The Earth Experience, Ascension and Source | Questions Answered by Laron ~ October 24, 2016


What a beautiful article…and an answer to prayer! For those of you who regularly read my blog, you will know that I have stumbled across some spiritual work based on the concept of “wisdom”. This group of teachings involving wisdom seemed right and, in the beginning, felt “good ” to me, so I continued on down that path.

But then, the deeper I studied, the teachings I was reading seemed a little “off” and the concept of love seemed diminished, in other words…it didn’t feel quite so good anymore. That is when I consciously spoke to my guides asking for them to send me a message based on what I perceive “truth” to be. (All truth is individual, you know.)

And viola! This message appears in my email tonight that brings my understanding of spirituality back in line with the Law of Love, and boy…am I ever grateful for the experience of seeing another pathway, but KNOWING which pathway is best for me. I like to present all sides of a picture in my blog, and I have presented information about certain qualities of wisdom, but now…I would also like for you to read a better understanding of “my truth”.

So…please read this article, and…(truly)


Laron answers a series of questions based around our purpose, what source is, how ascension works and what we are to expect on the other side after death.

Back in January 2015, I had a person asking me a number of questions within a comment to one of the articles on transients. I responded, but also decided to share my reply as an article, so here it is.

What do you think the ultimate purpose of our experiences here on earth and our individual soul-based ascension is?


Physical ascension, which in turn would mean the ascension of the spirit dropping the human form and going back to its soul or over-soul, is a similar thing as graduation after multiple lives once a spirit has returned to its soul / over soul, upon death.

There are different ways to accomplish this for those who have chosen the Earth as their learning center.

To work out the purpose, you have to think beyond our existence here and feel into the reasons around why our higher self expanded out, but also what source may have been ‘thinking’.

Everything is energy, whether as an individual or a collective consciousness, it originates from source. Consciousness can choose to exist in any form to gain knowledge and experience, which could be a planetary body, a star, another species (extraterrestrial or alien), an animal, an element such as water or gas, a mineral such as rock, a plant or tree, or even outside of the third dimension, where there are many different options to experience.

When existing within source, you have everything and you are everything, you are god, you become one with source / god. Nothing else would matter or be of importance.

All focus and attention would be there.

It would be like a ball of energy, perceived in a similar way but not with the perception and senses of a human, but that of source itself, which we cannot comprehend to well right now, limited by our human perceptions, amount of conscious energy and the plane we are in which has various rules that block off certain information to us.

If described as a location, it’s going to be the one location primarily composed of the love energy, which does not mean what most people understand as the definition of love.

The awareness and consciousness of source would have its own limitations.

If there was nothing else except source, then the only thing in existence would be source, and that is what source would only to be able to be aware of.

While it’s everything and has everything, it would want to be able to experience certain things in different ways, for its understanding and learning; being based in a location which is composed of a very, very big consciousness made out of energy which doesn’t really do anything much except, ‘be’, may not be a place that source would want to remain forever.

Basically, it would get bored and it would want to experience existing in various forms.

But you have to realise, time is not relevant where source is. So the concept of bored is not going to be the same as what we understand it to be, right here and now.

Source would then decide to split itself off into smaller parts which I would label as the higher self.

Those smaller conscious parts are able to also split themselves off, so as a group consciousness they have choice, and they have a clearer understanding of what source wants to do. They also want to gain experiences in their own unique ways — but they still know they are from source, so they may want to experience what it is like to be cut off from source, not so much for a challenge, but to have an experience that is different to what was occurring back at source, but also as what they are in that moment.

With Earth, the rules of this plane say that you lose your memory when you come here. That is not the case for all realms / planets / locations where consciousness can go to have experiences. This place and existence right now was a choice by your over-soul.

Earth is a very, very small part of something much grander that is multidimensional in nature.

Individual spirits, which are part of a larger energy, an energy that has more consciousness than what we have here, chose to come down and experience this in this exact way because of the original intention of source, of the higher self, and of the over-soul.

Time is a creation of source so that experiences can be accumulated and built up, otherwise everything would have already happened without time even passing, and if that was the case, what would the point be of being, knowing, and having everything right in this moment?

We would experience nothing, as there would be no experience that we went through… we would just ‘be’, and have memories or we may choose to forget those memories or even delete those memories, if we had the ability to, which source would.

There are levels, realms, dimensions, realities, and so on, which are part of this experience and were created by source and those collectives who have the power to do so, so that all these experiences are possible.

There are beings and collective consciousness’ with the responsibilities, within all these locations, to look after such spaces and these beings are sometimes mistaken as ‘gods’, angels, arch-angels and so on, based on the very limited perceptions of those who become  aware of what they present themselves to humans as.

Having our history heavily manipulated to create control through fear, religions and misinformation, in addition to lower vibrational ETs who pretend to be beings they are not and who don’t have our best interests at heart (such as through channels), all this combined as has not helped with providing a true understanding of what is really going on.

What duties/works/wonders are waiting for us in the higher dimensions, or in laymen’s terms, further down the road?

Not everyone here right now is from the same place, because of the shift in consciousness cycle and the new earth situation. So it really depends where you are from, but for most spirits here on Earth, they are from the same location, which I label as the spiritual center.

Right now, we can learn the ability to leave our body and explore the same locations we have access to when we die, through astral projection. As for what happens afterwards, it depends on many factors.

If you are focusing on the spirit center and Earth, then there are many roles you can graduate and/or move into based on your progress on Earth or other planets / locations.

You can become a spirit guide to those on Earth and remain outside of the physical dimension to help souls here. You can move on from that to become a master guide or a teacher of guides. There are councils within the spiritual center with wise souls who make important decisions, which are really part of running the system behind the Earth experience, and help out more advanced souls.

There are souls that help others travel and navigate their way around the dimensions and realms outside and around the spiritual center.

If you have not yet graduated from your purpose of coming down to Earth in the first place, then you don’t have to come back to Earth strait away if you are wanting a rest, but right now you will not know if you want a rest or not, even if you do feel ‘over’ your experience thus far, as when you are there you will perceive it in a completely different light.

Time also works very differently in the spiritual center, so the pressure is not there to jump strait back into a body. Your understanding will be completely different to your understanding right now, as you will have access to other memories and you will be reminded and helped by beings, who have the role to do exactly that.

As you can imagine, there are beings with many different responsibilities depending on where they are and what is going on, as the third dimension is only one of many dimensions. So there are certain locations / realms / realities which are less vibrationally dense, and have different laws and rules. These existences need to be looked after, so there are beings that look after them, just like how there are beings that look after Earth and help out those on Earth, and other parts of the Universe.

You have the power to go and manifest in the astral right now and access the same places you can later, and gain the ability to access locations further beyond if you really wish. You will have the same ability when your experience is finished here on Earth, but that will depend on where you choose to go afterwards, and what you do after your life review and so on.

You will also need to have this knowledge and awareness of course, about what else exists out there, but you probably already do outside of this experience. Your intentions after this experience will also be tied into your over-soul and the focus it wants to concentrate on next.

If a person develops their spirituality and consciousness to a very high level, within this experience, they are able to become aware of what they exist as, simultaneously, to here. They are able to be conscious of what else they are up to. They can in a way, go beyond the limitations of what we perceive here.

So when you ask the question, what wonders are waiting for you? I ask the question, what does that word wonders really mean to you? What do you really want?

I have even heard that we have a chance to be gods, creating and maintaining our own galaxies and universes. I have no idea if this is true, but if it is…whoa.

Because of our limitations and how far away we are from source, vibrationally speaking right now, our understandings are limited. But I believe this to be true and accurate. I think that part of the progression of our consciousness will lead us eventually to this stage where we have had all those experiences that we are now aware of, more which we are not, and where we will be able to reach a point where we can become the creator if we choose to be.

After you create, what would you do? You can only perceive and do so much at the one ‘time’. If you are limitless, wouldn’t that possibly take away the experience, enjoyment and fun of having limits set on you?
If you ever played a video game and learnt ways to cheat and gain quicker access to do things, you may at first find that entertainment, but then you might realise you have spoiled your experience and regret cheating in the first place.

If we have too much power, we have a completely different experience, so in this case, we may decide to go in reverse again, and come back to where we were, having had the experience of being ‘god’ or ‘source. Hence the reason why we are here in the first place.

While we are here, we need to make sure we are not stuck in any belief traps which may come from any source, especially most religions; this will limit us and our progression here as a spirit, as when we move on from this life, where we will be attracted to will directly relate to our belief system.

By letting go of belief, we not only become freer as a spirit, but we open up further doors in terms of expansion as a soul.

It’s important to understand that the way we think right now, the way we use our five senses, the intelligence we have, the wisdom and knowledge — all that is going to be very different when we are no longer here and we are part of our over-soul again, or our higher self, or even a collective consciousness we may be from that has a closer connection to this universe.

We may suddenly have different goals, different wishes and wants, and a completely different perspective on what is fun, what is enjoyable, and what the word ‘wonder’ really means to us.

I do wonder though how this experience of duality and love/fear can relate to a level of being where only oneness and love exists though. I feel like the task at hand there is to hold the vibration of love while here in order to get to a place where there is only love/oneness.

All the emotions, feelings, and the way we sense and perceive would be very, very different back at source, or even back within our higher self.

Perhaps these emotions, these feelings, these senses and experiences on Earth, are simply a creation to help us form and gather, over time, a part of that experience which source was looking for.

I say part, because there is a lot more going on outside of what we know and understand, which are likely also parts of the experience source was originally looking for.

I’m beginning to think that some of the numerous sources that continue to cry out “earth is a prison-planet”, “this matrix-like reality is a prison for our souls”, “we are trapped here”, etc., are not innocent/naive and there is a sinister and deceptive reason/purpose for spreading this message. Maybe it is to fuel hopelessness and anger?

From my understanding and feeling, the source of this mistaken perception is purely from channelled sources. It’s known that there are beings who do not have our best interests at heart, as this is just how duality works.

The source that channels think they are connecting into is not always accurate, and this is not a very reliable method to gain information. I feel the method sets up a lower vibrational connection, and from experience with channeling, I prefer to not channel anything over than my higherself, because of that reason — I like to go directly to the source and not bother with beings that are in-beween, as there is always the chance to connect into those who play the role of duality based on their ulterior motives.

There are people out there who have the ability to connect and maintain a more pure channel to the other side, but this is not common. I have found in life that there are a great deal of misguided people because of channelled information and it’s a real concern to see that as it can inhibit and keep people back, but then that is part of their plan after all.

If you want to find accurate information that comes through from the other side, past life hypnosis based regression material and the information from those who have mastered astral projection, are the most reliable sources. Sometimes a group of psychics can come together and validate the same quest, which can also provide reliable answers.

There are of course those who have developed to a greater degree in terms of spiritual progression, and they then access their higher self in a more direct way, and their spirit guides, so this is somewhat similar to a psychic, but higher vibrational, and a bit similar to how past life regression works, such as the QHHT method.

I want to finish with this message. Don’t limit your understandings that source is all there is. Source may just be the tip of an iceberg, and beyond that there may be a lot more to creation and existence, which of course, we may not be able to fully conceive and conceptualise, based on our limitations of being in this consciousness and physical body right now.

Just think for a moment, that if we all come from source, then perhaps we are that guide that guides us through life.

We may just be that over-soul or higher self which we will return to at some point.

Perhaps there are millions or even billions of these consciousness’ called source, out there, and that through source, once returning to it, we will be aware of that.

Perhaps we are already the creator that we so want to strive to be? Because of our limited understandings, we may not be able to conceive that based upon the contradictions which come to mind, from this question that I pose to you.

Maybe our beliefs are what stops us from the truth?

Perhaps we have done everything already, and that means we have also done and experienced all this before.

It’s always healthy to have an open mind and learn through the information supplied by others, but the most important thing is that you come to directly experience your own truths as any information we learn that is not from a direct experience, is not going to impact us in the same way as the direct experience.

That direct experience is required for us to progress as a conscious being.

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