News and Updates for August 2, 2018: Rampant, Flagrant Terrorism & Internet Coverups [videos] ~ August 2, 2018

The above image is one for the history books. Who’s in the boat? To learn the background on this piece featuring President Trump entitled, “Crossing the Swamp”, click here.

Note: Must-see photos from around the world showing mysterious fire damage no one can explain.

Dave at Net4Truth used to supply “handheld and mounted”? lasers to the military for several years and he says the photos we’ve seen of blue and green beams coming down to the ground from drones and aircraft are fake, and explains what we’re seeing there. (video below) I agree that is probably correct.

He also says he has seen no evidence it was DEWS that caused the fires, but believes the fires were intentionally set and links the fires to the Sanctuary State issue—completely ignoring the evidence illustrating a normal fire was not involved in much of the California devastation.

Isn’t that interesting? He has seen no evidence of exotic weaponry in these fires? That’s really odd. Are you saying people manually set all these fires at the same time; fires that burned only houses and cars but not trees, grass, paper… fires that miraculously burned a portion of a home and left the rest untouched? Fires that burn vehicles on freeways? Fires that left white powder rather than black ash?

You seem to be in the minority, Dave. Perhaps you should look at the photos below… showing “wildfire” damage that appears to respect property lines. Very curious. I guess they’re the new genera.

But you know what really gets me? The boats. Weren’t these once boats? How does that happen, Dave? That looks like malicious arson to me, and it wasn’t a wildfire. It didn’t even scorch the dock. I would bet this is terrorism with precision exotic weapons.

Did anybody see any drones in California in Santa Rosa? Or was it allegedly just some lights? Or was the drone story planted in the minds of people via the Internet like the media planted the images of planes in the minds of the world on September 11, 2001—when no credible witness actually saw planes hit the towers, or plough into the Pentagon? The exit hole in the Pentagon was round and whatever it was had no wings. So, I guess the CCTV missile footage we saw was probably real.

It sounds like a lot of people don’t believe the fairy tales any more.

This is Dave’s testimony. As far as I know he has normal vision, no impairments.

The following article on Steemit pretty much sums it all up. You must see these photos, and the videos at the bottom, my friends. Some from Cali, some from Greece, some from 9/11, and other places around the world. We, the People are under attack, and they think they’re very clever to do it in ways we are unaware of and tell us it’s “wildfires”.

Those who are able may want to download and save videos that warrant it for safe keeping in case they’re removed.

I didn’t hear about any wildfires in Manhattan on 9/11, did you? How did cars 3/4 of a mile away get burned by a “jet” hitting the World Trade Center—a jet that never exited, and the towers were surrounded by blocks of high-rises that weren’t damaged?

I didn’t hear about any wildfires in Manhattan on 9/11, did you? How did cars 3/4 of a mile away get burned by a “jet” hitting the World Trade Center—a jet that never exited, and the towers were surrounded by blocks of high-rises that weren’t damaged?

Parking lot full of toasted cars from 911 terrorist attack… (((Who))) are the real terrorists??? Some of these toasted cars were 3/4 mile away on 911 . And it left the paper on the ground and the trees untouched????

wood gavel on cash background

Related to the California fires? This is how “invisible wars” are fought. The terrorists are within the government… within the judicial system.

Court Rules Trump Executive Order for Sanctuary Cities Unconstitutional

President Trump’s Executive Order threatening to withhold funding from sanctuary cities has been ruled unconstitutional by a Federal Court of Appeals. The court in question was undoubtedly the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

According to The Hill:
A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday ruled that President Trump’s executive order threatening to withhold funding from so-called “sanctuary cities” is unconstitutional, according to The Associated Press.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district judge’s ruling in favor of two California counties that sued the Trump administration for threatening to withhold money from jurisdictions that have declared themselves sanctuary cities.
Cities across the U.S. have declared themselves sanctuaries since Trump’s election, meaning they will not provide information about the legal status of immigrants within their jurisdictions to the federal government.

Trump in January 2016 signed an executive order that stated sanctuary jurisdictions that refused to comply with federal immigration enforcement would be ineligible to receive some kinds of federal funding.

This is a major blow for President Trump immigration enforcement efforts. It is unclear when or if the Supreme Court will take the case.

Further to the shocking and disturbing interview I featured recently on Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells and his bride, activist Brendi Richards, about the racism and apparent genocide of the white people in South Africa, we see proposed amendments to the South African Constitution. The evil that has taken over in South Africa is astonishing, and baseless, when you understand the history and the situation. They are cultivating racial hatred, inciting violent speech about deadly actions to terrorize the white farmers. It’s ugly over there.

South Africa to change constitution to legalize taking away white farmers’ land

Gender confusion is historically a marker for cultural collapse, says Camille Paglia. Very interesting. I agree we need to protect children from hasty choices made out of confusion that may be rooted in typical pre-pubescent discomfort or awkwardness. To irrevocably change one’s sex is something children aren’t able to think through and may regret.
Many people are followers. So many people—adults included—have climbed on the tatoo band wagon and later regretted it. It’s a little easier to fix than sexual organs, however.
The current media is literally coaching kids to change their sex like they change their clothes; another reason for protecting kids from the media. It’s not easy when they’re all connected to the Internet, though. What do parents do and say when a daughter comes to them at 17 and says, “Mum, I want to be a boy.” Parents play a big role in this—or hopefully do.

And do these kids have to take drugs for the rest of their lives to maintain their hormone function? I bet Big Pharma loves that.

Therapists to offer sex change drugs to nine-year-olds

Published on Dec 14, 2016
Author, art professor, feminist, and cultural commentator Camille Paglia speaks on the current transgender mania, the wisdom of early medical & surgical intervention (calling it “child abuse”), and how the explosion of gender identities is a recurring sign of cultural collapse throughout the history of civilization.

Here is another great interview with former CIA counter-intelligence officer Kevin Shipp who brings us some insider analysis on current events on the Hagmann Report.


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