It’s all about the Upgrades, Archangel Raduriel, An Opportunity to Expand the 99999 gates, The Prophecy ~ March 8, 2020

It looked as if Gaia was going to be in a fire-water hybrid dominant setting today, but she decided to up one up herself, and balance the water-fire hybrid with spirit dominant components as well. This means that the changes she is implementing are sudden, long-lasting and are to be orchestrated by the highest divine.

It looks as if the 99999 gate will be with us for some time. This is what many call the master key to all gates, as this gate has opened all other gates to optimum potential. There is light pouring in from all corners of existence and it is assisting us in every way. This light is so dense that it is audible and if you find a place silent enough to hear it, you most certainly can.

That being said, we have it well within our power to widen this gate by lighting many sacred flames to increase the median levels of passive transmutation. This will be in our assignments today with a brief guide for some of the newer lightworkers. This will push the scared flame marker up and if we can hold this until the sacred flame marker goes all the way up to 9, then we will be bringing in, a whole new level of success.

Children are upgrading using cosmic energy. This is causing their powers to grow and it is also aiding the immunity Children against the CoronaVirus, and the many other attempts to thwart their health via our skyways. They will need extra care during these upgrades, as it can be disorienting for even the best of us.

Archangel Raduriel is an amazing and mysterious angel even among his peers. He creates other archangels and he also oversees the libraries of wisdom and knowledge. He is the most headstrong of all the Archangels and will follow a divine procedure to an utter obsession. If you are looking to make a change but you are not sure what that should be, this would be a good Archangel to call upon.


You are the prophecy, you are the lost tribe who has returned, and you are what Earth has been waiting for. Each and every one of you has embodied the omnipotence of infinitely expanding creator source, even beyond this, you have chosen this embodiment to create a world that reflects this divine beauty as well, and for that,  the Universe is truly grateful.


Most of humanities 7.8 Billion People do not have enough belief in their ability to work metaphysically as of yet. If that is not the case (and for most Light-workers it is not), feel free to use your own tools and abilities for assignments. For the others, the tools below will help you bridge the belief gap, as your belief in the said being would come into play as well.

The following tools will only be available until the mark of the next Archangelic Day (next days’ official post) if you are catching this on a later date. You can use the current daily tools for previous assignments. Envision yourself using said tools with a pure heart and pure intentions. Just remember imagination plus emotion, will give you the best results.

A warning to all who try to yield unworthy, these things have their own will.

Please make a mental note of what you wish to equip.

We have gone through great changes and thus the weapon-based tools can be inserted into the ground to call forth downloads.

Passive = No intention needed to use or arm, it will work on its own when you accept its presence. All you need to do is give permission and it will work on your behalf.

Active = Intention Needed to use.

Aggressive = Will attack before anything has a chance to do any harm to you.

(Active, Passive and Aggressive anywhere within the universe)
The Violet Flame team has remained steady in the 9 setting. This means divinity is fully in charge.

The Violet flame team is as follows, and is in no particular order Archangel Germaine, Archangel Ansiel, Archangel Orion, Archangel Emmanuel, Archangel Briathos, Archangel Bathkol, Archangel AF, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Zadiekiel, Archangel Sablo, Archangel Gzrel, Archangel Galizur, Archangel Machdiel, Archangel Nuriel, Archangel Varhmiel, Archangel Adonai, Archangel Aeshma, and Archangel Agla.

(Active Long & Short Range)
Archangel Michael’s legendary sword can handle anything, as it is completely omnipotent, there is no level of consciousness that can be achieved that this couldn’t slice through. It is also an amazing weapon against electronics and technology as it can override any circuitry.

(Active Long Range – Passive, Active and Aggressive Short Range)
Archangel Issac’s Radiant field looks a lot like Magnetos forcefield and it reacts to any life form with either loving energy, or a with transmutation-al blast of vast power.

(Passive and Aggressive, Long or Short Range anything in your jurisdiction)
Archangel Leo’s Swords of plenty, is a passive and aggressive attack sword that has a complete will of its own. Do not try to yield at all, you will only get in the way, equip and go.

Vahu Mana’s timepiece allows you to savor a positive feeling or thought. It brings an element of majesty to your everyday moments, and it prevents the interference of malevolent time travelers.

(Passive, Active & Aggressive Short range)
Archangel Chamuel’s radiant peace allows you to be secluded in a peaceful bubble, no matter what is happening around you. It also allows those in your heart.

(Passive and Active)
Archangel Jerimiel’s enhanced intuition allows the voices of your soul to become louder it allows the judges of spirit to be more obvious than ever before.

(Active, Passive and Aggressive )
Archangel Pesngiyah’s Omaha shield is a great sword of reveal as it acts very aggressively upon your behalf. It does not yield at all and will go.out of its way to clear lower timelines and make all situations go in your favor.

(Passive and Aggressive)
Archangel Shepard’s orb is a presence of divinity that allows anyone that you are engaged with a clear path to forgiveness or a direct audience with infinitely expanding creator source on the matter. This is a truly compassionate tool of divine orchestration.

(Passive short range)
Archangel Tzdeikiel’s pendant of justice lessens all judgment against you and casts you in a favorable light.

PLEASE NOTE the next 3 tools are healing modalities and can be sent remotely to loved ones.

(Passive and Aggressive Short Range)
Archangel Kaleziel’s radiant rays of health, wards off all diseases and illness. It can also aid in the recovery of diseases already inflicted, it can be sent to land masses as well as individual living beings.

(Passive and Aggressive Short and Long Range)
Archangel Theliel’s radiant compassion sends heartfelt love to all in within your jurisdictions. This is the nurturing aspect of healing and is and it has incredible warmth. It is best to yield this with a calm frame of mind.

Archangel Raphael’s healing staff is an omnipotent healing force that works gradually or intensively depending on how you yield it. It is considered the best general healing instrument.


These assignments are valid any day, as we are beyond space and time, and it still remains collaborative effort no matter when you administer them. Although to ensure accuracy, make sure you are using today’s current weaponry. Especially, if you are seeing this 30 or more hours after this was originally posted, please use your intuition.

1) A sacred flame is a metaphysical based flame that is ignited in the mind’s eye until you can feel the heat of the flames. Yes, it can be done as a real fire but it is not necessary and changes the feeling zones a great deal.

– Use Crystals, Sticks, Pebbles, Salt or any other magical item of your choice to make a fire pit, it can be as large or as small as you like but it must be undisturbed until the following sunrise.

– Envision the following flames in order in your sacred fire pit, repeat if necessary. You will feel the heat when it is lit.

Key Code: White – Pink – Light Blue – Gold – Yellow – Green – Red – Black – Brown – Teal – Rose Gold – Silver – Orange – Indigo – Violet – Platinum – Diamond – Rainbow.

2) Self Healing is something that we do for ourselves as well as the systems in which we exist. All levels of existence benefit from your healing but we can do this in a very direct way when it comes to Gaia.

– Engage in something you enjoy, then connect heart chakra to heart with mother earth and share this joy in an expression of healing. This is much like playing cards with a friend that is under the weather, it immediately evokes an uplifting energy.

3) It is with great joy that this is assignment is presented to you today, as this is surely a sign that things are truly shaping up, on this planet. This makes things like Download Centers a possibility.

There are many ways to do this but the most simple is to place 3,6 or 9 quartz crystals in an orderly way and envision the lights coming down in the key code below.

Key Code: White – Pink – Light Blue – Gold – Yellow – Green – Red – Black – Copper- Bronze – Brown – Teal – Rose Gold – Silver – Orange – Indigo – Violet – Platinum – Diamond – Rainbow.

You can  bury the crystals and it will radiate to all that go anywhere near it or put it on your desk for inspiration beside your sacred flame.


Meditation 6 of 18 inspired by the Archangelic Legions “Walking with the God’s”


We have eclipsed 4,000 visitors per day, and we have multiple languages because we do not wish to have borders. I am aware the languages coming in could be overwhelming within your inbox but this is not about readership, it is about being on task as ONE WORLD of unified Lightworkers!

It’s all about the Upgrades, Archangel Raduriel, An Opportunity to Expand the 99999 gates, The Prophecy

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