Thy Will be Done – Towards Solstice ~ June 17, 2020

Editor’s Note: Yes, yes, yes!! I Do want to get off this world right now…things are SOOO idiotic, and crazy. I do understand both “what” is going on, and “why”, but man…this is getting old fast!

The 3D world IS a crazy place right now, and I realize I AM viewing this from my higher perspective consciousness…got that. The solution is to view “all that is goin on” from a pace of stillness… that point of internal balance from which all creation stems.

The main point for these times? Know your heart is LOVE, quiet your Magnificent mind, and BE in…

Quantum Joy!


Stop the World I want to get off …..anyone feeling it….?! Jam packed video…

So guidance and a mini read looking at the crescendo of chaos in the collective, escalating energies as we move towards Summer Solstice, Volatile Schumann Resonanance, Walking through ‘Collective Fog’, Education ‘Ice Age’, Inner Child Wounding, and working with energies of the Green colour ray, Altar Major Chakra and Prince!

Prince Song Thy Will be Done

To donate (Thank you) to help this channel continue and improve and keep all content and teaching accessible for everyone ….

All of my healing and connection sprays and their channelled messages, essential oil content and crystal components are at:

one used here is Emerald Renewal & Recovery & Teal Alta Major Chakra, Rose Inner Child, Midnight Indigo Light in the Dark My Alta Major Chakra meditation is here: Oracle Cards Used: Spirt Oracle – Toni Carmine Salerno and Inner Child Cards – A Journey into Fairy Tales, Myth & Nature – Isha Lerner & Mark Lerner Other Website:

New Earth Rising – Notre Dame, Christ & Mary ~ April 21, 2019

Cleansing of the Temple on Holy Monday just as Christ did 2,000 years ago…Rise of the Divine Feminine AND Divine Masculine, Christ doesn’t need any building…takes us back to the days where we gathered on the mount and being with each other was enough…

Bring Christ back into every Holy Day not just Holy Week…

To donate to help this channel continue and improve and keep all content accessible for everyone …. Sprays Used: Christ Light Cosmic Love and Hope… Facebook Angelic Celestial Colours Website .

Happy Easter everyone…..

Twin Flame Update April / May 2019 ~ April 12, 2019

Good words and thoughts regarding the twin flame journey. Please take a listen, think of your situation, and be…



This one just arrived from nowhere this morning – I always say I only do these TF videos when I feel there is something new to say…todays energy is substantially different from when I last checked in….. If you are not in a TF connection don’t worry – it isn’t a path that everyone is on…that doesn’t mean any other love relationship you may be in is somehow lower or higher – soul mate relationships can also be just as powerful… But this video is intended for Twin Flames – probably those who have been on their path a long time also…some guidance for you all…this is obviously a general overview not a personal reading., but I hope it helps. As with all of my readings I tune in intuitively and often wont read traditionally meanings of the cards – I go with what Metatron guides me to say. 6 of Wands and the Metatrons Cube cleansing is one such example….I know the symbol isn’t Metatrons Cube – but was told that is what it represented.. Enjoy! To donate to help this channel continue and improve and keep all content accessible for everyone ….

Only love can heal hate ~ October 28, 2018

A response to Pittsburgh and much more….looking particularly at hate speech and answering it with love 💕

11/11 Event is sold out but I am holding a two hour event from 2-4pm in Brooklyn New York on 6th November focussing on Peace and Unity – spaces still available