MedBeds – QUANTUM HEALING ~ Nov. 9, 2022


A Message From The Vice President

Nikola Tesla is able to see the past, present and future, what we call The Gateway Process. He was able to harness the source ether energy, able to transmit it – wirelessly or directly as alternative current. A world with no power lines, no power poles, no telephone poles just a beautiful sky unobstructed. Space travel is done with Spaceships that can create wormholes/portals to far distance points in the infinite universe. Using flying ships for Earth travel or personal spaceships that are capable of crossing nearby stargates that have destinations across the universe. Nikola used vibrations and frequencies for healing along with color, which are used in medbeds. This will be available for all to use. A Brave New World Awaits With Infinite Possibilities

John F Kennedy Jr.
-19th Vice President

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