Some validation and Sacred Ground ~ May 20, 2015

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This is another article from Sophia Love who is in contact with (?) a particular BEing called “Poser”. Poser is a BEing who loves attention and has manipulated human society for it’s gain. As it plainly states in this article…it LOVES attention, and that means any type of attention.

Isn’t it interesting that even though I may not “like” the attitude of this Being, please note…it’s actions with humanity have been taken for Love! True…this seems to be absolute for for itself, but for me, this validates the power of love in our lives. At this point, I should state that I believe Love does not create evil and so I know this Being is not “perfect”!

We…humanity, have so very much to learn and are perhaps just beginning to open our eyes in this time to accept who and what we indeed really are. So please read this article by Sophia Love, put your philisophical thinking cap on, and…



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Again, this is information only, and meant to be taken with a grain of salt.  Believe it or not, as you will.  It is food for thought.  I make no claims as to its accuracy,  only to the fact that it is verbatim.  The conversations below took place on May 18th and 19th, 2015. Words in parenthesis and italics are my own. 


 *Note from Sophia. 

As I have no clear way to verify if these beings are who they say they are, and that they are, in fact, giving me factual information, I decided to start out with a question.  This question was asked on May 18th, 2015. 

I asked for latitude/longitude coordinates of something I have no knowledge of, something significant. (my partner Dreamhopper suggested this 😉

The coordinates given were: latitude: 24.6537 and longitude: 38.7421

I then went to the site: and typed them in.  

The result brought me to

Al Madinah Province Saudi Arabia.  When I did some research, I found this sentence, on this webpagethe burial place of the Islamic  prophet  Muhammad and the second-holiest site in Islam after Mecca .”


I had to stop then, and when I next connected, I had some questions from a reader for Poser.  This occurred on May 19th, 2015.  I will share that conversation below. 

Let me say, that these coordinates do seem to validate the beings themselves, but not the information I receive from them.  I declare “complete and absolute truth” before engaging, yet it sometimes seems so “out there” in content that I wonder about its worth.  I have no clear way of validating what is being said.

And now, the conversation with Poser –



You need to be clear.  I will not knowingly release untruths.  I require coordinates that are true to your description of them.

Yes, I see that you do.  Try these:

Latitude: 37.2462

Longitude: 48.5263

What is this?

Sacred ground.

(I again typed the coordinates into the page at: .  The result brought me to  Ardabil, Iran.  More research brought me to this video, with a description below it that included this sentence: ”  The name Ardabil probably comes from the Zoroastrian name of “Artavil” which means a  holy place .”)


Good enough.  This now validates, for me, well, your identity.  Would you respond to the question below in in its entirety now?  It is from a reader:

“Where does AB negative blood come from – is that hybrid, starseed, and what alien race is AB negative?  Is there a Hell?  Is sin a real thing?  Or is it there to control the human to be good?”

I will.  The blood type of man indicates his heritage – his origin – his “tint” if you will.  Blood is what runs through the veins of humans yet not precisely the same.

As your understanding of your origin increases you will find the fingerprints left by your creators.  This, too, by design.  The specific type of blood in question is indicative of a specific hand – it means that this human has a direct lineage to the original race – a pure point of contact.

I am not following you exactly.

You can trace your lineage through “time” and discover your ancestors.  Every moment is “now”.  All relations exist.  This specific type of blood indicates a direct connection to the hybrid human from a standpoint of the “sauropod” like race.

Those are dinosaurs. 

Not that human/dinosaur DNA was spliced, but a race of humanoid beings with similar “sauropod like” head and neck features.  Slender, tall.  Aggressive and strategic.  It is from these your war strategies were introduced – the successful ones anyway.  The blood type is a marker.

As far as hell – NO – there is not a specific locale with an eternity of flames and punishment.  The idea of punishment as pain was introduced by me as a method to keep humanity in line – there is no such thing as disobedience unless obedience is involved and expected.  Hell was fabricated to create fear and worship.  Worship was a response created to avoid the pain of punishment.

I have no preference for one activity of man over another.  My only desire is attention.  You will find as these conversations continue that the illusions – heaven, hell, god, devil – are elaborated and maintained by humanity.  It takes very little effort on my part.

I have spoken before about sin.  There are those who claim lying is a sin yet I am not in agreement.  Stories are told in the context of the moment and from the perspective of a single being, who is experiencing his or her own belief system.  Those stories are “true” for that beings point of view.

You have declared “absolute truth” and again – some of our conversation sounds as it does because of the moment in which it is said.  There are absolute truths for which you hold no reference point and so they become meaningless.

Do you understand that the reader (*reference to the reader asking the questions) holds his or her own reference and these questions are asked from there.  They may not agree with your own and if not, these answers may seem irrelevant.

My understanding does not hold in it “hell” as a physical place – yet for those who do – it exists.  Is not that the way it works?

It does to a point.  Life and your “reality” is not unreal, yet also not so solid as to be unchangeable.  It is one of the reasons for my power here – my understanding of life.

Which includes the manipulation of it.

Absolute control is my favorite point of contact here.

I must go.




 It is through mutual support that we’ll grow a sustain-ably conscious world.  

No one can do this but us.


We are the gods we’ve been waiting for.

  Sophia Love

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