Galactic Energies Coming from the Great Central Sun into the Earth ~ September 14, 2020

Amanda Lorence

WAYSHOWERS: Activated in our Current Timeline:

The energetic triangular merge (Trinity pointing downwards) between Mother Earth and the Human Heart (Trinity pointing upwards) is made. The two Trinities of energy merge to create the four sided Diamond Light that is gifted to the human heart. Gaia and human become known in human conscious awareness, as ONE consciousness.

To explain:

During our ascension process one Trinity becomes activated within our heart-space. Facing upwards.

A second Trinity, facing downwards, is released from Mother Earth that is energetically moved up our body to rest at our heart location, joining our own Trinity.

The two join, creating a four sided and activated Diamond Lighted Heart-space.

Mother Earth and Human become merged.

They always were ONE BODY. The human just experienced being separated from Gaia. Until the Diamond Light is activated by this merge of the two Trinities.

One Love

Amanda Lorence 13 Sept 2020

WAYSHOWERS – Amanda Lawrence ~ June 21, 2020

Friday 19th brought in certain and specific ENERGIES…the beginning Stage or start point of the State that can be loosely labelled “Christ Consciousness”, or “Cosmic Consciousness”. The linear name/label/definition is irrelevant. It is a potential of a higher consciousness state. A state of being. That will expand from this stage point onwards.

See the image below that was given in animated vision form back in 2014. The vision had animated stages:

1st stage: A golden grid that overlays the whole universe was shown.
2nd stage: The division of the world. Two world split.
3rd stage: The arrival IN, of cosmic energy symbolised by the equal, symmetrical golden cross that represents only in symbol form, “Christ Consciousness” incoming energies that would allow for that state to be attained (one by one) by human beings on Gaia.
4th stage: (not on this image but shown in the vision) significant Galactic connections increase one to one.
5th stage: First Contact. For Collective.

Friday 19th June brought in the energies of the THIRD STAGE. That will expand, develop, within us. It’s a STAGE that unfolds to us, from within us.

Everything is seen with new eyes. Felt with and from the unseen “Essence” everyone and everything has. Given from that “Essence”. We connect our SELF REALIiSED essence to exterior essence we know and see. The unseen becomes seen, within and without. Via feeling first. And via No thoughts. All the ‘unseen’ essence is was and IS the same ONE essence. Yet we are only just embarking on this NEW stage.

The energies that have arrived for this stage to be embodied, remain ‘switched on’. For each to meet, through their individual stages of embodiment. We have different storylines, different paths, unique perceptions, personality overlays. But our energetic embodiment stages are the same and met by each self. All roads led to ONE. There is no rush, competition or pressure to attain this state, except the false pressures we can place upon our own self. Just allow all to unfold, as there lies the true perfection and your peace within the grand changes unfolding for all.

The data and experiences of 20, 21, and 22 June will unfold as they present. We will see…

One Love
Amanda Lorence
20 June 2020

WAYSHOWERS: ~ May 24, 2020

Editor’s Note: Yes, yes, yes…silence inside IS the place where unity between your physical and meta-physical Self will occur! This place is silent, thoughtless, and very expansive…a place of ‘no-time’ where Everything becomes possible.

Gradually for each, the SILENCE becomes the space we are our most ‘alive’ in. Most stimulated by. Most connected to. A wordless space of FEELING energy. Of and in balance, of and in Presence. Of No intention, just the experience in the ‘No Time’.

Find this place inside of you using your won technique, know the Love of the Universe is on your Magnificent side as you awaken, leaving us All in…

Quantum Joy!


To FEEL, in the Silence, is to beautify Presence.

The space we create from. From a light consciousness remembered and integrated.

The TRUE LINE is accessed, and so met, absorbed into our human, from within the unspoken state of our pure white lighted energy.

One Love,

Amanda Lorence
23 May 2020


“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” —Louis L’Amour


To infuse life with the remembrance of spirit asks each one of us for an act of creation.
It’s the prevailing light of beauty that holds the keys to open human hearts. It’s in those moments in which beauty touches us so deeply that we awaken from the crudeness of matter into the dream weaving realm of existence.

It was always the way of her creation and yet we all have so deeply forgotten.
She reminds us that our tender brushstroke, our poetic and romantic voice, our delicate crafting, and the soft flapping of our wings are the keys that take us by the hand into the realms of our own luminosity.

Whatever the field of your own luminous creation and sacred unfolding, steep your life in beauty now, instill it with the artistry of your soul’s heartful presence, infuse it with the air of gentleness and bestow upon it the splendor of grace.

May 20th 2020, Evelyn Einhaeuser, Yoga For Awakening

Heart Portal/Zero Point ~ May 21, 2020

Editor’s Note: Once a human is able to operate with their own knowledge of NOW, this becomes a key to opening their own heart portal. As this happens, the heart becomes perfectly balanced in a point of stasis (I prefer the word ‘stasis’ rather than the term “zero-point”) opening the heart to just BEing…LOVE!

Use your mind to open your heart, BEcome aware of you as a creature of Quantum LOVE, know your Magnificence, and vibrate in…

Quantum Joy!


We integrate and thus dissolve, zero point everything. Acknowledging everything IS our own creation. There is no getting away from this truth once integrated. That we created it all. All along.

All that then remains, is LOVE expressed in infinite ways. A state of being, playfulness, innocence, childlike wonder. We create from this new state of pure light consciousness being aware. There is no attachment to any of our creations. We just choose in light consciousness state, that is PURE LIGHTED LOVE. We choose again and again, what to create next, for our ultimate evolvement, as creator beings.

We become the light consciousness WITH a human vessel to play with in both a reality of form and no form. Non solid (pure light) marries solid (denser light). But Now, we are the Awareness we had forgotten we were, that was creating this as us, for us, all along.

Love is both the hidden, and sometimes forgotten question each human holds, AND LOVE is the answer revealed unto them. It is ONE of the same. Where the question IS the answer, and the answer IS the question.

For the only way…is through our very own, energetic heart portal. The centre point.

One Love,
Amanda Lorence
20 May 2020