Many Experiencing Anxiety – May 23, 2024


 By Dr. Schavi M. Ali

With the enormously elevated cosmic frequencies entering our planet daily, and with today’s Full Moon, large numbers of people around the world are experiencing anxiety.

This can manifest as a feeling of nervousness, heart palpitations, jitteriness, or waves of panic.

These emotive responses to strong solar flares, CMEs, incoming electrons and protons from both our Sun as well as from outside of our specific solar system — as well as the Full Moon in Tropical Scorpio — are normal as our planet is activated, and as humanity senses the activations.

Ever since the massive geomagnetic energy registering “G4” and “G5” several days ago happened that were so powerful that mainstream news reported on them, energetics have been steadily escalating as was alluded to in the article written earlier today.

Numerous ways have been suggested in previous teachings as to how to address certain symptoms of these cosmic events.

Here, however, are the best methods to directly relax the nervous system and to release anxiety which have been proven to work by Naturopathic Healers, some Medical Doctors with a natural orientation, Vaidyas (Doctors of “Ayurveda” or “Science of Life”), and Spiritual Scientists. Some have been previously discussed.

1. Four times each day, place 2 drops each of “Rescue Remedy” and “Aspen” by Bach Flowers directly underneath your tongue; hold them for a moment, then swallow. Placed underneath the tongue causes the remedies to go quickly into your nervous system via what is called “sub-lingual”.
2. Place your right palm over your heart and your left palm over your solar plexus and breathe deeply at least three times. Pronounce the mantra “AUM” three times aloud making sure to draw-out your voice so that you are saying “AUUUUUUUM”. Do this more than three times if you need to do so.
3.Another breathing technique is the following: Breathe in through your nose and also out through your nose. Then breathe in through your mouth and also out through your mouth. Then breathe in through your nose but out through your mouth. Finally breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose. Do this round of breathing at least three times. You may need to have this technique written on a small piece of paper to look at while you are performing it.
4. Wear any one of the following calming essential oils by placing a bit on your crown, your third eye, your throat, your temples, your heart, your solar plexus, the back of your neck, and on the soles of your feet: FRANKINCENSE, JASMINE, ROSE, ROSEWOOD, or SANDALWOOD.
5. Wear any one or two of the following crystals and gemstones as a pendant, a necklace, or a bracelet: AMAZONITE, AMBER. AMETHYST, AQUAMARINE, BOTSWANA AGATE, LAPIS LAZULI, LARIMAR, LEPIDOLITE, MOONSTONE, MORGANITE, RHODONITE, or ROSE QUARTZ. Because AMBER is actually a resin and not a crystal or a gemstone, it can be worn as a third piece.
6. Drink lots of water with lemon or lime.
7. If you choose to also wear a prayer mala, chant the following mantra on it, and wear it along with your chosen crystals or gemstones: “AUM SHANTI AUM” (“Oh Divine Peace, Oh Divine”). Be sure that your mala is a grounding one made from the substance of trees as mentioned in many articles.
8. Wear calming colors each day like blue, violet, lavender, lilac, pink, or light green. Stay away from red, orange, or yellow because these colors will stir-up your nervous system and can add to any anxiety that you are experiencing.
9. Take a walk or do some Yoga or Tai Chi.
10. Stay away from people who are filled with chaos of their own making. They will only pull at your energy. Remain in contact with those persons who are elevated in consciousness.
11. Find a comforting prayer from your particular path, and recite it often.
12. Meditate daily for at least one-half hour. If possible, do this while sitting next to a lake or pond.

Some people are experiencing extreme fatigue or exhaustion even while also having some anxiety.

For this, take 2 drops of “Olive” by Bach Flowers along with the other remedies mentioned. You do not need to be concerned that you are taking too many Bach Flowers at one time.

They are completely natural and are made from plants and flowers. You can take up to five Bach Flower remedies at one time.

They can be placed in a 16-ounce bottle of spring water. Then sip on the water throughout the day.

However, with the intense anxiety that most people are reporting, it is best with the cosmic energies being so strong, to take the remedies directly underneath your tongue. Drink from your remedy bottle for maintenance in days to come.

You may choose to print-out (click here for printable version) this entire document and keep it with you for future reference.

Do not just rely on your computer or cell phone to save the information.

Technology is having more and more dysfunction as the cosmic energy continues to escalate.

You do not want to lose important information.


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