Sophia Love: as we shift – let there be light ~ Feb. 5, 2018

It makes everything new again, snow.  Not forever, but for a moment there is a glimpse of purity;
a gentle sprinkling of pristine from the heavens. Today it is snowing, and it feels like a reminder,
a renewal, an exhibition of change.  Do not lose hope.

It’s been a wild week of seemingly catastrophic alterations; for me personally, for all of
us together. I glimpsed brief moments of despair. They did not last. Here’s why.

Twice, I was woken up in the early morning hours, both times with a single message. This
was different than the usual protocol.

The first time was early last week.  It came, I believe, as an answer to my un-asked questions
of “why?” and “what now?”

January has been an especially challenging month for me personally. My rose-colored glasses
were slipping.  The message that morning was “Remember, this is not all of it or all of you.
This life is just one small aspect of a huge force that is you; that is who you are.  All of you is
just fine. Trust. Know.”

It’s hard to adequately describe how that message came.  It arrived viscerally and absolutely.
I felt it, heard it, experienced it and knew it.

The second message again came in the early morning hours, waking me up the day the
verdict was returned in the Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Keith Beane case. It was
simple.  It was just 3 words. “It is done.”

Later that day, while discussing the “guilty on all counts” verdict with my partner, he shared
that the same thing had happened for him, waking him up in the middle of the night. I’ve
since learned that we were not the only ones to get that message.

There is so much more going on here than can be seen in 3D. There are many of
what I affectionately call “surface dwellers” (i.e. Those who take for truth everything they see and hear on the surface) and they seem to be operating with their volume pinned at
maximum. Put your headphones on and go within. Your light, love and strength is legion.
You are reconstructing a Universe. Do not despair or be distracted. We are dealing with
master illusionists. Yet they are no match for the likes of us.

As physical conditions assert themselves into your current life, remember, it’s all temporary.
Your day in the sun is coming. “This is not all of it or all of you.”

On that note, a dear friend finds herself in a situation where she must ask for some help.
Here is a link to her story and how you can assist if so moved to. Every bit of energetic
and financial support, of any size or ability, is invited. She is an instrumental light warrior for
this #UniversalCleanUp and I can guarantee she would do the same for any one of you.  She
has helped me when I needed it, more than once.

Heather is neither discouraged nor depressed. She is upbeat and see’s nothing but perfection
in these newest unfolding’s. What we can do now, in the face of every “setback”, is see the
bigger picture and hold that image always in our hearts.

The video shared below illustrates perfectly what is happening. Realize the significance of
the blindfold. “But the plant patiently refuses to observe any of these casualties while at its heart, ​it continues to sing. Let there be light.”

Let’s do that.

Thank you. I love you. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.


Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do.
Much obliged.


“Q’s Twitter”/Natl. Guard & Flights to GITMO/SKYKING/Trump Mentions Podesta ~ Dec. 29, 2017

Ah! Jordan Sather is out providing another set of clues working to keep aware of what is happening in our world right NOW!

So….let’s watch Jordan as he informs us about various “clues” going on right now (activity at GITMO, SKYKING messages, and Trump speaking about John Podesta), keep aware of your part in the evolution of Earth, and…



Energy Update ~ The New Rays Amplifying Order and Bliss ~ Nov. 25, 2017

By Sandra Walter, 11/24/2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

These Gateways continue to open us up to more, more, more. Cosmic Triggers are synchronized events, when Galactic, Solar, and Planetary factors align and create an opportunity to accelerate the Ascension. Thursday’s Cosmic Trigger was strong; I felt I would disappear into the bliss-realm. Fortunately the activity of snowshoeing up to a Gate spot grounded me a bit (cardio can be effective breathwork.) Solaris opened up with a major solar eruption early Saturday; our usual cosmic activity during these Gateways continues. This initiation into our seven-week transitional phase has intensified the Higher Light again. Gaia (and our ears) are ringing in the cosmic alignment.

The Trinity Stargates, which aligned during the August eclipse, look like massive crystalline templates. The inter-universal opening they provide grew wider yesterday, like an iris on a camera, which increases the flow of pure Christ consciousness activations. This amplifies our Christed bliss, crystalline DNA activation, and deepens our experience of transcendence. We are aware of the timeline-splitting, dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting events in progress. Now we enter into the mystery; the unknown – yet deeply felt – function of the December passage.

We cannot effectively describe this experience in linear terms. The ecstatic, merging-with-Source aspect of this Divine return is comprehended thanks to millennia of creative expression. When we combine it with (uncomfortable) cellular transformation, lightbody and heart center expansion, time collapse, collective veil-lifting revelation and a planetary dimensional shift, our experience escapes the realm of accurate description. And yet we persist, providing as much balance as possible during this mentally, emotionally and physically challenging phase of our Ascension. Underlying the whole experience is the awareness; We are really doing this, what a marvel to witness it in the physical.

Gatekeeper Notes: Currently in our Vision

Gateways have similar light ray attributes this year, the culmination of years of New Earth Grid activation. Many are seeing these rays due to collective pineal and DNA activations, and asking about their purpose.

Note the changing, higher quality of Light stepping forth as the classic 12-Ray systems shift to accommodate the New Earth. These light frequencies are bridging levels of consciousness, assisting us with embodiment and merging our awareness with our multidimensional Self. You might see them, hear them or feel them; whatever is in alignment with your journey.

New pink-green auroras over Norway this week – a reflection of the new balancing light? Photo by Marianne Bergli.

New pink-green auroras over Norway this week – a reflection of the new balancing light? Photo by Marianne Bergli.

The New Emerald Ray: This is the 5D Divine Mother/Divine Feminine frequency, the background energy for creation. In our experience, we see it as a bright emerald-green, almost green-gold at times. This new level of the pure emerald ray frequencies is present in most activations now. For two years, we have been placing and using raw emeralds along the New Earth grid systems to receive this influx of pure balancing light. Its purity and strength provides a strong photonic reordering effect as it floods the gateways and grid systems. Raw emerald pieces are inexpensive, use them with the intention to assist Divine Mother.

The Magenta Ray: The Gateway to 5D. It has a Divine Masculine balancing function (the action of creation) and appears as swirling, dancing light. It is the harmonious compliment to the emerald ray. You may remember my sketches of this from a few years back.

The Diamond, Platinum or Crystalline Rays: Pure Ascension frequencies for Unity/Crystalline/Christ consciousness. Platinum has an effective clearing and protective function. Diamond and Crystalline Light stimulate the torus fields, DNA, and assist in opening the Ascension column for multidimensional awareness. They are consistent in Gatekeeping and Gridwork, and unify us with the Crystalline Grid around the planet. Our Ascending heart center and energy fields look like crystalline-diamond torus fields. Your Higher levels might use them to connect with you during the Unity Meditations or private meditations. They light up the Ascension column with vibrating, flashing light during upgrades.

The Golden Christ Ray: This ever-present Christed DNA activator is amplifying again. It resonates with Divine HUman DNA, and activates it. It is a carrier frequency for the Solar Cosmic Christ aspect. Sometimes it appears as liquid light.

Solar Plasma: This appears like vibrating walls of 5D rainbow colors. Pastel or pale hues of emerald, magenta, aqua, gold, pearlescent, crystalline, coral, and the platinum hue may be seen. While solar plasma can be used for sealing or protection, it is also an excellent delivery system for light codes and intention. It complements the elementals (because it is one). Before the California drought-relieving storms began last year, I saw myself in my seamless garment, standing on a Pacific beach, raising up massive vibrational sheets of Solar Plasma to assist with balancing the elementals. Experiment with it for healing.

Pure Photonic Light: The highly-charged particles of light in this dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting area of the Galaxy. They may present as light filaments, thin beams of light, fields of glittering particles or intense pin-points of light. These streams of unique light do not fit in the categories described above. They are not visible (yet) to the linear eye. This light feels different; it has a very unique quality and light signature. When I asked what this new light was, the Team described it as pure photonic light.

All of these flash or vibrate as pure living light during Gatework, Gridwork and meditation. They are not the only rays or colors in use right now, this list is intended to answer questions about recent visions and changes in the incoming light.

Unity Consciousness Now

When the Unity Meditations began in 2016, we were told it would teach us how to connect without the need for internet or devices. Now we can feel each other on SUNdays and share visions, sensations and intentions. As concerns about artificial intelligence and digital addictions arise, we collectively unplug and amplify the inner organic screen, sending healing, support, and light codes through pure intent.

Join us in the pure organic Ascension as we call forth spiritual disclosure, revealing our Divine HUman skills. Meditate with us on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. We unify for 33 minutes of peaceful intent to assist the Ascension. All are valued and welcome. We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You.

Revelation Reminder

We are in our Sacred passage in this Now. It is our Divine right to utilize this opportunity for a brand new experience. To become the New. Remember to demonstrate non-judgment, forgiveness, neutrality and gratitude as revelations come to light, even within the Lightworker collective. Show the way, Wayshowers; sometimes silence is the best teacher. The vibration of LoveLight dissolves all distortion, and deserves your complete focus. We are all one BEing; the wayward parts of us – global and personal – are best healed with patience, compassion and understanding.

In Love, Light and Service,


The Seven Seals ~ August 26, 2017

I found the above chart posted on Mother Earth Love Vibe by Sofia Fontan. These seals come handy in relation with the colour pink and the gold interaction mentioned in Lisa’s show the last weeks. They may explain what those doing the spiritual path are going through and the stage they/we are in.

Please view this chart, where are you in this continuum of awareness, and…



About “Cobra = Cabal” and all that “Holy Crap”!! ~ April 24, 2017

Well, I reckon the “s***” is starting to hit the fan in terms of disinformation about major players in the spiritual realm. How do I react to this? My feeling echo what kuaileple has written below…go with what your heart feels, and leave your head behind.

My own personal opinion is that we are now in the “throes” of  a global war that in now centered not in military action, but in information…news… that is twisted to distort the message of Love. NOW is the time to know your own heart, and act upon what your heart tells you…that is the only correct answer to any question!

So…please read kauilpele’s message below, consider your feelings, and…


Cobra posted an update a couple days ago. So I read it, (posted it, and then paid no more attention to it. But then another article (henceforth referred to as the “other article”) came out (centered on Cobra’s update), and it’s been zooming around the internet tubes and I’m sure many have run across it, and I’m sure many have an “opinion” about it.

I am not concerned with any of those “opinions”.

In this short bit here, I am simply speaking from what I “get” from my own Higher Inner Discernment (HID) sense. Any time I read something, I pass it through those “Higher Inner Discernment” filters (well, most of the time, at least).

Now, when I read and posted that Cobra update, I could not speak from my own experience with such directed energy weapons. A few others I’ve known about or spoken to have said they felt they had been “targeted” by such things, however. And yes, there are times when I myself have felt some “outside” energy influences perhaps trying to interfere with my own energy type work, and I dealt with those in my own way. Usually by just “pressing on” with the mission (and maybe calling in an Archangel Michael or two).

But with Cobra’s update, I personally perceived no intent whatsoever to “fear monger” or “fear porn” in there, rather it was a “be aware of this” and “here’s how to protect yourself from it” article. With that “other article”, however, it appeared to possess an intent to discredit Cobra (and his Light community) and the work they have done and are doing to prepare us for Ascension. So what else is new??

Please note that is MY sense, and I’m not saying it is anyone else’.

There are many pro-Light workers on this planet, with different arenas of operation. And even though I do not always understand all the aspects of what each does (including Cobra), I still “get” that they are working with and for “The Light”, in their own way.

As far as that “other article” is concerned, I personally do NOT view that as one I personally would pay any attention to (and I didn’t, until a few brought it to my attention). I know nothing about who the author is, and am saying nothing about that, as it is not part of my “personal business” operational arena.

There are many working for the Light and there are many who are “partners in contrast”. They are all valuable (to me, at least) in developing that HID (Higher Inner Discernment) aspect of our Selves, and helping us to listen to that HIT (Higher Inner Teacher) being.

Okay, enough of this. Time to move on.

Aloha, Kp

[Ending note: I did receive a Cobra response from an email I sent to him about this. Here it is: “I definitely have no intent to spread fear, only intent to increase awareness.”]