LOVE that Synchronicity!

Hope all were able to take a peek at my blog yesterday, “A Silent War that LOVE Wins”. This article discusses Cobra’s latest message sent out yesterday. Ya’ll need to see this article to understand the synchronicity between Cobra’s message yesterday and the latest from Kp today: Here is Cobra’s site so you can read his latest:

I believe that synchronicity is LOVE’s way of fostering us in our ignorance! Coincidence that the shape of the runway system at the ALF Cabaniss military base is based on the symbol Chi Ro (from Emperor Constantine who started the Holy Roman Empire complete with the Pope and the council of Nicea) and that Microsoft’s “Windows Chi Rho” program was none other than “Windows XP”? Is it synchronistic that support for “Windows XP” is now officially over, as is the rule of “Chi Rho” (Chimera) on earth and announced the same day? Is it synchronistic that a military institution was used for this message? I think there are just too many coincidences!

So…let’s get this all of this together…software support for Windows XP (really Windows Chi Ro) ended the same day that Cobra released his message indicating that all is “ready” for the event except for the strangelet bombs in the etheric field. Chi Ro, a symbol used by Constantine, who developed the beginnings of the Catholic Church, is indicative of:

1. The end of military muscle on Earth
2. The end of support for Windows XP operating system for computers
3. The end of the Chimera on Earth, a very secret negative group part of the negative military
4. The end for the Holy Roman Empire

Think about this, and..
