arrive.  Do not be disheartened by this, beautiful child!

There is a peaceful center point that, over the course of Earth’s existence, has been achieved time and again.  It may feel like it will never happen but, The Universe always finds a way. (Smiling) Your part in this process of much bigger than you think.  When you move closer to your loving center and find balance within, the energy is added to the others who are doing the same.  This creates what your world needs in order to for evenness to exist.  Do not give up, it is on its way! ~ Creator


Message from One ~ January 13, 2019

Editor’s Note: This is a channeling which came to me as I was working on this blog. Recently, I had meditated on the concept of my Higher Self after being reminded by another Lightworker (thank you L!) about my personal Divine power and how that was being evidenced.

We ALL have this power within ourselves, but this does NOT play out as power over others! Rather, this is power over ourselves, power over the way we think inside, speak outside, and exhibit our personal mastery to others.

I encourage each of you to stop a bit, and consider finding your own balance within. For me, this has eliminated all fear from my life: the fear of survival, from job loss, health loss, and every other type of fear I can imagine. Please read this message, apply this to yourself, and be…



Hello, it is I… ONE. I reach out to you at this time to congratulate you on your own personal discovery of “Who I AM”, that is…of your own God Hood! This discovery happens only as personal balance within yourself is achieved which disseminates all fear within your “life”. As you have discovered, “Balance” means discovering the blend of spiritual within the physical which highlights your personal divinity while maintaining the physical human body.

This Balance eliminates the illusion of fear, opening your BEing to new delights. What has been previously seen by you as challenges, now fades from your new Divine perception allowing “you” to truly enjoy the circumstantial ride here on Earth.

Your Higher Self is ecstatic for “you” to have made this discovery despite being immersed in a toxic environment of  negativity! This ultimate discovery of Balance now allows “you” to flourish as you communicate, teach, and allow others to learn this important concept for themselves. As this knowledge is learned, all will discover that, truly, all IS of One Mind!

Go now and play! Enjoy the benefits existing on the world of Earth which satisfy and delight your physical body while recognizing that which is helpful from that is is harmful to your spirit. You have done well, and now it is time for “you” to enjoy the ride while here on Earth.

You are loved!