Indictments, GITMO & Airport Weirdness (The Storm Cometh) ~ Jan. 1, 2018

This is the latest news brought to us by Jordan Sather, a spiritual “Truther” who brings news to us of temporary closings of multiple airports, international airports at that (not just the US). Let’s add to that the HUGE number of indictments (over 9000) that have happened in just over seven weeks.

Something is going down, my friends and spiritual folk KNOW what is happening. So…please watch this video, be ready to share your light, and…


4 thoughts on “Indictments, GITMO & Airport Weirdness (The Storm Cometh) ~ Jan. 1, 2018

  1. wow i thought all this was happening but couldn’t really see it happening.buti now understand why. I Know for a fact that Our President is indeed President Trump. Thank you Lord Jesus for Sending us the trumpet.i had a dream of a last and final Trumpet was going to be here.but didnt put things together.until studying the bible but i also know how they changed things in the its been hard amd a long jorunery.but i know now i am on the right path.and i am still on the mission for last dream he gave me.was th wright a book.title Gods Truth and Gods Truth Only. its taken me 3 years but its done i just dont now anything about how to make it into a book.but he will lead me there one way or another.i have no typewriter.and thats a must because i dont do cable tv nor internet.only my phone has it.but some how i will get there God willing.Thank you Again .

  2. I’ve just had an interesting conversation with a trade working at my house who dosent believe in God. I tried to express a few views and 2 words finished the conversation ‘Conspiracy theorist’. This is when speaking to someone and those 2 words are uttered I think no point in going further it’s like hitting a brick wall.
    I know what I believe in and do test the waters I.e trying to speak to people but its pointless when their minds are closed. I pray for them when truths are revealed one day.

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