Information You May not Know… – May 23, 2024


Crossfire Hurricane (FBI investigation) into Donald J TRUMP

Was a deep state cover story..


>The real truth ( I have said the before. As did 107) …. The Deep state, Obama. CLINTON’S CIA Globalist wanted the NUCLEAR CODES and used Crossfire hurricane investigations as a Segway to get to Trump and try to oust him

(THIS WAS THE FULL [ DS] MILITARY BEGINNINGS COUP with CIA/ FBI and intelligence operations against Trump)

>The mar a Lago raid was the attempt to get the NUCLEAR CODES FROM TRUMP


Do you understand that the white hats knew long ago that CIA. Rockefellers> Hillary wanted to Nuke Russia….

That’s a part of reason Trump was PLACED as president< to collect the NUCLEAR codes as president.

Since Trump got control of the NUCLEAR CODES, he closed Cheyenne mountain and Biden. Obama. And CIA is all blocked. Prohibited from going the MILITARY base that controls the Nuclear U.S. operations


Safety measures are in place.

PUTIN knows this.

As the Russia begins nuclear exercises …… Just remember TRUMP CHEYENNE MNT. Have back channels with Russia.

Everything happening is connected to a MASSIVE nuclear stand off COMING.

This EVENT is for the sheep and leads to later military world courts and tribunals.

Military intervention


California Patriots be careful as I have warned of planned Massive Earthquake for the West Coast slated for 2024

Warning for DC … As deep state is planning a false flag inside job terrorist attack or biological weapon attack to shut down DC for 2024 ELECTIONS.


TRUMP put Presidential Executive Orders in place for counter measures if DC is ever attacked





The Dismantling of the world Cabal system is happening… Be careful and remember to have your food. Supplies. And resources.

The Deep State is getting panic.

The CIA orchestrated one assassination and one attempt.

The Slovakian Prime Minister was shot by two people.. Not one like MSM is reporting.

And Slovakian intelligence is well aware the CIA and mi6 was behind the operations.

The Iran president was assassinated by the United States/ Israel…

> Military WIRES indicate the helicopter exploded high above the weather clouds ( fog)

_HAARP was used to create the false weather and a Military Satellite using military grade microwave frequencies/ static weapons hit the Iranian presidents helicopter



(the reasons are the weather systems caught the abnormal high frequency abnormal active weather pattern with massive unusual growth and weather radar caught heat explosions that effected the abnormal weather pattern )


There is a great fight happening my dear friends and you are inside a powerful massive storm of EXPOSURE

Who created the Illuminati. Who created the CIA. Who created the Rockefellers ….?

Why is ATLANTIS very important?



why is DISCLOSURE and the coming world events going to shake the foundations of society?


is much more than an election.

It’s Biblical.

Hold on tight Patriots. GOD WINS.


A I. has been on Earth and through the Cosmos and galaxy much longer than you can fathom. Inside every cell and molecule is A.I. …… Where did good A.I. COME FROM.,,?

If God created everything. Then why did he create the devil?

How did Jesus know that the world was an illusion and trap for the mind? How did Jesus master death? ……..


Hold on tight Patriots…..

Have faith.

The world is going to change.



YES there is powers of evil running the world. But there is an opposite force at work ….



The Nights Templar’s were supposed to be protecting the Christians in Jerusalem but were looking for gold and wealth they stole. After meeting the brothers of the East they were told deep under Solomons temple was the gold and the advanced technology and sacred ARKS of ATLANTIS that was used to create energy. Heal humans and was used as a weapon.

The Ark of the covenant could create limitless energy (as Tesla had talked about.. And zero point energy) using MANNA . In the Bible Manna was a good source with white flakes . But the truth is the atalantians created a mono atomic powder that creates energy, The manna was a super electric conductor and powered the pyramids of Egypt. The Ark of the covenant fit inside the Kings Sarcophagus in the pyramids ( this was not a burial places for the king in the pyramid and no king was ever found in the pyramid .. This is a cover story) .

The Vatican of Roam for centuries hid the true knowledge of the Bible and serval other Bibles connected to Atlantis. , connected to Egyptian Gods. Mesopotamia Gods . Anunnaki

And the real story of creation.

( Do you really think the Vatican and the Roam empire and hundreds of years of Popes killing each other and creating political alliances connected to world control of religion would be honest to give you the full details of the real hidden Bible.?

What do you thinks hidden under the Vatican in the 54 miles under ground tunnels that’s houses over 4 millions books and documents and the original tablets and emerald tablets that show how to build ZERO POINT ENERGY sources

That can create weapons. Healing. Time travel etc etc etc etc ECT etc ECT etc etc etc….

There is far more technology and hidden advanced spiritual information under the Vatican that was built on top of old SATANIC RITUAL grounds)


_The original Nights Templar’s knew the Anunnaki created some of the first humans… To mind gold for advanced technology…. The Christian Nights Templar’s were in secret Christian Gnostics who believed the Christ mind was in so humans and no religion was needed and inner peace came from within and no temples or priests were needed to understand the Christ mind connected to God and divinity…

But the Templar’s Nights obeyed the Popes and Roman empire as the Christian empire became more powerful year by year…

For a thousand years before the Nights Templar’s the Roman empire and Popes cheated Christianity and controlled the information of the real Bibles…

There was no way the Roman Christian empire would let their institution fall to knowledge that God is already in you ( Gnostic teachings) …

By the 13 century people were killing each other in Rome and Vatican politics and control was at an all time high and the Templar’s Nights were disbanded and arrested…

But several branches of the nights Templars escaped on ships and land……. And changed their names and groups….. Some went to Scotland and became Freemasons., in original Portugal they were nights of Christ. In Germany they became Rosicrucianism.. They traveled as far as Nova Scotia and hid treasures …all the way down to panama the Nights Templar’s were traced to indigenous people who are light skinned they say they are decent of the Templar’s…. In early Europe the first Vikings were Templar’s and the original Pirates on the oceans were Templar’s who flew the Skull and bones flag…. The Nights Templar’s red flag is still evident today through the Red Cross.

_ For centuries the Nights Templar’s turned into different groups with different names and often became unknown enemies to each other in all regions and their off spring and children became strangers to others sectors……

Later on this MASSIVE division of the Nights Templar’s would divide into good and evil…..

Some formed the Skull and bones of Yale who created presidents. Some created the Illuminati… But other orders created goddess and worked behind the scenes to EXPOSE world corruption and governments and the dark Cabal forces……




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