Ascension News ~ November 19, 2019

Editor’s Note: There is SO MUCH information now being published on my favorite topic…LOVE! I hope it is clear to many about the great shift of human consciousness that is now taking place on Planet Earth.

Below are articles giving us details for these changes, “cheerleading” humanity as these changes take place, and providing a glimpse of our future as change occurs. As I write this, the Impleachment Hearings are playing out on my Mother’s TV which is a perfect example of why change is needed (resolve chaos), what changes are now playing out governmental changes), when change is occurring (NOW), and finally…where change is needed (wherever turmoil is seen-USA-Hong Kong-France-UK-Venezuela,etc.) How is this even happening?

All chaos is based on fear which is actually a lack of Love. This lack is derived from deeply held personal fears (fear of loss of money, respect) which are now rising to the surface to be resolved and eradicated. Those sharing the fear for loosing something gathers others together to try and force issues on the losers behalf which prompts others to react in opposition since they fear the unfair tactics used.

After the release of gargantuan fears from our world…what will take it’s place? As a scientist, I know chaos eventually yields to a new, higher state of order. What vibrational state is higher than that of actions based on fear? Why Love, of course! Hold on, get ready, as Love begins to be revealed on ou Earth. Glorious times await us, my friends, so although we are weary of chaos, know that Love is coming, and BE…



Linda LI

The great shift has begun dear ones. It is in a slow motion. The motion is slow and steady. Gaia is very pleased with the process and so is Mother Earth. Your Father and I have been uplifting the planet in this endeavor. The process could take somewhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. And the planet will feel the impact in a couple of days.

Meanwhile, the Divine has all the steps ready. We have quite some distance to travel. In the process, your Father may decide where we can take a break or two. Gaia is with us. She knows the importance of this great shift and she wants to make sure that everything goes well. Gaia has the map. She knows the steps. In order for the planet to have a smooth journey upwards, your Father and I have designed a map which is very suitable for the planet. We want the journey to be uneventful so that the planet and humanity will have peace and calm.

That being said, realistically speaking, we also anticipate some upheavals along the way simply because it is an upward movement for the planet. In order for the planet to achieve the higher vibration, things have to change. The low vibration will drop. That is just the norm.

In order for the journey to be safe, we have designed a great team of light workers who are accompanying us in the process. These light workers are the old souls who have been to the planet long enough to know how to travel back and forth. Their task is to make sure Gaia and Mother Earth have all the necessary support when there is a need. They are going to be involved in the whole operation till Mother Earth is successfully anchored in the higher realm, the new home.

I love you dear ones. I am your Mother God. Stay in the heart and be the peace my angels. In the next few days, you will see things happening and know that is because of this great shift. Let whatever happens happen dear ones. Be the peace for Gaia and humanity. Know this process is unprecedented. It is a history making event. And be proud that you are part of it. Be proud of yourself dear heart. Know the end has come. The new era is here. Go celebrate dear angels. Celebrate the entire journey and celebrate the process. Celebrate your love for the planet and human race. And celebrate your God self. You are loved, indeed. I am your Divine Mother God. Go in peace dear ones. So it is.

All Rights Reserved.


Elizabeth Peru


With only 48 HOURS until Mercury moves direct, it could seem that you’re in a frenzy of activity. So much has been revealed and you’re now are in a far better position than you were prior to OCTOBER 17. It’s often in the home run that the greatest challenges present 

You may have noticed that since 11:11 and Mercury’s transit of the Sun, that you’ve taken a massive out breath. You’ve released some old angst. HUGE cosmic events help us to do this. So, this week you may be wondering, what’s next?

Listen to Tuesday’s Tip-Off Forecast now, for all the details
The Tip-Off connects you to your power everyday. Join us.


Pars Kutay

There are many different Codes coming in, those of Light Codes, Music / Sound Codes, Channeling Codes that come entrenched within those channeled messages, DNA experience or Expansion / Activation is largely within those Codes.

And WE are receiving these many times without even knowing that we are.

Sometimes we are consciously aware of this, such as during our Meditations or during various experiences that we may have had.

But we are experiencing these Codes, these “downloads”–many of us have been using that terminology for some time “downloads” of DNA Codes.

And they have been coming in, and are continuing to come in to ones that are aware of it, and ones that are not aware of it. And it is all about increasing the Collective Consciousness of all of Mankind.

Not only those of us, the Lightworker Community, but All of Mankind.

Now, of course, Not all will experience this, or are even ready to want to experience this. They are still Asleep.

And they are the ones that have chosen, you might say, to Not be a part of the Ascension process directly, Not at this time, anyway. This is what the Codes are about, largely, here.

And there is some information we cannot get at this time about this, because it is a continuing process within this Ascension process.

So we will receive more and more of this, just as those that have come to be able to work within the Light Language, even not knowing what that Language is or what it is expressing, have come into the forefront more and more, here, NOW.

It is the same within the Music / Sound that comes in. Not our music that tends to be of lower vibration—we do not speak of that music.

But we do speak of Higher Vibrational Music / Sound.

When we hear this Music, we feel a Heightened expression of Consciousness, or we feel a sense of Peace or Tranquility come over us.

Or we just simply feel Good by hearing this Music… It resonates within us, and that is what this is all about.

LOVE in Unity and Infinite Blessings,
Pars Kutay


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