Pleiades 1 Messages ~ June 24, 2018

Pleiades 1 Messages

P1 or Pleiades 1 is not a Pleiadian groups from the Pleiades. Even if we are all ONE, as has already been said, for a clearer and more comprehensible understanding, we will explain better.

P1 or Pleiades 1 are beings of the 17th dimension and are not Pleiadians as some people think.

They come from the seventeenth dimension through a portal in the Pleiades Star System, one of the countless interdimensional portals that exist there.

This group of spherical consciousnesses entered through the portal of the number 1, existing there at the Pleiades. Therefore, let’s say: Pleiades 1 = Consciences that have entered through the Portal 1, the Pleiades.


Pleiades 1 Messages June 23 2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

Attention Terrans! New transformational waves sent! Specific attention for: 03h03 – 06h06 – 09h09 – 12h12 – 15h15 – 18h18 – 21h21 – 00h00 – THIRD WAVE 3/3.

*Bobo-Dink/Agora-Agora Movement in progress. Elevation of misunderstanding in progress: 90% (non-regressive).

Crystalline in UNIQUE PULSE CALL >>> 40% (non-regressive).

Andinos (See Glossary Arkhéra) Reverb in progress: 49% (non-regressive).

Crystalline Analysis are made in adjustable zones. Envoys are hope of transformation.

Birth of special stars in Terran Plane increase reinforcement of MAJOR LINES.

Axis adjustment continues as larger devices synchronize currents.

Guardians adjust magnetism in local environments.

Line merges in potential progress.

Attention *Laliaia, The Prophesy of the Seven Plans! Special update in progress, immediate reverberation!

Attention Yaís, The Prince of the Seas! Special revisions happen for LARGER alignment.

*MiD in actions for blocks in “Legal Release”. Reinforcement protocol being sent for appropriate action.

End of Transmission

Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector)

* Item in Glossary

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