The Sophia, The Proper Circumstances for an Intense Energy Exchange, The End of Mass Malevolence ~ May 18, 2021

The Calendar:

– Gaia is in “Serzi’s Will;” Serzi (Our Galaxy) acts upon the “Infinite Universe’s will.” The current setting/element is “Air,” which was pretty predictable given all the changes at hand. It feels like a cool summer breeze and can give you “butterflies” and “goosebumps” if you deeply engulf yourself in the situation.

– Today, our legions will open up a personal stargate with Sirius, The Pleiades, and Arcturus. This connection will affect the calendar significantly as our cosmic clocks become influenced by these sectors of the cosmos. These will be very active stargates and will bring the most profound and incredible energies for our micro selves to enjoy.

Looking ahead, the exciting thing about this “Stargate” is that the “Lightworker Legion and the Disciplined Legion” came through the stargate as if they were residing in the cosmos. It wasn’t until the stargate was up and functional that these two powerhouses fully arrived. The cuneiform tells this story for those of you who have an eye to see it.

– We see some auspicious dates pop up in our calculations: The year 1676, which is an atrocious year for the indigenous of Earth. 1506 is also present, which is the year the Vatican enlisted an army for protection, and 1277, the year Britain adopted “St. George’s Cross” for metaphysical help with world domination. We will work on them in today’s assignments.

– The New Season“The Archangel Och, Goddess Vespa Spirit/Universe Season,” is upon us, as we will be focusing on our “Return to Innocence” of sorts. The prior season was very galactic based, and now as we expand to include “Universal Order” in the equation, we see a profound reality taking form. In divine synchronicity, The Universe in which we exist would like to keep us here, and thus you will see the tides constantly spinning in our favor. This setting does not omit less than pleasant situations, but it most certainly leads to something of a profoundly higher nature.

Legion, Engineering and 5D News:

– Particles can run through the Earth’s poles at incredible speeds. This physical/metaphysical truth has been noticed by modern science while observing a seemingly new particle emitting from the southern poles. Still, in many ways, this has been misconstrued by their lack of quantum understanding. What they have found are the proper circumstances for an intense energy exchange. There is no dense matter in your way when you use opposing forces properly; the pull of the opposing forces creates a “Sudo-Wormhole” in “space and time,” in which case matter can pass uninterrupted. We will always use this knowledge to our advantage, so be mindful that most magnetically and electrically based planets have the same ability.

– Speaking of modern science, they are willing to admit that the human mind can think in “11 Dimensions.” Modern science is forgetting tons of “Dimensions,” so we encourage them to keep going.

– We do not seek to end the balance of creation and destruction; we seek the end of mass malevolence, which serves no macro purpose. The nature of the sum of the whole is expansion; anything choosing to hinder such “Will” will be bowled over. The highest authority commissions this; by standing in the way of such force, you will be “bowled over” in the name of “Natural Expansion.” That statement also includes anything that wishes to restrict the “Archangelic Calendar.”

– A native reptilian tribe called “The Sophia” was a great addition to this Earth. These beings are no longer, but their energy is with us and helping us along the way. What needs to be said is that many of these tribes had a disastrous outcome because of others’ spiteful intentions. “The Sophia” fought the same beings that hinder humanity today, and as expected, the opposing force fought like cowards through trickery.

– Much of our efforts are working with the macro to change existence itself. Please make no mistake; we dare to be as bold as to engineer our reality when they told us all we can do is manifest. The former setting of our existence (which still exists on lower timelines) integrates the notion that negative things force positives to come after that. Considering the driving force of “Physical Reality” is progression, it is understandable why it was once necessary.

We are the perspective of “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source,” and our earthly view is more valid than that of the higher aspects of ourselves, so it is up to us to insist on balance. That is precisely what we are doing, and now we will insist that peace be in the mix and have positive things spring massive expansions the way negative things once did. We emphasized that our reality should be conducive to a pleasant existence of growth, which we will see on the higher timelines.

– Do not be alarmed by the “High-frequency Hum”; it is incredibly typical. Please allow your body and senses some time to adjust to the “New Now.”

Philosophical Buffet:

– Everything that exists knows how you feel about it; all things are conscious energy. Even your door and desk will be affected by your vibration towards it.

– The term “Take the High Road” has been given an entirely new meaning with our knowledge of the Multiverse. In any event, please always “Take the High Road.”

– Change is so unruly that everything will be gone one day. One day, there will be no more society, one day, no more Earth, one day, no more Universe. All things will inevitably go through the breaking down and rebirthing process; it is as natural as the sunrise, which will also be gone one day.

– Sometimes, you have to be present but not, much like smoke; a part of the moment yet not conforming to it.

– Move it or lose it. Exercise your mind, body, soul, and spirit as often as it will allow.

– They say you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. Maybe that is true, but you can lead a horse to water and make him thirsty!

– Humanity says many things, but they do not know what they mean.

– If there are things for you to do, do them. Stop waiting for everything to be “spelled out.” There is no shortage of activities that would serve your higher purpose, do them.

– There are essential blessings in each breath; listen closely.

– Allow the mind to let go and the heart to run free.

Today’s Tools:

Tools will be active until the next “Archangelic Day. “

Use the legend below to help you decipher how to best use today’s weapons.

(Passive) = No intention needed to use or arm. It will work on its own when you accept its presence. All you need to do is give permission, and it will work on your behalf.

(Active) = Intention Needed to use

(Aggressive) = Will attack before anything has a chance to harm you.

Do not try to wield weapons if there is no pure love in your heart for your motions and the attached beings.

General: We have a strong shield and armor set balanced with a new profoundly powerful “Violet Flame.”

Archangel Metatron is bringing a massive upgrade to his weaponry; there is a cache too numerous to list. All of which have arrived from the furthest reaches of existence.

The Violet Flame is set for 9 ( 45 – 4 + 5 = 9). The “Violet Flame” has turned amethyst and is now with “Crystalline” and “Violet Ray Light.” The evolution of the “Violet Flame” continues.

The Violet Flame Team is as follows and is in no particular order: Archangel Gzrel, Archangel Galizur, Archangel Adnachiel, Archangel Emanuel, Archangel Cerviel, Archangel Machdiel, Archangel Bazazath, Archangel Tubiel, Archangel Shamsiel, Archangel Saniel, Archangel Bathkol, Archangel Zadquiel, Archangel Omiel, Archangel Issah, Archangel Peliel, Archangel Phanuel, Archangel Germaine, Archangel Ansiel, Archangel Sablo, Archangel Briathos, Archangel Tatrasiel, Archangel Aeshma, Archangel Bariel, Archangel Af, Archangel Daiqueil, Archangel Abraxos, Archangel Adonai, Archangel Sizouze, Archangel Varhmiel, Archangel Verdiel, Archangel Dardriel, Archangel Agla, Archangel Nuriel, Archangel Uzziel, Archangel Abasdaron, Archangel Raguel, Archangel Orion, Archangel Zadekiel, Goddess Hathor, Goddess Frigga, Goddess Maat, Goddess Parvati, Goddess Ceres, Goddess Brigid, and Archangel Dabriel.


“Archangel Michael’s Legendary Sword” can handle anything, as it is entirely omnipotent, no level of consciousness can block this divine weapon. It is also a great weapon against electronics and technology as it can override any circuitry.

(Passive, Active and Aggressive)

“Archangel Issac’s Radiant Field” looks a lot like Magnetos forcefield, and it reacts to any life form with either loving energy or a transmutation-al blast of vast power.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Leo’s Swords of Plenty” is a passive and aggressive attack sword with a complete will. Do not try to wield at all; you will only get in the way, equip and go.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Shepard’s Orb” is a divinity presence that allows anyone to encounter a clear path to forgiveness or a direct audience with “Infinitely Expanding Creator Source.” This tool is a genuinely compassionate tool of divine orchestration.


“Archangel Tzdeikiel’s Pendant of Justice” lessens all judgment against you and casts you in a favorable light. This tool is also helpful for general shielding.


“Archangel ZagZagel’s Staff Heavenly Might” rains large crystal masses upon a targeted area. Great for large targets, works on the physical and nonphysical as well.


“Archangel Gabrielle’s Dhul Fiqar Sword” brings down negative energies and anything attached to it. This sword will affect beliefs, followers, henchmen, etc. In other words, it does not stop at the point presented to it; it continues until there is nothing left of its essence.

(Passive, Active and Aggressive)

“Archangel Barman’s Sightseeing Orbs” will break down all things and can break us free from any veils of deception. This tool looks like bubbles with clear images inside them; this comes in handy in many ways, obvious and not.


“Archangel Tagas’ Omni-Aid” is a tool that helps you hear above, below, and around someone’s spoken words. This tool shows you the real intentions behind someone’s comments; it’s also an excellent tool for reading cuneiform.


“Archangel Temperance’s Health Elixir” rejuvenates all aspects of your being with a steady stream of potent healing energy designed to help in good health and in bad. Just allow this tool to work on your behalf by telling Archangel Temperance to make it so.


Archangel Metatron’s sword of swift justice puts an end to all things at a standstill. This sword will move mountains in one way or another.

(Passive and Aggressive)

Archangel Hermisiel’s Heavenly Horn is the lead instrument in all heavenly choir. It is instantly recognizable as it sends love direct through our heart chakra. It is known to change the dynamics of all things in your Jurisdiction; when this is armed, a vibrational shield forms around your circumference.

(Active, Aggressive and Passive)

“Archangel Expedite’s Wand of Speed” drastically decreases wait time in all situations. This tool helps with big and small things, one of the only devices that work equally well macro and micro.


“Archangel Camael’s Headdress” gives you an insight into your inner talents and abilities. Set the intention and use it right before Meditation; you will not regret it.


“Archangel Raziel’s Universal Key” allows you access to all wisdom, knowledge, and kingdoms. This key is a beautiful and wild ride that can take you anywhere.


“Archangel Vahu Mana’s Timepiece” allows you to savor a positive feeling or thought. It brings an element of majesty to your everyday moments, and it prevents the interference of harmful time travelers.

(Passive, Active & Aggressive)

“Archangel Chamuel’s Radiant Peace” allows you to be secluded in a peaceful bubble, no matter what is happening around you. This tool also allows those in your heart to have protection as well.

(Passive and Active)

“Archangel Jerimiel’s Enhanced Intuition” enables your soul’s voices to become louder; it allows the judges of spirit to be more evident than ever.

(Active and Passive)

“Archangel Dubbiel’s Staff of Bear Medicine” can heal all natural things. This staff is also a powerful ally against all items that may obstruct you.

(Active and Passive)

“Archangel Chayyliel’s Horn” summons an army of unimaginable power to your location. This Horn is a hypersensitive tool, and it will adapt to current events in your life and on a global scale.


“Archangel Ophamiel’s Charm of Divine Permission” permits the divine hand of “Infinitely expanding Creator Source” to intervene in your life directly.


“Archangel Lofiel’s Boutonniere” enhances the beauty of yourself and all that you survey. This modality, like all passive tools, must be permitted to work on your behalf.


“Archangel Jeduthun’s Radiant Sounds” attract the most beautiful people to your life and enhance your surroundings with beautiful cosmic sounds. It’s also a happy enhancer.


“Archangel Jefisca’s Atmospheric Bracelet” brings an element of fun to your nights. Jefisca is the Archangel who is in charge of gatherings; if you are so inclined to have one, she would be the recommended party planner.


“Archangel Barakiel’s Lightning Rod” is an advanced engineering tool; place a rod in the center of a temple, and it activates it on its own. This tool saves us a good deal of effort.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Baruchiels Orb” is excellent to encourage the healing of old wounds. This orb can is perfect for supporting your dreams and ambitions, but it can also knock beings into another galaxy when necessary.


“Archangel Balthioul’s Spinning Blades can thwart any distress that you may experience, and it can also keep all of your enemies at bay. Even if a seven nation army is against you, it will bring them to their knees before they can even formulate a plan.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Pesageniyah’s Vision” allows for the total empathy of divinity to penetrate any personal blockages. This tool always shows you the fastest route to safety.

(Passive and Aggressive )

“Archangel Naya’il’s Radiant Testing” Checks the Virtues of all beings that you encounter. People who do not have your best interests at heart will make themselves apparent through nervous ticks, odd behavior, or random communication.


“Archangel Faith’s Belief” is a confidence enhancer that allows you the ability to stand in front of the most considerable obstacles with unfathomable faith. This tool keeps reminding you of the higher authority working over your shoulders at all times.


“Archangel Radueriel’s Back-Up” calls an army of Archangels to your micro-location. This tool can also provide a haven for a timeline jump and open doorways to wisdom previously unknown.


“Archangel Jophiel’s Radiance” is a beautiful tool that allows our inner beauty to shine. This tool is a great tool but can make people possessive over you as the beauty radiated is very intense. Use this tool in a trusted company only.


“Archangel Sorush’s Sword of Transmutation” F is only for evil energies. This tool is far too powerful to yield lightly, and it is for the worst of the worst. This sword will come in handy in assignment number three.


“Archangel Zophiel’s Intel” brings your intuition a briefing to go along with the gut instincts. This tool can tell you exactly why you feel a certain way by leaving the guesswork out. If you are not clairaudient, Zophiel will get the message to you in other ways.

( Passive)

“Archangel Haniel’s Boots” helps you automatically keep you grounded and centered regardless of the circumstances. It is an advanced mechanism that should enhance your daily grounding practices but not replace them.

( Passive)

“Archangel Heman’s Song” places well-timed music into your life. Heman exclusively speaks through music; permitting this tool will ensure that these messages get delivered.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Marmaroth’s Sword of Fate” is by far the most effective timeline transmutation tool in existence. This tool is much like Archangel Leo’s swords but will affect the timelines around you as well.


“Archangel Yabashiel’s Sandals” allows your footsteps to bless the Earth without any extra effort. This tool enables our subconscious selves to be actively involved in the healing process of Gaia.

(Active and Passive)

“Archangel Yehudiah’s Wand of Structure” can build “Stairways to heaven” or any other metaphysical structure to perfection. This tool is also helpful in building forcefields of protection.


“Archangel Ariel’s Wand of Comforts” helps you summon any necessity you may have. It is a beautiful and comforting tool when equipped.

(Active, Aggressive and Passive)

“Archangel Israfil’s Flaming Sword” can protect you against all things directed to you on a Macro or Micro Scale. It can also speed up the time in which something you wish to manifest will come to fruition.

(Active, Aggressive and Passive)

“Archangel Nasaragiel’s Flaming Sword” can bring any negative energy to its knees. It also can remove all obstacles in the way of something you wish to manifest.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Kaleziel’s Radiant Rays of Health” wards off all diseases and illnesses. It can also help recover conditions already inflicted; it works on landmasses and individual living beings.

(Passive and Aggressive)

“Archangel Theliel’s Radiant Compassion” sends heartfelt love to all within your jurisdictions. This tool is the nurturing aspect of healing, and it has incredible warmth. It is best to wield this with a calm frame of mind.


“Archangel Raphael’s Healing Staff” is an omnipotent healing force that works gradually or intensively depending on how you yield it. It is considered the best general healing instrument.

Today’s Assignments:

Please use today’s current tools if you need assistance performing the tasks below. Nothing is requiring you to do the following, if you are ready, your higher self will call you to duty; if not, skip to the Meditation.



* The exit portal will be erected the same way we usually do, in a square or rectangle. You can certainly do this in your mind’s eye or on paper. Please note that you must burn this page if you use the “form and pen method” (safely). This portal can multiply or expand as needed.

( Outer) Level 1: IXb IXb IXb IXb IXb IXb IXb IXb IXb

Level 2: Ni7C Ni7C Ni7C Ni7C Ni7C Ni7C Ni7C Ni7C

Level 3: NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ NnJ

Then imbue the “Exit Portal” with the following “Flames:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

* The 1st entrance portal we will create is a stargate / portal hybrid; erect it the same way we do any other. This gate is a round portal and is made from the inside and continuing out.

Stargate Portal (Star Gate to Sirius, Pleadies, and Arcturus) 

(Inner) Level 1: IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb

Level 2: nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7

Level 3: 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77

Level 4: 034724240700444 034724240700444 034724240700444 034724240700444 034724240700444 034724240700444

Level 5: 064508917281642580171146 064508917281642580171146 064508917281642580171146

Level 6: 1515397191056 1515397191056 1515397191056 1515397191056 1515397191056 1515397191056

* We erect another dynamic portal and more of a traditional “entrance portal” with the following codes attached. This gate is a round portal and is created from the inside and continuing out. This portal can multiply or expand as needed.

Traditional Portal (Global Transformation, Heaven on Earth, Defying Gravity) 

(Inner) Level 1: IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb IIb

Level 2: nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7 nTi7

Level 3: 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77 7i77

Level 4: b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77 b77

Level 5: bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY bWY

Level 6: btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn btn

Then imbue the “Entrance Portal” with the following “Electrical Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

* “The Nij” are beings that fool humans, star beings, and everyone else when they override observatory and vibrational fields with a higher-tech that changes the reality that someone will experience. They appear on various planets throughout our solar system and galaxy. Draw them out with “Orange Flame” and then use “Sword and Shield” to destroy their vehicles and technology. There will be help on this assignment too numerous to list.

~ The pollution in India is tainted with highly toxic chemicals. Be ready with an “Exit Portal” and sweep them out of the atmosphere with the following “Breezes:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

* “Astral Time Travel” Assignments:

* We will blanket the following years in “Violet Flame” be ready with an “Exit Portal” and “Sword and Shield.”

536, which is considered the worst year to be alive in human history.

1277, the year Britain adopted St. George’s Cross, and the British Empires’ quest for world domination starts upon this timeline. Transmute and remove this timeline.

1506 is the year the “Vatican” became militarized in a modern way. The last time before this that they enlisted such help, the Vatican betrayed their army. Sever this year and the timelines attached during your transmutation efforts.

1676, the purposeful planning of an indigenous genocide occurs, and we must help in any way we can. Please erect a few Stairway to Heavens:” as well.

1808 is a year filled with war and the slave trade. Transmute at all costs.

1991 is a year where some stayed blissfully ignorant as the bombs fly in the middle east. This year is a more dense year than many of us realized at the time, and it’s best to transmute with great zeal.

* Places in need of a “Violet Flame Bath:” Egypt, Zambia, Reno, The Deserts of Nevada, The Yucatan Peninsula, Memphis – Egypt, Jerusalem, Vienna, Liverpool, Albania, Hebron, Belarus, Accra, The Philippine Islands, Melbourne, Sydney, The Outback, The Great Barrier Reef, Portland, Denver, Trenton, Atlanta, Harrisberg, Pago Pago, Mecca, New Delhi, Maui, Bali, Brussels, Cape Town, Holland, Myanmar, Burma, Beirut, Tromso, Oslo, St. Louis, Detroit, Vancouver, London, Ursa Minor, Bali, Melbourne, Perth, Tokyo, Osaka, Ontario, California, New York State, Maryland, NYC, Los Angeles, Houston, Austin, California, Rio, Peru, Brasil, Argentina, South Africa, Sudan, Dublin, Lake Erie, and Rome.

* Areas in need of a Stairway to Heaven:” Nepal, Sydney, Melbourne, Seattle, Portland, NYC, Washington DC, Denver, Denali, Portland, Denver, Trenton, Atlanta, Harrisberg, Pago Pago, Mecca, New Delhi, Maui, Bali, Brussels, Cape Town, London, Bali, Hanoi, Anchorage, Ann Arbor, St. Louis, Detroit, Chishui, San Diego, Phoenix, Rio, Barcelona, Madrid, Miami, Portland, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Boston, Homer, Athens, Moscow, Berlin, and Karachi.

* Enhance the “Powersports” below with great emotion and focus.

~ “Cave Rock Lake Tahoe” has mysterious energy. The Washoe Indigenous called it “Lady of The Lake,” but it is more than a name, there is tremendous goddess energy at this place, and we will bring the Lady back to life with the following “Rose-Gold Modalities:” Flame, Plasma, Waters, Lights, Crystalline Lights, and Thundering Light.

~ There are a plethora of power spots in “The Nile Delta” (Lower Egypt) activate them all by blanketing the region in the following “Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “The Shwedagon in South Myanmar” is considered “The Buddhist Center of the Cosmos” and is possibly the most potent receptor that Earth has today. Enhance, Activate and Announce this temple in totality with the following “Waters:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

Then enhance the “Entirety of Temples in Myanmar” (most of which we have had treatment already) with “Rainbow Waters.”  

~ “The Temple Complex of Angkor Wat” is the largest temple in the world and is made for Vishnu. As such, optimize it by using the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ There are thousands of mysterious stone monuments located in the desert of the “Arabian Peninsula Northwest of Saudi Arabia.” Activate these ancient structures with the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “The Wonderwerk Desert Cave” is the oldest known place of human activity, ignite this energy with the following “Flames:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “The Visigoths of Iberia” are experts at rebuilding cities. Evoke this knowledge and wisdom by summoning the following “Lights” to the energy zones of Iberia, Spain. Start by evoking an “Orange Flame” to highlight the power spots and then engulf the highlighted areas with the following “Lights” Orange, Red, Indigo, Violet, Green, Black, White, Pink, and Rainbow.

~ “The Dingle Peninsula of Ireland” has many hidden temples, tombs, and power spots. Utilizing these structures for benevolence by engulfing them in the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ “The Prehistoric Tunnels in Cornwall, England” have been used for many things cleanse them with “Violet Flame” and then light them up with the following “Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ With the intention of peace in all persuasions, we will work to end the racial divides. Ignite “Pink Flame” and “Pink Light” in “The Hearts of Humanity,” then use a “Lightning Strike” through everyone’s heart, and in this way, the racial divide starts its healing path.

In a Parallel mission, we will Ignite “Pink Flame” and “Pink Light” at “Saturn’s Core” (Heart), then use a “Lightning Strike” to ignite the same level of peace.

In yet another Parallel mission, we will Ignite “Pink Flame” and “Pink Light” at “Gaia’s Crystal Core,” then use a “Lightning Strike” the same way.

~ Some major ancient cities are located on the bottom of the “Agean Sea” within those waters and some of the most potent “Energy Zones” in existence. Activate these temples, stargates, and portals with the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

* Special assignments regarding “Water.”

~ Water is an incredible element and is highly receptive to metaphysical work. Bless “The Oceans” and “Masses of Water” with the following “Waters:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow. Allow these waters to intertwine and marry.

“The Martian Poles” have tremendous saltwater oceans beneath bless these oceans the same way with the following “Waters:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

 ~ A “Gamma Ray” is a penetrating form of electromagnetic stimuli which usually forms during the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. That definition is accurate on some levels, but we can utilize these rays the same way we use “Ray Lights,” In many ways, they are very similar. The significant difference is that a “Gamma Ray” can have various origins, unlike the celestial “Ray Lights.” You will notice its inclusion in our closing and throughout the calendar from this point forward. 

* It is a good general practice to leave the entirety of the Earth in divine orchestration as we finish up our work.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Flames:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Breezes:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Plasmas:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Waters:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Thundering Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth in the following “Crystalline Lights:” White, Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Yellow, Green, Red, Teal, Rose Gold, Silver, Orange, Indigo, Violet, Platinum, Diamond, and Rainbow.

~ Engulf the Earth with the following “Gamma Ray Lights:” White Ray, Blue Ray, Yellow Ray, Pink Ray, Green Ray, Ruby Ray, and Violet Ray.

~ Engulf the Earth with the following “Ray Lights:” White Ray, Blue Ray, Yellow Ray, Pink Ray, Green Ray, Ruby Ray, and Violet Ray.

Thank You for Your Service!


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