The Answers That Only Can Be Found Within Your Own DNA ~ July 22, 2017

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am SHE that heralds from the stars, from the home that lives in your heart. The threads of my gossamer gown of light are interwoven constellations that pulse for you. I am SHE that you wish upon in the night sky as you look up and see my starlight pulsing toward yours. I am Star Woman and I live within you as you live within me.

When you were a child, you would ponder all that was in the sky above. You knew in your heart of heart it was a special place, a place filled with wonder and secrets. You would look to the sky for the signs. You would look for the magic that you so needed in your life. You sought someone who loved you more than you even loved yourself. Someone to teach you about real love.

When you were a child, you wished upon me and I did my best to make all your wishes come true. I came in the reflection of the stars and brushed the tears from your eyes — tears of confusion over your world. I looked at you and loved you with all of my heart. I was your fairy godmother, I was Star Woman then and now.

Within me live black holes, white holes, quasars and quarks. Within me lives universes that implode and explode. You are not miniscule in heart, in love, in light, or in deed. You are a great galaxy that chooses to remember itself through human form. You hold the very structure of time within your being. You look to your world for the answers that only can be found within your own DNA makeup. It feels as if you have been sequestered away from what you once knew to be home. Everything seems to be speaking an unfamiliar language and your heart seems to be beating at an unbalanced beat. Your heart will beat harder and faster when you find a piece of the puzzle that gives you a point of referral. You feel like a great vacuum has sucked away all the miracles in your world. A great emptiness has come and filled the land.

Your consciousness is vast and wide, great and high. Your love fills oceans and worlds upon worlds, but still it is not enough to shift the outcome. As you breathe into a place of light and deeper knowings, you spring forth from a place that brings pearls of wisdom created from the oysters of many free-choices.

Move from your position of sparrow into your position of Eagle, flying above the imaginary circumstances of earth, above the mirage of turmoil, into a place where only love dwells. You do yourself an injustice trying to change what is destined to be, it uses a lot of life force to try to change another’s destiny and outcome. You have come to the end of a passage of a predisposed future. Your place is still here, but where you find your peace does not exist on this plane. I ask you to fly high into places that your heart remembers in order to find that peace. Stay sharp at the summit of your spiritual platform. Your wings have been flustered by these winds of change but you can still navigate even in the dark. I am Star Woman


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