Sananda ~ There Is No Right or Wrong Direction Or Path Back Home ~ March 25, 2019

By Genoveva Coyle

Trust that you are being taken in the right direction for the full expansion of your soul

Greetings my dearest family! I AM Jesus Sananda, I am your beloved brother, I am your friend and ally. I am with you, I am within, I am beside you, I am you, for we are one.

I sit and walk with thee in every moment of your journey. It is true that you would like to see and hear me more clearly, and therefore I would like to tell you and reassure thee that just because you can’t do so doesn’t mean that I am not as close to your heart as you would want me to be.

There are times when you want to figure things out for your dear selves, and there are times when I step forward so that you can to hear me. I whisper words of reassurance to thee so that you can let go of this need to understand every twist and turn that your lives take. What really matters is that you made that commitment to be the love that you already are. And that will be so for every moment and every day your soul takes you to the fulfillment of this intent.

Many of you are way showers and teachers on this journey of ascension, and therefore you feel that you need to pin down and write about your processing, to point out the main milestones on your journey. You believe that you need to explain all these steps and breakthroughs in order to make it easier or less painful for others. Part of this is true, my dearest hearts, but only as a general concept and not as a detailed ascension manual that you might want to write, and which has been carefully thought about and considered, chapter by chapter, in a particular order, by your admiring followers. Yes, I am exaggerating a bit, for having fun and smiling is always the best attitude when one seems to feel disenchanted and without a clear cut direction.

Dear hearts, there is no right or wrong direction or path back home! You are always on your chosen path and you can make it fun and bouncy, full of laughter and easy learning for everyone, or you can make it serious and arduous, like boot camp, but that is not necessary for your success. Let go of the need to control every step of the way. Trust that you are being taken in the right direction for the full expansion of your soul, and at the same time let go of the need to influence, control, and assure yourselves that everyone else is following in the right direction. Every soul who incarnated at this time of intense chaos is a wise child of the Mother/Father/One and has within all the necessary assistance, and their success is therefore guaranteed.

Surrender into the arms of the love and let it take you home. It is as simple as that.

Allow the fun and the laughter to be your guiding light. Yes, even when you have to deal with matters that are painful to you and to others. Accept that there are parts of your journey, quite unpleasant parts, that can turn out to be far less enjoyable than you had hoped. Choose to see them as opportunities for growth in any situation because they are offering you the choice to open even more to love, and then accept it joyfully.

You are perfect and beautiful! I walk with you! I love with you! I am with you! Stay in peace, stay with my love! Farewell.


Twin soul Ascension Report.. Divine feminine is back in zero point field ~ February 8, 2019

Dearest beloveds,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with very important information to share with you our divine ascending angelic humans.

The continuous influx of crystalline light codes are continuing to flood the earthly plane in Earnest now dearest ones, these crystalline codes are also known as photonic light Particles and gamma rays and they have been designed specifically to interact personally with our own DNA.

These photonic light particles contain codes pertaining to and which fully activate our true potential as eternal Christed angelic Avatar beings. Please know it can be very intense for the human vessel to be bombarded with such high frequencies and this is the reason why many of you experience intense Ascension symptoms. Ascension symptoms occur when God Particle light frequencies interact with your human physical selves and Cells.

The human being has been heavily programmed and conditioned to identify as a limited 3D being and because we all create our own holographic reality based on our beliefs this Collective indoctrination has served to entrench humanities consciousness in illusory third dimensional timelines, therefore it is in these gateways of intense crystalline light code bombardment, that all of those old 3D programs are being targeted, with the intention of them being fully cleared and transmuted from the physical vessel, as they will not be coming with us to collective 5D unity consciousness.

This can be a very intense experience for the physical vessel hence the reason for the myriad Ascension symptoms that many of us are experiencing such as aches and pains rashes, anomalies with your menstrual cycle, mood swings, feeling highly emotional,and old health issues rearing their head. All of these symptoms are signs that the old false dark dense energy is leaving your physical vessel. As ever we remind all of you to get things checked out allopathically if you are strongly guided to do so. For many these tests will  simply put your mind at rest, however we definitely encourage always to follow through with your intuition with regards to your physical health.

Although the physical Ascension symptoms can be very uncomfortable please know that it is necessary for us to collectively clear these ideas beliefs and timelines that are founded on lack, limitation and illusions.

Remember dear ones, that we are the way-showers, the trailblazers. This can be likened to imagining that you are in a very very thick dense forest,and our role is to literally create new paths within that dense forest in order to create the trial and make it so much easier for all the other Souls and generations to come.

We would like to now take a moment to speak about the collective energy that is being experienced by The Divine masculine and the Divine feminine. Currently many divine masculines are experiencing the archetype of the tower card. This is very prevalent for many of them now, particularly those of them who have been in committed karmic relationships.

These relationships were founded on lack and limitation and have been very 3D based, and as these new frequencies are bombarding the Earth consciousness many of the Divine masculines higher self are no longer able to tolerate these illusory realities anymore.

Many divine masculines are being contacted via the dreamtime by their galactic spirit teams ever pointing them in the direction of their true soul destiny which is Union with you their original divine feminine. The universe is also sending many signs in the form of alignments and synchronicities with regards to you the DF’s name and many different aspects of your nature. The Divine masculine just cannot get away from your vibration at the moment no matter how hard he tries to ignore the blatant signs the universe is putting in his face constantly.

There has been huge breakthroughs in the Divine feminine collective Consciousness thanks to the last round of January eclipses many in the Awakened divine feminine community are going through an upgrade at the moment and are experiencing a new level of empowerment particularly with regards to them setting clear boundaries in their relationships in all areas of their lives.

For a long time now the Divine masculine has on some level been sitting on his laurels as he has been very confident in the knowing that His Divine feminine is waiting patiently in devotion to him and their Union. This has given many of the Divine masculines the luxury to explore other types of connection and avoid doing the real deep spiritual work, however there has been a profound and significant shift in the Divine feminine consciousness and she  she has completely liberated herself from all lower 3D codependency timelines. She is standing now in her full radiance aligned to the zero point field – no longer waiting, seeking or searching for the Divine masculine.

She remembers that she is the flower and her job is to exude the radiance of the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine is the bee, and it is his job to be attracted to the extraordinary fragrance of the Divine feminine.

The Awakened Divine feminine has fully remembered this now, and has stopped chasing the Divine masculine. As he realises this, he has no longer been granted the ability to tap into her source energy and syphon that off for him and his karmic partner. This is the end of a huge lower frequency timeline beloveds..

The Divine feminine fully remembers and celebrates her sovereignty. She remembers that she is whole and complete and that her life purpose is on track regardless of whether she is in physical Union with her divine counterpart or not. she is moving forward now with great momentum following through on her greatest dharma in service to many many Souls and being an embodiment of the true Awakened divine feminine goddess on the earthly plane.

This shift in the divine feminine is having a huge effect on the Divine masculine and his Karmic partner who is no longer able to siphon off any of the true twin soul divine feminine energy. What is occurring now is that this is activating the most Almighty Awakening in the Divine masculine as they are realising that the karmic partner was in many ways acting in a substitute Role To Their true Divine feminine, but due to the fact that the Divine feminine now has clearly stated her boundaries and has moved away from all toxic relationships and behaviours including waiting around for her divine masculine  this is the exact and precise wake-up called The Divine masculine needs.

As we have stated the next Wave of twin soul unions will take place around spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and in order to support in this next Wave of unions we are being guided to come together on Valentines day to co-create a cosmic relationship shuffle.

In the Valentines Day transmission We are being guided to activate on the etheric plane a cosmic relationships shuffle in order to support gaia’s most holy and sacred plan to unify true genuine twin souls.

The momentum of us all coming together in unity to send forth this intention into the etheric holographic field is exceedingly powerful and will produce miraculous results for all of us.

we are now experiencing cosmic energies that are unprecedented and unlike anything any of us have ever known. In the Valentines Day transmission we are also being guided to activate the full age regeneration codes that are stored within our crystalline core and we are being guided to assist the rainbow dragons to remove any last remnants of the dark sticky toxic poisonous 3D grids.

we will be applying this on a micro and macro level which will assist us to fully empower our age regeneration codes that are stored in our crystalline core.

please see below for full details to join this transmission.

as ever we have much to share with you and we very much look forward to Gathering with you all on their sacred and holy Valentines Day transmission


love and light

jenji and the white wolf tribe

Valentines Day transmission