The Event Integration. Rainbow Wave 2- Energy Update 8/17 ~ August 17, 2018

“You are in a process of full integration of 4th density consciousness of full transparency. 3D to 4D.

Twin flames are beginning to merge in waves with astral body linking and telepathy linking through a harmonic synchronization.

This is the beginning of the next phase of the Twin Flame and Freewill Ascension experiment for the human evolution on this planet. The time and location for your experiences are orchestrated by the higher 5th dimensional electronic self. Many of you will begin to directly communicate with the higher aspect of yourself in connection to your astral forth dimensional non-physical body; your persona and your third dimensional Avatar physical body; ascension vehicle. Through purging you have released old prep programs while integrating information for the Galactic human template to pull forth your 5D timeline in a physical experience.”