The Grandmothers ~ Be The Light Through The Darkest Hour ~ September 11, 2019

Channeled By: Net of Light

~~~~~~~~The dog had been anxious all night long, and since he hadn’t slept much, neither had I.  When I got up it was still dark.  I meditated for about ten minutes and then this message from the Grandmothers came.  But their first words shocked me so much I didn’t want to write them down.  I caught myself there, however.  “No censoring,” I said, “no censoring.” “This is the darkest hour,” the Grandmothers said and I gasped.  “Now?” I asked.  “Yes!” they nodded, “all over the world grasping men are taking over control.  Look at what is happening!” they cried.  “Forests and jungles are burning, the polar ice is melting, animals are dying, while storms, fires and floods are raging everywhere.  And all of this and more is taking place every day!  This nightmare is no one’s imagination!” they said and grimly I nodded my understanding.“This darkness on Earth may last for a while,” they said, “so gather your lights together, no matter how small or flickering they may seem, and share light with one another.  You have a job to do,” they reminded me.  “Many people have no light at all,” they shook their heads, “so if they can see yours, it will cheer them.“This ‘night passage’ the Earth is going through will finally come to an end but the end is not here yet,” the Grandmothers said.  “So, at this time, come together in both large and small groups — sing together, pray together, tell stories of better times, and most of all, share loving communion with one another.  Each time you meet, we, the Great Council of the Grandmothers, will be there.  We will never desert you, no matter how black the hour.  You can count on us,” they said, their heads nodding firmly.  “Call on us and we will come. Instantly.“Very soon now many of you will gather in Ireland, then Belgium, and in the Netherlands.  And after that, in Pennsylvania and Northern California. These are formal gatherings, but there will be hundreds more of them, groups of you meeting all over the globe.  And we will be present each time you come together.  Wherever pure hearts gather, wherever selflessness is practiced, there we will be, joyfully entering in with you.”  Then, giving me a knowing smile, they said, “You will know us by our humor. “You are our hands, feet and mouths here on earth,” the Grandmothers said.  “You are precious to us. We work through you,” they said and gave me a look that seemed to say, “Well, of course we do!”  “Each time you call on the love of the Divine and then step forward, you become Divine.  You become love in action.  Be brave,”  they said and they pounded a fist into their other hand for emphasis; “take those steps.“Do not sit alone in the dark, but stand forth and hold your light high. Signal to one another and gather together.  Share our teachings, lessons and stories; share our love.  We promise that this dark time will pass. And remember, that because we never speak an untruth, you can believe us when we promise you this.  So take heart.”   — September 7, 2019,  The Great Council of the Grandmothers


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