October 9th, 2018: Mercury in Libra Inconjunct Chiron ~ October, 9, 2018

By Nadia Gilchrist

  • Mercury in Libra inconjunct Chiron Rx in Pisces (29 deg)

Mercury’s inconjunct, before it plunges into Scorpio this evening, suggests an awkward conversation or observation. The social facade will be disrupted  – attempts to gloss over Chiron’s pain, embarrassment or discomfort will miss the point. This is not something you should avoid.

Mercury in Libra does demand some social finesse; you can still be gracious. But there’s no use pretending that everything’s ok, because your attention has just been drawn to a repeat (Rx) wound.

And how fortuitous that Mercury will be entering the sign of darkness and profound honesty after this aspect. This does suggest that Chiron’s wound is only the tip of the iceberg. As you move forward you’ll see and hear much more. Use this moment to recognize what’s wrong, then be prepared to go deeper (investigate or do some intense inner work).


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