Solar Eclipse Meets Mercury Retrograde ~ Share Your Secret Passion ~ August 11, 2018

By Kathryn Andren, The Love Astrologer

The New Moon each month is an opportunity to reflect on emotional connections. New Moons are a time to start over. This New Moon is significant with a Solar Eclipse meeting with Mercury Retrograde. Take the time to reflect on heart desires. Share your secret desire and reset yourself before moving forward from the heart. Have the courage to express yourself authentically. Leo themes highlight playfulness, leadership, courage and romance.

When is the next New Moon?
Leo New Moon is August 11, 2018 4:57 AM Eastern time 

Mercury, the planet of commerce and communication, is near this New Moon in Leo. Sun and Moon with Mercury Retrograde in Leo supports reconsidering your thought process before taking action on your inspirations. Ask yourself: What are you currently creating, what are you proud of and what is the legacy you will leave behind? Take your time with projects and planning since Mercury is still retrograde through August 18, 2018. Find supportive suggestions for Mercury Retrogrades HERE

Astrology for 2018 August Solar Eclipse

Reflect on your intentions for loving connections. Reconsider how you remain present and show up with those you love. Consider if any revision is required in your communication style.

Contemplate your legacy: 

How do I want to be seen? 

What am I currently creating?

How am I supporting children in my family or in the world?
What would I like to leave behind as a lasting impression for others in this lifetime?

“At Leo New Moon contemplate what serves your heart desires. Ask yourself, How do I radiate my light to others? How do I lead? Gather your strength and build confidence. Leo is a fire sign that values instinctive action. Discover and reconnect to your joy and passion. Begin a creative project, play with children, and share your love from the power of your heart.”

from Manifesting by the Light of the Moon, second edition 2015 by Kathryn Andren.

Supportive Suggestions for Leo New Moon August 11, 2018

Total Eclipse of the Sun New Moon in the Zodiac Sign of Leo.

connect to your heart desires

acknowledge self and others

stand out in the crowd

take the lead 

serve from the heart

let your light shine

play and create

indulge in love and romance

have courage

The Sun and Moon with Mercury in the zodiac sign of Leo inspires heartfelt communications. Have the courage to express yourself to those you love. Then, take authentic action steps with projects and plans that feel most important to you. Find cosmic collage and planet poemsHERE

Several planets in Leo emphasizes a renewed connection with children. How do you think you will be remembered? Consider what is your legacy you will you leave behind.  This is a time to shine in the light of your gifts with a radical radiant heart.

Be courageous, proud and strong. Leo the Lion stands out as the shining star, full of natural and charismatic leadership. As a fire sign, Leo supports acting on instinct and action. Move with intuition with your heart desire.

The planet ruler for Leo is the Sun. The Sun constantly radiates light and everything revolves around the Sun. In your astrology birth chart, the Sun is symbolic of your fuel, how you naturally express yourself. Look to the Sun placement in your personal astrology chart to show where you shine brilliantly.


New Moon Horoscopes: A Journey Through the Zodiac

What does this Leo New Moon mean for you? Check out your Sun sign and rising sign below to dive deeper into the New Moon in Leo themes.


Looking for love? This New Moon near Mercury lights up your region of romance and children. You have extra energy available to you this month for playful creativity.  Spend extra time with children to light up your life. 


Take your time Taurus. The New Moon in Leo is anchored in your region of foundation and family.  Don’t go too far too fast. Slow down and indulge in life’s little pleasures that are close to home.


Get the word out joyful Gemini.  New Moon meets Mercury Retrograde in your region of communications and connections.  If there is something you have to say, be brave.  Have the courage to speak your heart.


Is it really worth it? The New Moon meet the planet of communication and commerce in your area of finances and values. Reassess what is truly important. Give extra care, time and attention to the people you truly love.


Let your light shine Leo. This New Moon activates the communication planet Mercury in your area of individuality. Take your time and refine your next steps for heartfelt action.


Take a breather. This New Moon is your region of completions and dreamtime. Your strategy is to reflect and retreat before making your move. Wait til the end of the month and you will feel renewed!


Where’s the party? The New Moon meets talkative Mercury in area of associates and friendships. Your social scene in on fire this month! Make the most of your connections, take the next step to be of service and lead from the heart.


No more hiding. This New Moon with the Mercury Retrograde lights up your region of public life and recognition. It is time to stand out in your work and career. Be brave and take the lead. You will be rewarded and respected when you are both patient and authentic.


Free your mind! This New Moon activates your area of beliefs, blessings and adventure. Review and reconsider your thoughts patterns. Hit the trail or go somewhere new to refresh mind and heart.


Dive deep.  The New Moon is in your intimacy area. Remember, you are stronger when you align with others with like mind and heart. Stretch yourself for authentic emotional exploration. 


The mystery of love becomes clear as this New Moon lights up your region of relationships and marriage. You may be reconsidering who is right for you. When you are authentic and true you magnetically attract the people just right for right now.


Get your groove on. The New Moon energizes your region of routines and healthy habits. Take time this month to mix up your daily habits to bring in more playful spontaneity. 

Eyes on the Sky:

Be on the lookout for the Perseid Meteor Shower, peaks August 11 & 12. 

Kathryn Andren is an astrologer, artist and writer offering classes and private consultations. Dedicated to healing service since 1997, she integrates art, astrology & energy healing bodywork in her professional practice. Her holistic approach is inspired by a deep connection to land, sea and sky. She holds a BA in Psychology and gracefully integrates years of professional experience with intuitive wisdom. 

Schedule a private consultation, contact Kathryn by email, or phone 808-896-3982. Visit the Cosmic Collage art gallery and explore a variety of consulting and transformative healing sessions at


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