Moving Through An Age Shift, From Pisces to Aquarius ~ January 29, 2020

Editor’s Note: The state of the world has been stated accurately below giving us clarity for why the disruption of personal lives is now driving the world stage. Soothing Quantum energies, a signal for the new Age of Aquarius, are now affecting many causing a rise in the collective consciousness of humanity.

Those of the Dark really don’t like this vibratory rise, and are now “acting out” in any way possible by promoting any action to bring back their trusty friend…fear. Please read below for an address on the “State of Spirituality”, know where you stand in this process, which will ultimately lead all to BE…



By A Gift From Gaia

From our leaders squabbling and threating to throw bombs, to mass fires, to now obvious climate change as we move through a Grand Solar Minimum when technically we should be cooler and not warmer as per our current experience. Through to many experiencing their towns and cities begin to erupt in crime and violence and also the fast spreading Corona Virus.

May I remind all once again that we are moving through an Age shift, from Pisces to Aquarius.
Have you researched the Ages?
If not then I highly encourage each to have a full understanding of how this all works, how much perceived destruction or perhaps dissolution is involved, it is now crucial to know exactly the “times” we are moving into and align the subconscious driver into agreement.

Everything shakes, rattles and rolls, and all that holds the frequency of the old beliefs is removed, beliefs are frequencies, which are templates, and these dissolve once the new template/grid anchors and expands, the anchoring happened during the previous solar minimum, and by the solar cycle beginning to heighten and change in activation energy we saw many wayshowers begin their heart awakening experience, and as more awakened during the past decade the new template of the 5th dimension became more powerful.

As the light increases, as more release the programmed beliefs, and figure out how this all actually works the earth experience moves into a Quickening which is why in 2020, mid solar minimum that we are witnessing the world stage begin to mirror the discord back to Earth’s inhabitants.

But there is a way through, to be a part of the new, and to release the attachments to what is visibly dissolving.

It was through my years of connecting with the energy of Nostradamus, in which my dreams led me to study his life, and it was through these studies and transmissions that I was taught about physical body vibration, and the important crucial and yet constantly missed vital key, lost in the Piscean belief systems and social programming.

Being shown the separation, through lack, judgement, and strange beliefs systems held that lead us to value self on how much we can give, through sacrifice, through loyalty or commitments.
All spirituality that has religious roots holds this same programming, and it doesn’t matter whether or not it is thought of in a religious way, the truth is, if it is grown from it, then it too will wither under this new powerful light now entering.

This is why there are abundance blocks in the spiritual arena, abundance being wealth through to health, in all ways, the disconnection now rapidly increasing, the gap between the “right path” and the light path widens.

The light path is the One path, that dissolves all belief systems, attachments and in return we are gifted with miraculous experiences, rapid healing, constant peace and a unlimited store of energy that provides stable focused fields in which we get to create and build the most magnificent Palaces of Light.
And by the way I would have laughed these words off once before, thought myself a realist, and found myself to be my most magnificent abundance block, just from being a happy “realist” ended all ability to play with magic.

My own path didn’t allow me to continue to avoid like some seem to manage, my conviction to seeing imperfection as perfection led me to see nothing but perfection, always, and with this, it materialised, learning not to judge the imperfection slowly gave me realities that there were no imperfection to judge even if I wanted it, I came to understand how it all worked.

I came to see how there was a form of spirituality that wasnt spirituality as I had come to know it, I even had to invent a new name for my path, whilst i released those attachments to labels, right, wrong, duality, I used the word univerSOULism because it allowed me the space to feel comfortable, but that over time released as everything just became a spectrum of unconscious through to conscious and then it was at this point that it became so very obvious that the path I once thought was all about spirituality was in fact just stories, mind junk and it was through being able to pull back, and realise the books, workshops, and teachers I had tried to follow and study were all as useless as a chocolate teapot and with this realisation I began to seek the path of truth, because there were principles in what I had learned within the stories that did have resonance, I knew there was Divine Truth somewhere encoded inside it all, which led me to learn patterns and templates.

What is found underneath it all is nothing different from our science and psychology classes, it is about biology, chemistry and physics, it’s about the mind, body and spirit, it’s where nature becomes maths and it’s fun and easy to understand and appreciate.

But then if we zip to the most highest of perspectives it’s an Alignment, which fractals out in everything we are and do, it’s a vibration that sends peace through the mind, peace through the physical and the energy reflects peace in the entire field.

Raising the physical body vibration.

Only possible when the mind is fully onboard with the choices, only possible when the intention is pure and not rooted in fear or escapism.

The perfect example could be weight loss diets, its why they don’t work, why people yo-yo, why they become a looping lifestyle, constantly experiencing lack

Understanding why and how is the first step to becoming, naturally, into a state of innerstanding, being the experience of what is known, knowledge to wisdom, mind awakening to heart awakening and it is through this path of learning that the phsyical body vibration will rise.

It’s not done through eating healthy, or being vegan or not drinking tap water, it doesn’t matter how many times one meditates, or if you choose to not digest chemicals, it doesnt matter what you know, because if all of this is from a seed of fear, then fear based experiences will blossom.

And yet, it does become all about much of the above once the fear is removed, difference being is it happens itself once each learns to receive the guidance, through dropping the judgement programming, because there will be times when we must flow into a feed frequency shift, there may be times the body will call for a source, that perhaps the old spiritual ways would have once passed judgement and refused the urgent request because of an outdated disconnected belief.

The key to healing is rooted in the ability to pay attention and to hold patience and yes I will be so bold as to say we can all heal, once we fully understand exactly what healing is.
It’s knowing how this all works, it’s being able to stop the ego need to rush out there to show off our Unhealed Healer “gifts” and tools picked up in the darkness handed most often by the shadowy fortune tellers who tell all they are natural healers, the hall of mirrors, all who identify with healers are healing and are in no way able to heal what hasn’t been healed within, this of course is a huge misalignment.

And yet those who chose to heal, and become the healed healer knows you cannot heal another, knows that nothing and no one is separate and fully understands that it is not healing that’s required but for the field to continue to rapidly rise in frequ2ncy, light is what brings the change, and we each have a responsibility to either speed it up, or slow it down.

So whilst the world shows off it’s chosen clearing modalities, such as fire, dis-ease and war, what we now do is identify this within each of us, and if we discover worry, fear, suffering and victim then it must be fully realised that the frequency held is currently that which is moving through dissolution, a hard pill to swallow, to know the core frequency held is a part of the collective dead wood, preparing for a chop, but it’s a truth pill that will awaken many into a state of responsibility and a high level of respect will enter to begin the Alignment Process, raising the phsyical vibration which results in a life experience devoid of sickness, suffering, and in return gifts One the sound platform to be a pioneer of the new.

Angels The Secret, the wisdom, the max health cheat on your life game, its hidden within you, it’s encoded within each, what we don’t physically like to see out there, we support and heal within, through our self love and forgiveness for our own, personal powerful dis-ease driving programs once held, and we heal this with validation, giving a vibrational increase to experience, and ultimately more light speed to our collective field.

We cannot and would not want to stand in the way of an age in a state of change, but what we can do is fully surrender, accepting all that needs to be Divinely Detached from and with love and compassion send out our light to speed up the process, and as each releases the fear vibrations and enters the healing waters of compassion, what we achieve, together, will be an array of more smoother transitional paths to choose from collectively.

If you would like to journey with me and 79 other committed light pioneers who I share the keys and light gems I have picked up along the light path then send an email over to, and for each who connects and enquires about the SOUL-AR Alignment keys will receive two modules, Karma Dogs and Empowering the Empath.

Join with me, supporting our collective grid from within, healing from the inside out

So much love 💙💙💙


Pay Attention to the Feminine Voice From Within ~ January 27, 2020

By A Gift From Gaia

There is so much availability in the field as we experience a week of what is to feel like we are balancing on a needlepoint.

This week we really begin to pay attention to the feminine voice from within, the gentle guidance and we learn to take the action in order to experience the stillness of the zero point in which we get to create the most magical structures of light just waiting for us to fill in the spaces with our array of auric coloured frequencies.

The alternative, to tip those scales back into the masculine deaf and blind disconnected ways will bring the alternative, the availability shrivels and resembles something along the lines of shrink wrap, bringing frustration in the restriction.

This weeks energy is dominated by the masculine feminine balancing act of both Eris and Pluto in a square, as is Venus and Mars, with the added energy of Neptune partnering in the pink corner with Venus, and we have the messenger boy, who is sextile Mars whilst sextile Eris, thankfully Mercury now visible has the communication on point, able to translate the codes with ease.

Are you ready to listen, to act?

Because with this unified, creative and highly responsive energy the ability to build something that will stand the test of time is happening with ease. No need to push, just relax the body and allow the channel to open and gently birth the future into existence.

The more relaxed the less complication

Those learning to hold aligned fields may well find much work to be done, constant realignment will be necessary for those with higher attachments and unrecognised programming, and again, the same applies, relax it all down, and allow old portals to close without the static interference, replace the discord with acceptance, however you are able to hold acceptance, this too will highlight more programming in the way acceptance is found and the reasons given to self.

Observation is key.

Caring will be the objective, as many have been left feeling disorientated after the conjunction of the Capricorn Council, however what will be seen is the spectrum or perhaps the varying octaves of the word “care, because in its lowest octaves it’s incredibly reactive and fear based, and whilst the intentions may well be great the alignment must be set, the subconscious driver aligned to unconditional love in order to see the “ideal” manifestations come into light otherwise the reflection of the root will be revealed.

Opportunities to exist within this unified, neutral space.

Cleo the cosmic cat has been showing some odd symbols in my field today and I can only suggest it’s highly important as it’s not something she ever does, she’s up high, on top of kitchen cupboards and the fridge freezer, this is rare, but she communucates to stay within the All Seeing Eye, the most highest of views and to observe from there

We also have something quite interesting in that there are currently two very small sunspots one of cycle 24 and one of cycle 25, this again points to the balance point and to view everything in this moment from on top of the kitchen cupboards, or rather the highest of views, the most expanded aware states.

See the pattern, don’t hone in on the details, there is a new Age entering and everything that was created is soon to dissolve so that the more light aligned can be built in its space.

So much love

Andrea & Cleo 


Explosion of Divine Perfection ~ January 22, 2020

By A Gift From Gaia

Collective unconscious is stirring, opportunities for perceived misunderstandings, like a fuse lit to create the explosion of Divine Perfection, there are no misunderstandings when viewed from an expanded awareness as all becomes data assisting each in aligning their field to enable the physical body vibration increases that are required when requesting to follow the path of light.

Truth, which is nothing more than a frequency implodes from within, reactive to the reality to receive it’s mirrors for the bearer to See where there exists unconscious programming held within the many systems that run throughout our physical, and due to the light speed we are travelling what we find are the lowest of vibrations are rumbling through the fields, anger, bitterness, hatred, and yet whilst this energy brings up the most incredible wave of stress and internal damage when left to loop, it can also be the most healing and transformative for those with the Eye to See and with the wisdom to use it as the final wave to surf. When we take this final wave, it doesn’t mean these rumblings are not seen, or felt, it happens in the periphery of the field if you like, each becomes aware of the disturbances, such as the world stage, perhaps the town residing in, but the personal space continues to hold the most Divine stable frequencies, and it is in this space that all has purpose, nothing is personal, and peace emanates.

And as many begin to awaken their mind once more, to the fact there is MORE and leave the belief systems of old, this wave could well be the one to catch for the ride of your life

The moon is now moving past Jupiter and tomorrow will meet with Saturn and Pluto before the New Moon in Aquarius on Friday. The spectrum will be so very apparent as the powerful energy will trigger the cellular memory system, a collective bell ringing in which the frequency of truth held will sound, creating more opportunity to see the rewards of what we reap.

The knowing within increasing in volume, and again, some flow without question or resistance, some simply observe with no action which creates resistance, some know, see, hear and feel and choose to avoid.

And the choice as to how to move through dictates the experience. More perceived pain/stagnation more unconscious programming to clear and attachments to release, otherwise everything simply expands, as it has been learned to honour the process.

In the beginning everything that presents is taken as the data to learn how to choose conscious, in the very beginning we don’t even see choices, then as we move through the mind awakening stages and phases we learn we have choices but most often choose not to take it, and through this we learn of our attachments to social programming, the contradiction of this creates the mirrors of misalignment, as the declaration to be “woke” becomes a responsibility and we are taught to mature, to become accountable and this begins the vortex that spins to dissolve the lower unconscious vibrations held.

We learn rapidly that to be non active or choosing to loop when we “know” better creates powerhouses of discomfort through dis-ease in all ways.

And so we go through “time” remembering to stay awake, remembering the pain of poor (lack based) choices. And this “time” of course has now shown itself to also be a choice, as when I began this process I had no one to ask, I had no mentor, or book to help me, I learned through self discovery and repeated looping, almost deathly experiences in some cases.

This is why I share the keys I discovered along the journey, so now “time” can be a choice too for each who is seeking, it’s no longer necessary to figure out what has already been realised and actualised. All that is required is the commitment to take the key and use the method to release, hence why we will see the awakening on mass over this next 10 years, specifically the next 5 as it blasts with a force like a rocket.

Unlocking, detaching, releasing and dissolving now with the wisdom that is here allows each of us to experience the magic in now time, as we release weight, we allow the speed and the once perceived chaos shows in its actual truth, that it was magic all along.

Use this energy, to move you, align your field as you go, grasp the data floating past, clear the debris from your path. Realise the toxins in your cosmic stream and discover the cause for this pollution, and then correct it.

Balance the PH….perfect happiness

Investigate YOU, become your very own climate change project from within, all is a reflection anyway and what you shift within assists our planet also.

We are on a cosmic clear up mission, and the code is :

At first we feel, so shift up a gear into deal, then we can all INjoy the magic of heal.

All is a process and if “allowed” the result is progress 💙💙💙

Sharing some goat love….and even I received a BUTT on that day, right knee and shin, I wasn’t acting upon what I already knew in my heart.
Loop was learned and never repeated 🐐


A Spectrum, the Evolution from One Age to the Next ~ January 21, 2020

Editor’s Note: Divine Detachment…yes, that’s the ticket! Becoming aware of how the Universe is not holding anything against you personally, rather…it’s the process of alignment into your own personal expansion.

Each one of us is unique and how we choose to experience circumstances in out lives lead us to either ride our own personal waves of change with ease (surfing these waves), or become immersed in personal sorrow (itself a valuable tool) as the waves of change bounce us around emotionally.

So…please read this article, understand the outcome will be the same (just a bit more wear and tear on your psyche), and know that ultimately, all will BE…



By A Gift From Gaia

Riding the crests of waves, the constant movement in the field is incredible and we haven’t yet stepped out of the very first month of this incredible year, although in truth once the linear world vanishes these references just become a way of connecting, all is just a language, picked and used through the ability to speak multi dimensional frequencies.

The beginning of this year? According to which man made tool? What month? All now just merges into the bigger picture, a bigger design as we move through Ages.

This is the most incredible experience, to be conscious in such “times” of change. We hold the ability to slow it down, speed it up as a personal experience, through our frequ1ncy changes, views, gradients of unconscious to conscious, avoidance to awareness and yet the speed, in truth, never changes, it’s a constant whizzing as we witness the end of the chain, in a reflective world spin out of control. As the establishments begin to change hands, from no care to full care, will be the experience for us all.

All is a pattern

A pattern that changes from this now moment to the next, from one portal to another and this is where Divine Detachment is so crucial in this Master 22 year, we created this design, we requested that in this year of our man made created calendar that we will awaken, through our chosen means, of chaos, of reaction, through to magic and accountability

A spectrum, the evolution from one Age to the next

Constant, no end, no beginning, and we learn to love getting lost in time, losing all track to find the path of light to lead each through…one way, or another.

The tension now arising, causing mental blocks, rapid looping, exhaustion, confusion and stagnation, atoms spinning in a collider, soon to smash and open the portal to the new.

In the beginning it’s rough, as each moves through clearing these loops the experiences proves to be super valuable, the wisdom and the expansion they bring, far lighter and brighter than holding onto the old, so the more that are brought into the awareness the quicker The Quickening can be experienced, and loved, embraced filling life with gratitude.

The clearing is the most healing experience, it brings rejuvenation, it brings constant peace

This new moon is going to be a surge of energy, a gush of Divine light, filled with data, only this time round you have the time, to clear the channel, so that as it moves through it guides you with it, through the clear channel you prepared with respect and responsibility. The alternative is to get caught up in the debris, taken for granted, can’t be bothered, WEIGHT and see’s all bobbing around just waiting to catch you and slow down your surf.

It is a choice, the voice within is speaking.
But is the wounded masculine ready to come home, or is he going to have one more round fighting off the very thing the heart is desiring. Such separation, such avoidance, such arrogance of that Masculine force…holding on to old commands, old beliefs, old rule, out there, fighting it all by himself whilst the feminine within sits calling to no avail….

Such a sad pattern, a war time love affair? A damsel in distress, the conscious calling the unconscious back to be loved into wholeness.

All is simply a pattern and the sooner this is identified the sooner the emotions can release, Divine Detachment is a gift of freedom, a gift to have only a baseline frequency of unconditional love, nothing else need exist as that spectrum of old has all been surfed and spent

Those old octaves of anger, bitterness, had purpose, it is data, to be understood, and once understood, and validated, what more is there to experience, there is no requirement to repeat, and so it can rest, fade, and go on standby, to eventually lay dormant.

Conscious choices are made, unconsious cannot slip back in, energy simply doesn’t work like that.

So angels, use this time, expand the awareness, exist in the purpose, of this super amazing process of change we are in, and move, operate, decide, be guided from this expanded state, and allow the Divine Detachment to lead you closer into The Alignment

Sharing my love with All to assist in seeing shadows

Andrea 💙💙💙


The Great Pause ~ December 23, 2019

Editor’s Note: Now I know why I Am now/have been gathered with family for the holidays. This IS a closing period, an “end” for me, as energetics arrive to whisk me closer to BEing in a sense of neutrality, of BEing in Zero Point.

What happens in Zero Point? Life lessons “end” as the mind is released from beliefs and programming for unconscious ways of living. Soul evolution happens as more and more weight is dropped from the heart allowing Self to “rides the waves” of Cosmic Energies moving into KNOWING and BLISS. Moments of BEing a Cosmic Warrior, of fighting for the Light end as limiting and controlling efforts are replaced by peaceful and wise unconditional love.

The New Year allows us to move into a movement of freedom and peace if we allow. NOW is the time for peaceful relaxation into the JOY of unconditional love, allowing us ALL to BE…



We now ebb closer to yet another vortex, the Solstice. A spin so sensitive that the slightest extra weight is immediately rejected and sent back spinning through space and time to repeat it’s path and yet to harmonise with such vortex takes you deep within, through the chaos of the spin and settles you in the space of zero point, complete neutrality in which you are aware of the rushing of energy, twisting and turning, rejecting and accepting, and yet the space you find yourself in is a frequency so tranquil, and everything becomes crystal clear.

From here we see the choices, and they are chosen with the utmost Care and attention to ensure the field of experience continues to expand and bring the growth we are each here to attain, to be Free.

Our Era is to become free of the mind, the beliefs, the programming and to begin the deconstruction of everything we were taught, led to believe and have abided by, following the unconscious ways, rules and rulers of our time

Evolution takes “time” and we are just one small cog in the cosmic clockwork, a crucial cog nonetheless, as is each era, as is each person, so vital in the great transformation we find ourselves traversing.

The hands of time will forever be moving, all will forever evolve however this period is bringing the race back into its heart, we are done with the wars, we are sick in dis-ease and we are all being called from within to Seek an Alignment that breathes life back in, that is “balanced” and cares, shares and spreads joy.

When we know our course we can choose the perfect moment to drop from the vortex and land in the new field of experience.

When we know how to ride the cosmic vortex system we become aware that more “weight” will need to drop for the next and the next so we continue the process of release and through this we receive more and more light, opening more portals of opportunity.

All is a frequency match.

Looping realities happen because the attachment to the 3rd or 4th dimensional “story” is still way too loud. The attachment lies in the emotions held and under these emotions sits more stories and then there’s the programming, the core manifestor of your experiences and the reason we experience loops, the weight (wait) we hold and believe we need “time” to release

When attached to the phsyical presentation, the people, stories, the programs and emotions everything is high stress and dramatic, all of it built around conditions and fears, and whilst each story always reaches crescendo and implodes, what’s found is the story repeats, often a new setting, new “actors”, but the same old “pain” resurfaces and has been taught to be accepted, as “life”.

It is not, life, that is a bipolar mess, hence why we find ourselves here, to learn, that this way is most definitely a dead end.

So data began pouring through that guided us deeper within, to look at what created these stories, and what we found was a whole heap of programming all created to defend, built up from trauma filled ancient memories that each of us hold.
Constantly playing out the old just in a more modern way as time progresses. The mess evolves, mutates over the years just as it does through Grandparent to Parent to Child, we have been continuing to blindly birth the old, allowing the programs to bring more and more separation as each generation was birthed.

The End

This phase of the breakdown we find ourselves in is the breakdown of the Age of Pisces, that is all, nothing more, nothing less, only the more each clings to the rules and the stories that the age created the more of the destruction each will experience.

It’s a choice.

Choice being something most find too much to deal with, which is the desired experience of the Age of Pisces, we completed our mission as a race and found the experience to be…..limiting and controlling.

Let’s move on

Into the chaotic spin, which is rejecting defense and blame and teaching how to neutralise the “warrior” energy.
We all went through the warrior phase, it is of course another opportunity to awaken more unconscious weighted activity stored within, from the days when we had to be a warrior, we had to survive, we wanted fame and to be respected and rise beyond the clutches of poverty and move into the luxury that each victory brought.

Move ON

Spiritual warriors, defenders of light – defunct.
There is no defending light, each that tries this will find 2020 continues the power of the storm within, the only damage caused by allowing the storm is to those who choose to hold it within, exciting the neurons within the physical body, leading to more frequent burnouts, emotional overloading and short circuits in all systems, greatly affecting health and therefore all abundance channels.

Peace….that is where we are heading and we know this is found by creating it within, and from here our field reflects this back. We have let go of the need to poke sticks at a world that simply doesn’t yet understand and we value our own journey far more than to waste time, or get weighted down with those who create a drag. No one is going to achieve anything by having old frequency based opinions and shouting about them, so what if folk speak blindly, we close it down by simply not feeding it with our energy, we say no thank you, we do not fire, we do not bring war to our sacred field. We remove all that we do not want in our field, with ease, when you take the trash out from your home do you tell for all to hear, do you insult the rubbish for being useless?

Be wise, be graceful, be unconditionally loving knowing the presentation is firstly teaching you about your reaction or response, your ability to maintain a divine peaceful field, because all is a reflection, but the mirror is also learning about its lack of Unconditional love, so to respond with an example of how to hold a sacred field is exactly what their soul has requested, to experience the reverberations of light, for their cracks, their discoveries to begin….which they will, if each choose to be the example rather than the lesson.

This Solstice, this point in time holds something I have never experienced before, if I were to choose a word to describe I would use Regal as it holds high importance, I see rich purple velvet and melting gold….take from that what you will, but it feels without doubt a space to observe, and to be sure the highest truth is emanating in each moment.

The Northern angels move into the 3 days of darkness as our Ancestors tell us the Sun is reborn and now we tell our ancestors, we’ve got this, we have learned there was no death, therefore there was no birth, we are aligned with the Sun and we are evolving.

Our sun and our planetary tilt teaches us the need to take a moment, to go deep within, to move furthest away from the noise and fully realise the path chosen upon resurfacing, to use this time to focus on the vibrational expansion this Solstice brings, how you will set the tone as our Sun begins the next phase of its journey.

This incoming year is the year to give focus to the formless knowing that is the creator of all form, and by operating the formless we know that the form follows suit…all is a given and it’s where full responsibility and respect is found.

So this is where I say farewell to honour my own 3 day dive into my field to observe this shift and to continue the integrations and assistance as we move. I am celebrating the Solstice with the energy of movement and freedom as I am now able to leave my rising Sun for the first time in just over a year.

All so symbolic

I will return, expanded on the 26th to bring some navigation for the solar eclipse.

Sending so much love and gratitude to All, may you all have the most magical Solstice and continue to awaken each heart, expanding and uniting in Divine Unconditional Love so we all may return as One.

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