Stereotypes Of Harmonics – Gaia Portal ~ December 9, 2018

Below the Gaia Portal December 8 2018 message with our free interpretation in rough English.

Stereotypes Of Harmonics Are Cleared

We have already mentioned the Uplifting of the Harmonics in a post by Gaia Portal on 22 February. Each dimension includes 8 harmonic octaves (See Law of One) it seems that we are now (some time ago) between the 1st and the 2nd octave harmonic of the 4D. We could interpret this first sentence based on this concept.

Harmonics uplifting is part of the Ascension Cycle but some of these harmonics need a cleanup, or the removal of an obstruction. It could be, considering the word Stereotype, the perceptions of the Ascension Cycle itself, probably corrupted by the AI, as an example. If this is the case, these “inverse” harmonics, which we may sometimes perceive, would be cleared, allowing more people to find their way to the Light.

Clarities Are Accepted By All Hu-Manity

This is certainly a period of DECLAS at all levels. With the weakening, or, according to some the final defeat of the AI, the White Hats that seem to gain momentum and the general increase of the Vibrational Frequency, everything is analyzed and evaluated with less interference of mind control. In a process of this kind it is possible for many to be able to get clarity on many aspects of the current system. And this clarity could shocking. Despite this, Humanity (h lowercase in the original post so we talk about all humanity) is ready to accept the Truth.

Calcifieds Are Deconstructed And Realigned

Difficult to say who the calcified might be, they are many in the form of human beings but also in form of behaviors, belief systems, religions etc. etc. Calcification involves a slowing down of “movements”, lack of flexibility; these “incrustations” are now removed to rebuild and realign towards the Light.

Fears Are Confronted And Held By The Light BEings

If we mean Fears things like world war, huge catastrophes, little ice age and all these psyops of the Cabal with this phrase Gaia Portal suggests that we are receiving help, probably also from the Beings of Light physically present on the surface (maybe this is the reason of BE in capital letters).

Release Comes With Opened Eyes

Summing up the previous sentences, if the clearing of the Harmonics, the New Clarity, the Reconstruction and the Fears are applied to any person who begins his awakening they could provoke intense reactions. They could be inner reactions, a block that prevents progress, or that slows down, a fear too. Perhaps this is the release of which Gaia Portal speaks, and takes place with “opened eyes”.

Gaia Portal

Gaia Portal

GaiaPortal conveys messages regarding changes and progress in Mother Earth’s planetary energy phases. The messages contained herein are to inform, assist, and alert those drawn to it, to energetic events transpiring moment to moment.

Those drawn to this site will know instantaneously if it is theirs to read.

The authors of this site are Star Beings connected to the sacred land of Éire, and embody the original sacred feminine energy of that place.

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