Uluru Activation ~ October 27, 2019

Editor’s Note: It appears many “signs and synchronicities” are pointing to great spiritual for humanity from NOW through Jan 12, 2020. My thought is that the dates given are important milestones, but these re merely markers for our on-going journey.

So…please read this article, know all of humanity is headed toward the same place, our “lessons” have been merely opportunities for soul growth, and BE…



~ Katharine Kinnie

Prepare for a Solar Plexus activation bigger and more impactful than we have ever experienced on this planet in known β€˜history’ when Uluru gets fully activated and switched on by the local indigenous custodians (The Anungu people) and supporting visitors from 26th October for 5 days after being able to climb it has been closed to the public.

According to Senior Star Lore Elder, precious Grandmother and custodian of Uluru, Auntie Nelly Patterson, this is the time for the Tjukurpa Pulka, the Creation Lore, Creation Time Dreaming and the New Way Dreaming.


This powerful activation will also mean that there will be a Blast of Divine Light and Activational Energy sent through the songlines of the planet, connecting all of the Earth Chakras together. Especially one of the major energetic arteries and songlines, The Rainbow Serpent (representing Divine Feminine Energy to many). 

According to Robert Coon, the line starts from Uluru (Solar Plexus) and travels through Bali (World Purification Centre), to Glastonbury (Heart & Third Eye Chakras), to Lake Titicaca (Sacral Chakra) and then back around and through to Uluru.

This is all in preparation for the Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, Sun quadruple conjunction in Sag (13 Star Sign Astrology) on 12 Jan 2020, which will be the energetic completion of an ancient ceremony (Ngaltawaddi) connected to Uluru that was interrupted a long time ago.

According to Coon β€˜the great Ngaltawaddi cord was constructed between Uluru and the Sun.’ This will culminate in the reactivation of the Solar Umbillical Cord of planet Earth with the Sun and the Great Central Sun on 12 Jan 2020.

An ideal event for creating an archetypal communicative link between the Sun and the Earth. A re-establishment of the connection between Heaven and Earth, so that we can physically manifest and experience HEAVEN ON EARTH and fully embrace the Golden Age.

According to Coon, between Now and 12 Jan 2020 the β€˜cord can be strengthened through Meditations and Creative acts for anyone who works at Uluru for this purpose’.


And I am performing these regularly here in Glastonbury to strengthen the connection between the Heart, Third Eye and Solar Plexus Chakras along the Rainbow Serpent songline.  


Game on. . . Bring on the Activations! 


~ Katharine Kinnie 


shared with LOVE 
Pars Kutay


~  ~

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