Opening to 5D Love ~ November 10, 2019

Editor’s Note: Ah! Finally…the truth of the all-mystifying topic of Love is reached! The author denotes differences in how Emotional Love differs from Spiritual Love and indicates how variability within the human emotional system can actually cause blockages from experiencing Spiritual Love.

It’s all based in the heart where the human heart must be free of emotional blockages (and trust me..we ALL have these to work through) in order to experience the Divinity of Spiritual Love.

Please read this article, understand how the emotional love you feel for another is not necessarily Spiritual Love, and BE…



Vidya Frazier

There is perhaps no feeling quite like that of suddenly experiencing your heart bursting open to a Love that fills your entire being and streams out to everyone and everything around you. Your chest feels warm and expanded, pulsating with vibrant energy. And all mind chatter ceases, as you continue experiencing this extraordinary transformation of your being.

If you’ve ever had this experience, you have likely found that the energy rushing through you is so great, tears fill your eyes. You may even dissolve into sobs of joy and gratitude.

Such an experience can be so intense, you can feel as if you are made of nothing but Love. It doesn’t matter for whom you feel the Love; it’s the Love itself pouring through you that fills you with joy and exhilaration. And you experience the immense power of this Love; you recognize it as perhaps the most powerful force in the universe.

Spiritual Love vs. Emotional Love

It can sometimes be confusing that this kind of transcendent Love emanates from the same heart in which very harsh and painful emotions can also exist. How can this be?

We all actually have two energetic aspects of ourselves that have been called the “heart”. The first is our emotional heart, the one most people recognize. It’s the one that can experience emotional love, but also can feel all emotions, including those of a lower vibration, such as hatred, fear, jealousy, and grief. This heart, of course, is the one that needs healing.

The other heart – the one we could call the Sacred Heart, the Spiritual Heart, or the Higher Heart – is actually a center within your being that has little to do with dark emotions.

Located just above your emotional heart, it is a complex configuration of higher energies and is where you experience spiritual Love, one of the primary qualities of your Soul. It has been called the “portal” to the Soul; and, once you become aware of it, it can indeed feel like a doorway to this higher aspect of yourself.

Emotional Love

However, the kind of Love you experience in your Sacred Heart is not the ordinary kind of love that most people living in 3D consciousness know about. In the Third Dimension, love has many different meanings for people.

But it is probably safe to say that the word refers to an emotion that generally feels really good; yet, depending on how emotionally and spiritually mature a person is, it is often mixed and confused with a sense of need, emotional desire, and/or lust.

It is also an emotion that is conditional; at times, it can even switch instantly into hatred. The experience of being “in love” is especially fraught with sensations of desire, need and lust, and usually with a hope of finally feeling loved and desired.

Spiritual Love

Spiritual Love is quite different. Even aside from intense heart-opening experiences as described above, spiritual Love doesn’t much resemble the feeling of an emotion. Although a powerful emotional element can accompany it, spiritual Love actually is not an emotion; it is a quality of the Soul that naturally appears as an expression of this higher aspect of you. As such, it is totally unconditional in its expression.

When you experience spiritual Love toward a person, it simply is. There is nothing the person can do or say that will ever change it, because you are relating to them as a Soul, rather than as a personality.

You may not choose to allow them to express certain behaviors toward you, or even wish to spend time with them; but, no matter what they may do, you continue to love them, just as they are. You understand that, like everyone, they are doing their very best with how spiritually or psychologically awake they happen to be.

In the Fifth Dimension, this is the kind of Love you will be experiencing toward everyone and every living creature. This 5D Love will be natural, with no conditions. No matter what is occurring, compassion, understanding and empathy will be present.

 Accessing your Sacred Heart

Experiencing spiritual Love in your Sacred Heart is an important step in preparing you to enter the Fifth Dimension. But, if you’re feeling closed down and separate, it can sometimes be very difficult to experience it.

In order to fully enter your Sacred Heart and experience the profound Love residing there, it is generally necessary to first pass through your emotional heart. But to do so, this heart needs to be free of low-dimensional energies. Your emotional heart cannot be closed and full of fear or anger, as these emotions will block you in trying to enter your Sacred Heart.

So, if you are experiencing heavy emotions, it’s important to first learn how to open your emotional heart to love. This can be challenging, as it can be painful to fully meet scary emotions that create so much suffering. You feel a natural resistance, a fear of getting overwhelmed by them. You just want them gone.

Healing Your Emotional Heart

To heal your emotional heart of heavy emotions such as grief, sorrow, and hurt, you must be open to allowing them to rise to the surface in your awareness and meet them with compassion.

Before attempting to immediately release or change them, you need to be willing to fully experience them and accept them without judgment. In essence, your heart first needs to break, before it can fully mend and heal.

You may have noticed at times that when a sensation of deep love begins to fill you for someone, you initially experience a sense of your heart painfully breaking. Before you begin feeling the love, you surprisingly feel overwhelming grief or sorrow arising. For this reason, you might immediately want to close down, not realizing this is a preliminary step for you to experience the opening of your emotional heart.

At the same time, when you do feel deep grief arising, it’s important to not fall into the third-dimensional tendency of feeling self-pity. Instead, you can choose to just consciously allow the sensation of heartbreak and be with yourself compassionately, as waves of sorrow pass through you.

In doing this, you will discover that, right behind this sorrow, is the Love you have so desperately longed for, along with an enormous sense of relief and gratitude. You realize that the Love that Source has for you has always been there; you’ve just somehow blocked it. And you become aware of the pain you have caused yourself in holding back your own Love for yourself. As the painful energy that has been locked up in your emotional heart is released, you may find yourself alternately crying and laughing.

With this release can then come a profound opening into the Sacred Heart and a sense of spiritual ecstasy that is part of your spiritual nature. And, with the discharge of negative energy from your emotional heart, you will find that your Soul can then enter more fully into your body and be experienced.

Breathing the Pain Out

Facing and releasing pain from your emotional heart can be an intense process. If it feels too difficult to do alone, it may be helpful to seek professional help with this. However, there are simple techniques you can try on your own that can help you to gently release painful emotions.

One of those is a type of meditation that involves the breath. You begin by taking some continuous deep breaths, in and out, from your emotional heart. With each in-breath, draw in divine Love from Source; with each out-breath, breathe out the heavy emotions. Or, you can breathe in the Love and then visualize it circling back around and re-entering your heart.

This practice can greatly loosen and release heavy emotions. At some point, you can feel into your Sacred Heart and experience there the warmth of the abiding Love that has begun flowing into your entire being.

However you manage to clear heavy energies from your emotional heart, you will find you again have access to the profound mysteries of your Sacred Heart. If you maintain a conscious focus on this Heart, you begin to naturally radiate Love wherever you go, and eventually you experience yourself as Love, itself. And, with this consciousness, you become a healing Presence to all around you and to the world.

Blossom Goodchild: September 30th, 2015 ~ Posted Oct. 4, 2015

Blossom Goodchild

This is what I have beel looking for! This is what I have been waiting to see! This article comes the closet go any I have found “post Aug. 28” that explains just where we are now in terms of our spiritual being! And, by that I mean, where we all are in terms of our spiritual reality.

To be honest, I AM not seing much exploration by spiritual writers of how, or where human spirituality is today, after the big “wave” arrived on Aguust 28. There have been no sudden beams of light shining onto the Earth, there have been no sudden release of monies into my bank account, and there are no extraordinary healings taking place for sick and inform…yet!

This article from Blossom Goodchild (which is a channelling from the Galactic Federation of Light) points out that although all on Earth have, and are, experiencing megawatts ofHigher Energy…we now have to learn how to process and use this energy for our own benefit. That’s right…nothing, and no one, is coming to Earth to “save” us. Instead, now it is time for humanity to recognise the energy gifts we have been given…and learn how to use these!

So…please read this article from Blossom Goodchild, delve into understanding the Love we are being asked to understand and use, and…



The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

September 30th,2015

Blossom: Good morning. I have no agenda in particular … for I KNOW you chaps have it already sorted. Have you not?

The Federation of Light: Indeed we have. We thank you for your assistance in bringing through our quota of messages and we regulate them from a place of KNOWING … that we … in OUR KNOWING of who we are … give reference to that which we FEEL will serve humanity to its fullest capacity .

Therefore, may we suggest that today, we speak to you about your continual upliftment … about the process in which you are encountering in these very days …

Blossom: By all means … go ahead. Again, I am feeling you would like to speak through me … is this the way it is to be from now on?

The Federation of Light: Not necessarily and yet, we can monitor the Energy that is uplifted as one listens to our words, on a more profound level than when one is merely reading the words. Each does one good … yet, the Sound Vibration … as we have said … offers a greater Energy to the soul and therefore, assists us and yourselves in the changing into Higher Vibrational living.

Blossom: It’s no problem for me either way. Whatever is best. I am set up and ready to go.


The Federation of Light:

Once again we come through in this way via the lady Blossom … to offer words of encouragement … to offer words of upliftment … to offer messages of hope. To assist your Being in THE KNOWING OF WHO YOU ARE.

Many of you may be saying to yourselves … ‘Yes, thank you. We are aware of this … for you have said it many, many times!’

The lady Blossom is finding this banter rather amusing … for indeed, it is so … and yet, she understands … throughout the years of bringing our messages through … of the reasons why we continue forth in the same vein … in the same manner.

We wonder though … how many of you have cottoned onto the fact … that throughout these years of listening to our words … of reading our messages … your Vibration … along with ours … along with ALL THAT IS … has moved into a Higher position. Therefore, we maybe offering you the same words and yet, they come from a HIgher place of our Beingness … and they are received by you from a Higher place of your Beingness.

Do you see? Do you FEEL the difference? Do you accept in your Truth that you are no longer who you thought you were in the years before this day? You are somebody different. Do you understand of this?

Let us try and explain. You come into this Earth plain … you are born into this world … this beautiful Planet of yours … time, after time, after time … to experience LOVE in ALL its forms. In the lower Vibrational existence of LOVE and indeed … the very Higher Vibrational existence of LOVE … within the Energy system that you are able to receive, within the boundaries of your Earth plain.

You cannot receive a Higher Vibrational form of LOVE whilst in the physical format … if it does not exist upon your Earth’s Vibration. The lady Blossom is already questioning us … for she is saying to us that ‘Surely, this is not so. For when one removes the self from the physical … indeed, Higher Vibrations can be met, can they not?’  And we are saying ‘Indeed … but we were speaking to you of the physical format … and is it not so Dearest Friends … that it is while you are in your physical format that you become so frustrated … because you are not able to experience the LOVE that you FEEL you are waiting for? The LOVE ENERGY that we speak of.

‘Why is it’ … you say … ‘that we can only reach these Higher Purer Energies when we decide to switch off from who we are in the physical form?’ This is your dilemma is it not? And yet, we are now explaining to you … that the Energies … as we have spoken of … are pouring into your Earthly grid … THROUGH … your Earthly grid … for there is no other way. They are of a Higher Vibrational pull.

Therefore, as these Higher Energies are allowed … we would say … have been given permission … we would say … to come and merge with the very Energies that exist upon your Planet NOW … within your Planet NOW … as they merge … YOU … in your physical format that you find so frustrating … are able to lift your Vibration Higher and Higher … and on and on it goes. Deeper and deeper into your Being. And so as this takes place … you understand more OF your Being … And as you do so … you move into a Higher part of yourself. Therefore, you are no longer who you used to be.

Dearest Ones … understand. These Energies that are coming through into your Planet NOW … shall become the Highest they have ever been. Even from long, long ago … before things went awry … and a little downhill … to say the least … shall we say.  Even before ALL that … the Energies within your Planet Earth were never on a level that they are turning out to be NOW … as your days move forward … allowing you to discover the absolute beauty of your Truth of Being. And not only, Dearest Ones … shall you discover the beauty that lies within you and you therefore, allow it to shine out to ALL that is … not only that … yet, along with this beauty … comes the discovery … when we say of ‘who you are’ … of what you would term as ‘miracles’  … as ‘miraculous events.’

And when we speak of events in this particular moment … we are not speaking of incredible events that shall appear in your skies … No, no! We are speaking of incredible events that shall be performed by you! Miracles that shall be discovered from deep within you. And how much joy shall be emitted from your Being …out to the ALL as these wonders are discovered?

The lady Blossom is saying ‘How? How do we discover these miracles from within?’ And we say Dearest Souls … we say ‘You discover these miracles … when you stop trying to Be that which you are not and allow yourselves to Be that which you are.’

That which you are is LOVE as you know … and all you need to do is Trust in yourselves. You do not need to Trust in anything. You do not need to Trust in our messages. You do not need to Trust in anything other than yourselves … for you … yourselves … are all you need to Trust in. For you … yourselves … are it … you are LOVE. EVERYTHING IS LOVE so therefore … why do you need to Trust in something else … when all you need to do is Trust in yourself and the LOVE that you are … and allow yourselves to BE THAT LOVE … simply by Being you.
How many of you beat yourselves around the head? How many of you damage your souls … through your own self demise?


When we take in … that which you are … When we acknowledge the Energy that is of your Planet Mother Earth … we beam Light to a greater degree … through the honour we give to you … FOR ALL THAT YOU DO … FOR ALL THAT YOU ARE … FOR ALL THAT YOU WALK THROUGH ON YOUR JOURNEY.
Our Light Shines Brighter because of YOU. YOU … THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG … who were chosen when volunteering. You … Each One … were chosen … as we have told you many times. You were chosen because of the Light that you are … to come down here and see your mission through. This mission of raising your beautiful Planet into a Higher Vibrational Light of itself.


YOU ARE DOING THIS …and yet, the time span for you seems eternal. Because you are caught up IN the time span. Yet, from our point of view … where there is no time … we do not get frustrated as you do. For we see the bigger picture. We see … if we put it in terms as we do so often … of the jigsaw puzzle and how many, many, many more pieces are falling into place.




WE LOVE YOU …. Thanks Be to ALL.

 End of session.

Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.
Webpage: Blossom Goodchild


Within and Without, Above and Below

spiritual love

I felt a tremendous surge of warm, golden LOVE last night @10 PM. Did anyone else FEEL this? It felt like getting a huge hug from an angel! I haven’t really been much of an “angel person”…until NOW!

It seems others are feeling the same way NOW! Please read this article from Kathleen commenting on her experience with LOVE! As always please read, digest, and…


Written by Kathleen W., The Golden Age of Gaia It feels to me like we’re in a big pot of Love being stirred up by the Divine Mother! And lots is coming up to be looked at, not only within but without as we play in the Mother’s Waves, the Tsunami of Love.

I’ve been studying the Universal Laws. They’re all about balance and state that every thought and every action should be in alignment with Love.

Sanat reminded us that Universal Laws are the guidelines laid down by the Mother/Father One. When we’re seeking to eliminate or clear issues or blockages, the Universal Laws can help us determine what’s not in alignment.

We know we’re here to help create a planet of beauty and joy and that the Mother’s Tsunami is anchoring in the Love so we become the Joy. It stands to reason that, if we focus on Love and Joy daily because they are in alignment with Universal Law, they’ll expand in our lives.

Recently I had a vasana come up where I lost my balance. Archangel Gabrielle came to me and helped me see where the vasana stemmed from in my childhood. She helped me bring it up to conscious awareness and see my truth so I could be mindful of the pattern of behavior and I could get back to balance.

I have found Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth and St. Germaine’s Violet Flame helpful when searching for my truth. Asking questions in meditation has brought me insights when the “old” is being washed up within or without to be looked at.

Accepting and allowing the feelings to be and go when they’re ready can be daunting if one becomes emotionally involved and no longer the observer. A mantra Sanat taught us “I receive, I allow, I accept, I give, I am gratitude”,  can be very helpful to re-anchor balance.

I find that, when I’m in balance, it’s easy to focus on the here and now and be in alignment with Love and Joy so that expansion can occur. We’re here to create “below” what is “above” and as we do this, we draw closer to the higher realms and they’re able to come closer to us. Our balance “within” becomes our “without”.

