Eclipse Conversation with Suzanne Lie and David K. Miller of the Group of Forty ~ August 20, 2017

Hello, this is Suzanne Lie, and I’m talking again with David Miller and we are going to talk about the Eclipse.
Hello, this is David, and I’m happy to be here today, and I’m going to begin the channeling with Juliano on the Eclipse. (Toning sounds and Shalom, Shalom, Shalom).
J: Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. So we look at the eclipse as a partial intersection of the dimensions. And, we note that this is an alignment of the sun and new moon.
Alignments have the ability to pierce veils and go through blocks and go through falsehoods.
The alignments also have the potential of opening doorways. This particular eclipse is a planetary influencer. By that I mean that this eclipse of the moon and the sun called the solar eclipse will have a dramatic and culminating effect on the systems of the planet, including the economic, political, social and environmental systems.
You may have already noticed as we are approaching this eclipse, there’s been an increase in chaos on the planet and also an increase in polarization and perhaps confusion. A theory of chaos says that at a certain point when chaos reaches a height, then a minor incident that seems to have no normal consequence will create a dramatic event and a charged event that will be considered of strong influence on everyone.
This type of energy is called the Butterfly Effect. And it was described by one of your biologists who understood that when there is a certain level of chaos, and I might also indicate that he was a philosopher as well – when there is a certain level of chaos then a butterfly changing directions would create a dramatic and potential catastrophe.
So now we are at the exactly in this situation because you and I perhaps both agree that this polarization and chaos is leading to dangerous levels, dangerous threats to the entire planet. The event known as the eclipse seems to be unrelated. The Eclipse can be called the butterfly. A minor event that doesn’t seem to be related to any of the economies any of the world conflicts. Yet, the energy of this alignment has the potential of influencing and setting in motion an acceleration of chaos.
At the same time I want everyone to understand, that you who are star seeds, you who are spiritual seekers have different receptivity and will have a different reaction. Yes, you will be affected by the potential chaos, but you also clearly understand that this alignment is a spiritual energy field that creates an opening in the process that I call – the spiritual intersection of dimensions. Because alignments intensify energy and thus where you focus is where you will find an increase in your energy and light.

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