The Vibe Report for March 2018 ~ The Goddess is Rising ~ March 8, 2018

Posted by spiritlibrary

By Nancy Leilah Ward

Moving down pathways, twisting and turning,
through caves dark and cold,
dreariness seeping through my pores
making me feel tired and old.
Depression, defeat, despairing and lost,
all of my deepest disempowering thoughts,
condense into self-hatred, anger, and grief.
My shadowland
There is no relief

This poem flowed out as I was thinking of how I felt the last few days of February. That last Sunday was a cold, gray, rainy day, the kind of day that holds no comfort. It bore feelings of such profound discouragement and a bit of piteous wailing rose up inside of me. All I do is for nothing. I’m just mediocre, everything I touch is just semi ok, there is no wonderful genius in me, I suck at everything. Sounding suspiciously like me in my pre-teen years, a cold fog of feelings surrounded me, compressing me into a hard lump of despair, anger and resentment. All the feelings I never want to feel and don’t want to look at were amplified. Yes, my shadowland.

And then I wondered, “Is there a solar flare happening?” I’ve come to notice that I feel the magnetic fluctuations of solar activity. I think we all do, actually. It stretches me taut, makes me irritable and brings up feelings of discouragement. So I went to and sure enough, there was a G1 class geomagnetic storm – considered a minor storm – causing “minor impact on satellites, weak power grid fluctuations, affects migratory animals.” It didn’t feel minor to me, that’s for sure.

Magnetic Unrest

Most of you reading this probably know that solar activity affects the magnetics of Earth and all of life on Earth. It feels like choppy energy to me and is challenging to navigate. It’s best to be still, to not over-reach, and to soften our expectations of ourselves and others. It’s not easy to do when we have responsibilities that include taking care of people, but even just taking a few minutes to sit and focus on our breath and our heart will help us feel more stability within the chaotic energy.

A day after the solar wind storm, the shadow energy began to lift, and it felt like there was a huge magnet that was drawing out all the stuff I’ve been working on in this life – clearing, healing, releasing. Does it ever get totally cleared? Perhaps I will always be dancing with the darkness of self-doubt and fear, but each time I surrender to it, it becomes less. I could feel it being drawn out of me and I realized that the shadow elements are the guardians at the gate – the threshold guardians that rear up to challenge us as we are about to cross another threshold into our greater being – the deeper fullness of our truth. As we continue on our journey into wholeness, we are tested by our own fears and demons.

Losing Identity

I feel the only way to deal with these moments is to surrender. Surrender to it all and become nothing. Losing my “self”, my story, surrendering to being flattened by the steamroller of my intention to awaken as a spiritual warrior, is a total letting go of everything I’ve chosen to identify with. There is so much freedom in becoming nothing. Resistance only prolongs the pain and turmoil. I see myself as being flattened into liquid and flowing over that threshold like a waterfall. On the other side of the threshold, I observe myself sitting on a rock in the sun as the water flows all around me. I am the water, too, and the rock and the sun. I am all of the All, I am eternal, I am that I am.

Then the journey continues and I take a few steps forward and then I want to write this Vibe Report and work on some paintings, but maybe with a looser grasp on what I think I’m “supposed” to be doing with this life. And so life continues, but who is that DO-ing person? Who is writing this? Who paints the paintings? Who? Who?

Then stuff happens and the person who is me has to deal with my dog who had a fatal encounter with a porcupine (fatal for the poor porcupine) and so chaos continues and life goes on and the person I identify with as me, deals with what comes up and then there are more gray, cold days where I don’t want to leave the house. Moments of upliftment are followed by moments in the mud again! “Remember the Vastness,” I remind myself, remember the vastness of my being. Remember the I AM. And so it goes.

Every time I go through these threshold moments, I forget everything. I forget the vastness of my being and instead feel tethered to the feeling of being compressed and stretched at the same time. But this is OK – this is when the truth gets processed. When immersed in the shadow, that’s all there is, I can’t see the sun of my consciousness. The light of my being can’t reach through the murk of the shadow and, as the poem above states, it feels like there is no relief, no end. Of course, that’s not true, because everything is changing all the time, but it feels that way when we’re in the shadow. All we can really do is surrender to the darkness and each time we come to the threshold, we surrender more quickly and are able to flow through the threshold more gracefully. We have lots of chances to practice this because it keeps happening over and over as we rise higher and higher.

Cosmic rays

Solar activity, such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and solar wind, combined with the weakening of the Earth’s magnetosphere is ongoing, creating feelings of depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. Lower back pain – all kinds of physical pain, as well as headaches, heart palpitations and difficulty sleeping are part of our physical reaction to the magnetic storms. Knowing this can help us to navigate the choppy energies.

As always, breath work (pranayama) can help us to stabilize if we’re feeling anxiety. Conscious breathing while doing yoga or qi gong, meditation – even if just for brief moments throughout the day – helps us to find a calm, centered state of peace. It’s not easy – we’re in a very deeply changing world and it isn’t going to be letting up any time soon.

Conflict and Change

Our world – as in our societies and the structure of all of the systems that we’ve come to rely on – is wobbling, collapsing, and transforming. Looking at events happening in the world, I’m seeing a lot of people rising up and demanding to be heard, demanding and creating change, saying No More Lies. #Me Too and #Time’s Up is expanding and growing into a broader spectrum. More and more people are feeling discontent with the status quo and wanting to create something more meaningful with their lives, besides chasing the money and things money can buy. Many are feeling the limitation of the money matrix as it barely goes far enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. The disparity between those who have the big money, compared to those who are struggling to hold it together while being part of what is holding up the system, is palpable. In other words, there is a parasitic energy that is sucking dry the beings who have been working to uphold the very system that is bleeding them dry. This is not sustainable and Humanity is beginning to feel it deeply.

We will be seeing more and more people standing up, in unity, demanding accountability and action.

The change is everywhere. It is cosmic and it is right here in our “little” lives on Earth. Feeling into compassion in our hearts, connecting with one another, finding unity, helping one another, doing what feels good to our hearts and soul, focusing on positive, loving kindness is what will help us to live together in this changing world. Love is the frequency of the Universe and the frequency of life. Allowing love to flow within us – love, compassion, appreciation, gratitude – is what will help us to navigate through the changes on Earth.

What We Feed Ourselves

I have talked with so many people who can’t stand to watch the usual “entertainment” anymore because the stories are all filled with violence. NO MORE is being heard throughout our consciousness and the voice of NO MORE is growing in volume. What we feed our minds and hearts, in addition to what we feed our bodies, is of utmost importance in our creative collective consciousness.

Through these changes that we are creating, we will soon be seeing more positive, enriching, inspiring and empowering types of entertainment. We have a growing understanding that when we watch a movie or television show, read a book, play a video game, and so on, the emotions that the stories cause us to feel are interpreted by our brain as real, so our brain sends the chemical reactions through our bodies to deal with the “reality” we are choosing to experience – through entertainment. Then, we witness and experience events in the outer world that reflect what we are focusing on and feeling within. This is how we collectively create our reality. So we, as beings of divine source energy, can create anything.

The Goddess is Rising

I am seeing, with inner sight, a tidal wave of light sweeping through our consciousness as the energy of the Divine Feminine is rising within all of us, young, old, male, female, spurred on by the shifting magnetic frequencies. We are losing our identity as all we thought was true is being revealed as false. This is just the beginning. Within the disorder and chaos is a great wave of churning joy and release, because this wave brings freedom. HUmanity is rising on this wave of unity and awareness. We are learning to surf by letting go of what is not our truth. Over and over again. Let us be of support to one another as we ride the wild surf of change. United we stand.



~ This isn’t a Bucket List; it’s a F**k-it List ~ June 20, 2015


Oops! “Dirty” language is no way to entice readers…that always backfires as soon as you clean up your act. However, this type of language certainly catches the eye…and when you follow that with an engaging thought…there ya go!

In this case, this article found on the website of The First Contact Ground Crew Team, uses a bit of naughty language to enhance the idea of functioning as humans truly want to, not just “playing the game” that others insist we play because of their ideas. My goodness…wouldn’t life be a whole different game if we did not fear what others think of us!

So…please read this article, take a moment to imagine just how uncomplicated our lives would be if only we would “be” for ourselves, and…


Life can end in an unpredictable instant.

The degree of separation between people is estimated to be around 4.74. This is why we’ve all heard about the friend of a friend who was murdered, the local car accident with multiple fatalities or the fire which ended the lives of several we knew in our community.

Most of us too have had something unexpectedly terrible happen to a loved one which resulted in their death. For example, there are terminal illnesses which spontaneously occur at many different ages and not just once a person has lived a full life, as well as accidents, rare diseases etc.

It also feels all too common that we hear about a father who died whilst saving his son from drowning or an adult member of the public who perished whilst attempting to rescue another person from some life or death situation.

These are both tragic and triumphant stories of human affairs. They remind us of how precious life is as well as the innate nobility of humanity which manifests during such emergencies. They reenergize our appreciation of human life and spirit.

The Point of Life (and this Article)

This article isn’t about fear or tragedy, but self-empowerment. All these examples of an early departure make us think, “If we were to die tomorrow, have we actually maximized our growth in the time that we had? Did we look after ourselves and our loved ones in the right way?”

If we wrote down NOT a bucket list – which is a list of things to do and places to see – but a fuck-it list – which is a list of ways to grow in how we think, feel and act – would what it look like?

The following fuck-it list is ultimately about letting go of the things that hold us back from reaching our true potential. Some are about overcoming our ego attachments which have no real power, especially if we don’t feed them any, and others are an illustration of internal achievements that we’ll be more than stoked with when we’re lying on our death bed and deliberating our achievements in life.

After all, real success comes from within, not from without.

Fuck it #1: I don’t worry about how others perceive me

Some of us spend half – or all – of our lives worrying about how others perceive us.

It is of course important to mindfully represent ourselves to our loved ones, but if anybody negatively judges us on our passions and our endeavors, then we just have to learn to say, “Fuck it, I don’t care what they think.”

Once we remove the wasted time negotiating in our own minds as to what they may think or say, we open ourselves to actually being fully engaged in our goals and maintaining our own inner peace.

At the end of the day, it really is their business what others think of us. Let’s keep it that way so that we invest our time and energy in the things that really matter so that when it’s time to kick the bucket, we’ll be more than impressed with ourselves.

Fuck it # 2: I’m going to give back to my community as much as I can, even if it is at my own expense

The simple philosophy of “giving is receiving” rings true on our death bed. If we spent our lives only taking from others – that is, prioritizing our own selfish desires – then all of the positive thoughts and feelings that we could be having would be replaced with regret, guilt and shame.

Humans are naturally communal animals. We wouldn’t have survived and thrived the way we did if it wasn’t for people grouping together in a community and supporting each other. If we haven’t operated according to this principle, then we haven’t operated in parallel with our own innate nature.

There are many ways to do it. It could be via our job, through volunteering, by simply being a compassionate and empathetic person, or all of the above. At a fundamental level, it’s simply a mindset and a behavioral template.

In addition, we would have simply missed out on the many pure connections and experiences which come along with surrounding ourselves by noble and selfless people. This is why we say, “Fuck it, I’ve got everything I need, so I’m going to do the right thing for others.”

Fuck it # 3: Nothing or nobody else is in control of my feelings except me

Life is tough at times, especially when we are treated in inhumane and traumatizing ways. People do terrible things to one another but ultimately, we have the final say in how we feel.

Some experiences also challenge us beyond the capabilities we have at the time, so of course we will be significantly impacted by it in a negative way. Yet the sooner we start taking responsibility for how we feel, the sooner we find our peace. There is just no other way.

The reality is if we continue to rely on what’s happening in our life to make us feel good, then we’re destined to live a life of suffering, because we all know that as soon as one issue is resolved, another one arises.

That’s when we say, “Fuck it, it is what it is, and I can’t change it, so instead I’m going to accept it and take responsibility for how I feel.” The result of this is, no matter what difficulty we have in our life – such as a broken relationship, the loss of a job or a sick loved one – we will always have the responsibility for establishing and maintaining our inner peace.

Fuck it # 4: I’m brave enough to tackle the big questions in life before having a mid-life existential crisis

Right from an early age we’re socialized to think, feel and behave in a certain way. It’s the minority which break out of this on their own terms, as the idea of not being well liked or understood doesn’t appeal to any of us. This is why many people in their 20s and 30s don’t open the Pandora box and start to think beyond the general image-driven and ego-based focus of their peers.

Once a person has settled down a bit, had a family and progressed in their career, they will naturally decide to have a good long hard look at themselves, their beliefs and the big picture of life. That’s when the mid life crisis occurs because the development of their mind, which is a genuine form of success, is well behind the development of their body, so they freak the hell out.

If we want to avoid the suffering of a mid-life crisis, we need to start asking the big questions of self-worth, contentment, morality, community, suffering, selflessness, spirituality etc. at an earlier age. We have to say, “Fuck it, I’m going to make the necessary sacrifices of my ego so that I can grow in spirit.”

Fuck it # 5: Laughter is going to be my default response to both the good and bad things that happen in life

Is it really possible to find the humor in everything? Of course it is. Well, why would we do that anyway? Because as they say; laughter is the best medicine.

New research has shown that the act of laughter is a form of meditation. In the past, scientists have measured the brain wave frequencies of people who meditate, and now they have done the same with those experiencing humor. They’ve found that the two acts resemble each other in frequency.

We know that meditation is not only empowering and enlightening, but that it’s also super healthy for dealing with states of anxiety, stress, depression and insomnia.

Therefore, laughing at the funny, the mundane, the taboo, and even the serious are excellent ways to find peace and well-being in even the toughest situations. We therefore say, “Fuck it, I’m not going to cry over spilled milk, I’m going to laugh whilst I clean it up instead.”

Fuck it # 6: I’m going to have compassion for all people, regardless if they’re behaving poorly or not

We all pass judgement – be it positive or negative, comparative or independent, realistic or unrealistic, selfless or selfish. Or put another way, we continually critique or assess the people and situations in our life, including ourselves.

The key is to judge in a healthy way, such as incorporating compassion and empathy. We should see the positive in others, even when they’re behaving negatively. For example: yes, that person is being abusive but for all we know they may have had something tragic happen to them today, or maybe they’re just at an underdeveloped stage of their growth, but one day hopefully they will have learned to overcome this behavior which not only makes others suffer, but also themselves.

Therefore, we think to ourselves, “Fuck it, just because I’ve gone through my own development, it’s hypercritical to think that everyone should be at a similar stage of growth, so I’m going to have compassion for where they are and how they are suffering.”

Fuck it # 7: Nothing is going to get in my way of building quality relationships with my family and friends

Why do some of us spend all our time attempting to achieve some form of success at the expense of our relationships? What is so important that we make this sacrifice? Power. The more powerful we become, the more people will respect us and the more we will respect ourselves.

Yet if we’re not balancing our external forms of success with the kind that ensures genuine and truly beautiful human relationships, then what worth do our achievements truly have?

Not much if we’re on our death bed, devastated over the time that we could have had with our children and our other loved ones. If we’ve sacrificed the most important parts of being human to enter the rat race and achieve career success, then we’ve simply lost our way. If this is happening, then we face it by saying, “Fuck it, real power is in self-empowerment, not sacrificing my relationships for power over others.”

Now please be assured that I’m not saying that it’s not a good thing to achieve greatness in our field of choice. The ideal is to achieve both forms of success without one at the expense of the other. We should therefore be aiming toward achieving amazing success in our career whilst also achieving amazing success in our personal growth and relationships.

Fuck it # 8: Becoming my more genuine self is always my first priority

Surely we know what our current status is, right? We know what we should face-off? What are our strengths and weaknesses? What are we striving for? What is our next stage of growth? Are we actually content?

Blindly living in denial of our much needed growth and not doing anything about it is one way of living unsuccessfully and ensuring that we’re plagued with regret on our death bed. After all, the only person who will ever understand whether you’re truly successful or not, is yourself.

So do we actually want to continually learn and grow and become our new more empowered selves so that when we kick the bucket we can give ourselves a high five for having a really good crack at life?

Of course we do. But the reality is that it’s seriously challenging. Sometimes we don’t have the knowledge, skills or willpower to overcome our problematic, disempowering and inhibiting behaviors, which is why we might need to access help.

If we have lessons to learn but don’t aim to overcome them, then we’re not becoming our more genuine selves. No matter what, our lessons don’t go away; they’ll keep remanifesting in different ways until we face them. And even when we do overcome them they’ll return to just make sure we’ve properly learned them. They’re quite cheeky like that.

Therefore, we state clearly to ourselves, “Fuck it, I will not be stubborn about who I am and my shortcomings, I will open myself to the more self-empowered person that I will inevitably be.”



Phil Watt lives on the east coast of Australia. Side by side with his partner, together they shine light into the shadows. He has created meaning to his life by focusing on his mental, emotional and spiritual development, as well as sharing it with others. He works directly with kids, adults and families, as well as provides online support services.

With a love for the word, he has written many articles which focus on ideology, societal growth, personal development and adventure. He hopes to contribute to the multiple paradigm shifts humanity is undertaking. A mantra which captures his philosophy is ‘Have a Crack at Life’. Follow him on Facebook or visit his website.

©2015 The Mind Unleashed, Inc, all rights reserved. For permission to re-print this article contact , or the respective author.