Divinefeminine7777 ~ December 7, 2021



The New Moon & Solar eclipse energy brought a lot of shifting from the old into the new, we have cleared a lot and jumped many timeliness and we will do it some more because the 1212 portal that is coming next is going to support us energetically to do so.

That also means our bodies went and will go through massive energetic changes and they need to readjust to the changes and the new energy. When the old is being cleared out of your system, it is unusual for the body to not have a fear, block of wound stored in the cells anymore and it needs time to adjust.

This might make you feel lost and lonely at the beginning. Take care of your body. Rest and relax. Take time for yourself to be in silence and just breathe. It will help you re-adjust to the new energy. Do the things you love and give your body the food it craves for. About jumping timelines…You can jump timelines too.

You don’t have to know anything or learn how to do it. Your soul already knows everything it needs to know. Just go within and connect to that wisdom and surrender yourself to the process. Allow the soul to guide you and follow your intuition. Energy work is not learning things like we are used to.

It is intuitive and also magical. It is all about surrendering to the process, trusting yourself and do what you feel is right in your heart. The higher energy frequency you are, the easier you can jump the timelines. Go within, be in your heart, not the ego and feel the love that you are. Do the things you love and make you feel happiness and joy. This is how you open yourself up to jump timelines. By being happy, content, full of love and enjoy the things you do.

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