The New Earth Hologram Sananda thru Elizabeth Trutwin ~ Posted December 19, 2019

Editor’s Note: (Thanks E!) This is a Blast from the Past! This channeling from 2014 may help round out some spiritually based information many newly awakened my not know. The changes we see happening on Earth ARE part of a spiritual (NOT religious) Divine Plan for aiding the Earth/Humanity out of Darkness. There was this little matter of the Prime Directive not being followed…

Some may think this information important, others may not. For me, details are nice to know, but the main measure of human focus continues to be each human’s heart relationship to itself. For only as each individual becomes aware of internal power of their own self, can they regain ONENESS with ALL THAT IS. The really GREAT news is this personal realization will ALWAYS be deciphered by the human body system as BEing…



The New Earth Hologram is anchored into the New Timeline and the Sun Disks are Overwritten.

Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 15, 2014.
Mother/Father God are the Central Sun. The Central Sun moves through each of the Constellations over time in our Solar System. The Central Sun now is moving through Alcyone of the Pleiades. Earth has been taken into the Photon Belt since 2000 which is like a beam of energetic light pulling it like a tractor beam toward The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. First Earth will pass through the Eye of An in the white lion’s realm. Then it will quickly move to its position in Alcyone. There we will be surrounded by nine Suns. Mother God and Father God have incarnated on Earth now. They have a great service project which effects all of Earth. Their joint Mission is Peace on Earth and Peace to Humanity. It is a great act of love for the Highest Forces of Light to enter into descendant bodies and carry on at Earth amongst humans. They do it with the greatest compassion and love for their children. The Children of the Sun! Mother Father God together make up the Great Central Sun. This is Galactic Center. They are able to transmit the energy from the Central Sun into Earth during this massive Dimensional Shift. That is the gift they bring together. 

The Great Central Sun moves in relation to the celestial changes of Planets and Suns and they are concerned with Earth now because the fate of Earth effects the entire Cosmic Evolution for all surrounding Planets, Galaxies, Universes, Multiverses and the Cosmos itself. Mother and Father God make up the Holy Trinity. Father God is Mother Gods’ Father as She was Created from Him and He is also Her Twin Flame. This is the sacred triad on which the whole of creation is based. Father, Husband and Mother as Holy Spirit.
Many of you are highly evolved and volunteered to assist Earth through this new era and ensure the full anchoring in and blossoming of the New Golden Age. It is the Light of Creation which both create new life and destroys the old misclassified energies. When a Soul is uncreated their energy is sent back through the Scorpi Black Hole. On the other side they enter The Universe of On, the light matter Universe. Here the light dissolves that DNA, that karmic record, that Consciousness. This is a merciful act. The celestial dance of the Full Lunar Eclipse and the Solar Eclipse are in succession the Light of Creation from the Moon as a Destructive force and then the Light of Creation form the Sun as a Creative force fully anchoring the Satya Yuga or the Golden Age. Mother God has her own unique way of bringing in the transmuting violet transmuting flame of All That Is. How We Crash Landed at Giza and How The Great Pyramid Was Brought Here From Aldebaran

Long ago Mother/Father God’s first born son was the original fallen Angel. He felt he was not made in his Father’s image. He felt he was less than his Father. This program of misqualified energy was programmed into our DNA and has stayed inside our ego minds causing a lot of suffering. Their first born was called Jehovah and was misrepresented in the Bible as a God. Jehovah was in the anti matter Universe and he wanted to be King over matter. He crash landed his Ship of the 144.000 on the Giza Plateau. It was then that I, Sananda Kumara with Archangel Michael were given the joint duty of Planetary Prince. We have held our duty sacred and never turned our backs on Earth.
Kailash Shakti Energy Transferred to West Coast U.S. On the Equinox September 22, 2014 the sacred holy power of Shakti which emits as a force of energy from Mount Kailash was transferred from the Himalayas to the Ynez Mountain Range of central California. The center of the Earth Matrix has shifted to the west from the east. This will enable Earth to realign her energy to the original Divine Plan.

The New Earth Hologram Invoked September 22

The old Gaia Matrix has been rapidly dissolving since Mother Earth was placed on her new Timeline in mid February 2014. Because of this the Diamond Energy implanted at Giza Plateau whose Guardian is Master Serapis Bey no longer supports the old Gaia Matrix. A new enormous Venusian golden yellow diamond was installed inside a mountain on the west coast of the United States. This begins by activating Lemuria and moving around the world securing Earth into the Metatronic Divine Blueprint for Earth into her electromagnetic grid or matrix within the New Earth Hologram positioning her into the Holographic Universe with light and sound codes. This ceremony happened on the Equinox, September 22, 2014. The next step in the process is very high Beings of Light singing the Angelic languages, the sound of Creation itself. As this is done the twelve Sun Disks located around the Earth are re programmed, rewritten to support the Higher Light Energy Creative force helping Earth traverse this massive Dimensional shift.
The Harvest Moon on Sukkot

The Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse 7/8 October bring the destructive force of the Light of Creation to the misqualified energies on Earth. There MUST Be in the UNIVERSE that FORCE that protects LIFE so that if a World, or a Creation gets too far away from it’s DIVINE PLAN—that it is more merciful to remove it. This is the energy of Kuan Yin and Archangel Chamuel. Reflect upon your own relationships in the three days before and after. Cut away the branches from your tree that are dead to allow for new growth to come forward. Collect the Good Harvest of work well done. A Formal Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial presence on Earth is underway as we enter November. What it comes down to is the Prime Directive was violated when the dark lords or the Fallen Angels came to Earth out of their future time-space continuum and they brought with them technologies that were far advanced and they have used them to enslave Humanity of Earth. They did this before Earth’s evolution was prepared to join the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. This was an attack on a less mature Planet and it was a War Crime. They violated Humanities sentient, sovereign right of Universal Law which was to suppress Humanities ability to expand their Consciousness. They blocked Humanity from remembering Who They Are and Why They Are At Earth. The whole purpose to come to Earth is to grow our Spirit, our Consciousness.

Mars is a Moon not a Planet

Mars had two moons constructed. They are metal satellites called Phobos and Deimos which were brought in to stabilize the orbit of Mars after the nuclear destruction of Maldek. Maldek was a great Planet of Light and what happened was an Earthquake caused their nuclear warheads sitting in silos to shake about. This lead to a misunderstanding by their neighbor’s computers that an actual nuclear strike had been launched. Thinking nuclear missiles were headed their way, the enemy state launched their own nuclear missiles. This war went back and forth for three days until the core of Maldek broke apart after multiple hits on opposite sides of the Planet. Then Maldek went Supernova. This blew the surface off Mars and made it wobbly in its orbit. The pieces which were what was left of Maldek then are now the Asteroid Belt. 

Mars is called the Planet of war. The Moon Mars was the balancing force to the Central Sun for Maldek. The Moons orbiting Planets balance the Central Sun’s energy and help keep its orbiting Planet in sync. Earth also originally had two Moons. The Earth’s Moon Luna is also a metal satellite that had been brought in by the Galactic Federation. When the Astronauts landed on the Moon they said the sound of the orbiter setting down echoed inside the Moon for a long time. As Maldek got destroyed it affected the gravitational fields of Mars and many other planets. When all of the nuclear energy and the cosmic wave of the destruction from Maldek went throughout our solar system, all the sea water on Mars was shot out into space and came to Earth. This is interpreted as the flood of Noah. Noah was an Atlantean sea captain that knew the imminent changes that were about to happen, and the Ark was not a regular ship, it was an amphibious Starship. We have seen a NASA image where an ocean liner on Mars suddenly had all the water go out from under it and it stopped in its tracks on the sea bed floor. It sits there today. Also as NASA has orbited Vesta, a remnant of Maldek, images coming back show great infrastructure with the geometric grid work of a great civilization.

On September 22, 2014 the Equinox heralded high energy coming to Earth. On this day there was an alignment between Earth and Galactic Center. This alignment is rare and when it happens it opens a gateway wherein great change can occur. This is like an alchemical reaction. This is like passing through a StarGate. The purpose of a StarGate is to step up the vibrational frequency in order to pass through to another octave of dimensionality. This gateway opening was headed by Lord Maitreya on September 22 and closely assisted by Master Serapis Bey and Lord Lanto of the Second Ray. This gateway opening changed the vibrational octave of the mountain ranges on Earth. The mountains form a network of StarGates. This is part of the appeal of Earth to the dark cabal. They have not only tried to control Earth but more than another 37 Planets and beyond. Due to Earth’s vast network of StarGates, in this sector it greatly eases travel around the Galaxy. It would be like being able to show up to your local train station and be able to reach any highly traveled destination in moments instead of having to travel along the tracks for hours to get there. The less desired locations still must be arrived at the slow way, but the StarGates make travel to hubs almost instantaneous. This is why wars continue to take place around StarGates. The goal is to keep control of the StarGates for interstellar travel.

The Great Equinox, this time where the perfect alignment happens, as the autumnal equinox comes, and the harvest time that we bring in this moment, the harvesting of our own soul matrix that has reaped the benefits of what has grown here. This time as we go into Inner Space, winter space, where we reflect on this Inner moment. We moved from there into a Full Blood Sukkot Harvest Moon October 8, 2014. This Blood Moon is a series of four we will see over the course of a year. This is the fourth time this has happened in the last 500 years. As these rarified energies come to Earth there are many discussions about how we get to the next higher Octave where we have Open Contact and Ships Landing. We seek how to arrive there with gratitude, grace and love. This is not a time for doing the same old thing. It is a time of change.

This Equinox saw changes in the mountain ranges in the west in the United States. Similar changes are happening other places as well. The Taos Mountain hum has amped up its frequency and vibration. This is happening in the area which will become the Earth headquarters for the Galactic Federation. There is a popular rock song with the lyrics ‘Your head is humming and it won’t go, in case you don’t know, The piper’s calling you to join him,’ This is the hum mentioned in the song. This hum is coming from a subetheric generator which can be seen under Taos Mountain, under the Giza Plateau, under Stonehenge and under the Ziggurat of Ur as well others. These are the zero point modules. They will be employed to bring the Earth Grid to Zero Point at the time of The Event. After Disclosure we will see President Obama and the real King of Egypt unearth a large StarShip which crash landed under the Giza Pyramids many aeons ago. This was our beginning on Earth. We started here as Starseeds from Niburu, Dracos, Orion and later from all over the Galaxy.

There is much discussion about what is happening now. How will we forgive ourselves for what went wrong in those ancient days? How can we accept the truth of the changes rushing to Earth, ready or not? These Ones who crash landed at Earth started the Grand Experiment of Duality. As time went on it became clear that time traveling intergalactic War Criminals brought technologies to Earth which humans were not evolved enough to have. At that realization a Plan went into effect to help Earth. This violated the Prime Directive. This allowed the Galactic Federation to intervene on behalf of humanity because they were turned into slaves by this technology. Cloning, Solid Holograms and DNA manipulation are all examples of advanced technology. The other big technology brought here was nuclear energy. This too was misused as a weapon. The Galactic Federation have been helping Earth and now a Plan has been made to free Earth. It was decided the only way to make things right was to raise Earth very suddenly into Higher Dimensions. Earth is going through a massive Dimensional Shift and is surrounded by the Photon Belt which is basically towing Earth across the Milky Way Galaxy back to the Central Sun at Alcyone in the Pleiades.

On October 19, 2014 the fly-by at Mars of StarShip Siding Spring
Some are calling it the Siding Spring Comet. This is a large MotherShip designed to look like a comet. This Ship will be bringing healing energy to Mars. Mars is not a Planet, it is a Moon. Mars was the Moon to the Planet Maldek. Maldek went Super Nova after prolonged nuclear explosions for three days broke the Maldek Grid disintegrating the Biosphere and causing an explosion that resulted in the Asteroid Belt. Mars was pulled out of Orbit and now sits next to Earth.

Mars and Luna, Earth’s Moon work as stabilizers. They play a role to hold their corresponding Planet in their Orbit within the Galaxy and Universe. In the Quantum Field there is a Cosmological Constant. This is obtained within the quantum vacuum zero point energy, this is the ground state. It is within this physics we begin to understand why a Planet may have one, two, three or more Moons. They are the stabilizers. They are like the legs of a stool. They hold the Orbit at Zero Point. Planets who have descended into a vibration below the 5th Dimension need even more help holding their Orbit in cooperation with the other Orbs within the Solar System.
Mar’s two small Moons, Deimos and Phobos as well as Luna, Earth’s Moon are all artificial Satellites, hollow and made from metal. When the Lunar Orbiter landed on the Moon a bell sound echoed and caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour. There are images from a Russian Satellite program cancelled in the 90’s of an enormous MotherShip approaching Deimos.

In the dark matter Universe each Planet is illumined by the Sun. The Sun is a ball of helium which transduces energy from the Great Central Sun and holds within it several StarGates. There are many videos circulating of StarShips going through these StarGates entering the Sun and exiting the Sun. Likewise the Sunlight hitting the Moons of Planets illuminate them. Due to lack of terrain, seas and structures the Moons grow brightly in the night sky. As Moonlight shines onto its nearby Planet in the night time hours they are keepers of biorhythms which effect all species on any given Planet. These mark the side real time as the Celestial Spears dance across the heavens spinning within their matrix in All That Is. This cadence is set with these artificial Satellites and they keep the balance of orbit within the Zero Point Generator grounded into the Universal Hologram. The reason the MotherShip disguised as a comet called Siding Spring will do a fly-by to Mars on October 19th is to reset the Satellite’s subetheric generator for the New Hologram set into motion on the New Timeline September 22, 2014. This will be done with advance Extraterrestrial Technology coming from the MotherShip Siding Spring by a close proximity fly-by of the Moon Mars.

There have been massive structures seen on Luna and Mars. Both are artificial Moons. These structures pertain to technologies which effect the nearby Planets. Maldek and Earth both were once in the 12th Dimension and Great Planets of Light. The structures we see now on Mars and Luna were built by negative Extraterrestrials doing genetic experiments in duality after these Planets fell into density. These technologies were operated by the Intergalactic War Criminals who still hold Earth in slavery. These technologies effect the sea water tides. They also effect our blood plasma. Many experiments have been carried out over the years and our emotions have been targeted. In using these technologies many diseases have been manufactured. As Disclosure ends the Truth Embargo over your Planet these larger Truths will become known. This is a part of Ascending Earth. Earth continues through the progression of the massive Dimensional Shift. These Truths will come to light now. This is the reason why Neil Armstrong said the Apollo 11 Astronauts were warned off the Moon by menacing Extraterrestrials. The negative ETs did not want to give up control of their Bases, Labs and ongoing experiments on Humanity. NSA Astronauts were in collusion with the negative Extraterrestrials and in the 60s they had weekly visits to Earth’s Moon. The Galactic Federation has driven all of these ETs and their technology off the Moon now.

October 23, 2014 New Moon in Scorpio and Scorpio Solar Eclipse
The dark Moon brings with it a Solar Eclipse. The celestial events race on to solidify the work begun on the Equinox. The Earth Hologram gels on the New Earth Timeline. We are fully in the 5th Dimension and above in some sacred places. This massive Dimensional Shift will bring many to changes to Earth and very quickly. This Scorpio Solar Eclipse is an opportunity to leave behind any failing love relationships before karma ends once and for all at Zero Point. Letting go is not easy. A clarion call has gone out to all Twin Flames to reunite at New Earth and enter their new Mission contracts. No Twin Flame will approach a mate in a committed relationship. If you are today in a relationship that has not been fully committed to love for a long time, if you have known an eventual change would need to happen, there is no time like the present. Many of you continue in relationships for convenience, for financial reasons or for the sake of the children. Those programs are cancelled. Your karmic attachment is being dissolved. Be prepared. Carry the Knowledge so when the changes hit suddenly you will have no fear. Everything you have waited for will change now in the coming months and leading into 2015. This is an ongoing evolutionary change. It is a cure to Earth being thrust into this advanced evolution before She was ready. This is Truth and Justice and an end to duality on this Planet. Namaste! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 15, 2014. © All Rights Reserved., 

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