Three New Legions, Our Legions Stand Alone, Archangel Uriel Has Left His Post ~ July 27, 2020

The day is now 36 hours and starts and ends at 3 AM or 3 PM in an alternating fashion.

The launch time of this post is the 8:08 morning gate; on the 3D date, 72520. The following 3: PM will start this new day. Simply follow this parallel around the globe until it hits your local time at three.

If you are conscious that a new day has begun, it is customary to send love and kindness to someone.

Today’s date on the Archangelic Calendar is:


Calendar Legend

YouTube ~ English ~ 中文版 ~ Polski ~ German

Русская ~ Italiano ~ Français ~ 한국어 ~ Portuguesa

Español ~ Ελληνικά ~ نسخه های فارسی ~ हिन्दी日本人 ~ עברית


– Gaia is in the element of “Spirit” as she is in deep contemplation. She wishes to make drastic changes, and now that the weather is under her control. It would be safe to say that new weather patterns will be on the rise; these natural weather patterns should not be confused with the artificial ones which we have been handling in our assignments. She assures us, every major weather-related event, until the end of the season of Jophiel will be her doing. We must be aware that we will see visual anomalies caused by artificial weather devices, but nothing strong enough to do anything.

The above information coincides with the news that Archangel Zophiel has been sending us. The fact that the CCP manually destroyed their dam is an indication that they have no control of the weather any longer. It was their original plan to pound the structure with natural phenomenon, but they could not hit their targets for various reasons.

– In other CCP related news, the US is about to find out that they are playing a very active role in causing civil unrest. The CCP’s plan is multi-fascinated and relies heavily upon the manipulation of the general population. We are not sure what world governments are waiting to handle this directly, but in any event, they are the missing link between humanity and the malevolent star races that enslaved the planet.

– The media’s goto clips of “close encounters caught on film” are highly misconstrued renderings. While there are many star races here, and tons of legitimate videos to show, they went with videos of GGI enhanced experimental vehicles.

– Archangel Uriel has left his position, and we are moving forward with what is to happen after he does so. We are not sure if he will return, but it is clear what he is signaling for us to do. There was an agreement that we made that said if Archangel Uriel left his post, that we would go in aggressively in regards to liberation. This is the crossroads in which we stand, and it is clearly time to step up our game.

– Everything is getting better, slowly but surely it is getting better. If things are not going as fast as you would like them to, remember humanity has chosen to walk themselves to this higher reality instead of diving headfirst. When we make a rock-solid macro decision, we harness the power of swift change. We are indecisive on many macro issues, too numerous to count.

– If you are stuck too rigidly to routine. Any little thing will make the day go astray; that is why it is best to go that the rhythm that the universe is giving you. Do not try to change the beat while the song is playing.

– The recent energy shift was Archangel Drah’s successful engineering of the “Galactic and Earth-Based Connective Grid Points.” Some were anticipating a different answer, hoping that we have entered the timeline we created. In response to that, Drah said that we were successful in our efforts, but have not wholly traveled through the portal. He also mentioned that when we finally pass through, there will be no mistaking it.

– We are clearly on our own, and when I say “We,” I mean “Our Legions” as an extension of ” Infinitely Expanding Creator Source,” and when I say “on our own,” I mean that no one else has stepped up. We have been waiting for someone to take the opportunity to be amazing and lo’ and behold, no one has. Good thing we exist, and because we can expect no governing body to help humanity in any direct way, it is time for us to become more of a powerful physical presence.

– There is no better time to add strength to our legions than today. The three “new legions” are as follows;

~> “The Elohim and Elemental Legion” are beings too large for proper names and descriptions. These beings are also too large for personalities, and have crossed the border where physicality ends and “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source” begins. These beings can create star nebulas and make the seasons cease to be. The power in this legion is something that goes beyond earthly prophecy.

~> “The Brave & Bold Legion,” is made up of the bravest beings we have ever encountered. Most of these beings have either detracted from their dark organizations or have been living within them undercover. They are truly amazing beings from every corner of the universe and have a great deal to do with the fall of “Organized Darkness.”

~> “The Outstanding legion” is full of the standouts from every race and planet. These are the ascended masters from every upper dimensional race in existence, and every one of these beings earned the right to be there. They put in the hard work and accomplished unimaginable things to become the highest version of themselves.

– Just believe, and we will find our way. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed,…”


Today’s Tools:

Tools will be active until the next post.

Use the legend below to help you decipher how to best use today’s weapons.

(Passive) = No intention needed to use or arm. It will work on its own when you accept its presence. All you need to do is give permission, and it will work on your behalf.

(Active) = intention Needed to use

(Aggressive) = Will attack before anything has a chance to harm you.

We have gone through significant changes, and thus the weapon-based tools indicated below can be inserted into the ground to call forth downloads.

The “Violet Flame” is in the ideal nine settings. This means we are in a perfect setting to transmute dense energies.

The Violet Flame Team is as follows and is in no particular order: Archangel Germaine, Archangel Zadeikiel, Archangel Ansiel, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Orion, Archangel Bathkol, Archangel Daiquiri, Archangel Sablo, Archangel Briathos, Archangel Agla, Archangel Abraxos, Archangel Cerviel, Archangel Harahel, Archangel Bazazath, Archangel Saniel, Archangel Vahrmiel, Archangel Sizouze, and Archangel Adonai.

(Passive and Aggressive)

Archangel Shepard’s orb is a presence of divinity that allows your target a clear path to forgiveness or a direct audience with infinitely expanding creator source on the matter. This tool is a compassionate tool of divine orchestration.


Archangel ZagZagel’s staff of heavenly might rains large crystal masses upon a targeted area. Great for large targets, works on the physical and nonphysical as well.


Archangel Tzedekiel’s staff of justice is a tool that is best used on a Macro level and can help move things along that are stagnant. It can also summon and maintain force fields for protection purposes.


Archangel Vahu Mana’s timepiece allows you to savor a positive feeling or thought. It brings an element of majesty to your everyday moments, and it prevents the interference of harmful time travelers.

(Passive, Active & Aggressive)

Archangel Chamuel’s radiant peace allows you to be secluded in a peaceful bubble, no matter what is happening around you. It also allows those in your heart to have protection as well.

(Passive and Active)

Archangel Jerimiel’s enhanced intuition, allows the voices of your soul to become louder; it enables the judges of spirit to be more evident than ever.


Archangel Sorush’s sword of transmutation is only for evil energies. A tool that is far too powerful to wield lightly it is used to handle the worst of the worst.

(Active and Passive)

Archangel Dubbiel’s staff of bear medicine can heal all natural things. This staff is also a powerful ally against all items that may obstruct you.

(Active &Passive)

Chayyliel’s Horn summons an army of unimaginable power to your location. It is a hypersensitive tool, and it will adapt to current events in your life and on a global scale as well.

PLEASE NOTE the following three tools are healing modalities and can be sent remotely to loved ones.

(Passive and Aggressive)

Archangel Kaleziel’s Radiant Rays of health can ward off all diseases and illnesses. It can also aid in the recovery of conditions already inflicted; it is valid on land masses and living beings.

(Passive and Aggressive)

Archangel Theliel’s radiant compassion sends heartfelt love to all within your jurisdictions. The tool brings a nurturing aspect of healing, and it has incredible warmth. It is best to wield this with a calm frame of mind.


Archangel Raphael’s healing staff is an omnipotent healing force that works gradually or intensively depending on how you wield it. It is considered the best general healing instrument.


Today’s Assignments:

We are still working on a macro level, and thus the format will stay consistent, please use today’s current tools if you need assistance performing the tasks below.

* To reiterate Gaia’s Point, the seismic activity and weather patterns from this point until the end of the Season of Archangel Jopheil is natural and should be left alone.

* The Ocean has many Multi-Dimensional Terrestrial Beings living within her. Many have been dormant for 1000 years and are now awake. This situation is only complicated because not all of them are aware of the earth’s current emotional climate, as most of them are benevolent. Engage in diplomacy with the ships with the “light blue aura,” and use sword and shield on the others. To identify an evil craft, they are identifiable by their metallic black aura.

* Much like the demonic beings who were chocking humanity, there are evil beings who have put living souls in cages. Located on the upper half of the 4th dimension and lower half of the 6th, you will find parts of the souls of every man woman and child on earth and then some. Free all beings from these cages and then open a portal and force the jailors into it with sword and shield.

* There is a tiny percentage of influential people who have yet to be “cloned,” “walked in,” or “frightened to comply.” We must find whoever is left out from that faction and protect everyone with a “Silver and Golden shield.” The only way to tell who is on the side of righteousness is by locating their aura, if its light, then protecting them to the best of your ability.

* To remove the ground threats of earth, send 72 golden electrical pulses throughout the planet. Then install the vibration to work passively on behalf of planet earth. We can accomplish this by electrically charging the network of hidden wires in our upper atmosphere.

* Bring “Rainbow Flames” to earth for a 72 count, followed by “Emerald Green Plasma” and “Violet Flame” for the same.


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